Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball Infinity ❯ Chapter Seven: The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most ( Chapter 7 )
Chapter Seven: The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most
Bulma's jaw became ajar when she opened the door, "Son-chan! Vegeta!"
The Namek stepped inside, pushing the two Saiyajin along in front of him, "I found them training in the rain, soaked to the bone."
For an answer, Son Gokuu only smiled, red nose sniffling, "It was so much fun!"
"Are you mad? You got me sick! I never get sick, Kakarotto!"
"Wait ..." Bulma said, "if they're sick, why don't they just go back to Gokuu-chan's house, and sleep it off? Why're they here?"
Piccolo grunted, his eyes trailing after Vegeta and Gokuu who went deeper inside, "After they finished training in the rain, they went inside, and Gokuu gave Vegeta all of her cough syrup ... all of it. Then they proceeded to visit the near by town, and bought even more cough syrup and something called ..." he said the next part carefully, "Dayquil ... If you were to go to Son's home, you'd find seventeen empty bottles of cough syrup, and five empty bottles of Dayquil. That is why they are here."
"You let them get high off of Dayquil and cough syrup?"
"Under normal circumstances, no, but seeing as they were still both Super Saiyajin during consumption, I took a moment to think over whether I wanted anything broken."
"And why did they let them buy so many bottles?"
"I think that the real winner was when Vegeta tore down aisle four through fifteen."
Gokuu hugged Bulma, "Don't worry, Bulma-chan, Pi-chan said you'd take good care of us. I believe you can do it!"
The woman groaned, "Yeah, just dump two drunken Saiyajin on me ..."
"I just did," Piccolo said, and then flew away.
"Woman! Where's the-?" There was a loud crash, and Bulma jumped in shock, "Found it!"
"Vegeta!" --
"But ..." Gokuu turned her large eyes upon Vegeta, and watched as the corner of his eye twitched. "But why not?"
Snorting, he said, "Because I'm much too weak right now."
"Then ... then just take off your shirt."
"... Okay," and Vegeta stripped his shirt, throwing it across the room where it landed on Tenshinhan's head as he had just walked into the room with the others.
"Gokuu-chan!" Kuririn shouted, and Gokuu beamed at him, waving.
"Hi, Rin-chan!"
He stopped short, "... What?"
The male Saiyajin shrugged, and ran his fingers up and down her arms - being as she was situated in the prince's lap, "Hell if I know. She's been calling Piccolo 'Pi-chan' though. He left as soon as he could."
Muttering, Tenshinhan handed the shirt back to him, "You seemed to have misplaced this."
Staring at it as if he had never seen it before, Vegeta looked from it to his bare chest a few times before saying, "So I have ... Kakarotto, did you take my shirt off?"
"No," she said as she began to pet his tail, "but I told you to take it off."
He shifted under her, eyes widening, "Hey, careful with that."
"Sorry," she said, but she kept petting it, eyes trailing over the appendage with intrigue.
"... So you told me to strip?"
"And I complied?"
"Uh huh."
Vegeta snorted, "Why would I obey you?"
"I wanted to see you as a Super Saiyajin again, but you said you were too tired, so then I told you to take off your shirt, and you did, and so ... well, here we are."
"... You wanted me shirtless? ... Why?"
The nervous eyes of the men that had come into the room watched as this exchange went on - the two Saiyajin seemingly completely oblivious to them.
"This is why," Gokuu then reached over, and twisted his right nipple.
"Yaagh! Bakarotto!" He smacked her over the head, making her fall over, and her cold feet somehow slipped underneath his thighs. In his surprise, Vegeta tried leaping back only to cause the couch to tip back over, and he fell over on the other side of the couch while it righted itself back up.
Bulma shouted from another room, "What'd you guys break this time?"
The Saiyajin girl stood up, and patted herself down, "I don't think I got anything broken."
Vegeta grunted from the other side of the couch, "Kakarotto, I really don't think that the blue one was referring to you."
Gasping, she leapt over the couch to tackle Prince Vegeta, "Oh, no! Are you okay?"
"Of course, I am, now get off of me!"
Gokuu's eyes filled up with tears, "But ... I really didn't hurt you?"
He sat up, rubbing his head, "Stupid, of course not! I'm a great and powerful Super Saiyajin! The Prince of all Saiyajin!"
Sniffling, she wailed, "But there's just the two of us; everybody else is dead."
"Mmm ... just means" - Vegeta yawned - "I get to have an easier job. Royalty watches after their people after all ... mnnph ..." There was a loud thud as Vegeta collapsed from his seated position - his head smacking hard against the floor.
Her mouth dropped open, but it took her a while for her to scream, "He's dead! I killed him! Kuririn! Piccolo! Somebody help me! Didn't mean to do it," she whimpered, scooting back away from Vegeta's body, and hugging her knees close to her chest. When they went over to check on the Saiyajin, Gokuu bent her head to sob into her arms, "So sorry, Vegeta - didn't mean to let you die ..."
"Go ... Gokuu-chan, he's okay. He just ... fainted," Kuririn said, going over to pat her back.
She lifted her head up, and smiled slightly up at him, "Really?" As Kuririn nodded, her smile vanished, and she let her head drop again, "Oh, Kami-sama, if he's not okay ..." Another sob shook her body.
"Really, Gokuu-chan, he's going to be all right," Kuririn soothed, and then snorted. "Unfortunately for us."
Looking up at them, Gokuu spared a glance at the prone form of Vegeta, and nodded uneasily. Yamucha called Bulma out to where they were, and the angry woman made them put him on the couch, telling them to keep a close eye on him. --
"Did too," she whispered.
"Did not," he grunted, and turned onto his side, facing away from her, and towards the backrest of the couch.
"Did too. You fainted, and your head hit the floor really hard. Doesn't your head hurt?"
"... No."
"Come on, Vegeta! I was really worried about you!"
Growling, he responded, "Well then, stop worrying about me, Kakarotto! As you can see, I'm perfectly fine, and I'd be even better if you'd just leave me alone!"
"Vegeta-kun!" Kakarotto lunged at him, the couch tipping over from the tackle, and they rolled across the floor of the Capsule Corporation. "I don't want to leave you! What if you faint again, and hit your head, and don't wake up again? What am I supposed to do then?"
She had landed on top of him to shout down at him, and he gaped at her, "I ... you ..."
"Vegeta! Gokuu! What are you two doing on my living room floor?"
"It's her fault!" Vegeta said as he attempted to shove her off, however, the girl held fast to his chest.
Crying, and thus getting his still bare chest wet, Kakarotto said, "I thought you died, you big moron!"
"Only because you were too inebriated to know any better!"
She kissed him, and Vegeta went very still, shocked into a state of vegetation. When she pulled back, he didn't think he could breathe, but her voice shocked him back into the routine, "I was so worried about you. I thought you were going to die on me like before when Freeza killed you." Trembling, Kakarotto sobbed, "You all died on me. I couldn't save any of you, and you all died, Vegeta ... I don't ... You can't die anymore, okay? I beg of you, Vegeta."
After a moment, he looked at Bulma in a bit of a daze, "Is she always like this when intoxicated?"
"She's ... she's never been drunk before, Vegeta. Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to what she'll do next."
Kakarotto slumped against his chest, crying softly into his shoulder where her head rested. The Chikyuujin female knelt beside them, and tapped her shoulder, "Son-chan? Are you okay?"
She sniffled, and said, "No."
"Oh," she soothed, "come here, Gokuu-chan. Why don't you and I go make some snacks for the boys? I bet that all Saiyajin have your appetite, so Vegeta could be starv-"
"Vegeta, don't starve!"
"Son-chan! Come 'ere!" Yanking the Saiyajin woman to her feet, she then pulled her in the direction of the kitchen. "Think that they'll like some barbecue?"
"I love barbecues!"
His eyebrow twitching in irritation, Vegeta averted his eyes from her tail, looking over the fallen couch at the other warriors who had undoubtedly seen everything. However, they seemed to not want to comment, and half of them just glowered silently at the prince. With a short laugh, he got up, and tipped the couch back into place.
Smirking, he rubbed his nose - asshole-mode activated, "What the fuck's with you?" --
Gokuu listened to Bulma sigh softly as she turned the patty over on the grill. Glancing at her, Gokuu saw her grin slowly, "So ..."
"... So?" Gokuu said.
"So when did you and Vegeta become an item? That was a hot moment back there."
"'An item?' Me and Vegeta are friends if that's what you mean."
The rich heiress laughed lightly, "Don't play coy with me, Son-chan. That was a dandy little kiss you gave to Vegeta back there, and despite him being so tense about it, the fact that he didn't blow you up must mean that he liked it."
"But he's kissed me before," Gokuu turned back to making her shish kebab, stabbing through the little chunks of beef and chopped vegetables. She giggled then, and started up a little mantra, “One for you, one for me. One for you, two for me …”
Bulma smiled brightly, Finally! Gokuu-chan and I can have some nice girl-to-girl talks! This is going better than I hoped! "Oh, yeah? When'd that happen?"
"In the game ... he was really, really mad at me ..." the volume of her voice dropped near to the end, so Bulma almost hadn't caught that.
"He was mad at you, so he kissed you ... huh, must be some Saiyajin thing," she frowned slightly, thinking that over. If that was what a kiss meant for them ... a bunch of anger and hate ...
"Yes?" She directed her eyes to Gokuu.
Their eyes met, "It wasn't my fault they all died, right?"
Bulma gasped softly as Gokuu's hands began to shake, and she dropped her spatula on the table to go over and hug her tightly, "No! It was never your fault, Gokuu-chan. You were never to blame for their deaths."
"But if I had been just a little bit faster ..."
"Shhh, I know, Gokuu, I know. But you did all that you could. I’ve told you that before." Oh, Kami-sama! I thought that we were over this! "But it's okay for it to hurt. It's supposed to hurt, but now I think it's time to heal a bit. You did nothing wrong. Everything's okay now, isn't it?" I never thought that seeing Kuririn and Vegeta die was so painful for you. You were always so happy, and fun-loving. All of that death ... it must've really gotten to you. How many other people did you see die on Namek? What was it like to see Tenshinhan, Piccolo, and Yamucha all dead? And Chaotzu blown into pieces ... She swallowed uneasily, but asked anyway, "Son-chan, you can tell me about it. I'll listen."
"He cried," she whispered. "Vegeta was crying when he died - he looked at me, and he cried, and then he died. He was just so beaten ... in his head. He just kind of gave up somewhere in the fight ... I saw then ... he wasn't such a bad guy." Bulma's hand found the more muscled one to squeeze it reassuringly, "He didn't deserve that ... and I didn't even see the attack that came for Kuririn ..." the volume of her voice dropped again, "He was there one moment, laughing with me, and then the next ... Freeza killed them both ... there ... in front of my eyes."
This song belongs to Dashboard Confessional! Whom I dearly love. Their lyrics are ... delicious. Every single song is just saturated with heaven-brought words.
Anyway. I never was able to do anything with humor - I mean, I've really tried, really, but I can't do humor without some angst ... XP I always do it with my humor fics. Something has to be a bit angsty for me in my stories, or it doesn't feel right.
From FanFiction:
Kohaku Hoshi: XP You better love me!
From MediaMiner:
malimillions: XP No, no, nothing wrong with you reviewing in this story. Just wondering what all of your swearing was about. Was it a good thing? It usually is ... ^^; And that was a rather short review for you too.