Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball Z Millionaire! ❯ Episode 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Note: I donnot own dbz and ne of the characters in here. So don't think of sewing me, because I am a poor lil gurl that just spent all my money a Z tapes while at the mall today. I do not also own the show ``Who wants to be a Millionair.'' or Regis. ::makes the sign of the cross::

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? The Special DBZ addition.

::Corny music plays::

Regis:: Hello everyone. I'm Regis and I hate my last name so I'm not going to say it. And today we have a very speciel addition the DBZ addition of Who wants to be a millionaire.

::crowd cheers::

Regis:: Now, let's introduce our panel. Son Goku, Chi-Chi, Son Gohan, Son Goten, Krillen, Android 18, Dr Gero, Bulma, Trunks, Vegeta.....

Vegeta: That's Prince Vegeta to you, you dumb ass!

Regis: Ummm...Prince Vegeta, Yajorobi, Piccolo...am I forgetting about somebody?

Gohan: Tien and Chaoutzo.

Regis: Aww, who cares about those weirdos. We got too many panel already. Alright now, let's play......Who Wants To be A Millionaire!

::anoying theme song music plays::

Vegeta: That music is beginning to bug me.

Regis: Okay, time for the first fastest finger question. Put these number in order from least to greatest.

::the little monitor in front of the Senshi came on::

Regis:: 1,000, 400, 5, -50.

::gives them time::

Regis: Alright, let's see who got them right and in that fastest time. The winner is...Son Goku!

Goku:: Yay!

Vegeta:: What no fair! Kakorot gets to do everthing first!

::Goku sits in the hot seat::

Regis:: Welcome, Goku, how are you this evening.

Goku:: I'm hungry.

Regis:: Um, yes well, can you tell us a little about yourself.

Goku:: I'm hungry.

Regis:: Okay first question. What is the name of that Nickoldeon movie that featured food? A) Good Burger B) Slimy Fries C) Chicken Fried Deer Meat or D) I Like Peas?

Goku: I feel like eating A Good Burger right now.

Regis: And that's right! You earned 100 dollars.

Goku: But where's my good burger?

Regis: Next question. What year did Columbus discover Amereica? A.) 1492 B) 300 BC C.)Christmas Year or D) 34?

Goku:: I feel like A 1492 Pound Good Burger.

Regis: And that's right! You just got 200 dollars!

Goku: But I want a good Burger!

Vegeta: For god's sake, Kakorot! Shutup about the damn good burger and finish up so that we can all have a turn!

::Goku burst in tears::

Goku:: Fine then! I'll get my own good burger!

::he runs out of the studio, balling his eyes out::

Vegeta: I'll take Kakorot's place.

Regis: Umm, okay.

::Vegeta sits in the hot seat.::

Vegeta: Okay, old man, let's get this show on the road.

Regis: Next question. How many clumps of sugur does it take to get to the moon? A.) 9 B.)12 C.) 400X's normal gravity, or D.) 5 million

Vegeta:: Damnit! Why did Kakorot have to get all the easy ones! Umm, I'll use a life line. 50::50.

::IT NARROWS DOWN TO 400X's normal gravity and 9.

Vegeta: This does not help.

::he thinks really hard.::

Regis:: Well?

Vegeta: C!

Regis:: I'm sorry it's nine.

Vegeta:: Damn you Regis!!!!!

::Vegeta blows up the entire studio::

::The Z gang just stares there::

Goku:: Hey everyone, free good burgers for everyone!

Z Gang:: Yay!