Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ Past and Introductions ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except Adamina.


Chapter 2:

Past and Introductions

************* On the way to Capsule Corp...

"So, Geta, tell me about your mate and son." asked Adamina eagerly.

"My mate's name is Bulma. She has short, cerulean blue hair and amazing eyes of the same color. She likes to argue, especially with me and she's very smart and runs her family's corporation. My son's name is Trunks. When he was 8, I found out that he was able to turn super saiyan. He and Kakarot's youngest son are best friends."


"What?!" asked Vegeta impatiently.

"Well, I believe, big brother, that you are completely in love with Bulma and you are extremely proud of Trunks." she said matter of factly.

"Hmph! What makes you think that?" snapped Vegeta.

"Calm down! Let's see...When you were talking about Bulma, you had a little smile on your face and your eyes just seemed to light up." Vegeta just kept his arms crossed and kept his face emotionless. "And when you were talking about Trunks, you had a proud look on your face. Geta, you can't hide how you feel from me. I've always been able to read you since I was like 3, so deal with it."

"Fine! Whatever. We are here." said Vegeta as he started to descend, with Adamina following suit. Then they both walked inside. "Woman! Trunks! Come here!" shouted Vegeta. They both walked in the living room but didn't notice Adamina because she was standing behind Vegeta.

"What the hell is it? You don't have to yell so loud you know! And for the millionth time, don't call me woman!" said Bulma angrily.

"Fine, sorry. I have someone for you two to meet."

"Really? Who?" asked Bulma. Trunks looked like he could really care less. ~Man, can we just get this over with so I can go back to playing my video game.~

"This is my little sister, Adamina. Adamina this is Bulma, and this is Trunks."

"Hi, nice to meet you!" said Adamina with a smile.

"Hi, nice to meet you too. Here, how about I try to find you something to wear because your clothes look like they've seen better days. Vegeta, could I talk with you for a minute?" asked Bulma as she went off to find something for Adamina to wear, with Vegeta following behind her.

"So, your my auntie?" asked Trunks.


"Cool! Can you fight?" asked Trunks, happily.

"Of course. What good is a saiyan princess if she can't fight?"

"Good point. Wanna spar until my parents come back?"

"Sure, why not. I heard that you're a super saiyan already. That's pretty amazing."

"Yeah, except me and Goten aren't as strong as everyone else."

"So, in time you'll be stronger. That's what training and sparring is for. Come on let's go." So they walked outside to spar.

************* Vegeta and Bulma...

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" asked Vegeta, irritated that he didn't get to talk more with his sister.

"Well, I want to know when she came here, and why her clothes look like they've been to hell and back."

"You know when I left earlier today for no reason? Well, it was because I felt her ki, as weak as it was. As for your second question, I don't know for sure. I was going to ask her before you asked to talk to me."

"Well sorry! Anyways, Yamcha and Tien are here, so maybe you should go make sure they're not breaking anything and I'll go find your sister something to wear. Ok?"

"Fine! Why the hell are they here anyway?" asked Vegeta, not happy that they were here. Mainly because he had a feeling that they would find his little sister hot.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that Master Rochi and Oolong are here as well." said Bulma as she walked towards her room. ~Great, not only do I have to worry about scar face hitting on my little sister, I have to worry about that perverted old man and pig. If they even look at her the wrong way, they're going flying through a window!~ Vegeta was fuming as he went to find the group.

************* Adamina and Trunks...

"Trunks, umm I don't think I should spar in these clothes. They look about ready to just fall apart. Is there anything else you wanna do?" asked Adamina as she just realized the full extent of the damage to her armor.

"Ok. We could go play a video game. Come on." said Trunks as he walked back inside.

"What's a video game?" asked Adamina, confused as to what her nephew was talking about.

"I'll show you when we get inside."

"Ok." With that they walked back in.

************* Bulma...

~Hmmm. I wonder what kind of things Adamina likes to wear. Maybe she'll like this shirt.~ She thought to herself as she held up a black baby tee with a v-neck and 'Hottie' written on it with red and orange glitter. ~And she can wear these jeans.~ She held up a dark blue pair of flared hip huggers. ~I think she'll look great in these. Hopefully, Yamacha, Master Rochi and Oolong don't hit on her or I'm pretty sure that they would have Vegeta to deal with. It would serve those perverts right though. They SO deserve it.~ And with that, Bulma took the clothes and went to look for Adamina.

Bulma went around the corner and ran into Adamina, literally. "Oops, sorry Bulma. I guess I wasn't paying attention." apologized Adamina.

"Don't worry about it. Anyways, I found you some clothes. I hope you like them. I'll show you to your room so you can have a shower and get dressed." offered Bulma as she lead the way down the hall.

"Thank you Bulma."

"No problem." Adamina's room was quite a ways away from Vegeta and Bulma's room, like Trunks'. Only her room was farther. It was at the very end of the long hallway, Bulma and Vegeta's was at the other end, and Trunks' was in the middle, on the other side. "Here's your room. You have your own bathroom so you don't have to worry about sharing. Everything you need is in their. And if there is something you need, just ask me ok? I'm going to make sure that Veggie hasn't killed any of the company. Just come to the living room when you're done." Bulma let Adamina into her room, handed her the clothes and then left.

"Wow. This room is huge. I'm going to have a nice hot shower. What did Bulma give me?" Adamina held up the clothes that Bulma had given her. "Damn, these clothes are cute! I think I love my sister-in-law already." She set the clothes down on the bed and went into the bathroom. She got undressed, chucked her old clothes in the garbage and turned on the water. Then she got in. Half an hour later, she got out, slipped on a robe and looked for a brush. She found one and started to brush her hair. ~Note to self, thank Bulma for everything.~ She let her hair stay down and walked into her room. She slipped on the clothes, checked herself over in the mirror ~Damn do I look good!~ and walked down the hall to the living room.

************ In the living room...

Everyone was just sitting around, not really doing anything. Bulma was talking to Master Rochi and Oolong, Trunks, Yamacha, and Tien were playing a video game, and Vegeta was just standing, looking out the window. Adamina walked down the stairs and everyone just turned and gaped at her. Yamacha, Master Rochi, and Oolong had their jaws on the floor. And then, it began. "Hi, I'm Yamcha. You must be Vegeta's sister Adamina." he said as he walked over to her. Vegeta turned around and smirked. Boy was he going to have fun with this!

"Hello there. I'm Master Rochi." he said this with a sort of sick smile on his face as he also walked over to her. Adamina just looked at them, smiling, pretending not to notice they way they were all acting. ~If they even try anything, not only will they have to deal with me, they'll also have to deal with my big brother. And I highly doubt they want to deal with him.~

"Hi." said Adamina, giving a little wave.

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To be continued

Next chapter: Yamcha and Master Rochi find out what happens when you go to far. I hope to have the next chapter up soon, probably in a few days or so. Please review.