Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ Thinking of You ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except Adamina.


Chapter 3:

Thinking of You

Last time:

Yamacha, Master Rochi, and Oolong had their jaws on the floor. And then, it begins. "Hi, I'm Yamcha. You must be Vegeta's sister Adamina." he said as he walked over to her. Vegeta turned around and smirked. Boy was he going to have fun with this!

"Hello there. I'm Master Rochi." he said this with a sort of sick smile on his face as he also walked over to her. Adamina just looked at them, smiling, pretending not to notice they way they were all acting. ~If they even try anything, not only will they have to deal with me, they'll also have to deal with my big brother. And I highly doubt they want to deal with him.~

"Hi." said Adamina, giving a little wave.


"I have a question for you Adamina." said Master Rochi.

"Yes?" she asked in a sort of sweet voice, but at the same time it was a little sly.

"Well, if your a saiyan, how come your tail is blue? All the other saiyans had brown tails."

"Because I'm special."

"Well I would have to agree with that." stated Yamcha as he inched closer to her. Vegeta cocked an eyebrow and looked to Adamina. Adamina gave him a smirk as a reply to an unspoken question.

"How about we go outside. Its a little stuffy in here." suggested Adamina, leading the way. Everyone followed her, with Vegeta and Bulma being the last ones out.

"Aren't you going to do something about those 3? They're hitting on your sister. I would have thought that they would have gone through the window by now." asked Bulma, curious by Vegeta's strange behaviour.

"You'll see. There is a reason as to why she suggested going outside you know." said Vegeta with his trademark smirk. They went outside only to see Yamcha get even closer to Adamina. He was standing right in front of her, only like a foot away from her. Master Rochi was standing beside her, occasionally checking out her ass and her tail, which he thought would be kinky under certain circumstances. Oolong was doing the same thing as Master Rochi. Unknown to all of them was Adamina was laughing at them in her head. ~What idiots. I'm a princess for crying out loud! Do they honestly think they can get with me? They must be desperate and try this on every girl they think is beautiful. I'm surprised the cheesy pick-up lines haven't started yet. Let's hope they don't. Anyways, I'm going to show them what happens when you hit on the princess of all saiyans, and she doesn't like it.~

"Yamcha, I want to tell you something. I also want to tell you and you something as well." she said seductively as she pointed to Master Rochi and Oolong, and held Yamcha's chin.

"What?" said all three pathetic losers together, as they leaned in closer. Vegeta had a huge grin on his face, knowing what was coming. Bulma just watched.

"This." and with that she kneed Yamcha in the stomach, tripped Oolong, and sent Master Rochi into the bushes. "That's what you get for hitting on me. Do you honestly think I had no idea what you guys were doing? I can tell when someone's hitting on me, and I don't like it. You had no chance to begin with. So I suggest that you don't try it again. Do I make myself clear?!" she stated boldly.

"Yes ma'am." said the trio quietly, with hung heads, and Yamcha holding his stomach where she kneed him.

"Good. So, anyone wanna spar with me?"

The three just shook there heads and decided to leave. Meanwhile, while Adamina was having her fun, Tien was laughing, and so was Vegeta, except he was rolling around on the ground because he thought it was extremely funny. Boy, were they taught a lesson or what? Adamina looked over at Vegeta and shook her head. "Why are you rolling around on the ground laughing? I don't see how that was so funny?" she asked, confused.

"He's laughing because those 3 are so desperate and hopeless when it comes to girls. They hit on everyone. I'm ashamed that once I actually went out with Yamcha." said Bulma as she shook her head.

"You actually went out with that? Are you serious? I bet he wasn't happy when he found out you and Geta were an item, huh?"

"Sadly, yes. Oh, yeah, when he found out about me and Veggie, he wasn't happy at all, he even tried to get me back. He is so pathetic. And he cheats on everyone he has ever gone out with, including me. He deserved that, he maybe deserved more."

"Anyway, you two can get to know each other later. Right now I wanna spar with Ada. And you can't fight in that outfit." interrupted Vegeta impatiently, wanting to know just how strong his little sister really is.

"Yeah, I guess I can't. But what am I gonna wear?"

"I have something you can wear. And tomorrow we can go shopping for clothes, because your going to need some. I'm also going to give you what I don't wear anymore. Come with me." said Bulma as she went in, Adamina following behind her.

************* Meanwhile, back at the lookout...

Piccolo was in his room, trying to meditate. But for some reason he couldn't focus. He finally gave up and just sat there, thinking, thinking about Adamina. ~Hmmmm. I could get lost in those big, sapphire blue eyes of hers. They're so beautiful. And those lips, so tempting. And her waist and hips and that tail. Piccolo, snap out of it! How come I can't get her off my mind? I can't focus on anything or even think about anything without thinking of her. Why is it I feel this way? I can't stand it! But, she is extremely gorgeous, not that Vegeta would let me even ask her on a date. If I even looked at her in a way he didn't like, he would probably kill me. I know he's killed people for a lot less. She seems so nice yet so strong and confident at the same time. And she's not arrogant like her brother, which is a good thing, I don't think the earth would be able to deal with two of them. Oh well, I think I should go see what Dende and Mr. Popo are doing, anything to get my mind off of her.~ And with that Piccolo got up and went to look for them.

************* Capsule Corp...

"Here, you can wear this." said Bulma as she handed Adamina a black tank top and a pair of black sweats.

"Thanks Bulma, for everything."

"No problem. Besides, that's what sister-in-laws are for. You might want to change fast because Vegeta isn't very patient when it comes to waiting. Well, I'm going to go work in my lab. I guess I'll see you guys for supper." said Bulma as she walked out of the room and to her lab. Adamina changed quickly and ran out of the house to Vegeta. He was standing outside of the gravity chamber and looked pretty agitated.

"What took you so long?" he asked impatiently as he walked in the gravity chamber, Adamina following behind him.

"Why do you need to know? Let's spar." she said, equally as impatient.

"Fine." Vegeta turned on the machine and they began.

************* The Lookout...

Piccolo was trying to pay attention to what Mr. Popo was talking about. Mr. Popo was teaching Dende and Piccolo how to cook better. Dende got it right of way but Piccolo had a hard time concentrating. "Piccolo?"

"What?" he replied monotonously.

"What's wrong? You seem to be not able to concentrate on anything. How come?" asked Dende.

"Nothing's wrong. I just have a lot on my mind." he replied. ~I don't have a lot on my mind. Only Adamina.~

"Like what? You never have enough on your mind to cause you to lose concentration, so it has to be something big."

"I don't want to talk about it." he stated gruffly.

"Tell us Piccolo, maybe we can help."

"No. Because there is nothing you can do." With that Piccolo stormed off and slammed the door to his room.

"Obviously something is bothering him, otherwise he wouldn't have done that." said Dende, a little worried.

"Well there is nothing we can do unless he tells us. So let's let him be for the time being."

************* Gravity Chamber...

Vegeta and Adamina had been at it for almost 2 hours. Neither one wanted to give in. They were almost as strong as each other. Both were standing on opposite sides of the room, breathing hard and trying to stare the other down. Neither moved. Then they both powered up their fullest, both super saiyan level 2 and lunged at each other. A flurry of punches and kicks flew, all being blocked. Vegeta had an all too familiar smirk on his face and grabbed Adamina's fists as she tried to hit him. He looked amused and she looked confused. Suddenly, Vegeta kneed her in the stomach and she fell to the floor. "Fuck...Vegeta...that...hurt... you...jerk!..." she said in between gasps for air.

"Apparently I'm the stronger of the two." he stated as he went to turn off the machine.

"No shit! You could have a least gone a little easy on me." she said angrily as she attempted to stand up.

"Well, if I did that, what would you be accomplishing? You know as well as I do that saiyans grow stronger after a fight. I was helping you." he said as he walked over to help her up.

"So, I still won't be strong enough to fight..." she didn't finish her sentence, because she fainted into her brother's arms. ~Shit! I shouldn't have hit her that hard. I'm such an idiot. And now the woman is going to yell at me for not being careful with her. Hmmmm. I wonder who Ada was talking about, that she still isn't strong enough to beat. Her power should have increased a great deal after the fight she was in before she came here. Oh well, I'll ask her later.~ With that he carried his sister, in his arms, to the house.

Bulma had just finished helping her mom set the table when Vegeta walked in. "Veggie, done so..." she stopped mid-sentence when she saw that he was carrying Adamina. "Vegeta! What did you do to her? How could you do that to your little sister!" yelled Bulma. Trunks and Mrs. Briefs just looked to Vegeta, awaiting his answer.

"Do you honestly believe I would hurt my precious little sister on purpose? I would NEVER do anything to purposely hurt her! So stop yelling at me and leave me alone! It was an accident. She was more tired then I thought, ALRIGHT?!" and he stormed off to put her in her room.


I hope you like this chapter. As always, please review. Next chapter: we learn more about Adamina.