Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ Worry ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, only Adamina!


Chapter 4:


"Vegeta, you need to come to bed. She'll wake up in the morning. You can't watch over her all night you know. You need your rest too, now come to bed!" said Bulma tiredly. Vegeta had been watching over Adamina since he brought her in a while ago. It was now midnight, but he still hadn't left her side, he didn't even eat supper. He just sat on a chair beside the bed, watching his little sister. "Vegeta, if you wont come to bed then eat something, anything. You haven't eaten since lunch time. I know your worried about her and all, but if she's anything like you then she'll be alright. Please Vegeta."

"I know that if she was like me she'd be ok. But if that were the case I wouldn't be here right now, I'd have eaten, and I'd be in bed. But she's not like me, so I have to stay here." said Vegeta, not once looking away from Adamina.

"Oh. I didn't know. How about I bring up something for you to eat? That way you don't have to leave her side." asked Bulma as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her face beside his.

"Fine." Vegeta turned away from Adamina long enough to give Bulma a quick kiss on the cheek. Bulma walked out of the room and he turned back to his sister. ~How could I have been so stupid! I should have known better than to do that! I guess I was to eager to see how strong she was that I forgot that she couldn't handle physical attacks too well.~ Bulma walked back in the room a minutes later.

"Here you go Vegeta." she said has she handed him a tray of food. Vegeta instantly started to wolf it down. Bulma chuckled and he looked up at her, with a raised eyebrow. "Even when your in a bad mood, you still manage to eat like that." Vegeta just grunted as he went back to his eating. Bulma walked over to the other side of the bed and put her hand on Adamina's forehead. "Vegeta, I think she has a fever. We should probably take her to the med lab and check to see if she's okay." Vegeta put the now empty tray down, got up and picked up his sister. Then they walked down the hall to the med lab.

************* Meanwhile, somewhere in outer space...

"Iver, come here NOW!!" said a tall figure sitting on a throne.

"My lord," he said as he bowed to the figure in the throne, "We are very close to locating Adamina. We now know that she is currently in galaxy 21E. It will only be a matter of time before we find her, and then you can reclaim her."

"Good work Iver. Continue with your search. Set a course for galaxy 21E!" said the figure. Iver left the room. ~Good, she WILL be mine again. Just wait little princess, I'm coming, and you are going to pay for the damage you did to my face! If you even thought you suffered before, what I'm going to do to you will make everything else seem like fun and games.~

************* Back @ C.C. (Med Lab)...

Vegeta had just placed her in the regeneration. tank. "Come on Vegeta, now you have no excuse to stay up. You need to come to bed. She'll be fine now. We can check on her in the morning, and if anything does go wrong, your saiyan hearing will pick it up. So lets go." Bulma grabbed onto Vegeta's arm and tried to pull him away from the tank.

"Fine. Let go." said Vegeta as he pulled her hands off of his arm. He took one last look at his sister before he and Bulma left the med lab.

************* The lookout...

Piccolo was having a hard time sleeping. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her. He had been laying in his bed for the past two hours just staring up at the ceiling. He gave up trying to sleep half and hour ago. He decided to try again. He closed his eyes. And just like the other times, he saw her. She was wearing a dress. It was the exact same color as her hair and it went down to her feet. It had thin, spaghetti straps and it fit her curves perfectly. It showed a just enough cleavage. She looked extremely happy and had a huge smile, much like one of Goku's. Piccolo gave in to the dream and feel asleep.

************* Piccolo's Dream...

He standing there, holding hands with Adamina. She was wearing that dress and was extremely happy. "Oh, Piccolo. I'm so happy! I love you so much!"

"I love you too Adamina." he replied.

"I wanna show you something, come on!" she said has she started to pull him along. It was then that Piccolo noticed that they were by the lake. "Lookie, the sunset. Its so pretty. I love it here." He chuckled and pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist. They both stood there and watched the sun set.

************* End Piccolo's Dream...

"Hmm. I wonder why Piccolo would say Adamina in his sleep?" whispered Dende to Mr. Popo. They stood on the other side of Piccolo's door.

"Maybe its Adamina that's been on Piccolo's mind and causing him to lose concentration." suggested Mr. Popo.

"If that's true, then it seems that Piccolo is in love! See, there is a first time for everything. We should probably go back to sleep now, and leave him alone. If he knew what we knew, he would not be happy. So lets not bring this up, ok?" asked Dende as he headed to his room.


************* 8 a.m. C.C....

"Hmm. Vegeta isn't up yet. Maybe I should go wake him up. Its not like him to sleep in. He's taking this pretty hard. She'll be fine and its not like he purposely meant to hurt her. It was an accident, and he was just trying to see how strong she is. He shouldn't take this so hard." said Bulma to her self as she got up from the kitchen table and walked upstairs to their room.

"Vegeta? Are you awake?" Bulma got no answer as she peeked into their room. So she decided to walk in and see if he was there and just not answering her. "Vegeta, come on its time to wake up now answer me. I know you can hear me. Hmmm.. He must have went to check on Adamina." So Bulma walked down the hall and into the med lab. "Vegeta, you in here?" she asked as she peeked her head in the door. The room was dark because it had no windows, so she couldn't really see anything.

"Yes, what do you want?" came the rude reply.

"Oh, well I thought that you were still sleeping because its 9 am and you didn't come down for breakfast. You should come eat. She's not going anywhere, so it'll be okay if you come and eat."

"No. I want to be here when she wakes up." came his reply, though this time it wasn't rude, it had some guilt in it.

"Fine, do you want me to bring it up here for you? That way you don't have to leave her."


"You really care about her don't you? Well I have no problem with you staying here with your sister, just as long as you eat. Because everyone knows how much saiyans love to eat, and when they don't care if they eat or not is a sign that something is wrong."

"That's great. Are you going to get my food, or are you going to keep babbling? Some of us are hungry you know."

"Feeling a little better already I see. I'll go get your food, geesh. Men." Vegeta watched Bulma walk out the door then went back to watching his sister.

************* The lookout...

"Good morning Piccolo. My, you look like you didn't get very much sleep. Are you feeling well?" asked Mr. Popo.

"No, I didn't get much sleep. And yes, I'm feeling fine." In walked Dende.

"Good morning Mr. Popo. Good morning Piccolo."

"Are you sure your feeling fine Piccolo, because we could probably help you."

"Yes, I'm sure I'm fine. Now quit asking." snapped Piccolo.

"Piccolo, its obvious something's bothering you. Yesterday you weren't able to concentrate and it seems that you didn't get a lot of sleep. So out with it all ready. Or I will call Gohan and get him to get it out of you. Its your choice." said Dende.

"Its none of your business. Gohan won't be able to get it out of me so your wasting your time. Besides, if I do tell him, I'll make him promise not to tell you two."

"Well, I'm going to call him anyway. I think you need to talk to someone about it anyways." Dende went to go call Gohan.

Ten minutes later...

"He's on his way. He'll be here in a few minutes. Are you sure you don't want to tell us?"

"Yes, now quite asking or I won't tell even Gohan." snapped Piccolo. Dende and Mr. Popo backed off at the sound of his voice.

"Ok then, no need to yell." said an afraid Dende.

************* Capsule Corp...

"Here's your food Vegeta." said Bulma as she brought him his food. He didn't look up at her, he just continued to watch his sister. She place his food on the desk beside him and sat down at it. "You should eat your food before it gets cold." Vegeta gave a hmph and started wolfing down his food. ~Geez, even when he's feeling guilty he still eats like a pig. One would think that he would slow down or something. Guess not.~

Minutes Later...

Vegeta had finished eating his food and went back to watching his sister. Bulma sat there and looked at him with worry. She got up and walked over so as to stand behind him. He didn't even look up or ask her anything. So, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He still didn't move, he just continued watching. "Vegeta, I'd have to say that you just might be one of the nicest, and caring big brothers in the world." Bulma whispered into his ear.

"Yeah right. If I was, then she wouldn't be in that regeneration tank right now. Nice try." stated Vegeta with bitterness.

"It was an accident, you know it and she knows it. So stop beating yourself up over it. Accidents happen and she'll be fine." said Bulma as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. He ran one of his hands up her arm affectionately. "Hmmmm..I wonder where Trunks is, he didn't come down for breakfast either. Have you seen him?" asked Bulma in wonder.

"No I haven't." Just then the machine started to beep.

"See, I told you she'd be ok." said Bulma as she walked over to the machines control panel and started pushing buttons. The tank drained and Adamina's eyes blinked open. The door opened.

"Are you ok?" asked Vegeta as he walked up to her.

"I'm fine. It'll take a lot more than that to seriously hurt me." she replied as she gave him a hug. Vegeta hugged her back and pulled back.

"You mean to tell me that you were not seriously hurt? I'm pretty sure that going unconscious is a pretty good indication that your hurt pretty bad." said Vegeta, a little angry.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. You worry too much, besides it was an accident. Are you done with the questions so I can go change and then eat, cuz I'm really hungry." she walked away, towards the door.

"I'll go make you breakfast." said Bulma as she walked over to the door also.

"Thanks Bulma." Just then the door flew open and in walked Trunks. "Hey Trunks."

"Hiya Auntie Ada. Are you feeling better?" he asked as he gave her a hug.

"Yep, a lot better."

"Trunks, where have you been? I didn't see you at breakfast?" asked Bulma as she continued to walk out the door.

"Oh, I umm went to see Goten." said Trunks.

"Oh really, how come you didn't ask for permission?" said Bulma as she glared at him.

"I told Dad I was going. Didn't he tell you?" said Trunks.

"Really, because your father told me he didn't see you at all this morning. Now, one of you is lying and I want to know which one." Adamina was standing in the doorway, smirking. She was finding this funny. She knew that Vegeta was the one who had lied because she had felt Trunks come into the room earlier.

"Vegeta is." Everyone looked at her. They all thought that she had left already. "I felt Trunks come into the room earlier this morning, so Vegeta lied to you." stated Adamina matter-of-factly. Vegeta just glared at her. Bulma turned and glared at Vegeta. Trunks started towards the door, knowing that his mom was going to be really mad.

"So Vegeta, why did you feel you needed to lie to me? And it better be a good answer or else! So please, do tell."

"Trunks can take care of himself and besides I forgot, alright." said Vegeta as he stormed out of the room. Bulma just stood there, floored at what he said.

"That man. I swear, one of these days I'm going to find a way to kill him. Then we'll see who has the last laugh. Now I better go and make Ada breakfast or he'll bitch at me for that." Bulma left the room grumbiling to her self about how stupid men are.

************* The Lookout...

"Hi guys." said Gohan as he landed. "Where's Piccolo?"

"Hi Gohan, he's in his room." replied Dende.

"Okay, I'll go see if I can get anything out of him. Do you guys think it's that bad?" asked Gohan as he walked in.

"Well, if Piccolo being even more cranky than usual and not being able to concentrate or sleep is any indication then I would say its pretty bad. Well, for him anyway." said Mr. Popo.

"I didn't think it was possible for him to be more cranky. I guess I should go about this carefully. Thanks for telling me." said Gohan as he disappeared inside. Gohan knocked on Piccolo's door and opened it. "Hello, Piccolo?"

"WHAT?!" Gohan jumped and hit his head on the door frame. "Oh its you. You can come in."

"Of course its me. Geez, try not to scare the crap out of me next time. That really hurt." said Gohan as he rubbed his head. The room was completly dark, Gohan couldn't see where he was going. "Why's it so dark in here? I can't see where I'm going? Ouch! Ooof!" Gohan had stubbed his toe on something and then tripped and fell flat on his face. Just then the lights turned on. "Oh, so now you turn on the lights. Thanks alot. So anyways, I've been told that there's something bothering you. Now, are you going to co-operate and tell me right away or am I going to have to do this the hard way? Its your choice." said Gohan as he got up off the floor.

"I'll tell you." said Piccolo as he sat on the edge of his bed, eyes closed, arms crossed, stern expression on his face.

"Good. I knew you'd see it my way. So what's the matter?" asked Gohan as he sat beside him.

"Well, it has to do with Vegeta's sister, Adamina..."

"What?? Vegeta has a sister? I'm confused, what are you talking about?" said Gohan completly baffled.

"Didn't your father tell you? It figures that he forgot." said Piccolo, shaking his head.

"Oh, wait, I remember now. Oops, sorry." There was a pause. "Hey, I think I know what your going to tell me." Piccolo just rolled his eyes at the boy. "Let me guess: you can't stop thinking about her and its causing you to lose your concentration and focus and its making you angry. Am I right?"

Piccolo's jaw dropped. "Yeah, but how did you know?"

"It's simple. Firstly, Dende told me that you weren't able to concentrate and when you said it had to do with Adamina, well, I just put two and two together. You like her, and not just as a friend." stated Gohan.

"That's great, now how do I stop thinking about her?"

"You don't. Unless of course you get over her and move on, which could take a while or you could just suck it up and maybe ask her out on a date."

"You can't be serious. Me, ask Vegeta's little sister out on a date? You honestly believe he'll let that happen? That would be like me ASKING him to kill me. Think things through before you say them."

"So, maybe if she feels the same way too, then she'll stop Vegeta from doing anything. There is however, the chance that she doesn't and won't stop him."

"Well, she's not like her brother, but that's still not reassuring. But I'm not asking her out anytime soon, I just met her yesterday."

"Well then it looks like your going to have to get to know her better." said Gohan.

"And how do I go about doing that. I bet Vegeta's very protective of his sister."

"That might pose a problem. Hmmmm.. I'll have to think about that one. Let me think about it today and I'll let you know what I come up with tomorrow. Ok?"

"Fine. Gohan, I want you to promise not to mention any of this to anyone. Got it? Or else I'll make your life a living hell. Do I make myself clear?"

(Gulp)"Yep, crystal clear. I won't tell anyone. I promise."


************* Capsule Corp...

"Thanks for breakfast Bulma. It was delicious." said Adamina as she got up from the table. "So, when are we going shopping?"

"Your welcome. At least someone in this house thinks my food is good. Well, if your ready to go, we can leave now." said Bulma as she finished cleaning up.

"I'm ready, lets go."

"Okay, I just gotta go ask my mom if she needs anything and then we'll be on our way."

Four hours later...

The girls came back with tons of bags full of clothes and shoes (of course). Vegeta had just come in to take a break from training and saw them. "Women and their damned shopping. Its amazing how Bulma does so much shopping but isn't broke yet. And why she wants to do so much shopping is beyond me." he grumbled to himself.

"Of course its beyond you. Your a guy and guys don't like to shop. Besides, your a little dense so of course you don't understand." commented Adamina as she went to take her stuff to her room. "Remember Vegeta, I have saiyan hearing too, so your gonna have to watch what your mumbling to yourself about. I'm sure to comment on it." said Adamina as she disappeared up the stairs.

"She sure told you. Anyways, I bought you something." said Bulma as she put the bags down and walked over to him.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow at her. "Really, like what?"

"Oh, just a shirt." said Bulma as she wrapped her arms around him. "You stink, go take a shower."

"I'll take one when I'm done training for today. All you bought me was a shirt?"

"Its a nice shirt. You'll like it. Well I'm going to go put this stuff away and let you go back to your training."

************* Adamina's room...

"There, everythings all put away. Hmmm.. what should I do now?" said Adamina to herself as she layed back on the bed and thought. "I know! I'll go visit Piccolo. I never did give him a proper thank you. Besides, I'll get to see him, in all of his Namek gorgeous glory. I wonder what Vegeta would do if he found out I have a crush on him? That could be interesting. I think I'll opt for not telling Geta." with that she walked out the door and down stairs.

************* Downstairs...

Vegeta was still taking his break when she came down. She didn't notice him and walked towards the front door. "And just where are you going?" asked Vegeta.

"Ummm. I was just going to see Piccolo. I never did thank him for saving me." she replied as she continued to walk towards the door.

"Really? Is that the only reason? Or is their more to it?"

"Yes thats the only reason. What other reason would I have?" ~Uh Oh. Hopefully he doesn't figure out my real motive.~

"I don't know, you tell me. Just be home for dinner." said Vegeta as he got up and walked to the back door. "And don't get into any trouble."

"Me, get into trouble? I'm not the trouble maker in the family, you are. See ya later." and with that she left.

~Me, the trouble maker? She must have forgotten all the trouble she got into with Frieza and his minions. She always causes trouble.~
