Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ From Good Moods to a Painful Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except Adamina and my other characters.

Chapter 5:
From Good Moods to a Painful Past

~Hmmm...I should have asked Vegeta where Piccolo is. Maybe I should go to that tower thingy and ask Dende if he knows where I can find Piccolo.~ With that she took off towards the lookout.

Minutes later she arrived to find a young man with short black hair talking to Dende. ~I wonder who he is? It doesn't really matter though. I came here to see Piccolo.~ Dende and Gohan turned to see Adamina approaching them. "Hello Dende. How are you today?"

"Hello Adamina. I'm doing well. And you?"

"I'm doing good. Who's that?" she asked pointing to Gohan.

"I'm Gohan. You met my dad yesterday, Goku. I'm his eldest son."

"Its nice to met you Gohan. I knew you looked kind of familiar. So, I was wondering if you guys know where Piccolo is, because I didn't really thank him properly yesterday." ~Hopefully, I don't come off as someone with a huge crush.~

"Well he is in his room. When you go in, go to your right and its down the hall, the fifth door on the left side." said Gohan. "And just to warn you, he's in a bad mood."

"Thanks Gohan." said Adamina as she walked inside.

~Well, it looks like I don't have to worry about finding a way for them to get to know each other. Looks like my work here is done.~ "Well, I should be going now. I promised Goten that I'd help him take on dad in a spar. I'll talk to you guys later. Bye."

"Bye Gohan." And with that Gohan left.************* Outside Piccolo's room...

~Hmmmm..What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he sees through my excuses? Oh, maybe I should just leave.~ She stood out side his room deciding if she should go in or not. ~I could stand here all day trying to figure this out but the only way I'll know is if I go in. Here goes nothing.~ She knocked on the door. But heard nothing. She knocked on the door again. ~Dammit. I know he can here me, he's a Namek. They have really sensitive hearing. I'll try again.~ So she tried again but still nothing. ~That's it! I'm going in.~ She carefully opened the door and peaked in. "Hello? Piccolo, are you in here?" she said as she walked in. The room was dark but she still closed the door behind her. "Piccolo, wherever you are come out. I wanted to thank you for saving me yesterday." She stood there for a minute, waiting. Then she heard him chuckling and then the lights turned on. "What's so funny? How come you didn't answer me? And why was it so dark in here?" She asked, fuming.

"Its apparent that you can't sense power levels because you would have been able to find me." he replied with a smirk.

"So, what's your point. And you still didn't answer my question as to why you didn't answer when I knocked." She glared at him, momentarily forgetting her crush.

"Well, yesterday when Vegeta was on his way, you didn't feel it. It was apparent because you would have felt it before Goku even said anything. So I wanted to test my theory."

"Yeah, that's true. So, um...I really appreciate you saving me yesterday. Of all the planets I've been on, I don't think anyone would have even went near me. They would probably leave me there to die." She moved closer to Piccolo. Piccolo looked at her with curiosity. Suddenly, Adamina stood on her tip toes and kissed Piccolo on the cheek. Piccolo just stood there for a few seconds, letting it sink in. They he looked down to her. She was blushing. He smirked.

"Your welcome. You'll come to see that on this planet, people aren't so mean to strangers. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people like that, but the people that protect this planet are kind. So, Adamina, want to go watch Goku beat his two sons? They're sparring right now, and Goten and Gohan don't stand a chance of beating him, unless they outsmart him. Its quite amusing."

"I'd love to." she replied and headed for the door. ~I don't think he's angry with me for kissing him. Maybe he's never been kissed before.~ "Gohan said that you were in a bad mood, but it doesn't seem to me that you are." She said as they took to the skies, towards the mountains.

"Well I was when I talked to Gohan, but I'm not anymore." he replied.************* A clearing near the mountains...

Goku and his sons were going at it hard. They all were powered up to Super Saiyan, but not any further because then Goten wouldn't be able to keep up. It had just started so no one had broken a sweat. Vegeta and Trunks had just arrived. Vegeta wanted to spar with Goku, and Trunks wanted to play with Goten. Just then, Piccolo and Adamina arrived. "Hi guys." said Adamina with a smile.

"Who's that?" asked Goten, with a confused look on his face.

"That's my Auntie Ada." said Trunks as he ran over to her. "Hey Auntie. Hi Piccolo. What are you doing here?"

"Well, we came to see the spar between Goku and his sons."

"Cool. Hey I have an idea." Everyone stopped and looked at Trunks. "Why don't we all spar together? Let's see here; Dad, Goku and Auntie against the rest of us."

"That doesn't sound very fair." stated Adamina.

"Its perfectly fair. Goku is the strongest here and Vegeta's second."

"Anyways Ada, it'll be the true saiyans against the three demi-saiyans and the Namek." said Vegeta.

"It doesn't sound very fair for them, but I guess it works. Lets go." said Adamina.************* Hours later...

The true saiyans had won. Well Goku and Vegeta did. Adamina got worked by Piccolo and Trunks. She was pretty embarrassed to get worked by her nine year old nephew. But it wasn't Trunks who knocked her out of the fight. It was the combined efforts of Gohan and Piccolo. Piccolo had charged at her then suddenly moved out of the way for Gohan to deliver her a swift kick in the stomach. It hurt. A lot. But that was twenty minutes before they decided to call it quits. So she watched as Goku took on Trunks and Gohan. She couldn't believe that Goku wasn't that tired yet. He was incredible. Everyone else looked fairly tired, but not as tired as her. She was exhausted. She yawned and stretched. Now that it was over, everyone was sitting on the grass, relaxing and talking. Well everyone except for Vegeta. Vegeta was leaning against a tree. She laid on the grass sprawled out on her back, looking at the clouds. ~I'm so glad I found Geta. I think I love this planet. Its so peaceful here.~ As she thought this she drifted off to sleep. "Hey, Vegeta?" said Goku as he turned to face the older saiyan.

"What do you want Kakkarott?" was the rude reply.

"Why didn't you mention that you have sister ever? I mean, its apparent that you care about her a lot, so why didn't you ask us to help you find her? You know we would've done everything we could." Goku noticed that Vegeta looked shocked at this question. It also looked like he didn't know how to answer it.

"I didn't because I..um..uh..I..I" Vegeta was at a loss for words. He didn't know why he never mentioned Ada before. He glanced over at his sister and saw that she was sleeping. "I don't know why I never mentioned Little Star before." Everyone just looked at him for what he just said. He noticed this. "That's my nickname I've had for her since the day she was born alright." Vegeta had a small smile on his face.

"Why do you call her that?" asked Goku, though not really expecting Vegeta to answer. He thought it was great that Vegeta was acting the way he was.

"Maybe I'll tell you another day. We've got to go home before that woman bi..um yells at us for being late for supper." Everyone was surprised that Vegeta didn't swear. Half the time he swore even if Goten was there. "Trunks lets go." Vegeta walked over to his sister, who was still sleeping peacefully on the grass. Vegeta bent down and gently picked her up, so as not to wake her. She didn't even seem to notice. He took to the sky and headed for home, with Trunks right behind. Everyone watched them leave. Then they all turned to Piccolo.

"What?" asked Piccolo. Goku got up walked over to him.

"I should ask you the same thing." Piccolo was lost now. "You were going fairly easy on her. You don't even go that easy on Goten and he's eight. What's up with that? I think that you like her." stated Goku rather matter-of-factly.

"Your crazy. I'm going now." But Goku stopped him before he had a chance to get anywhere.

"You know I'm right. Why bother denying it. And don't worry, I won't tell Vegeta. But you better be careful if he finds out though. I'm pretty sure he'll make your life a living hell. And if your wondering how I know this, its because yesterday when her and Vegeta were talking you looked really bored and irritated, but yet you didn't leave. You stayed until she left. And today, you arrive with her. And with a smile on your face may I add. Then you go easy on her during the spar, while her nine year old nephew worked her. If you ask me, your going soft Piccolo." This earned him a smack upside the head.

"I am not going soft. And just because I arrived with her doesn't mean anything." he replied rather angrily.

"Yeah right. You got a crush on Trunks' auntie. Na na." said Goten as he stuck his tongue out at Piccolo. Then he decided to get a head start in case Piccolo decided to chase after him. Piccolo growled and was going to go after the mini Goku but was stopped by Gohan.

"I'd hate to say this but you know Goten's right. As rare as that is, it's true."

"I know. So know what?" asked Piccolo as he walked with them back to their house.

"Well you can ask ChiChi. I'm sure she'll know." said Goku. Piccolo looked at him like he was crazy.

"Ask ChiChi? Hey I don't want everyone knowing. And if she knows, she'll tell Bulma. And Bulma might accidentally mention it to Vegeta and then my life will be a living hell. No, I won't ask your wife."

"Hey she knows a lot about these things. Trust me. Anyways, wanna stay over for supper, that way after you can ask her."

"Fine. Although I hope she hits you over the head with that frying pan for inviting someone over with out asking her first."************* Capsule Corp...

Vegeta and Trunks had just got home. Bulma was no where in site. "Good. She's not here to yell at me for something I didn't do." He mumbled to himself. "I'm going to put Ada in her room. Go see if your mother's here or not." said Vegeta as he walked upstairs, not waiting for a reply. When he got to her room, he gently placed her on her bed and kissed her on the forehead. Adamina smiled in her sleep, causing Vegeta to smile. "Sleep well Little Star." He walked out of the room only to run into Bulma. He still had a smile on his face. He leaned in and gave her a kiss. This shocked Bulma.

"Someone's in a good mood. Apparently the reason why she's sleeping now isn't your fault, huh?" she said as she gave him a kiss. He smirked.

"The reason why she's sleeping is because she's tired from our spar with Kakarott, his two sons, Piccolo and Trunks. It was me, her and Kakarott against everyone else. Piccolo and Trunks worked her and then Gohan was the one who put her out of the spar. But she's not hurt so I'll let Gohan be for now. I know she'll be fine." said Vegeta as he started to walk down the hall, towards the kitchen.

"Sounds like you two had fun this afternoon." said Bulma as she leaned into him as they walked.

"I guess you could say that. Although she had more fun them me, I'm sure." he replied. Bulma chuckled. He looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "What?"

"You, the stubborn, stuck up, Prince of Saiyans just admitted having fun. Well, like they say, there's a first time for everything. Your also in a better mood then you've been in all of the time I've known you. And all of this just because your little sister is back."

"She's always been able to put in a good mood. No matter how bad of a day I'd be having, or if I was extremely angry with Frieza, she'd always be able to cheer me up. It would either be by her being all sweet and innocent or her causing trouble for Frieza and his minions. And she caused a lot of problems for them. Those pathetic excuses for guards could never catch her in the act of doing it, she was too good for them, even at the age of 3." Vegeta's smile seemed to grow as he said this. "Anyways, when's supper going to be ready? I'm starving."

"I don't know. My mom said that she'd make supper, but I have no idea when she plans on having it ready. I could go ask her. I'll be right back, ok?" Bulma walked off in search of her mom.

******** Capsule Corp...

Adamina woke up to the smell of food. She also woke up because her stomach's growling also woke her up. She walked downstairs and saw Vegeta and Bulma sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching Trunks playing a video game. She smiled. ~I'd never thought I'd live to see the day Geta actually cuddling with someone other than me.~ Vegeta finally noticed Adamina as she stood at the bottom of the steps smiling. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up. How was your nap?" he asked.

"My nap was good. The only reason I woke up is because I'm starving. It looks like your in a good mood." she replied as she went to sit on the chair.

"Well supper should be ready in about 20 minutes. Veggie is in a good mood, otherwise he'd be training right now not cuddling on the couch with me." said Bulma. Adamina nodded in agreement.

******** Later that night...

It was a little before midnight and Adamina couldn't get any sleep. So she decided to go sit on the roof and look at the stars. As she sat there, she didn't notice Vegeta come up and sit beside her. "It looks like I'm not the only one unable to get some sleep." said Vegeta as he looked up at the sky. Ada didn't say anything. Vegeta turned to look at her and saw that she had tears in her eyes and down her face. He reached over and brushed away her tears with his hand. "What's wrong?" he asked as he did this.

"It's nothing." she replied, still not facing him.

"I don't believe that for a second. I hate to see you sad. Ada please tell me what's bothering you. Does it have to do with what happened to you since I last saw you?" He asked as he put a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked at him, tears in her eyes. He could only think of one time he saw her look this sad and depressed.

"Yes, it does have to do with what happened to me. I don't want to ever go back." Her eyes started to fill with more tears, but she wouldn't let them fall. She wiped them away as soon as they appeared. She didn't want to cry, especially not in front of her brother.

"You won't go back. I won't allow it. What did happen to you Ada? If you don't want to tell me I'll understand but I should know eventually. Please Ada?"

"Well, when I was five, after Frieza took me away, he sold me to Lord (shudders) Donovan. To him, I was his most prized possession. I was beaten and tortured a lot. I was tortured most of the time. If I even looked at him the wrong way, I was punished. I was no longer the trouble maker I used to be. I couldn't be, otherwise he just might have killed me in his rage. That's how it was up until I turned 14. That's when I became his play thing, forced to do whatever he asked of me. It was horrible. I wanted to die, to get away from it, but I couldn't. I thought of you and I had hope to continue living. I knew that Frieza wouldn't have killed you yet so I decided to try and stay alive." Her eyes were filled with tears again, threatening to fall. Vegeta was shocked to hear all of this. He felt guilty for not looking for her sooner. She wiped away her tears and continued. "Anyways, that's how it was up until I got away. He is the only thing I fear, but I knew I had to get away from him. I couldn't take it anymore. I knew he was powerful from what I heard and what I saw occasionally. When we were stopped on some planet so that his minions could gather more slaves, I decided it was my only chance to get away. I put on my armor and made a dash to the launching bay of the ship. I took out every guard that stood in my way. His more skilled guards and his general were out getting slaves so it was easy. However, when I got to the bay, Donovan was already there. He expected me to try something like that and was waiting for me. He fired a blast at me, but I easily dodged it. I powered up to super saiyan and threw a blast at him. He easily dodged and blasted me. I couldn't move in time and got thrown threw the side of the ship. To top it off, I landed on a bunch of sharp, pointy rocks. Before I even had a chance to get up, he was on me and started to punch me in the face repeatedly. Next thing I know, I'm being tossed into a hill. I raised my power and charged at him. I got in a few good punches and kicks before he tossed me aside. He told me to give up and he would go easy in my punishment. I didn't believe him and charged at him again, my power increasing. I kicked him in the crotch as hard as I could. He fell to the ground in pain. That was my chance to escape. I ran back to the ship, got in a pod and took off. I kinda programmed a course. It was just to take me as far away as possible. And well, I landed here, on Earth. That's why my armor looked the way it did. But you didn't see me before Dende healed me. I'm so glad I found you. I missed you so much." She couldn't hold it in any longer. She had been holding it in for so long that now was the time to let it all out. Vegeta put his arms around her and pulled her close to him. Ada leaned her head on his chest as he kissed her on the forehead and rubbed the back of her head. Suddenly, she shoots her head up, a look of panic on her face. "Oh no. He's on his way." She started to cry even harder as she buried her face in Vegeta's chest.

"I won't let him take you. I'll do everything I can to protect you. We will not be separated again, I promise. I'll make him pay for everything he did to you. He will die. How long till he gets here?" asked Vegeta, anger in his voice. He was going to make Donovan pay for everything he did to his little sister. No matter what it took.

"I..think he'll be here in about four weeks."

"Then I'll train during that time. Tomorrow I'll got to Kakarott's and get him to train with me, that way I'll become stronger. He'll probably end up helping me in this battle but that doesn't matter. As long as Donovan ends up dying, I'll be happy. I don't want ' you to be by yourself at all. I want someone with you at all times. And Bulma does not count. I don't anything happening to you. I don't care who your with, just as long as your with someone who can fight, got it?" She nodded her head in agreement. "I think that you should get some sleep. We can talk more tomorrow." He looked down at her and saw that she had just fallen asleep. He got up, with her cradled in his arms and went back inside. He tucked her in, and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight Little Star. Don't worry, I'll protect you, no matter what." With that he walked out of the room, careful to not make a sound, and went into his room.************************************************

Any suggestions, or ideas for what you'd like to see in upcoming chapters, send to mystique_yami@hotmail.com . Thanks. :)