Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ For Eternity ❯ Past Relationships ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Does everyone know that Junichi is #17? I just don't feel like calling him by his proper name `Juunana' or something like that. So here's my version, ::winks:: I think it sounds more manly.
Thank you little-fighter88 for beta-ing this!
Disclaimer: I was deeply inspired, deeply moved, deeply motivated. I just took Toriyama's characters and moved it a step further.
Chapter 5
Past Relationships
The air was humid…dry…thick…
Sand stretched for miles beyond what she could see…..she was in the dessert…..in the middle of nowhere.
The burning orange-red sun was slowly setting beyond the horizon.
….She was alone….was she dreaming again?….
Stiffly glancing down, she found herself wearing a strapless, blood red grown, that accented her soft curves perfectly. Her rich blue waves flowed freely down her bare back.
Her blue eyes cautiously searched the endless sand, the horizon….something was coming….
Walking up to the figure on the bed, he could tell that she was in deep sleep….perhaps even having one of her famous dreams. He smiled lightly to himself as that thought crossed his mind. He silently passed the tightly drawn drapes that kept out even the tiniest ray of light. Without even the slightest sound he stopped in front of her, pulling back the white sheer curtains of her bed.
That uneasy feeling was back. Unconsciously, she knew what was going to happen next, it's the same dream as before. But she couldn't look away from a particular spot from the horizon.
She could feel it, the faintest tremble in the ground.
Her sensitive ears could hear the thundering, yet there was no sight of any storm.
Suddenly, the tan colored sand turned red….blood…all around her.
Screams of millions rang through her head, deafening her.
She couldn't breathe! She needed to get away, but she couldn't. She couldn't move at all!
Junichi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and concern when her breathing hitched up a notch, her eyes rolling frantically under her eyelids in disturbance. Reaching out a hand, he gently brushed away the beads of sweat on her forehead. She moaned, and he couldn't look away.
Screams continue to echo through her head even though she'd covered her ears….
She wanted it to stop.
Junichi blinked in surprise when she suddenly grabbed his arm. Her fingernails digging into his skin, but he didn't seem to notice. His attention focused on her disturbed look, debating with himself whether to wake her or not.
“Someone…HELP!!!” She shrill scream only seemed to be stifled by the thick air. The heat was choking her, fire burning through her.
The pitches of thousands of screams only seemed to get higher, hurting her eardrums even more.
Junichi made up his mind when she started to thrash wildly, her face scrunched up in pain. He roughly shook her, grabbing both her shoulders.
“Bulma!” Junichi shouted, hoping her would hear. Suddenly, with a gasp her eyes snapped open. Her breaths came uneven as sweat glistened on her face and chest; dampening her tank top.
“Ju-Junichi?” Bulma said after a few moments, realizing whom she was holding on to.
“The one and only.” Junichi smirked but it quickly fell as he watched her disturbed features. “You had another nightmare?”
Nodding Bulma slowly leaned into his arms, which he gladly wrapped around her trembling form. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths against his bare chest as his warm hands sedately ran up and down her silk tank top.
She almost fell asleep with him holding her when his soft, deep voice rumbled out, “Feel better yet?”
Pulling away sheepishly, she nodded. With Junichi, she always felt like they were kids again, and the best part of being a kid is that you always felt safe...at least she did when she was a kid.
“Sorry about your arm…” Guilt clouded her features as she lightly fingered the scratch she'd made.
“Nah, it'll go away. It always does.” Junichi shrugged differently. “See?!” He smiled when the wound slowly began to fad away by itself.
“So what brings you here? I hope I didn't wake you with my screams.” Bulma said, remembering how he was there when she had jerked awake.
“No, you didn't scream at all.” Junichi stated quietly.
“Then what's wrong?” Bulma prompted when he didn't say anything.
“I….just…wanted to see you. You know…it's been awhile.” He ran a hand through his midnight black hair.
Bulma smothered a giggle at the boyish gesture he'd made, knowing full well that it was a habit he did whenever he was nervous or shy.
Scooting over a bit on her bed, she patted the place next to her for him to climb onto. He slipped under the sheets, leaning his back against the headboard and using his strong arm to pull her to his chest, which she didn't resist.
“It's been a long while, you mean.” Bulma corrected, tiredly leaning against his strong chest. Junichi, Juu and her all grew up together and it wasn't until their late teen years until they'd met Vegeta, Goku, and Chichi.
“You shouldn't have stayed away for that long. I missed you.” Junichi closed his eyes, breathing in her scent.
“Well, it looks like I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.” Bulma stated, “With the war and everything.”
“Good, cuz next time you decide to fly off I'm going with you. I can't let you have all the fun.” Junichi declared with a smirk on his face.
“With that said, I'm guessing you still haven't found your mate?” Bulma inquired, shaking her head.
“Bachelor forever.” He smirked proudly.
“You bring a whole new meaning to that word.” Bulma snorted out, smiling.
“It's still light out, are you not tired?”
“I want to sleep but I can't seem to fall back asleep.” Bulma quirked a blue brow up when Junichi got up from the bed.
“I'll be right back.” And without another word he vanished, leaving a curious Bulma in the room by herself again.
In just the span of ten seconds he came back with a coffin. It was made out of fine maple wood, polished and waxed for long lasting. The edges were adorned with white and green jewels. Gold medal handles were at the side, which was what Junichi was using as of this moment.
“If I do remember correctly, this should be yours.” Junichi said with a certain amount of sauciness in his voice, as he laid the coffin on the floor next to the bed.
“Thank you so much, Junichi!” Bulma squealed happily, jumping up to give him a huge hug. “I almost forgot it was here.”
Junichi received her hug and for a moment let himself soak in the feeling of her so freely in his arms again.
Bulma pushed open the lid to find the silk violet sheets and soft pillows where still the same. Smiling she climbed in and looked to find Junichi watching her with amusement in his dark eyes.
“You wanna join me? I think there's enough room.” Bulma asked innocently.
“Nah, I can't sleep but I'll be here if you need me.” Junichi caught her eyes, holding them for a moment before she slowly nodded and laid down.
He lovingly brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek before closing the lid and lying back down on her bed. In the back of his mind he knew that he should probably stay away from her, Vegeta would probably kill him.
He couldn't help but grin, thinking it would be worth just to have her in his arms like that.
“I wouldn't be grinning like that. You just made a very dangerous move.” A deep voice stated exactly what his conscious was nagging him about.
“Kakkarote, I thought you were my friend.” And for the love of god, he still couldn't get that grin off his face.
“I am, that's why I'm warning you.” Goku eyed his form on Bulma's bed.
“If you're worried about your Prince-“ Junichi frowned, he didn't want to talk about Vegeta at the moment.
“I worry about both of you. More so you than Vegeta.” Goku cut off, walking to the chair near the window. “This is a one way relationship you're pursuing. Nothing will come of it. You'll only get hurt in the end.”
“She'll get hurt if she stays with him.” He replied defiantly.
“She's happy with him.” Goku said quietly, frowning at the man's stubbornness. He knew both Vegeta and Junichi for a long time, and they were both very determined creatures. If they wanted something, they got it. Fortunately, they had never crossed each others paths before. Unfortunately, they will and all for a signal woman.
He should have known that Junichi wouldn't let go after losing her once. Especially when he thought he had a chance to get her back. Shaking his head, he could sense an on coming war that would shake this mansion to pieces.
………………………&# 8230;……
Keiji walked into the small diner in the slums of L.A. His sharp green eyes took in the surroundings with just a mere glance; a trained glance.
“Hello.” Greeted a petite woman in her late twenties. “How many will it be?”
“Two please.” He replied in his naturally smooth, low voice. He followed her to the booth next to the window and nodded when she told him that someone would be with him soon.
Running a hand through his dark brown hair, he waited.
“Do did you order yet?” a voice in front of him made him look up.
“No. I was waiting for you.” Keiji replied eyeing the slim man before him. He had salt and pepper hair that was tied behind his back, a black muscle shirt and jeans. His face was set in a neutral expression, but his brown eyes showed interest, curiosity, and amusement.
“Well, I most certainly hope ya didn't wait long!” He said boisterously, snapping the menu open.
………………………&# 8230;……..
Bulma's eyes snapped open, a distinct hunger starting to nag her. Pushing herself up with one arm, she let her other hand push the lid off of her coffin away. It felt so good to sleep in her coffin again, after centuries.
“Had a good rest?” As promised, he was there when she woke.
“Yah, it was great.” She stretched, not really wanting to get out of her coffin. “I didn't realize how much I missed this until now. What time is it?” Bulma asked getting out of her coffin.
“Almost dust. Time to get ready to feed.” Junichi stated walking towards the door with Bulma following closely behind. Silence fell between them as they walked together down the long marble halls.
Turning the corner, Bulma halted her steps before running Juu over.
“Hey! There you two are. The king calls, lets go.” Juu said before quickly turning and heading towards the direction where she came from.
Walking into the huge ballroom like place, Bulma found everyone there already. Some of them scattered across the room, others were in small groups talking. She frowned seeing Abigail talking with Vegeta, nearly throwing herself on him.
“Hey there!” Katsumi's bubbly voice shouted catching her attention.
Smiling she greeted one her most trusted friends with a warm hug. “Hey yourself, beautiful!”
“Oh come now, I'm nothing compared to you.” Katsumi mocked, dramatically putting the back of her hand on her forehead.
“Flattery will get you everywhere, my dear.” Bulma laughed jokingly, linking her arms around Katsumi's before continuing to walk. “Now tell me what's the big idea behind this meeting?”
“I don't know, I was summoned here just a few minutes ago too.” Katsumi looked around before smiling mischievously. “So how good is Raddize?”
Her sudden question threw Bulma off guard, a shocked expression on her face making Katsumi's grin widen.
“For a moment I forgot how horny you can get.” Bulma huffed recovering from her shock.
“Not horny, not slutty, and not a whore.” Katsumi stated, Bulma knew what was coming next; for it was Katsumi's favorite saying.
“Just sexually active.” Bulma and Katsumi said at the same time, both breaking out in a laugh.
“Now answer the damn question.” Katsumi prompted, glancing at the unsuspecting Raddize with his brothers.
“We never…” Bulma trailed off.
“Never?!” Katsumi gapped her mouth dropping at her best friends statement.
“Not even a feel, or a touch.” Katsumi's eyes started to water as she pouted.
“No! We're just friends, always have been and always will be.” Bulma growled at her, “If you really want to know then find out for yourself. You always do eventually anyway.”
“What's that suppose to mean?” She pouted tugging on her arm.
“Your curiosity gets you every time.” Bulma explained, “Unfortunately so does your v-“
“Yes well, just because I'm not tied down to a certain dark prince doesn't mean I can't go around.” Katsumi sniffed cutting Bulma off.
“And go around you do.” Bulma muttered, getting a smack on the arm from her.
“Somehow you always make me sound like a whore.”
“Not a whore. Just a sexually active woman.” Bulma snickered, making Katsumi laugh out. “Now Abigail is another story….”
“Ah yes, now there's a true slut.” Katsumi said with mock admiration as they eyed Abigail who was still pursuing Vegeta. “You wouldn't believe the tricks she pulled to try to get Vegeta to screw her while you were gone.”
“Oh, I believe the things she would do. But I don't think I want to know.” Bulma frowned, then she turned to look Katsumi in her honey brown eyes. “Was I really gone that long?”
“Compared with human years, I'd say about three years. Not that long.”
The closing of the double doors caught their attention, signaling that it was time for the meeting to begin.
Vegeta was wearing a black leather vest, showing his muscular arms and revealing the top half of his well-toned chest. His flame hair stuck up fiercely.
The king, Vegeta's father was also wearing a black vest except with a black cape behind him. He took his sit at the platform where there was a large chair, rimmed with gold; made for a king. Vegeta took his seat next to his father, in a similar chair except a little off to the right.
Bulma quietly sneaked up to where her father stood near the front, to stand by his side. Above her, hidden in the shadows she knew that hundreds of other vampires lurked from the ceiling to the window.
“The time has come.” The king's voice echoed through the massive room, sounding through the marble floors and pillars. “As many of you know, a great war is upon us. A war that will determine the ultimate race…..”
“Have you been having any dreams lately?” Theodore whispered quietly to Bulma as the King continued with his speech.
“Uh…yah….more like a nightmare.” Bulma hesitated. “I want to ask you something father.”
“What is it?” He asked curiously.
“Does the King know that I'm…you know….” Bulma hinted quietly.
Just as he was about to answer King Vegeta called him forward to explain some of the new weapons that he had made.
“These new weapons are amazing.” Goku said quietly next to Bulma. She nodded in agreement, barely able to pay attention. Her mind was thinking back to the nightmare she had. Her father had told her that it told of the past, present, and future…so which was it. And there was so much blood, what did it all mean? She unconsciously let out a breathe, it was starting to get hot in here.
“You alright B?” Chichi whispered, concern lacing her features.

“Yah, I'm fine.” Bulma gave a weak smile.
“I think you need to get some fresh air.” Concern also laced Goku's soft features.
“I think you need to feed.” Junichi's low voice rumbled behind the them. He let his hand run up her bare arms.
“I'm fine.” She insisted, pulling away from them. She quickly and quietly moved to the side, pressing her back to the cool, marble pillar.
Brushing a lock of hair back, she glanced at Vegeta seeing that he had been watching her the whole time. She turned away to watch her father, ignoring the burning gaze Vegeta kept on her.
Bulma turned to find another source staring at her. Abigail. They used to be friends, until Vegeta came along. Her features were set emotionless and detached as Abigail sent her an evil glare.
When the King finally dismissed them she started to quickly stride across the large room, towards the door. She was half way there before the King's mighty voice stopped her.
“Girl, come here.” There was no other person he would call `girl', just like Vegeta wouldn't call anyone else but her `woman'.
All eyes where on her as she turned around and walked back towards the king and the prince. She bowed slightly, not sure why he called for her.
“Come. I would like to speak with you alone, girl.” His rough voice came out low but all could hear. He got up and held out his hand for her to take, she walked up the steps near where he stood at the top waiting.
She glanced at her father for reassurance before placing hers in his. With lightness that surprise her, he pulled her forward pulling his other arm around her waist as he led her back to his throne. He leaned closer so he could whisper in her ears.
Vegeta narrowed his eyes at his father, trying to think of what he was planning now. But not only his eyes were glued onto their the two forms, but along with hundreds of eyes.
With a final nod from Bulma, the King walked up to the small table next to his chair to pour fresh red blood into a drinking glass before handing it to her. Bulma took it, and walked back down the steps, straight to Abigail. All eyes focused on her, wondering what she was doing.
“Drink sister….” Her voice was light, friendly, as it was before their friendship was broken. She smiled seeing Abigail's suspicion.
Abigail gingerly reached for the cup, but unexpectedly Bulma purposely pulled back and drank it bluntly for herself.
Insulted. Embarrassed. Challenged. Abigail bore her fangs at Bulma, hissing in anger.
The crowd rose in excitement.
Author's Note: Bulma challenges Abby. Vegeta wants Bulma, but is too stubborn to admit it straightforward. Bulma wants him, but has her own secrete issues to deal with. Junichi….well, you'll have to put in your own opinion for him.
(To my reviewers)
dbz-fan-jess: Lolz, yes I certainly did get inspired. Thank god. I was thinking that maybe I should stop this fic. Anyway, I really do hope you get around to update you fic, cuz it's been one hell of a long time.
nan de mo chibi otoko: Meowwww ::wink:: So does Bulma, hehe. I love hearing from you, like always. So drop me a word or two again!
Mallie3: Hehe, thanks for checking up on my story! I know it's been so long since I update. Hope this chapter satisfied you. I'll try and update this story more often, promise! Thanks for the reviewwww!!
b-chan2007: Long live B/V!!! I totally agree with you, but we'll just have to wait until this story to play out, ne? Thanks for the comment; love it like always! ::hugs::
little-fighter88: Awww, poor Abby; not even one scene for her and already she's got your hate….along with most people's. Surprised that Bulma turned him down? Well, looks like I haven't totally lost my touch after all.