Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ For the Saiyan Race ❯ The Son Family ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7
Gohan was right, their parents were done mating. Goten sighed with relief as Gohan knocked on the door. Chi-Chi opened it and the boys could see Goku eating at the dining room table. Their mother recoiled in shock at the sight of her two boys at her door, and the youngest with a woman in his arms. She went from shock and fury in a matter of seconds, however.
"Do either of you mind telling me what in kami's name is going on? Gohan, you've been gone for hours without anyone knowing where you were! Videl said you left in a hurry yesterday afternoon! Do you know what time it is? It's noon! Noon! You vanished for over twelve hours! Videl's been worried all day! She's up in your old room worried sick right now!" Chi-Chi paused for breath, and Gohan gave his mom a hug and went up to see his wife. With her eldest gone, she only turned her attention to Goten.
"And who is this? Aren't you supposed to be off hiding or whatever it is you do? What is going on, Goten?" The angry woman's tirade cut through the air, and Goku came over to investigate. He stopped next to his wife and smiled, pulling her into his arms. He could smell that the couple had mated, and knew that Chi-Chi couldn't. But the noise also woke Tifa, who, in her anxiety, had worried herself to sleep.
"Unnnhh...Goten...that sounds like your mom." Her words cut the air. Her face was still buried in Goten's chest, and it was obvious she was still half-asleep. Goku's wife turned beet red, and she was about to shrill some more when Goku caught her and led her to their room to tell her what was going on. As he left the room, he winked at Goten, who knew he'd been caught.
With a sigh, Goten hauled his mate and their things to his room, laying Tifa on the bed and their things in the corner. He sat down beside her and brushed some of her hair back with his hand. A devilish smile came over his face, and he leaned down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss. She kissed him back almost instantly, and opened her green eyes to meet his ebony ones. He smiled and snuggled under the blankets, pulling her with him. With a delighted smile, she slid her arms around him and wrapped her tail around his waist. He copied her and she laid her head under his, allowing his sweet scent and warmth to lull her back asleep.
Gohan walked to his old room to find Videl sitting by the window and watching the forest outside. He grinned as he walked up behind her and caught her in a playful hold from behind. She jumped, then when she realized who it was, held onto him like he was the last lifeline in the world. He grinned and leaned down, planting a kiss on her lips. She looked up at him with watery eyes, and he felt bad for not explaining everything. He led her over to the bed and started the story, beginning with the girl he found in Goten's arms.
"She's his what?!" Chi-Chi was outraged. Her son was mated to that harlot that was in his arms? How could he have done something like that to his poor old mother? She was supposed to pick his wife and his wedding and all the important stuff. Angrily she picked up a pillow and hurled it at her husband. It bounced off his head like a marshmallow and he frowned. "What was that for?"
"I blame you for this, Goku. I always knew one of them would get themselves into this kind of trouble! What if she is pregnant?! It will be a child born in wedlock, Goku! Mated before married! What is the matter with Goten?"
Goku shook his head and sighed. "Calm down, Chi-Chi. She looked pretty tired. Give her a day to rest and then they can explain it to us. Besides, I don't think she smelled pregnant. Just calm down and wait. Nothing will get worse if we let them sleep, right?" Goku had his cheerful, nothing-will-go-wrong face on, and his wife broke down upon seeing it. She nodded in agreement and calmed down marginally. As they went back about their daily routine, all she could think about was that that hussy was going to get a piece of her mind.
Tifa awoke the next day in Goten's bed, with the aforementioned saiyan wrapped around her. She smiled as she realized where she was, and huddled deeper into her mate's warmth. They would have to talk today; all night she had had nightmares the likes she'd never seen-all because of what she was worried about. As she thought about how to break the news to him, Goten woke up in her arms, or rather, with her in his.
Goten looked down at Tifa to find she was distracted with worry. Slowly he sat up, and glanced over at his alarm clock. It was still early, a few hours before noon. He looked back at Tifa to find that she had sat up next to him. He grinned sexily and purred in her ear, "Good morning, Tifa."
His voice set her blood on fire, and she couldn't help blushing. "Morning," she whispered back, causing him to laugh. She looked him in the eye and said, "Goten, we gotta talk." He could tell she was serious and nodded, giving her his full attention.
"Goten, I don't think I thought this through enough. Both of our parents are going to wonder. I'll actually have to answer to yours. I don't know what I'll be able to tell them. My family doesn't even know I'm saiyan. And I don't feel comfortable about telling anyone what... what happened to my family. I don't know how I'm gonna approach my parents...I'm lost now, Goten. What should I do?" With that she buried her face into his chest, as it was the only place she felt safe.
Goten looked at her in surprise. Her family didn't know she was saiyan? That was not good. They really were not going to be able to understand that they were mated, then. He pulled her back up and looked her in the eye. "Tifa, this is what we're going to do. Tell me what you feel comfortable telling me. About your real family, or your foster one. We'll work out the gaps, and when we get some things straight, then we'll approach my parents, okay?" She nodded in relief and pulled him into a hug, then planted an enthusiastic kiss on his face.
Over the next hour, Tifa told him what her foster family was like and, at his curiosity, what had happened to her real one. At that part of the story, he pulled her into a hug as she cried, something she hadn't done in years. When she finished, he told her that everything would be fine and that they would talk to his parents shortly- nothing was going to go wrong. He made sure to look in her eyes as he said it, and she totally believed him.
As soon as he was sure he had calmed her down, he grinned evilly and began nuzzling and kissing her. She caught on to what he was doing and let him, allowing him to lift up her shirt and unhook her bra. Goten began sucking on her left nipple, something both of them found very erotic. Gradually she wound her hands into Goten's hair, and she could not help biting her lip in pleasure. As Goten was changing nipples, the door to his room came open unnoticed.
"Goten, time to get u--ahhhhhhh!" Chi-Chi had only come in to wake her son up, as he never slept in this late. Instead she walked into his room to see the back of the woman he had been carrying earlier and her son's face at her breasts. The two had flung themselves apart in surprise, and each had fallen off the bed on opposite ends. Goten next to his window and wall, and Tifa next to his mother and the door. Tifa looked up at his mother in horror- this stern woman had caught them doing....
"Oh, Kami..." Tifa breathed as she quickly pulled her shirt down. Chi-Chi was shaking and quickly shut the door and walked out. Goten sat up and his mate could only just see his head over his bed. It was almost like he was still hiding and asking if it were all over. As he saw that it was, he stood and walked over to her and helped her rearrange her clothes. Blushing like fools, the two decided to sit down on the bed and give Chi-Chi a half-hour to cool off.
Chi-Chi walked out of the room, shaking. It was just too nerve rattling for her to handle. As she walked into the kitchen, where she had left everyone eating their breakfast, she fainted dead away. Goku saw his wife fall, and rushed from the table, catching her just in time. Unnerved by his mother fainting for the first time in front of him, Gohan rushed to her side as well, with Videl not far behind. Goku carried her to the couch and laid her down. "Chi-Chi, what's wrong?" Goku asked nervously as he tried to revive his unconscious wife.
She sat up quietly and looked at her family with dazed eyes. "They were...oh, Kami," Chi-Chi murmured. Gohan got it immediately and colored slightly. So his brother was doing the naughty in his room and got caught, eh? "Shhhh, Mom, it's okay. They're mated." Suddenly everyone else caught the gist of his words and colored too. Even Goku, who never blushed. Goku, lost for words, simply helped his wife up and motioned everyone back to breakfast.
When the duo did leave Goten's room, the rest of the family was outside-Chi-Chi was hanging the wash and the others did not like the idea that two mated teens were in the house with them. As the two appeared outside, all attention turned to them. Blushing, the two walked out and stood before the others, ready to tell their story. Chi-Chi nearly started to rant at the hussy who had stolen her son, but Goku pulled her aside to listen to what they had to say.
Goten began, "This is my mate, Tifa. She's a saiyan, too. After this we're gonna go try to work something out with her parents- they don't know she's saiyan." Not knowing what else to say, he turned to Tifa, who said, "I...I go to Goten's school. We didn't mean to spring this on everyone like this, but Gohan caught us, so now we have to 'fess up. I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience."
Chi-Chi looked set to kill, and Videl and Gohan looked like they had wanted more explanation. But Goku looked at them with a smile and walked up to them and pulled them in a big bear hug. "Well, welcome to the family, then, Tifa!"
Of course everyone face-dropped at that.
Chi-Chi stormed over to Tifa after she picked herself off the ground. "I just have to know one thing," she demanded. Tifa looked her in the eye and nodded, with a grim determination set in her eyes. "Are you getting married?" Tifa looked shocked. "Of course we are!" She almost shouted with indignation. But a second thought crossed her mind and she turned to her mate. "Aren't we, Goten?"
He nodded and kissed her on the forehead, and the previous tension slipped away from everyone. Videl and Chi-Chi began to talk about wedding plans, and Gohan and Goku began congratulating Goten. Then the saiyans turned their attention to Tifa. "So, how well do you fight?" Goku asked.
"Dad!" A single cry resonated from both Goten and Gohan. Tifa only giggled for the first time in ages and waved off their concern. "I can fight as well as Goten, at least."
Gohan whistled at what she was implying. "You gonna take that, Goten? She says she's better than you." Goten gave his mate a false scowl. "So you're better, huh? That's not what I remember at the cave." Goten teased. Tifa turned bright red and taunted, "That's what I remember at the beach and the woods!" Now everyone's attention was on them and they were laughing at the quarreling mates.
"Why don't you show us who's better?" Goku interjected. The pair turned to look at him, then each other. They both saw the fire in each other's eyes and nodded at Goku. He only laughed and showed them to a place where they could settle this matter.