Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Forever With you ❯ Meeting up again ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

Trunks woke up early in a damp spot in his bed. Last night his dreams had been filled with the smiling face of Goten. The dream had quickly gone from an innocent dream to an erotic one. Trunks sighed and got out of bed. He whipped the blankets off his bed and threw them into the cloths hamper. He pulled out a pair of tight old jeans and an old blue tee shirt. Trunks stopped in front of his mirror and stared at himself. He sighed and grabbed a pair of tight black pants and a white muscle shirt. Trunks smirked `well this will do.`

Trunks headed downstairs and saw his mother standing by the stove. "Mom. What are you doing up so early?"

Bulma turned to her son. "Oh…Trunks what are you doing up sweetheart?"

Trunks smiled at her. "I was woken up by a weird dream." Bulma gave him a concerned look. "It was nothing really."

Bulma nodded and turned back to the stove. "Would you like some breakfast." Trunks nodded as Bulma got two plates full of bacon, eggs and toast on the table. They both sat down and started eating. "So Trunks what was your dream about?"

Trunks blushed. "It was nothing." Bulma noticed a blush crossing his face. Trunks noticed his mother giving him a searching look. He sighed, "Okay. The dream was about someone I recently meet."

Bulma smiled. "And?"

Trunks frowned. "There is no and. I know nothing about this person or if he…she likes me." Trunks hoped his mother missed the quick slip of his tongue.

Bulma nodded. "So what are you planning to do today?"

Trunks thought about it. "I was planning to see if Goten, the new kid down the street. We meet yesterday and he hasn't made many friends yet. I was going to show him around town."

Bulma smiled at him and nodded. "Well have a nice day then. I've got a lot of work to do today but I'll see you later." Bulma got up and cleared her plate. She came back to Trunks and kissed him on the forehead. "Be good. Please for the love of god be good."

Trunks smiled as he got up. "Course mom. Have I ever been anything but?" Bulma sighed as Trunks ran upstairs.

Trunks sighed as he looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand. `6:30 in the morning? No rational person would be up at this time. Guess I'll wait for awhile.' Trunks sat down by his computer and turned it on. Two hour later Trunks shut the computer down and looked over at his alarm clock. `Damn still too early.' Trunks got up and walked downstairs `Maybe there's something to watch on TV.' After a few shows Trunks stood up. `Good it's 10 o clock finally.' Trunks grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.

Goten woke up and looked over at the clock hanging in his room. `Quatre to eight. I hate weekends.' Goten sighed and went down to the kitchen still dressed in only his pajamas to get something to eat.

Goten walked into the kitchen. His mother was already making breakfast. "Good morning Goten. Are you hungry?" Goten nodded and sat down at the table. "It'll be ready in a few minutes." Chi-Chi turned to face Goten. "Goten, I think we should talk. You don't really like it here do you?"

Goten frowned. "Not really."

Chi-Chi sighed. "I know it's been tough on you, but your going to have to give it a little time. Everyone is doing the best they can to fit in here, but you've got to try too. I know why don't you got out today and explore the town?" Chi-Chi smiled. "I'll go with you."

Goten frowned. "No!" Chi-Chi frowned back at him. "I mean that I would like to go myself and meet some kids my age. I just want to watch some TV first."

Chi-Chi smiled. "That' s great, you've been sitting around this house far to much. Ignoring everyone around you. I was starting to worry about you."

Goten frowned. "Mom, speaking of ignoring things shouldn't you be watching breakfast? I don't think it's supposed to be smoking like that."

Chi-Chi spun around and turned the stove off. "Darn." She threw the burnt food in the garbage and started to re-make breakfast. Goten laughed the whole time she was doing this. When she had breakfast started again she turned around and frowned at Goten. "Go watch TV. I'll call you when it's ready."

Goten sat down on the couch as Gohan came down the stairs. He walked over to Goten and sat down beside him. "What's burning?"

Goten smiled at Gohan. "Breakfast. Mom had to start again." Gohan laughed. They turned on cartoons till Chi-Chi called them for breakfast. After breakfast Gohan, Goten and Goku watched cartoons on the TV well Chi-Chi washed the dishes from breakfast.

The doorbell rang. Chi-Chi's yelled from the kitchen. "Goten can you get the door?"

"Yes mom." Goten got up and answered the door. Trunks was standing there smiling at him.

Trunks walked down the street and stopped at Goten's house. `Well let's hope he's up.' Trunks walked up the path and knocked on the door. He heard a woman's voice calling at Goten to get the door. The door swung open at Goten was standing there in his pajamas looking shocked to see Trunks.

Trunks smiled at Goten. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I could show you around town?"

Chi-Chi walked up behind Goten and smiled. "Hello and who would you be?"

Trunks smiled at her. "Hi I'm Trunks Brief. I want to know if Goten wanted to do something?"

Chi-Chi smiled "Well that's a good thing because Goten was planning to explore the town today. Weren't you Goten?" Goten nodded. Chi-Chi smiled at Trunks. "Come in and wait well Goten gets changed." Trunks thanked her and came in well Goten headed upstairs to get changed.

Chi-Chi directed Trunks to the living room where Gohan and Goku were still watching cartoons. Gohan looked at Trunks. "Hello who are you?"

Trunks smiled at them. "Hi I'm Trunk. A friend of Goten's."

Gohan nodded. "Well it's about time Goten made some friends here."

Goten came back down the stairs a few minutes later wearing a green tee shirt and tight jeans. Goten saw Trunks talking to Gohan. He walked over to Trunks and placed his hand on Trunks' shoulder. "Let's go. Please."

Trunks turned to look at Goten begging him. "Okay." He turned back to Gohan, Goku and Chi-Chi. "It was very nice to meet you all. Bye."

Goten pulled Trunks out of the house and stopped on the sidewalk outside of his house. "Sorry about that Trunks they can be weird."

Trunks smiled at Goten. "That's okay I thought they were great." Trunks and Goten headed down the street towards town.
