Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ From the inside ❯ our new grandbaby ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own DBZ so please don't sue me!!

Many thanks to all my reviewers. This is the last full chapter of this story. I will write an epilogue for this shortly.

Warnings: birth, the arrival of the baby at last!

From the inside-SDPG-SSM

Bulma had just finished up wrapping the last of the baby shower presents with Bra when six people fazed in to being right next to her couch. With a start of her heart, she stood up ready to go off on Goku for doing his little transmission trick when she took notice of the state of both Trunks and Goten.

"Oh Dende what happened? Bra! Come get Leilani! Trunks you're covered in blood!" Bulma screeched out.

"Mom, we don't have time for this!" Trunks nipped out in frustration, his koi was starting to cough up blood, a lot of it for that matter.

"Bulma, is the medical area ready? It's time." Gohan asked, shifting the weight of his baby brother in his arms.

"Ummmm, well yeah. You made sure of that weeks ago." Bulma stumbled out, now following the group towards the medical building.

Goten was having a hard time breathing; the kicks that landed against his ribs had done some damage. His cheeks were pale, blood staining his lips and chin in considerable amounts Trunks was right beside them, trying to keep Goten calm even though he was panicking inside. He didn't need Goten panicking, not when he was hurt like this.

Bulma opened the door to the delivery area Gohan had prepped weeks before for the big day, not expecting it to be atleast another month away before they had to use it. Gohan was more concerned about delivering the baby and fixing Goten's ribs more then worrying about the right due date.

"Bulma, I'm going to need you to help me. Dad, I think that you and Leilani should leave. You know needles and stuff. Trunks, you might want to clean up a little and put some scrubs on. Vegeta…just be Vegeta!" Gohan gave his orders before leaving the room to get himself ready in a pair of scrubs. Goku didn't have to be told twice, he was out the door with his youngest granddaughter heading straight for the kitchen.

"I'll be right back." Trunks whispered, bending down and brushing his fingers against Goten's cheek. The younger demi saiyan opened his eyes, his breaths coming out in a quick pant. He smiled slightly, his eyes closing again against the harsh lights in the room.

"Ok Goten, I know you're not going to like this, but we have to get these clothes off of you. I'll try and be gentle." Bulma said, laying some sterile medical drapes on the table next to Goten. With a pair of medical scissors, she cut his sweatshirt down the middle and up the arms, peeling back the bloodstained article. With his top portion now free, Bulma looked over to the prince who was leaning against the wall watching the proceedings intently.

"Why are you looking at me onna? Shouldn't you be doing your job?"

"I need some help here. Could you…you know…" A dark scarlet blush crept its way across Bulma's face.

"Oh just spit it out! I don't like games."

"Shut it Vegeta. I just need help getting his pants off." The prince rolled his eyes, stepping away from the wall with an amused look on his face.

"Not like you haven't seen it before onna." Vegeta commented, pulling off his gloves and tossing them aside.

"He was just a chibi…argh! Don't start with me mister, just help me get him ready so we can see our new grandbaby soon." Vegeta snorted at her, finally doing what was asked of him. Bulma had turned her back to them, checking the instruments tray over again for all the right items that Gohan would need for the procedure.

"Ok, I'm done here onna. Don't ask me to do anything else." Vegeta grumbled out, returning to his spot on the other side of the room. She turned back around only to catch an eye full of a naked pregnant Goten.

"For Dende's sake, couldn't you cover him up?" Bulma yelled, grabbing some of the paper like sheets and laying them across Goten's body.

"You didn't ask me to do that." Bulma just huffed and continued getting things ready. She got the IV ready, waiting on Gohan's return and proceeded to get the baby's bed ready, turning on the heaters and lamps.

"Are we ready?" Gohan asked as he came back into the room, now dawning mint green scrubs.

"I think so, just waiting on that slow ass son of mine." Bulma sighed, watching the painful expression on Goten's face growing intense.

"Well he better hurry up or I'll start with out him here! Goten, I'm going to start this IV on you. This is where all the medication is going to be injected into."


"Epidural?" Bulma questioned, watching Gohan insert the small bore needle into the top of Goten's hand before applying tape to keep it in place.

"Nope. Goten asked to be knocked out for this. And I think it's for the best because of his condition right now also. I know there has to be a few broken ribs in there, and maybe some damage to the right lung. How are you feeling Goten? Need something for the pain?" A weak nod of his younger brother's head was all Gohan needed before selecting a mild pain reliever to inject through the intravenous drip that he had established just a few minutes before.

"I'm back, I hope you didn't start without me." Trunks entered the room quickly in pale blue scrubs that matched his eyes. He went to Goten's side immediately, grabbing his hand and holding it while he watched Gohan and his mother finish putting up the operating drapes.

"You ready for this Chibi?" The young prince questioned in a whisper, his thumb rubbing the top of Goten's hand nervously. Goten opened his eyes and smiled before being over come with a fit of choking coughs, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth to dribble down his jaw line and onto the sheets below him.


"I know Trunks. Tell him what you need to right now before I put him under." Gohan stated getting the syringe together that held the drug that he needing to render his brother unconscious for the procedure. Trunks moved closer, leaning down to brush his lips against his koi's.

"I love you so much Goten. I'll see you when you wake up."

"…don't leave me…"

"I'm not Chibi. I'll be here all the way through. I plan on being the first one to hold that baby. Our baby."

"Don't let them cut off the baby's tail…please…"

"I won't Chibi, you have my word on it. Besides, I think that's why Dad is here. He doesn't want this baby mutilated." Trunks gave a gentle squeeze of Goten's hand, watching across from him as Gohan started to inject the drugs into Goten's IV line.

"Love you Tru…cha…" Goten's eyes slid shut, his muscles relaxing. The first step was now finished. The second and the hardest parts were next.

"Everything is set. Let's do this." Gohan said, picking up a very sharp scalpel off of the tray beside him to make the incision. He made his first cut, and Trunks had to look away. Blood and gore really didn't bother him, but this was Goten he was watching getting sliced and it unnerved him. He kept his eyes on the now relaxed face of his soul mate, waiting for that moment; the moment his child took it's first breath.

"Almost there, are you sure you don't want to watch Trunks?" Gohan asked, eyes adverting up to look at the younger demi saiyan.

"No, just let me know when you have the baby in your hands." Trunks said, swallowing hard. The smell of blood was thick in the air and his stomach wasn't handling it very well at the moment.

"Bulma, I need that suction unit ready, I'm about to break the sac around the baby now." Trunks closed his eyes, listening to the machine and then the sound of sloshing water before hearing his mother squeal in delight.

"Awww there's my grandbaby! Look at all that hair!" This comment perked both Trunks and Vegeta's interests, Vegeta coming towards the operating table, while Trunks turned to see Gohan lifting a tiny, squirming and not so clean baby out of his koi's body.

"I…I'm a Daddy…ang…" Cerulean eyes rolled up into the back of Trunks' head, his body almost hitting the floor before his father catching him.

"Baka. I think he's worse then Kakarott!" Vegeta spat out, placing his now unconscious son on a gurney on the far wall.

"Gohan, where is all that blood coming from?" Bulma asked nervously, her eyes going from Goten back to Gohan.

"Oh Dende…"

"Give me the brat." Vegeta ordered, hands out ready to receive the small baby that rested in the hands of Gohan. Bulma stared dumbfounded by her ex lover's actions.

"Gah! Don't look at me like that! Haven't you seen a person holding a slimy, squirming baby before?"

"Not a saiyan prince holding his first grandchild before, no." Bulma retorted, going back to work to help Gohan.

Vegeta wrapped the small newborn up in a towel, keeping the new heir to the throne warm while he cleaned the still wet infant. There was no denying the fact that the baby had saiyan blood flowing through its veins. The mess of jet-black hair was a cross between the royal flame on top with Goku and Goten's mess spikes that fell around their face. Vegeta smirked as he caught sight of a spike of hair that fell over the baby's right eye. It was lavender, the only coloring that the child got from its father. The baby opened its eyes; dark eyes meeting dark eyes for the first time.


Trunks lazily opened his eyes; the lights were dim compared to the harsh lights that were in the operating area.

"Oh no…" He sat up quickly, his eyes darting around the room trying to identify it. He was still in the medical area of Capsule Corp, which came to much relief, but he didn't see his koi in the room with him. He pushed himself up, swinging his feet over the edge of the gurney when he heard the most beautiful sound he had heard in his entire life. It was the bellowing sounds of a baby crying. His baby. The baby of Goten and Trunks, made with love that withstood all the tragic events over the years.

"Hey sleepy head. Aren't you going to go see your new baby?" Bulma asked, a bright smile on her face as she looked at her oldest child.

"How's Goten? The baby?"

"Go see for yourself. I have to go get something for the baby to eat so I'll be right back." Bulma gave her son a wink before disappearing from the doorway.

Trunks followed the sound of the newborn's cry, leading him to the recovery area down the hall. The lights were dim in the room as he walked in finding most of his family and Goten's there, all with huge smiles on their faces. Goku was making faces at the baby that was being held firmly against the chest of his mate Vegeta. The sight in itself almost shocked Trunks.

"Kakarott, stop it! You're only making the damn thing cry more!"

"I am not! I use to do this with Gohan all the time when he was a baby and he liked it!"

"Hn. It's about time brat. Here, it's all yours now." Vegeta smirked, handing the bawling infant to a slightly stunned Trunks. The demi prince stared down at the new bundle of joy, his eyes taking in every feature of the baby.

"Hi, I'm your Daddy." Trunks whispered with a smile as he bushed some of the chaotic spikes out of the baby's eyes. He unwrapped the baby slowly, wanting to count each finger and toe.

"My son…" The whisper was almost too faint to be heard, but Vegeta puffed out his chest, happy to have a grandson to train in the near future. Trunks stroked the downy soft fur on his son's tail; his chestnut color was highlighted slightly with lavender. It was all too beautiful in Trunks' eyes. Trunks' lifted his eyes, finding Goten just on the other side of Leilani, Pan, Gohan and Bra.

"Come on girls, let's give the new parents some time by themselves." Gohan got up, motioning for the others to follow his lead. Trunks watched them leave before sitting down on the edge of the bed with his now quiet son nestled in the crook of his arm.

"Chibi, he's beautiful just like you are."

"Would there be any doubt?" Goten answered weakly, his eyes sliding open to look at his lover and his newborn son. Trunks snickered, the huge grin refusing to leave his face.

"Not with your blood running through his veins. I love you baby." The demi prince whispered, leaning down to kiss his beloved.

"I love you too Tru-chan. I'm so tired…" Goten yawned out, his eyes drifting shut again.

"Rest my love. You more then deserve it." He kissed Goten again before getting up and leaving the room.

"Well Makaio, it's just you and me until your mom…err…dad…oh I give up."