Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Genesis ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6

She wandered down the stairs, grateful for the separation from the others. She wanted to be alone for a few minutes, to have some time to process what had happened in the last few hours. Or had it been minutes? It felt like days.

She found a secluded corner and pulled out her capsules. She wasn't sure if she had those journals that had the articles written by Dr. Gero, but it was worth looking. It would give her something to focus on and give her some clarity of thought. Setting herself to a task would give her a sense of normalcy. Her thoughts had all been so discombobulated she felt she was in a dream that wouldn't end.

Pressing the small button on the top of the capsule, she extended her hand to let it go and froze. She was trembling as she stared down at the small capsule, one of the few she had left, her father's invention. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought of her father, his lavender hair with streaks of silver just beginning to show, the black cat clinging to his shoulder as he was hunched over some invention with a cigarette stuck to his bottom lip and his glasses smudged with fingerprints. She saw her mother then, the blonde, smiling woman watering her plants, her figure still able to knock men off their feet even though she was over fifty. Bulma dropped the capsule as tears came pouring from her eyes. There would be no more dinner parties thrown by her mother, overdone and perfect in every way so they would forever be held as legendary. She would never see her father wandering down the stairs with one pant leg tucked into his mismatched socks, his shirt buttons skewed like a small child's as he hurried to the lab in the throws of another flash of brilliance.

There was so much to miss. Her parents, her friends, Yamcha...she had almost forgotten about Yamcha. She'd never see that lopsided grin crinkle around the scar that made him more handsome than before, never feel his arms wrap around her in a calming hug again. She wrapped her arms around her knees and pressed her forehead against her kneecaps. The sobs that eluded her when she had first seen the scattered debris of Earth crept into her throat like a shadow, silent and sudden. Tears slid down her cheeks, framing her despair with warm streaks of silver.

She cried silently for her parents and her friends, but most of all she cried for herself. She had never felt so alone.

"Bulma?" Krillin asked softly as he placed his hand gently on her shoulder. "Are you ok?" She pulled her head up with a lot of effort and smiled sadly, her tears stopping at the sight of her old friend.

"I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. "

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Not right now." She said. Noticing the dejected look on Krillin's face, she continued the conversation. He was probably feeling as disjointed as she. "How about you, how are you holding up?"

"I don't know. It hasn't really hit me yet you know?" She nodded. "But I am a little worried." He wanted to change the subject so Bulma wouldn't push him away. He just wanted to talk to someone about anything. He wanted to hear another voice besides the screaming in his head.

"Why?" Krillin looked around before sitting beside her and lowering his voice.

"Vegeta. I don't know what his motives are but I do know that I don't trust him. I don't want him here."

"There's nothing we can do about it now."

"Doesn't it seem a little odd to you that this morning I watch his buddy Nappa kill Yamcha, Tien and Choutzu? Then I watched Vegeta kill Nappa because he wasn't strong enough to defeat Goku and now I'm trusting him to come along and fight against Frieza for the fate of the universe?"

"Doesn't it seem a little odd that we all let Piccolo, Goku's sworn mortal enemy, train his son alone in the wilderness for a year?" Krillin shot her a look. "Ok, I'm just trying to make a point here. I don't trust Vegeta either but there really isn't anything we can do about it until we land. Besides, you didn't see him when Frieza landed."

"What do you mean?"

"It was so strange. One minute he was ready to kill me and the next we were hiding in this crevice watching Frieza."

"You were hiding with him? Weren't you scared?"

"Yeah. But I don't think he realized what was going on, he was too focused on Frieza. Frieza was talking about wanting to find Vegeta and something about teaching him everything he knows or whatever. Vegeta was so tense, I could have pushed him over and his body would've stayed in the same position. He was acting like a hunted animal." Bulma could still feel Vegeta's tense muscles pressed into her back, his corded arms rendering her immobile and he breath low and shallow with primal fear.


"So I think he really is serious about wanting to kill Frieza. I think it's a much bigger goal than killing us. They seem to have some sort of past from what I could gather from the bits of conversation I overheard and I think it goes deeper than Vegeta being a disgruntled ex-employee."

"You're saying trust him."

"No. Let him be our ally, let's try to work together as well as we can, but don't take your eyes off him. Basically the old saying: 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.'"

"I hope you're right."

"I don't know why, but I think I am."

His ribs throbbed as he leaned against the wall, keeping a wary eye on the Nameks and the half-breed. His fury was doing little to keep his mind as clear as he needed it to be in a situation like this.

His fury wasn't focused on Frieza or his present predicament, but on Kakarot. That a low level solider could have destroyed him was too much for him to stomach. He knew that he would have had to transform to destroy Kakarot, and there was no logical explanation for why he should have to do that. He was the strongest Saiyan alive, and he was going to have to transform to beat a third class warrior? It didn't make sense, which made him even angrier.

Vegeta shook his head, trying to control the anger and need for destruction rising in his blood. He wanted to blast everything, discharge his pent-up rage, but he would effectively destroy the ship and kill everyone aboard, including himself. He couldn't die just yet; he still had to defeat Frieza. He wouldn't rest until he had seen Frieza's body in pieces and lying at his feet. Then Kakarot, just as bloody and broken next to the tyrant.

He forced himself to think about something other than Kakarot. Anger would get him nowhere right now, and he needed to be clear-headed and calm.

He was stranded on a ship with hostile beings and he was wounded. Most of the wounds weren't too bad; some broken ribs and minor cuts on his face and hands. He was more worried about the severe bruising all over his body, the sporadic burns from Kakarot's ki blasts and the deep cut right beneath his armor. The gash had stopped bleeding, but if he didn't treated it soon, it was sure to get infected.

It was humiliating that he had lowered himself to being allies with the pathetic earthlings. But, for the moment, he had no other choice. He was stranded in the middle of space with them. Of course, he could always kill them and take their ship; he'd find Frieza faster that way. But he wasn't strong enough to defeat Frieza yet, he was wounded and tired from the battle on earth and he was worried about Frieza's new edition. If Dr. Gero was as crazy as the woman said he was, there was no telling what Frieza could have him do. Until he found the dragonballs and was granted immortality, he wouldn't stand a chance.

He turned his thoughts to his current companions. Of the five there was the small bald one who wore his heart on his sleeve and his emotions plastered on his face like a neon sign. How someone so obviously emotional had lived so long was a mystery to Vegeta. Then there was the boy, the half-breed. His intelligence was obvious even at this young age and his power was unbelievable. A Saiyan heart beat beneath the weak teachings of the earthlings, of that he was certain. He would be useful if he hadn't been too damaged by the human influence in his life. Too bad he was a half-breed.

The younger Namek was the only true warrior among them. He was cold and hard; he carried a deadness in his eyes that was all too familiar and yet oddly comforting. He could grow to respect him if it wasn't for the fact he was growing soft with human sentiments. It was obvious when he looked at the boy. The older Namek was too old to be much of a fighter, and too passive to be a great leader.

Then there was the woman. It bothered him that he hadn't killed her when he knew Frieza's ship was arriving; instead he pulled her into the crevice with him. He knew that he didn't kill her because his ki signature would have been spotted in the control room, but he had only recently come to this conclusion. It had taken him longer to come up with that reason than it should have. If he had killed her, she would not have witnessed the display of cowardice that was hiding behind a rock praying they wouldn't be found. But he had spared her. And in return, she had saved him by brining him along, albeit by accident, saving him from being destroyed along with the Earth. He found himself wishing he hadn't held her so close in the crevice, her scent clung to him, overpowering the sweat, dirt and blood that drenched his body.

Even though he had called her stupid, it was evident that she wasn't. And since the weaklings hadn't protested when she ordered them around earlier, he knew that she was also well respected. She would either be his greatest ally or his most formidable foe out of all of them. If she could aid him in the defeat of Frieza then it would be perfect. Vegeta's mouth turned a little in a pain-laced smirk.

Frieza had an earth scientist and now so did he. A scientist that had some knowledge of Dr. Gero, who knew his ways and the keys to his previous defeat. With a little luck, she would also have an idea of what he was planning. Frieza didn't have as big of an advantage as he thought he did and that made Vegeta want to smile. The beautiful woman was a vital part of the puzzle.

He started planning elaborate deaths for the weaklings. The Namek and the boy could be used as expendable warriors if need be, and the cue ball would serve as a nice punching bag. As for the woman, he'd kill her after she had unraveled Dr. Gero's plan. He'd taste victory yet.

AN: want to be on my update list? E-mail me! demona8@aol.com