Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 1: The Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own ANY DBZ characters. And I mean none of them; I don't even have a job. I am poor:-( So Please, Please don't sue.

Authors Note: I need to give you a heads up Bulma is NOT human or Saiyajin understand? Oh, and Vegeta is not a super Saiyajin. Just a heads up!

The Mission

"Vegeta," called the disgusting, feminine voice form the tacky, blue throne, "you're late Vegeta."

"Very sorry, Lord Freeza" said Vegeta said through clenched teeth.

"Hmm. I bet you are, Well monkey, congratulations, I've decided to let you, your fellow apes, and a few of my own choice soldiers to go out on a special purging mission. The Neko-jin are becoming far too strong. I want you to go to planet Arasu and take the strongest warriors, kill the rest. We don't need a bunch of kittens running around the ship, now so we?"

"Kittens, Sir?" Asked a confused Zarbon.

Freeza rolled his eyes and said "Zarbon you really are asinine, the Neko-jin are a cat people. The look like Sayians but they have fangs, claws, cat eyes, and tails. I figured since that we already have three monkeys we could do with a few cats." Freeza and Zarbon both smirked in the seething Vegeta's direction.

"I will do as you say, Lord Freeza." Spat Vegeta.

"I'm sure you will I'm sure you will." Said a smirking Freeza; "you and your crew will be leaving in the early morning. Have fun playing with the kittens monkey!" He shouted after the retreating Sayian Prince.

~*~*~* ~

"Bulma, please tell the story again!" Lave wailed.

"Lave, it's not a story it's history. How many times do I have to tell you this? It's history not a story." Bulma told the small child.

Various elders of the tribe shot her disdainful looks and rolled their eyes.

`Our great ancestry turned into a child's bedtime story. Unbelievable.' She thought but Bulma paid no heed to the disgusted looks, she was used to them, as was her mother, they were the Elemental Children and were treated like outcasts because of it.

"Lave, I need to train, so I can't tell you the story again.' Bulma told the girl as she scooped up her sword and turned to go into the forest' leaving the small child behind.

Just as she reached the forest she heard a vain voice from behind her.


She shuddered and turned to see the mocking face of the chief's pretty boy heir standing behind her.

"Yes Narcissus?"

Sauntering up to the blue haired beauty he said, "Still believing in those fairy-tales, huh? You're as bad as your mother, telling children that stupid story, the way you tell it you'd think that you not only believed it but that you were one of those Elemental Guardians." The last thought caused the bigheaded idiot to burst out laughing.

Resisting the urge to run the conceited bastard through, Bulma calmly replied, "Me? Me believe in stupid stories... never! Why would I believe in our great history, after a all we were always just a people who never did anything worth knowing about and don't really give a damn about what is happening in the universe. We're just a self-centered people who care what is going on outside our planet as long a you have a mirror to check yourself out in, huh? You arrogant, little Bitch! How dare you! What the hell gives you the right to decide what is true and what is not? Let me tell you something, you foolish bastard, that story as you so idiotically called it is true and sometime very soon I will prove it to you." With that she turned on her heel and flew into the forest, leaving a stunned narcissus behind her. Oblivious to the ominous shadow looming over her tribes village.


"Vegeta, We've entered Arasu's atmosphere and will be landing with in the hour."

"Very well." Said Vegeta with a wolfish smile on his face.

Well that is the first chapter, it's moving kind of fast but I need to get to this one pace pretty quickly otherwise this is going to be one very long fic. Oh and I think Neko means cat in japanese I read the term somewhere :-)

Next time: Vegeta finally lands but it's not going to be my big fight scene... yet. I am warning you it might take me a while to get the next two chapters out so be patient I really need to think them through, I have it in my head but everything gets altered when I write it out. It would be so much easier if you could just live in my brain but you can't so your gonna have to wait. Bye-bye till then.