Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 8: The Plot Thickens ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own it, damnit I don't even own my car so BACK OFF!

Hey we're back! I just want to come out right away and apologize for being so late, I have a lot of stuff going on, and I mean a lot! Also this is just a filler chapter, but is needed for the plot. Hopefully you'll see the characters change as the story goes on and I want everyone to know that writing is just like talking to people, really hard for me, so please be patient I will continue to update, if not sporadically. Now on with the chapter.

Boboe: Wait a second! I didn't get to say anything and neither did mister tall, dark, and scary.

*Growls* He is not scary and shut up before I tell everyone who sleeps with a baby blanket!

Boboe: No don't... I mean... something!

Smart-Ass. Now on with the chapter, right Korki?

Korki: *smirks and nods*

What a cutie!

Boboe: Who me?

No him! Shut up Boboe!

Chapter 8

The Plot Thickens

Bulma shut her eyes as she looked at the beautiful terrain around her they had been on Earth for less than an hour waiting for their orders. Bulma looked out into the distance, `Something is coming. I know it.' Her heart was breaking, it had been a little over a month since her home had been destroyed, since she lost her only family, and since her people had been wiped out so that she was the only one left. Now they were on this planet, this stunning paradise, and it reminded her of all her pain, of her home and of her mother.

She smirked inwardly; the one place she hated and despised so much is one of the things she would give anything to have back. She shook her head and turned away from the elegance of the valley before her, `how pathetic! Mourning over the place you hated the most, how sad is that.'

Her thoughts turned to the last month on the way here, they fought a lot Vegeta and herself but they found a little bit of peace in each other when the universe couldn't offer them any. After all, flying to what could be your death is much easier with someone else then it would be alone. The other two were still in the dark about what was going on, they didn't know that Freeza was setting her and Vegeta up, why they were really coming to Earth, or why Vegeta wouldn't let them look for the people who were quickly coming toward them.

Bulma stood there for a while just standing there looking toward the direction the fighters were coming from, lost in thought.


Vegeta stood there and watched Bulma; he shook his head and followed her gaze toward the horizon. `She said that was where the kis' were coming from.'

He turned away from the little minx and looked at his compatriots they were talking quietly amongst each other, far enough away that even his hearing couldn't catch what they were saying. `They're up to something, I know it..."


"What are we going to do? It's like he is actually buying into this crap the cat is feeding him."

Raditz glared at Bulma and growled in a low voice, "I don't know but we have to get rid of her. She is making our Prince go soft and bewitched him or something..." he trailed off.

Then suddenly, in a moment a of luck, a plan graced Raditz's mind, he smirked, "Nappa, I know what we can so to get rid of the girl, since Vegeta wouldn't let us kill her right out. We'll have to be sneaky but I think that if we..."


"Goku! What do you think is up there? I mean they feel pretty strong and..." Krillan asked as he flew up next to his long time friend.

Goku shook his head and smiled that smile of his, "I don't know, what do you think Piccolo?"

Piccolo looked at Goku, "These are the people that Kami warned us about, remember, `they will be sent by one with evil intentions but will be here to help fight that evil.'"

Goku looked bashful, "Oh yeah..."


Bulma snapped out of her revere, and looked up at the approaching figures,

"They're here."

All of her companions looked at fighters who were coming rapidly to where they were standing. Unconsciously, Vegeta got into a fight position, `If they don't believe us, it is going to be a long day...' Bulma thought as she watched Vegeta and slowly moved closer towards him.


Done, I will hopefully update soon but if I don't please be patient. I am not going to quit on this fic.

Boboe: Now no matter how interesting that is, nobody cares!

Korki: *growls at Boboe*

Boboe: Ummm. I mean how about we let these nice reviewers go on with their lives.

*Smirks* Good idea Boboe, please review and TTFN, TaTa for Now.