Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 7: A Great Realization ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own it and I never will. Just rub it in why don't you.

Hello everyone, I am back!

`Couldn't you have warned us before.'

I'd watch it if I were you Boboe.

`Why? What is a little weakling like you gonna do about it?'

Me? Oh, I won't do anything *smirks at Boboe* but he might *pulls an 18 year old sayian male into view*

`Ummm. Who is he?'

My mate, Korki. My very overprotective mate, Korki. Now Boboe are you following what I am saying?

*Eyes Korki and nods* I'll be good.

Good now on with my little side notes, sorry about how long it took to get this chapter up but I hit a bit of writers block and my muse *glares at Boboe* wouldn't help me, Selfish little brat. Well for making you wait I got you the longest chapter yet so enjoy I'll shut up so you can read it.

Chapter 7

A Great Realization

"Zarbon, where is that damn monkey? He should have been back with the Neko-jin by now." Smiles creepily, "maybe the little kittens killed him for us." Freeza mused; momentarily forgetting he was not alone. His mind drifted to thoughts of revenge, he had orchestrated the perfect plan. He had waited far too long for his revenge and now he would kill the successors of his enemies. Freeza frowned, `too bad,' he thought, `I won't get to kill the original guardians.'

Interrupting Freeza's thoughts of revenge, Zarbon spoke up, "Lord Freeza, Vegeta is on the system just as you ordered, Sir."

Freeza glared at him, "Fine bring it upon the screen."

"Of course, Lord Freeza." Zarbon said as he signaled Dodoria to bring the system online.


Vegeta growled as he reached the system's room. As he entered he saw the slave tell Zarbon that he was there and then it scurried off.

"Hello Vegeta."

"Shut up and get Freeza, I do have stuff to do you know."

"Manners, monkey, don't forget your manners."

"Fuck you Zarbon." He growled as Zarbon went to tell Freeza.

"Well, well the monkey didn't get killed, I am stunned." Freeza smiled a cruel smile as he surveyed Vegeta, "Let's hope he is having a good day and didn't forget the rest of his orders. Did you manage to catch a Neko-jin, Vegeta?"

"Yes, Lord Freeza, I brought back the only one who survived."

"Was it the Elemental Child?"

Inwardly Vegeta was startled but did not show it, `How does he know about the Elemental Child?' He smirked, `well, if the girl was right, she was no longer the Elemental Child and her mother was the last. That means no the Elemental Child was killed and the guardian was found but Freeza didn't need too know all of that did he all he wanted too know was if the Child had been captured.' His smirk widened, `I love the way I think sometimes.'

"No Lord Freeza, the Elemental Child was killed in the fight."

Freeza's calm face changed quickly into one totally distorted with rage. He spoke in a dangerous whisper; "you killed the Elemental Child." His eye began to twitch, "you ruined everything."

Freeza surveyed Vegeta with the utmost hatred, then suddenly he saw it, `Vegeta is a guardian.' His snarl changed into a cruel smile, `that means though the Elemental Child is dead, Vegeta has the stones and he can find the guardians who are on Earth. I love the way my mind works.'

"But not to worry, everything can be fixed, here is your next mission, take one of the smaller ships, you and your two compatriots will go to earth."

Vegeta watched him suspiously, `why does he want us to go to Earth and what is with the mood swings is he going through PMS?'


"What do you mean, why? I gave my orders and you will do as I say or suffer the consequences. You WILL go to Earth and from there you will receive your new orders. Now don't disobey me Vegeta, just do as you are told. Understand?"

"Yes, Lord Freeza, I will go to earth and await further command." Vegeta said through gritted teeth.

"Good, now get going as soon as possible and Vegeta don't screw this up." With that Freeza signed out.

`What is that bastard up too?' Vegeta thought to himself, as he left the system room to alert his minions of their new assignment and to interrogate the Neko-jin.


Freeza smirked, `Perfect, soon I will have my revenge' He thought.

"Zarbon, get me some wine, I am in the mood to celebrate."

"Celebrate what Sir?" Asked a confused Zarbon.

Freeza looked at him and smiled, "soon, very soon Zarbon; I will get my revenge. Now, get me what I asked for."

"Of course." Zarbon said as he went off too look for a slave to get Freeza's wine.


Bulma sat alone in Vegeta's room, she had been in here almost an hour.

`Where is he?' She thought to herself as she paced the length of the room. She stopped when she heard a voice outside of her door.

"Nappa, get a ship ready, you, Raditz, the girl and I will leave as soon as possible for Earth," the order came.

"Yes, Sire I will make sure it will be done." Nappa said as he scurried off to do his Prince's bidding.

As the door opened, Vegeta walked in. He walked past Bulma, sat down in his chair and surveyed her.

"What did Freeza want?"

He ignored her still staring at as if he could see into her inner most being. Bulma was getting irritated, wasn't he going too say something and didn't he know staring was rude.

Bulma was about to open her mouth when he said, `We are going to Earth and you are coming with us."

The normally eloquent Bulma was taken aback `Earth, what the hell is on Earth?'

"And before you open your big trap and ask, I don't know why we are going there, but we'll get orders when we arrive. Now, I have a question for you, why would Freeza want the Elemental Child?"

"My mother? What does she have to do with anything?"

"Freeza wanted to know if I had caught her and got really angry and told me, I ruined everything, when I told him I didn't get her. What is so important about the Elemental Child?" Vegeta growled.

She looked at him and shook her head; "I don't know why she would have been important too him. The Elemental Child's job was to protect the Stones, tell the legend, and find the Guardians if the time came."

She looked at him again and the glowing Stone caught her eye, "were you wearing the stone like that when you were talking to Freeza?"

"Like what?"

"Out in the open so everyone could see it!" She said urgently.

He rolled his eyes at her, "Yes why wouldn't I?"

"How did he act after you told him that?"

Vegeta growled, "He was very angry, than he got that damn smile of his and gave me my orders."

They sat there in silence letting the words soak in.

Then Vegeta spoke up, "He saw the stone. Where did the other guardians go after this was all finished?"

Bulma thought about this before she answered, " Earth, Wh..." She said finally catching onto what Vegeta was thinking, "He wants you so go find the other Guardians for him."

Vegeta looked at her agitated, "Why would he want me to do that?"

" He saw the stone and since the Elemental Child is gone he believes you have the other stones, he is the Evil."

"Why would he want me to get the Guardians together than? Isn't that stupid getting together the people who killed you in the first place?"

"Vegeta," Bulma asked him, "If you were destroyed by a group of people and had the power to come back stronger and more dangerous, what would you do?"

He looked at her; "I would get them together and kill them so I could exact my revenge."

"Exactly, and that is precisely what Freeza wants to do. Except instead of getting his revenge on those who got him in the first place he is going to get it from their successors."

The two of them sat in silence, processing the information, until there was a knock on the door.

"Prince Vegeta the ship is ready for your departure." Said a voice through the door.

"Fine, we'll be down there in a minute," Vegeta barked. He turned to Bulma, "Come on woman, let's go see if we were right about our assumption."

Then the two of them left and headed toward Earth, both unsure of whether it was their death they were flying towards.

*smiles* I am so glad that Chapter is done.

`Yeah, me too. I am exhausted.'

You didn't do anything.

`Shut up they don't have to know that. *looks at Korki* Why doesn't your mate say anything?'

*looks at Korki too and gets all dreamy eyed* Why should he? I think he is perfect the way he is.

`Why he doesn't say anything at all?'

Why should he? He doesn't have anything to say to you.

`But, he talks to you right?'

Yes he does and we are getting off the subject. Thank you everyone who has reviewed my other chapters they have been very supportive. That's all for now. Don't forget to review! TTFN, Ta Ta for Now.