Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 6: Answering Questions ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it now and I never will so there!

Hey guys I am back and I have a good reason for my lack of presence, so don't start throwing tomatoes, yet anyways. First I'd like you all to meet my muse *pulls a seven year old sayian out of no-where* This is Boboe. Boboe say hi to all the nice reviewers.

`Hi all nice reviewers!' *Pushes the little sayian out of the way* Everyone should thank him because with out him you wouldn't have this new chapter because I had some writers block that was kicking my ass. *Boboe snorts* `That's for sure.' Shut up Boboe. I have to say despite his age he comes up with some really great ideas, personally I think he is a muse prodigy or something but don't tell him that because he has a big enough head already. Well enough of my rambling here we go with a new chapter.

Chapter 6

Answering Questions

The three sayians listened to Bulma in rapt silence. All three had different ideas running through their heads. Nappa and Raditz were thinking this chic had lost it and were giving her the `yeah right' look while Vegeta sat there just looking from her back to the stone he held firmly between his fore and middle finger.

When Bulma finished the story she asked, "So any questions?"

Nappa and Raditz shot each other a look, then Raditz spoke up, "I have a question do you think we are idiots? Do you really think that we would actually buy such a load of tripe?"

"Shut up Raditz, Woman why did these stone choose us?"

"Well from what I understand, that the Guardians that will be found now are those who are similar to those who were the Guardians then. And when I say similar I mean similar in ideas, talents, body structure, and even genetic similarities would be taken into account and most of all I believe that the Guardians that need to be found and have been have something about them that set them apart from everyone else. It's really complicated and I don't really understand it."

"How do these little stones decipher all of that pray tell, there aren't even machines that can do all of the things you say these stones can do."

"I told you I don't know but they do. I think that they look at what sets us apart rather than what our genes say about us, do you kind of get what I am trying to say. There is one thing I know and that is the Guardians of today will be very similar in many ways to those of the past."

Vegeta stared at her for along time before he spoke with his normal, cold, vindictive voice, "fine, come on woman, you need to come with us." He reached out, grabbed her arm, and got ready to fly away.

She pulled her arm free, "What are you talking about? You need to come with me, we need to go and find the other Guardians. Don't you understand if we don't find them and soon the Evil will overcome the Universe and we won't be able too stop it. You understand that this is your destiny and it is more important then any thing in any dimension!"

Nappa backhanded her to the hard ground, "Listen, you will come with us. You are now in the army of Freeza and I am not going to get my ass kicked because you want to fulfill your destiny. Freeza owns you. You will come with us and you will do what ever he tells you too, even if you are reduced to his armies damned to hell whore!" With that he picked her up threw her over his shoulders and looked for Vegeta's approval before he flew off, followed by Vegeta and Raditz.


When they arrived at the ship a handful of the other soldiers had returned, Vegeta raised his eyebrow. He grabbed one of the soldiers, "Where are the rest?"

"Dead. The little cats killed most of them. We were waiting for you;" he looked at the sayians that arrived with him, "is that all that is left? You left with a small army. They must have really done a number on you guys."

Vegeta growled.

"Uh. I mean that they must have really done a number on the dead guys not you personally." The solider said quickly, recalling what had happened earlier, not wanting to be the one he repeated that demonstration with.

Vegeta smirked; he loved it when he could make someone cower in front of him with a simple growl and look of utmost hate. What a rush. He surveyed the warriors around him and noticed that they were all looking at something. He followed their gaze that was leading to the little, blue haired woman, which Nappa still had her slung over his shoulder waiting for Vegeta to tell him what to do with her. Vegeta looked at the other warriors again and noted the lust in their eyes. `Well I can't really blame them. She is a cat and has this sexy, graceful thing going on but I have some questions for the little cat so we aren't going to let her stay in the public barracks.' A sly smirk graced his lips; "Nappa put her in my quarters and do not let any one else in there."

"Excuse me, Prince Vegeta, Freeza is on the system and wants to talk with you right now." Said one of the little slaves from the kitchen, clearly terrified at the thought of talking to the only man that every single person on the ship feared almost as much as Freeza himself.

"Fine go back to doing whatever you do and I'll go see what the fruitcake wants.' Vegeta said not really noticing the child at all, "Nappa don't forget what I told you and do not leave the door until I get back." Finished he went off to see what the disgusting lizard wanted.


There I finally got it out. It's about damn time, huh? Well I just want to thank everyone who reviewed and my muse who without him none of this would be possible.

`Damn straight'

Boboe watch your mouth.

`Can't my nose gets in the way'

That's not what I ment! *Talks to self* Don't kill him, you need him to write the rest of the chapters. Don't kill him.

`Right well, I think we should go before she really loses it Bye-bye, everyone!'

Hey, that's my line. *Cases after her muse*