Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 5: The Hunt ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own it and never will. So just leave me alone. Damn greedy companies always trying to step on the little girl. *grumble, grumble*

Hey everyone, I am back! Thank you so much for reveiwing. I want to apoligize to you guys for not getting the next chapter out sooner but I haven't been feeling very well. On top of that I have four other groups who are taking time away from my Fic and they are being really demanding about it, so I have been running myself raw and I have finals in a week and I need to study a lot so I don't fail them. Also I have to go job hunting so I am really buzy, right now. So please be patient I try to update every weekend or that monday. Okay guys here is your new chapter.

Chapter 5

The Hunt

`What? This is mine? What is it? How and what did it shoot at Nappa?' Vegeta's mind was racing; he could not comprehend what was going on. He growled. He did not like to be left in the dark and that was exactly what this little woman was doing to him. Vegeta wanted to know what was going on and he wanted to know, now!


Bulma stepped back a few steps when she heard him growl, she didn't know why but she did not want that growl to be directed in her general direction. She cast another confused glance his direction and went to retrieve her discarded weapon.

Vegeta fazed in front of her just before she could pick up the dagger that was laying in the dirt. He grabbed her roughly by the arm and pulled her face to his. "What is this and why is it mine?" He demanded.

Her eyes flashed from a few emotions before they settled on astonished, "You mean, you don't know who and what you are?" She pulled her arm free, "How could you not know? Didn't anyone tell you the story? I thought all of the guardians would know who they were and of their great heritage."

"What do you mean Guardians?"

"This is unbelievable! How could he not know?" Bulma paced as she tried to comprehend this turn of events.

Vegeta was getting angrier as the little cat paced and talked to herself, `If I didn't want to know what the hell she was talking about I would kill her.'

"Bitch, Vegeta, asked you a question." Nappa snapped.

Bulma immediately snapped to attention, "Excuse me, what did you say?"

Nappa growled, "I said, `Bitch, Vegeta, asked you a question.'"

"First of all, a Bitch, is a female dog. I am a female Neko-jin not a Dog. Understand" Bulma turned toward Vegeta, "Now, Vegeta, what was your question?"

Vegeta growled, again, "Woman, what gives you the right to call me, that?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"Well, that is what the asshole called you, so I assumed it was your name, did I assume correctly?"

"Yes, it is my name but you will not call me by it, I am the Vegeta no Ouji and I will be treated with the utmost respect."

Bulma looked at him then at his companions and when she saw that they were serious, she started to laugh. "You guys are serious, aren't you? Well, I really hate to tell you this but you are now the Guardian of Darkness, which means that all former titles are now null and void." She smiled sweetly at Vegeta who looked like he was going to explode.

He opened his mouth then shut it again, for once in his life Vegeta was stunned into silence. This little Neko-jin showed no fear and told him that he was no longer a prince. He growled, then asked, "What is a Guardian of Darkness and why did you pick me?"

Bulma shot him a funny look, "The guardian of Darkness is not a What it is a Who and, I am sorry, but that Who is you. Also I did not pick you," she reached forward, "the stone did," and pointed at the glowing stone that hung around his neck.

Radditz snorted, "How can a stone pick someone?"

She rolled her eyes, "Let me guess you were dropped on your head as a child, right." Bulma said to Radditz, she turned back to Vegeta. "Since you are the Guardian of Darkness I will tell you the legend and that should clear up a lot of unwanted questions."

She began, "In the beginning when Darkness ruled supreme and the way of Light was almost forgot..."


"Zarbon, do you think the current elemental child survived?"

"Of course, Lord Freeza, while the sayians are bloodthirsty they aren't dumb enough to disobey a direct order."

"Good, soon my revenge will be complete."

"Yes, of course Lord Freeza." Zarbon replied, a bit confusedly.


Hehe. Do you like it? I hope so, I worked really hard on it. Well, I have to go do my laundry and unwind a bit, so please read and review!