Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 4: Guardain of Darkness ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own it, never will. Sniff. Sniff. Are you happy you made me cry? So don't sue that will just make me bawl. Anyway I don't own it and I don't claim too.

Author's note: Hey everyone! I am back! I want to thank everyone for reviewing, you guys are great. I am so happy you like my story and like I said before you won't get another cliffhanger for a while OK. Well let's get o with the story.

Chapter 4

Guardian of Darkness

Vegeta looked at the little woman in front of him, stunned that any being could show so much emotion for anyone. He watched the whole scene between the mother and daughter duo with a look of distaste on his face when really inside he couldn't believe that anyone is capable of such emotion. `It must be a trap,' his mind told him, `no-one could ever care that much for a person. Ever!'


"Yes sire."

"What is your reading on the little feline?"

"Umm. Sir isn't your scouter working?"

Vegeta growled, "it's working fine, now answer the damn question."

"Yes, sire her reading is 400, Prince Vegeta." Radtiz smirked, "and she did a number on you didn't she Nappa?"

Nappa growled, "I gave as good as I got."

Vegeta cut in, "shut up both of you. Nappa if I hadn't called you the little kitten would have killed you. She was toying with you. I don't know how but she is much stronger than she looks and she has a way of hiding that power. Come let's catch the little cat and finish that bastard's mission."

With that he walked toward Bulma.


Bulma sat there looking at the stone in her hand stunned into silence. `No, not one of them! They are murderers, how can one of them be the guardian of darkness? The guardian is supposed to be dark not evil. What am I going to do? How can I work with those who killed my mother and destroyed my home?'

Bulma stood, raised her arms so they were over her head, looked up at the sky and shouted "Why? Why one of them? Is this some sick joke? Are you trying to pull some big practical joke and if you are please tell when it gets funny so I can laugh at it too."

She lowered her arms and looked at the terrain around her. It just to be full of green grass and beautiful trees now it was a grave for the slaughtered Neko-jin. Kneeled down once again to pay her last respects to her tribe.

"Hahah, Woman, congratulations. You are the only one who survived, for now anyway." Vegeta said a malicious smirk.

Bulma stood and turned her hateful, blue eyes on them. She stood there just glaring at them for about a minute, then looked at her hand and shook her head. All the while she stood there thinking `How could it be one of them.' Then with a movement only a cat could muster, she took the dagger that hung about her waist and tossed it at Vegeta's feet.

"Thank you, kitten but I don't want a stupid piece of metal. In fact the only reason you aren't dead yet is because we are too take you too Freeza, so be a good pet, come and pick up your toys." Vegeta called to the heartbroken and distraught Bulma.

Bulma just shook her head and opened the palm in which the stone of darkness laid. She raised her, just a little and pushed the little bit of ki into the stone, so instead of just laying in her palm it now hovered a good foot above it.

Vegeta stood there barely hiding his look of shock, unlike his compatriots who let their shock be visible on their faces. `This must be some sort of weapon.' Vegeta thought as he unconsciously moved into a fighting stance.

Bulma shot a confused look Vegeta's way; `I offered him my dagger. I surrendered' Why is he doing that?'

She didn't have time to contemplate this for very long because the stone shot from her hands and over to Vegeta. It hovered there for about a minute before Vegeta's hand reached out to take it. `What is this?' He examined it for a moment; a mixture of shock and suspicion clouded his now very readable features.

Nappa moved forward as if to grab the little stone from Vegeta, when all of a sudden the stone burned black and shot an arrow of pure darkness at Nappa. It barely missed the ugly heathen.

"What the Fuck!" Nappa screamed.

Bulma ignored him; she walked right past him till she was face to face with Vegeta. She stood there looking into his eyes as if she was looking for something in them. Vegeta was tempted to take a step back or blast her into oblivion, as he stood under her scrutinizing gaze.

Then once she found what she was looking for, her sad and hurt face broke into a little smile, she reached out and grabbed his hand. She took his hand, gently opened his fingers, and took the glowing stone from him. Then she leaned forward and put the stone around his neck and whispered in his ear, "congratulations, this is yours now."

Does this constitute a cliffhanger? I hope not because I tried not to end on one. I put a cute little romantic type of moment in there. Thankies everyone, please review! Until next time! Bye-Bye!