Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Birthday Vegeta ❯ Hostile Natives ( Chapter 7 )
Happy Birthday Vegeta
Chapter Seven
Hostile Natives
Nausea throbbing from her stomach to her throat, prodded Bulma into semi-consciousness. Without opening her eyes, she knew the position she was in was a new one, even for her. Her arms bound to her sides, her legs bound tightly as well... Someone's shoulder was digging into her stomach rhythmically, forcing the nausea out in waves. She whimpered, and was shifted slightly.
"This one's waking up..." rumbled from the chest beneath her.
"Almost there anyway...and this one's still out." came the reply from somewhere in front of them. Dizziness swirled blackly in her head, tinged with relief that Gohan was still with her, and alive.
"They will please the Queen?" this again from the one carrying her.
"Hnnn. I only wonder which will please her more."
"We could just give her yours...keep this one," an arm squeezed her body, "for ourselves." This time there was snort from in front.
"Ri-i-i-i-ght. And when she finds out we held out on her? We all die. No thanks. Better to hope her generosity matches ours."
The one carrying Bulma grunted, thinking it was very unlikely that he'd get to taste the blue-haired creature...surely the Queen will keep her...for herself. They walked in silence for a long while, or maybe Bulma's consciousness only surfaced every so often, making it seem like a long while. Finally, movement ceased.
"Ready brother?"came from the voice in front.
He must have nodded his acceptance, because the man carrying Bulma straightened his back, and drew in a breath, and began to move again, with purpose.
Bulma forced her eyes open, only to get an eye-full of broad, naked back. Blinking she tried again, and found the distance to the ground disconcerting. Vertigo tugged her eyes closed.
"My Queen-"
If Bulma hadn't been trussed up, and drugged senseless, she might have seen what the brothers walked in on, and she might have been mortified. Queen Mav, was not mortified...she was pissed. She leaned up enough to see who approached , and tightened her grip on the collar around her lover's throat, preventing him from moving. "Don't move." she commanded softly. The man nodded acquiescence, and nuzzled her breast.
"You'd better, have a very good reason, for interrupting my pleasure."
"My Queen, we captured intruders, while on patrol-"
"Why didn't you kill them?" Her voice wavered the tiniest bit, as her slave bit her nipple roughly, and slid his hand between her thighs, his fingers finding her damp center, unerringly.
"My Queen, we thought to gift you with them, they are...unique."
Queen Mav, growled in frustration, and pushed the slave away abruptly. "Leave." The man froze, and then seeing the look on her face, nodded again, and took his own obvious frustration with him as he left. The Queen pinned the brothers with an icy stare. "This had better be worth my time, or I will have new guards before sunset.." The brothers shivered.
"Come on then...what have you found?" Her voice was deceptively pleasant.
Bulma and Gohan were lifted down from respective shoulders, and placed in front of the Queen for inspection. Gohan's legs trembled with the effort to stay upright, but at least his head was clear. Bulma's eyes were still clouded with a narcotic haze, and her legs refused to hold her. She crumpled to the floor, her hair spilling around her knees in an aqua pool. The Queen's eyes gleamed, as she rose to investigate further.
Gohan's first visual impression, was that Queen Mav, was much younger than the previous verbal exchange had led him to believe, and beautiful in an ethereal way. She was about his height, reed-slender, with short platinum hair in an untidy tousle that appealed to him. Peripherally, he realized that she was also very naked. Pale skin, shimmering with iridescence, made her breasts seem pearl-like, the gold chain around her waist might have been painted on porcelain, so fine was the curve of her hip. Gohan's dark eyes met hers, calmly defiant. She stared at him, shrewdly assessing, noting among other things, his lucidity. Her quick smile, was a cruelly beautiful display of small, sharp-looking teeth, and pink lips. She looked ready to eat. She leaned in and whispered,
"Let's see more of you shall we?" she moved back and motioned for the guard. "Untie him."
Gohan knew, that even without his ki, he could have snapped the ropes, but decided to wait...perhaps Queen Mav could be reasoned with. So he stood, perfectly still, while the man who had assaulted Bulma, and what was obviously his twin, uncoiled the ropes and released him. Mav paced around him, one small, white hand trailing warmly across his chest, down his back, coming to rest again, on his chest.
"How delicious!" she exclaimed in delight. "Dressed so very nicely...how very, civilized. We don't do civilized very often." That small white hand cupped the front of his pants, and Gohan thought he might have made a tiny error in judgment. She squeezed gently. "I can't wait to see how...long... your civilized veneer lasts..." her laughter was genuine.
"Now what else have you brought your Queen?" She turned to Bulma's prostrate form, and with an exultant cry, she fisted her hand in the aqua tresses drawing Bulma's head back hard. Bulma moaned, the sudden, rough, motion causing her to vomit at the Queen's feet. Mav stepped delicately aside pulling Bulma with her by the hair.
"I must have this!" She drew her fingers through the length, amazed at the color and texture. Reluctantly she let go of Bulma's hair, and stood.
"You have done very well indeed, brothers," she swayed over to Gohan, "This one will be mine tonight. That one," she pointed to Bulma's figure, "I will have her hair. Take her head, and be careful not to bloody the hair," she said, watching her new pet carefully. Gohan paled, but said nothing.
"Yes, My Queen." The guards lifted Bulma's slack form between them, but did not leave.
Cat-green eyes narrowed at their hesitation. "There is something else?"
The guards looked at Gohan who had yet to move from where they released him. They exchanged a look, and replied in unison, "No, Queen Mav," and they turned to leave. A positively feral smile crossed her narrow face. "Wait." Her soft command stopped the men in place, their backs rigid with anxiety, as the Queen was notoriously mercurial in her moods.
"I must reward such generous gifts as these," the guards relaxed just a fraction. "Tonight we feast! Your gifts will be displayed for all to see. It will be a celebration of your skill, and loyalty to your Queen."
"We are honored, Queen Mav." She nodded her angular head. "You should be. I will have that scalp before the festivities tonite."
"My Queen." the guards bowed slightly, and left Gohan alone with the Queen.