Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hopping time lines ❯ Chapter 9: The escape (lame title I know) ( Chapter 9 )
Chapter 9:
An: Well its time for the next chapter I bet none of you wanna hear it right?
Vegeta: yes!
Me: wrong Veggie that's what they came for so that's what they shall get. Thank you for reviewing for all of you's that did.
Me: I own DBZ!
Pan: What was that?
Me *hopefully*: I...own...DBZ
Pan: Really..Oh Vegeta some assistants..Ka..me..ha..me..
Vegeta: Big...Bang...A...
Me: *hiding* EEP! No I don't it's not mine but Bob, Rissa and Marrisa said they might buy it for me! *starts mumbling to self* I own a veggie-weggie card and it's alllllll mine. *repeats* 0.0
Vegeta and Pan: Too bad!
"...." Speaking
~Bond speaking~
\Me butting in\ or (..) Umm can't think of anything else sorry to bug ya again...
Vegeta: why can't you people save me?!
Pan: so you're your trapped here?......
Last time:
Pan was now snarling along with Vegeta. How did anyone get off calling her a whore? She had done nothing to deserve that name and she'd be damned if anyone got away with calling her such. Nappa stepped forward distracting both teen saiyans for a split second, long enough for the king to grab Pan from behind.
This time:
Pan felt something wrap around her body, holding her arms to her sides. Her human emotions started to kick in, Pan began to panic. Her snarling grew louder as she began to try and trash around, anything that could get her arms free. King Vegeta struggled to keep hold of the frantic Pan. Vegeta was fighting Nappa, trying to get the older saiyan to join his partner on the floor. King Vegeta still kept hold on Pan as she began to power up. Vegeta while fighting was glaring over at her.
*Come on Pan, break free!* the voice echoed in her mind a few times. Pan then knew her only hope to break free of the hold. She was going to go super saiyan, a force to reckon with. Pan let out an angry scream, her power level shooting up as she did so. Something in her mind clicked and she could feel the power coursing through her. Pan struggled a bit more before the grip broke. Pan turned around and slammed her fist into the imposter king's face. Nappa stopped fighting and rushed over to the fallen king. Marco started coming around and quickly followed Nappa out of the doors. Pan powered down as she watched them all leave. Vegeta walked over to her side looking at her differently then his usual glare.
"How hard did you punch him?" Pan looked over at Vegeta and sighed. She didn't answer but lay back down on the big comfy bed.
"Thanks." She finally said as she thought of the message she had received telepathically. Vegeta 'hmpfed' and took a seat near the door, waiting for another attack.
A young boy walked the desolate hallways of an enemy's ship. He was looking for a room, one room out of a hundred. The room itself wasn't important but the objects inside the room that held the value. He felt a sharp increase in power and took in a dash towards it. The boy saw two men dragging another slumped over man away from a room down the hall. He waited in the shadows until they had long passed. He found the door where they were being kept. Slowly the boy opened the door and was instantly attacked...
~Vision over~
Pan woke up to crashing and punches flying. She could see Vegeta fighting in the room with someone. Black hair, yellow and blue gi.... Gosan!
"STOP!" Vegeta didn't seem to hear her but Gosan did. He stopped in mid punch that resulted in Vegeta hitting him in the unprotected chest. Gosan winced; the prospect of broken bones was evident as he took in air. Vegeta went to punch Gosan again but found he couldn't. Pan was blocking Gosan from another hit, like a big sister should. Vegeta glared and crossed his arms over his chest giving Pan a questioning look through his glare.
" 'Geta this is my little brother, Gosan." Vegeta 'hmpfed' and offered a hand down to Gosan to help him stand. Gosan, with one arm clutching his ribs the other grabbed a hold of his sister. Pan helped him over to the bed and let him sit.
"Gosan, why are you here? Are Gohan and mom home early?" Pan took a seat cross-legged on the floor. Vegeta glared again and did the same as he observed the new boy.
"You said you totaled the time machine right? I was sent to give you a new one. Oh yeah, and your sensei wanted to know what his past self was like." Gosan pulled a small orange capsule from his gi belt. Pan took it from him shoving it into her own gi belt. Gosan looked around, a glint appeared in his eyes.
"So you've been in here alone?" A small smirk appeared on his face.
"Yeah, what of it?" Vegeta shot back not realizing the he had taken Gosan's bait.
"Pan what happened here, with him and you in this big room?" Pan had already caught on to what he was hinting at and decided to end it.
"The same thing you and Lynn did last night." Vegeta cocked an eyebrow and Gosan's mouth became like a goldfish's for a few seconds.
"That's cold sis, but nothing happened." Pan laughed and rolled her eyes at her baby brother. Gosan stood and walked over to the far side of the room, near the door. He peaked his head out of the door a bit and looked around the hallway. Pan ripped a piece of the bed sheet off and walked towards Gosan, tapping him gingerly on the shoulder.
"Here let me wrap your chest, it will hurt less then." Gosan turned around and took off his gi shirt letting his sister wrap the fabric tightly around his chest. Vegeta watched the two quietly from his resting spot. He was a bit amazed by the sibling love that was happening. Usually on Vegeta-sei siblings fought like there was no tomorrow but these two truly loved one another.
'Just like a true family should be like...' Vegeta thought as he remembered that the only one who loved him was his mother, though he didn't get to ponder long as Gosan spoke again.
"...I'll scout ahead, you two follow." Gosan said before he sprinted down the dark hall.
Pan grabbed Vegeta's wrist and drug him with her. Gosan glanced around a corner. Then he waved for them to come, as they rounded the corner the group pressed themselves against the wall as a set of guards stalked by them.
After half an hour of traveling down the dim corridors the three saiyans reached the ships' docking bay. Gosan pointed to a big saiyan space pod and whispered for them to get in, while he sealed the doors. He turned and shot a blast at the huge doors melting them together and hopped into the ship. As the ship readied to launch hundreds of ki blasts erupted towards the ship. Standing in the front of an army was the king angrily chucking the blasts. The ship shot out of the docking bay followed by many ki blasts. Pan had somehow fallen into Vegeta as the ship took off. At the moment he held her tightly in his grasp thankful the imposter hadn't captured his Pan.
A-n: well there you's go! Another chapter for the fans, lol happy late Thankgiving and merry early Christmas incase I don't post another chapter before then. Please review and leave your ideas.
Vegeta: who wants to wish these baka's happy holidays?
Me: why u do Veggie... *holds a kiwi in a threatening manner*
Vegeta: *sighs* Happy *hmpf* holidays
Pan: Geta you act like being here is bad thing...
peace out
kiwi and mini Vegeta and now my newest friend Pan