Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ I Always Keep My Promises ❯ A private moment... ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7

A private moment…

I sat on my bed looking at the Dragonballs that we collected. I had placed them in the box kaasan gave me. We already had the 1, 2, 5, and 6 star balls. We only had three more to get. I will admit that since we got the first one, I've been feeling a lot better. Everything just seemed so hopeless until then. I closed the box and locked the small lock on the outside, placing the key on the dresser.

I walked downstairs to find Goten still asleep, with Shay? Whatever happened last night between them, I would have to find out later. They did look cute together, though. Shay was cuddled next to Goten's chest and his arm was around her back. They looked so comfortable in each other's arms that I didn't want to wake them up. Seeing them like that made me miss Tristan. With more determination, I decided that I would go to look for another Dragonball. Goten and Shay were doing a great job in helping me find them. They deserved a day off, especially since I was the one who would make the wish. I guess I'll get breakfast while I'm out. I went back upstairs and dressed. Pressing the button on my Dragon Radar, I watched as the dot for the 7-star Dragonball moved across the screen. That was odd. I guess it's in a river or something. I put in my jacket and headed out the door, following the blip on the radar.

I had been following this thing for an hour before the blip stopped moving across the small screen. I was starting to think that it had malfunctioned because it had gotten wet a few days ago. It had led me almost all the way back home, then turned around and headed back toward Satan City. It was clear that it wasn't in a river. I started to wonder why it was moving so erratically. A half hour later I got my answer.

I landed from my flight, not wanting to seem too weird. Still following the Dragon Radar, I walked countless city blocks looking for the elusive 7-star Dragonball. I was about to take flight again, but I stopped when the radar showed me that I was standing in front of the Dragonball. I looked around me. This can't be right… I was surrounded by restaurants and stores. I pressed the button again and it told me the same thing as before. The Dragonball was located directly in front of me. Not caring what the waiters said to me, I stepped over the short fence closing off the patio of an expensive Italian restaurant. I looked up after walking a few steps and my heart sank.

Kami, why me?


Shay woke up to the sounds of the birds outside. She opened her eyes, not knowing where she was until she saw Goten's still sleeping body next to her. I hope I didn't do anything I'll regret later last night! She thought. She looked down at herself to find that she still had on everything that she wore before she went to sleep. Then she remembered what happened. Goten had been the perfect gentleman and didn't try anything even though she was pretty vulnerable last night. She smiled to herself, reminding herself that this was Goten and not Toshyo. Since he's asleep, I might as well enjoy the moment. She settled back into his chest, closing her eyes. When he stirred, she realized that his hand had rested on her bottom. Still not wanting to get up, she let the mishap slide and closed her eyes once more. A few minutes later the same hand traveled down to the back of her thigh. Shay tensed. Uh, oh. Anywhere but there, Goten! Good, he's stopping. Shay could feel a familiar heat rising from her stomach and creeping into a blush around her face and neck. Goten, still asleep, wrapped her leg around him and ground his hip into hers. Oh… Kami… Shay had become furiously aroused with his simple gesture and found it hard to keep from kissing his peaceful face. She could feel his hardened member through her shirt and underwear and his boxers. She tried, but failed to ignore the heat between her legs.

She whimpered softly, "Goten…" He slowly opened his eyes, unaware of what he was doing.

"What?" He said groggily. Shay couldn't speak. At that moment she didn't trust her voice. Goten noticed her flushed face and slightly labored breathing. A blush crept across his own face when he looked down at what he had been doing. He immediately removed the offending hand from her thigh and stumbled over an apology. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… I-I didn't know…"

"It's okay. I know it was an accident." She moved her leg from around him, inadvertently, brushing against his member. He tried to stifle the groan caused by the pleasure she had caused him, accidentally.

They both laughed nervously. "Sorry. It kinda does that every morning." He said, referring to his manhood. "I guess I miss the feel of a woman next to me." He said, looking into her hazel eyes. His honest words made her more heated for some reason. I would love to fill that void, Goten. Shay thought.

She tried to play it off, "Me too." She said.

His eyes widened in shock. "Really? I thought you were with what's-his-face."

"I'm fucking with you, Goten." She smiled. "Umm, well, I guess I should go upstairs and put something on." Shay said.

"Yeah." She sat up and scooted off of the futon. Of all the mornings to be hard… Goten thought. I need a cold shower.


I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling it slightly. In front of me sat Sasami Alpha. She was the heir of competing company Alpha Inc. We talked briefly at one of Capsule Corp.'s formal affairs. I'll be the first one to admit that sometimes I can be pretty spoiled, but this girl puts a whole new meaning to the word. She wanted for us to hook up. Don't get me wrong; the girl is beautiful, but she's a little too spoiled for me. Never think you'd hear me say that, huh?

"Well, look who came walking back into my life!" Sasami said.

I sighed hard. "Hello Ms. Alpha."

"The pleasure is yours, I'm sure." She said.

"Look Sasami, I'm just looking for something and-"

"And you've found it!" She said, gesturing at herself.

"Fortunately, no. So if you'll excuse me, I'll just…" I was cut off by one of her servants.

"Excuse me, Ms. Alpha. You're package is here."

"Thank you, Berkley. You may leave." She turned back to me. "I'm sorry about that interruption, but I just had my latest find cleaned." She opened the small box. Within the purple silk of the box lay the 7-star Dragonball. I covered my face in defeat. Wherever Kami was, he must be laughing his ass off.

I took a deep breath before I spoke. "Sasami, I really need that ball."

"Well, so do I!" She said, folding her arms.

"Sasami, I don't want to argue with you. I just really need it for something."

She looked at me and smirked. "Like make a wish?"

"Nani?! How do you know?" I was genuinely shocked. Most people had never even heard of the Dragonballs.

"Oh, I know all about the Dragonballs. In fact, I'm looking for them myself."

"Can't you just buy anything you want?"

"Maybe. And what about you, Mr. Demanding?"

"What I want, no amount of money can buy. So can I please have that ball?"

She opened the box wider. "Why, of course, Trunks." Right before my hand touched it, she slammed the lid closed. "If you go out with me!"

"Sasami, please! I'm not going to go out with you to get that Dragonball! Look, how much do you want for it?"

She leaned back, crossing her shapely legs. "Come on, Trunks. I have almost as much money as you do. I already gave you my terms. No date, no ball."

"Alright, Sasami. I will go out with you."

She smiled, showing her dimples. "I knew you'd see things my way! Next Saturday my father is holding a ball at the Belleview Plaza Hotel. Pick me up at 8. You know where I live. Until then, I'll be out of the country." She stood and laid some money on her table. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a plane to catch. See you Saturday!" She winked at me and left, taking the box with her. Why me?