Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred Spirits ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own these characters…by the way this disclaimer should also apply to the first chapter, I forgot about it. In this A/U I chose to omit the Freeza character…I thought the conflict between Bulma and Vegeta would provide enough drama. Besides I think we're all sick of the plot line of the evil blue alien who forces the two antagonists to work together to save Vegetasai…anway enjoy my fanfic!

"AHHHH!" Bulma jumped back about three feet in surprise and pain. Dammit! She'd done it again. Lost in her own thoughts, the foremost technical genius had crossed the wrong wires and given herself a wake-up electrical shock. What was wrong with her?

Wiping the sweat and grease from her hands and forehead with an already grimy rag, Bulma Breifs surveyed the results of her morning's labors. The supposed ki enhancer she was inventing was so far nothing but a mess of wires and circuits. She'd been planning and dreaming this new idea for two years now and had just recently completed her blue prints for the project.

On paper, the body plate was a technical wonder. Designed to redirect the wearer's energy in amplified form back through the body, it was a testimony to Bulma's creativity and skill. Off the paper, she discouragingly realized, it was nothing more than a mess. The theory behind the ki enhancer would not work in real life as long as she had only the circuits in front of her to work with. They simply would not be able to handle the energy that would be pulsating from her machine back into the warrior's body.

With a certain nostalgic feeling, Bulma reflected on the motivation behind her project. She had spent a lifetime witnessing her home threatened by evil invaders and would-be destroyers. Goku had always been able to pull off a stunning, last minute victory, but the other Z-fighters often ended up as crippled casualties. Her mind then turned to Yamcha.

She had been with the ex-desert bandit for 4 years now, but she had already had her share of grief and worry. While brave and cunning in battle, Yamcha lacked the ki to compete in the same league as Goku and some of their recent adversaries. She desperately wanted to protect him, and while he would scorn her feelings, she knew this new invention could be a solution. What Bulma did not readily admit to herself was that deep down, her relationship with the Z-fighter had been slowly sinking into indifference. Because he was her first love, and they been together for what the 19 year old considered a long time, Bulma could not let go of Yamcha. This invention was a subconscious way for her to ease her guilt. The lack of passion in her heart only fueled her passion for work even more. She WOULD make the stupid thing work, both the ki enhancer and her failing relationship.

As Bulma once again threw herself into her project, her stubbornness and pride surfaced, giving her the necessary will power to continue working through lunch. The girl after all had grown up the only child of a wealthy and brilliant inventor, to become at such a young age, a VP of her father's corporation as well as its chief scientist. She had completed high school and college all before her 17th birthday, and thus alienated herself from her peers. She was all that could be expected of someone of her background; on the surface she was arrogant and willful, while deep down she was insecure and lonely.

Bulma plodded on determinedly with her work in her workshop at the Breif family mansion, while an equally arrogant and stubborn Prince boarded his ship for the adventure of a lifetime. Vegeta knew how to operate his ship, but with some trepidation, he realized that if he ran into trouble, he could not hope to repair it. The warrior Prince sat in the pilot's ship of his large, yet still modest intergallatic ship, staring vaguely at the controls in front of him. He suddenly realized he was pausing. His cargo was loaded and the ship fueled and yet he was sitting here pausing. Was he sure this was the best course of action? Suddenly snapping back to reality, the Prince roughly grabbed the controls and prepared for take-off. Armed with his characteristic smirk, Vegeta planned the havoc he would wreak on the unsuspecting universe.