Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred Spirits ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N Hmm my last chapter was probably too short, but to be fair it was late when I wrote it, plus I'm just setting up exposition anyway! Hope you aren't bored yet, it's my first fanfic, so I'm trying my best. Same thing as last time, I don't own Dragon Ball Z or any of its characters. Enjoy!

Vegeta sat on the floor of the training room of his ship lost in meditation. He was supposed to be void of all thought, focusing on controlling his emotions, but random threads of consciousness kept floating through his brain.

Over the past month, Vegeta had experienced what he would call a string of successes. The first unknown planet he came to had been the first victim of his uncontrolled battle lust. He relived the mass hysteria and blood over and over again. The looks of pure terror in the eyes of the inhabitants before he mercilessly blew off their limbs with carefully aimed ki beams brightened his day. Of course, he reminded himself, he did it for their own good. It was his responsibility to rid the universe of weak species to make room for the stronger ones, such as the Sayians, to expand. Hah! Those life forms had been so weak, he didn't understand why they had been so desperate to cling to their miserable lives in the first place. If he had been cursed with such a frail shell of a body, he would have ended his shame and thrown himself off a cliff!

Vegeta's meditation, or lack thereof, was suddenly brought to a ear-splitting stop as his ship violently lurched and shuddered in accordance with the sound of the hull being torn right off the ship's frame. In an instant, Vegeta was flying swiftly through the small corridors of his ship to the pilot's cabin to find out what the hell had just happened.

One swift glance out the front window and another across the radar showed a large unknown warship had sent a missile hurtling into the port side of his ship. Shock was Vegeta's first reaction. He was the most powerful being in the universe and he was trapped like a rat on a sinking ship within his space cruiser. Like most beings, he could not survive in space; he needed a breathable atmosphere. Therefore, it dawned on him, he needed his vessel intact. Dammit! He would not be defeated by life forms who were likely physically weaker than he. But contrary to every one of his prideful fibers, his ship's weapons were damaged beyond repair at the moment. He would have to run for it.

The Prince's mind snapped into action. He needed a nearby habital planet, preferably somewhere he could fix his ship as well. His computer, though also damaged by the blast, still worked long enough to give him the coordinates of a planet that fit his requirements. He looked at the data with momentary disgust. Chikyuu, a mudball of a planet housed practically ki-less beings for inhabitants. His thoughts, however, were once again interrupted by another shot from the battleship.

Switching the controls to manual pilot, Vegeta prepared to enter Chikyuu's atmosphere. One crash landing coming right up!

Bulma was outside walking the grounds of the Breif family mansion, staring mindlessly at the scenery around her. Her eyes did not focus on the well kept landscaping, but looked inward at her own broken heart. She and Yamcha had broken up.

They had been out to dinner at one of her favorite fancy restaurants when the already bad conversation had lulled into uncomfortable silence.

"Is there something wrong," asked Yamcha in a quiet tentative voice.

"Oh no, the food's delicious!" answered an overly enthusiastic Bulma.

"No, that's not what I meant," replied Yamcha. "I mean with us in general. Why has it been so hard lately finding things to do and talk about? Why has the relationship suddenly become so…."

"Tedious," answered a saddened Bulma.

"Yeah…" Yamcha spoke. "I mean we've been together for so long I kinda thought it should be magical by now. We should be making wedding plans or something but instead we've grown apart."

"Oh Yamcha, I never wanted this to happen! I've felt that way for a while now but I guess I just wanted it to last as long as possible. What are we going to do?" Tears ran down the soft porcelain skin of Bulma's face. She felt helpless, swimming in a violently churning sea of emotion and regret. They had been together so long she didn't know what it felt like to be apart.

As Bulma thought again of that night for the hundreth time, fresh tears once more sprang to her eyes. It had been two weeks and the pain was still fresh. But maybe more disturbing was the fact, her life had changed little since their breakup. The idea that there had been so little between them at the end added more pain to her heart. Together for four years and the end had happened to suddenly and so completely! There had been no fighting or yelling, just a simple conversation that brought their romantic involvement to a simple end. She really needed something to take her mind off her failed love life.

As if in answer to her silent wish, a streak of burning light raced across the sky in front of her followed by a ground-shaking boom. The unidentified object then crashed right in the middle of a magnificent rosebush, catching the once beautiful bit of landscaping on fire.

"What in the FUCK just happened," was the only cohesive thought her stunned brain could form.