Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred Spirits ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N Hey again! Well thanks so much to Sio who was my first review! It was mentioned I need to change my personal settings or something to make reviewing easier, well you can do it the formal way or email me at nienna18@yahoo.com

I need to make these chapters longer I know, but for me it just makes more sense to keep them simple and direct…writing in spurts makes more sense for me. Well excuses aren't good enough so I'm gonna try harder! Anyway I hope this chapter comes out really good because it is the first interaction between the two future love birds! Disclaimer: I don't own jack! Enjoy the fanfic people!

It took the totally stunned Bulma a couple minutes to realize that the close proximity of the crash-landed object had blown her off her feet and she was now sprawled out on her butt right in the middle of a shrubbery. As the fire consuming the rose bush died down, Bulma got her first look at the thing that had fallen from the sky to land so suddenly in the middle of her lawn.

About as large as a small house, Bulma was shocked the thing hadn't made a crater right in the middle of the yard. She picked herself up and slowly stepped closer to the object, her senses telling her to be weary of ANYTHING that fell so unceremoniously from the sky.

Bulma really couldn't see the object very well because the air around her was still hazy from the smoke produced from the fire. Her eyes started to water and breathing became slightly more difficult as she creeped nearer and nearer to the object. All she could hear was her blood pounding in her ears from anticipation. Her intuition told her this "thing" was going to have a profound effect on her life forever.

Vegeta awoke in a tangled mess on the floor of his pilot's cabin. He groggily raised his head looking for something to jog his memory. "What the hell happened," he groaned. A look out the cracked windshield of his spacecraft told him he had landed. Now where had he been going?

He pulled himself up off the floor slowly, testing all his joints, muscles, and bones searching for any possible injury. With grim satisfaction he discovered he had only sustained a few bruises, thanks to his strong Saiyan physique. He made his way over to his computer. Miraculously, it still functioned, the screen displaying his present coordinates. Hmmm, now he remembered.

Vegeta's scowl deepened as the memory of that blasted star cruiser damaging his ship and then his own forced landing on this mudball planet. GAHHH, his characteristic rage flowed through his veins, making his head throb. Oh that did hurt. He needed to calm down and allow his few minor injuries to heal. It wouldn't take long. Because Sayains had always been a warrior race, they healed very quickly. Well, he might as well take a look around the planet. The quicker he found a way to repair his ship, the quicker he was to finding that star cruiser and exacting his revenge. The promise of bloodshed helped to improve his mood as he stepped carefully to the emergency exit door.

At first, all Vegeta could see of the planet was haze and smoke, but soon his eyes adjusted and a smooth breeze swept through, carrying much of the smoke with it. As his vision cleared, Vegeta gazed around but suddenly spotted a female figure about 20 yards in front of him. Oh my God he had never seen anything as beautiful as that creature before him! His onyx eyes widened briefly in surprise and awe as he took in the blue hair, porcelain skin, graceful curves, gorgeous face, and wide azure eyes. Even from a distance he noticed they were full of tears from the acrid smoke and shined and sparkled different shades of blue with the added moisture. The same breeze that carried the smoke away made her sky blue sun dress billow behind her, pressing the garment against her body and revealing every slope and curve. Vegeta, for a small moment, thought he could stare at her forever, but then the goddess opened her mouth.

"Who the HELL are you and what are you doing on my lawn!" screamed the woman.

The Prince quickly came to his senses and remembered his purpose on landing on the planet. Before the woman had time to react, he was directly in front of her with his hand wrapped firmly around her throat.

Bulma's eyes widened in shock. She was surprised and somewhat fearful of his speed and forcefulness, but wasn't yet aware that he was anything but human, although a strange sexy one. Even as she had looked upon him as he first exited his vehicle, she had noticed his strong, muscular body and penetrating eyes. He had stared at her with them until she had come to her senses and yelled at him from across the yard.

"Onna," Vegeta stated with his most menacing tone of voice, "you will take me to someone who can repair my ship or I will snap your throat!"

Vegeta silently thought to himself that he would never be able to harm the delicate creature in his hands. His was an empty threat, but his pride and ambition subdued his uncharacteristic adoration and hurried him to business. He needed an engineer to fix his ship and then he would consider what to do with the onna. She was even more stunning up close and he cursed himself for wearing gloves, desiring instead to feel her smooth skin.

Bulma cleared her throat in nervousness, hoping he got the hint he was holding her a little too tightly. "I am an engineer, however I don't see why I should help such a rude person as yourself. Death threats aren't the greatest motivation you know. What if after I fix your ship you decide to kill me anyway?"

Hoping to stall him until some sort of help arrived, Bulma opened her mouth to continue talking but was shocked into silence when she spotted a brown furry tail waving behind the strange man.

"You have a TAIL!" she whispered.

"Hmm you noticed," said Vegeta.

Bulma's mind raced into overdrive. Goku had a tail and she had long ago realized he wasn't human. This man holding her around her neck was not human either and he had landed on her lawn in what she now recognized as a spaceship. ALIENS! They were ALIENS! Oh no, if Goku and this man were of the same species, then it was entirely possible he possessed the same strength as his Chikyuu counterpart. Even if a gardener or some other employee of Capsule Corp. happened by, they would be as helpless now as she. In her panic Bulma stuttered, "Puh puh please…don't hurt me!"

"Onna," Vegeta responded with some impatience, "if you are indeed who you claim to be and can fix my vessel quickly then I will leave you unharmed and will be on my way!" For some reason, Vegeta didn't like seeing her afraid. He found it very strange that normally he received such an adrenaline rush when terrorizing others, feeding off their fear and pain like a drug, but with this woman, he only wanted to see her smile. Perhaps a lustful smile as she wrapped her ivory arms around his neck and brought her full red lips up to his face and…NO! He would control his thoughts! Vegeta tried to master his mind. His fantasies had almost driven him past self-control. Having the onna close to him was arousing enough without thinking about the possibilities of closer contact. He couldn't reveal this weakness to her or anyone else.

"Are you sure you can fix my ship?" smirked Vegeta. "You are after all just a female and you could by lying to save your own ass."

By this time Bulma was seething. Her ferocious temper was rising to the surface, making her blood hot, her skin flushed, and the world swim before her eyes.

"How DARE you!" screamed the enraged scientist. "I'll have you know you worthless piece of trash, that I happen to be the most brilliant and acclaimed engineer on the planet!"

"Well I guess we'll just have to see about that won't we," replied an amused Prince. He normally would have vaporized anyone who would insult him so, but he found the emotional outburst from the onna attractive. It was much better than having her quake beneath him with fear. Her rage had flushed her skin with color and her eyes had changed color to a deep blue/lavender. Even her voice, although loud to his sensitive hearing, conveyed her strong personality. She was enchanting.

Vegeta abruptly released her from his grasp and took a step back.

"Lead on onna, I want this done quickly," Vegeta said while motioning her to take him to her facilities.

Bulma stood up straighter and without a word stalked angrily toward her own personal lab, chin raised haughtily in the air, long blue hair swaying behind her. Her confident exterior hid a turbulent interior however. She wasn't sure if she could really just fix his space ship and then be rid of him forever, or if he posed some sort of threat. Her only hope if she or the planet was in danger was Goku. Perhaps if this man had a strong ki, Goku would sense him and arrive in time to rescue her. She silently prayed for his assistance. She was too young and beautiful to die.

A/N- Ok this may not be the best place to stop but I'm gonna anyway. Sorry this chapter took so long to get up but I'm having to make some hard plot choices. I had several ideas for how this story could go so I've been sorting them out. Next chapter, Vegeta tries to get closer to Bulma (not yet physically you hentais!) and Goku comes investigating. How will Vegeta react when he discovers the long lost Kakarott is alive and as strong as he.