Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred Spirits ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Well I thought the last chapter turned out fairly well and I'm hoping this one will too! Hey thanks to all those who reviewed my story. So far all I've heard is positive feedback other than the fact that my chapters are so short. Don't worry guys! I'm updating faster than you think. I've been waiting forever for Finding Venus and Danger in the Horizon to finish! Not much else to say other than I don't own DBZ or the characters. Enjoy the chapter!

Son Goku was outside his rural house with his friend Piccolo training his only son Gohan on the morning Vegeta's ship landed at Capsule Corp. As the good-natured Saiyan and the moody but well-meaning Namek put the young boy through a challenging workout, the Prince's spacecraft streaked across the sky followed by the same boom Bulma heard on her own lawn.

"Wha…" Goku turned to look up right as his son shot at him, leg outstretched for a punishing kick to the face.

"AHHHHH," screamed the little half Saiyan as his foot unexpectedly connected with his father's head. "Owww! Wow, Gohan that actually hurt!" Goku momentarily forgot the UFO he had just seen in surprise of his son's growing strength. "You're really getting good kiddo!" The 5-year old laughed with joy, basking in the praise his father had just given him. It was obvious the child idolized his dad.

"But what was that?!" said a now half-serious Goku as he gazed once again up at the sky.

"I'm not sure but I saw it too," commented the always-focused Namek.

Suddenly all three warriors tensed as they felt an enormous power level coming from the direction of where the flying object had disappeared. "Oh Kami! Piccolo did you feel that? It's as strong as I am. And coming from Capsule Corp.!!!"

"I think Goku, another challenge has come upon us. It is too bad we didn't see it coming, but we had better go and investigate. This could be very very bad," said Piccolo.

"You're right. You stay here and watch over Gohan and Chi Chi and I'll go take a look around. We don't know what this thing or person is and right now I stand the best chance if it means any harm."

Goku looked at the Namek with a serious gaze, his usually mirthful, child-like expression turned grave. He never looked more adult as he did then.

Piccolo nodded his head in agreement as Goku took off at a hurried pace, his fear for Bulma pushing him on faster. All he could think about was his long-time friend. If anything happened to her, he swore he would revenge her in a heartbeat.

Goku's flight didn't take longer than a few minutes, but to him it lasted an agonizingly slow period. All the warrior could do was worry about his friend, his family, and the planet if he somehow could not defeat the invader. But as the Saiyan landed not far from Vegeta's space ship, his resolve firmed. He would hope for the best. Goku's natural optimism and determination took over his usually spastic brain, readying him for a potential fight with the new arrival.

After a very quick yet thorough search of the area surrounding the ship, Goku identified Bulma's scent as well as another whose origin was a mystery to him one. The smell he detected that belonged to his blue-haired friend was tainted with fear and anxiety while he noticed the other odor was reeking of general excitement probably triggered by an adrenaline rush. These were not very promising signs. Goku followed the scent trails to the Brief family mansion and then veered off toward the small separate building that was Bulma's private laboratory.

Now on full alert, Goku stalked swiftly yet quietly to the front entrance. He silently thanked Kami he had had the sense to shield his ki as he flew towards Capsule Corp. If this new creature was truly dangerous, Goku needed the element of surprise; if he could burst in undetected, then he might stand a chance of destroying the beast before it had an opportunity to harm Bulma.

With senses knife sharp from anticipation, Goku readied himself to barrel into the lab.

With a forceful shove from his shoulder, Goku tore the metal door off its hinges. Even as the wrecked sheet of steel fell to the floor, Goku used his super-speed to charge in and grab a man with similar coloring as himself but with shorter stature. His surprise attack, however, hadn't helped too much because his opponent had lightning-fast reflexes; the man had an equally strong hold on Goku's shoulders. The two warriors now indulged in a staring competition, each sizing up the other for strengths and weaknesses.

Vegeta had been following the exotic Chikyuu woman around her lab as she pointed out various inventions, describing what they did and for what purpose. Occasionally she gave demonstrations if the Prince expressed some sort of confusion in response to her explanations. In reality, Vegeta had been on auto-pilot, appearing to be listening when all he could think about were the ivory curves and blue hair in front of him. He didn't really need to listen anyway. Before she had shown him in to her lab, he had been convinced she was telling the truth. He wasn't sure why though. Normally he was very untrusting, often to the point of paranoia, but with her he had looked into her eyes as he was gripping her around the neck and knew she was being honest. It was very strange, but he wasn't complaining. Everything about the onna intrigued him so much that he felt like he wanted to think and contemplate her for the rest of his life. Deep down, his voice of reason was screaming at him that this couldn't be natural, that she was some sort of witch who had fogged his brain with an enchantment, but at the moment, he didn't care. For the first time in the proud, indomitable Prince's existence, Vegeta felt the urge to be subdued and tamed by the creature in front of him, and he liked the feeling.

In contrast to the Prince's daydreams, Bulma was very much in tune with her surroundings. Her fear and barely contained panic made the adrenaline pump through her body. Her heart was pounding in an almost painful manner, but the added hormone increased her senses and quickened her thought processes. A million different plans of escape rushed through her genius brain, but she dismissed all of them. As inventive as her mind was, she couldn't think of one thing that could get her out of her predicament other than Goku. Bulma was even more frustrated when unwelcome thoughts kept creeping into her head.

"Oh God, if I die, all my friends and family will be heartbroken! Oh Goku would never forgive himself and I don't think Yamcha would either. After all, we are still friends. This guy behind me is much better looking than him though. His muscles are bigger and those eyes are so sexy….NO! What are you doing Bulma?! He could kill you at any second and all you can think about is how attractive he is! Ugh!"

It was at that moment that Goku burst through the lab door. Bulma's head whipped around to see who the intruder was only to see her best friend and her captor, hands locked on each others' shoulders and eyes focused in an even deadlier gaze. At almost the same time, both warriors asked, "Who are you!!"

Goku almost immediately responded with "You will let Bulma go." Vegeta was filled with an almost instantaneous rage and jealousy. This man knew the onna and, what's more, he knew her name. He hadn't asked her her name yet because he had been too busy savoring her presence, but now this clown had shown up and revealed it in an abrupt manner. He knew the minute he set eyes on the beauty he wanted her to be his, and his alone. Everything about her he desired to own, and for another male to even say her name almost pushed him over the edge of control. He wanted to howl in rage. Vegeta did however, manage to control his blood lust and spit out "Who are you to order the Prince of Saiyans around?" His tone was filled with hatred and loathing.

Goku blinked in surprise. He wasn't familiar with the word "saiyan" but at the mention of prince, Goku instantly understood. Everything so far about this man screamed arrogance and pride. It made sense he was indeed royalty of some kind. "Prince or no Prince, I will not allow you to harm my friend. Now let her go!" To add emphasis to his words, Goku started powering up even more.

Several thoughts ran through Vegeta's head at this moment. First, the Saiyan language did not have a translation for "friend" but the Prince knew the connotations, all of which did not include romantic involvement. Some of Vegeta's jealousy subsided at this information. His next thought revolved around the man in front of him. He could not be human because his quickly elevating ki was much too enormous for any weak Chikyuu native. Even though this male did not have a tail, his coloring and strength identified him as a Saiyan. How could he have gotten here? His mind instantly fixed on the name of a MIA Saiyan child who had been sent on a purging mission to this area some time ago. Kakarott. Hmmm, something made Vegeta keep from revealing this information to the newly found Saiyan warrior in front of him. He would deal with that issue later.

"I notice you are also a warrior," Vegeta said in response to Kakarott's threat. "I am here because my ship malfunctioned and I needed someone to repair it. This onna was going to help me."

Goku broke the staring competition to look over the Prince's shoulder at Bulma, searching for the truth.

"It is true Goku," Bulma stated. "He said if I fixed his ship he would leave me and the planet unharmed, although he did threaten me if I refused my cooperation." Bulma stated fairly bitterly.

Despite what Vegeta's father had told him about needing to learn how to be shrewd and diplomatic, the Prince already possessed talents in these areas, however he only applied them when the incentive was strong. He wanted this onna, but Kakarott's ki level and loyalty were standing in his way. He was also interested in finding out how strong this Chikyuu-raised Saiyan really was.

"Goku is your name?" asked a fairly sarcastic Vegeta, "Well, Goku, I want to make a deal with you. I want to fight you in combat. If I win then the onna will repair my ship and come with me when I depart."

"What!!" both a surprised Goku and Bulma shouted. Goku was doing some quick evaluation. He had sensed the Prince's ki level and it was equal to his own. That meant he had a gamble to make. If he fought the man, they each had an equal chance of winning.

"Fine Prince, but if I win, Bulma fixes your ship and you leave without her, never to return here again. OK?"

Since arrogance seemed to be Vegeta's dominant characteristic, the Prince nodded his head, already silently congratulating himself on a brilliant although hard won success.

"What the FUCK do you two chauvinistic, testosterone riddled men think you are doing?!!! I am NOT some prize for you two assholes to barter over! Screw you guys, I refuse to participate in this!" screeched an enraged Bulma.

"Bulma! Stay out of this! You don't understand how dangerous this could get," spoke a deadly serious Goku.

Bulma was shocked at Goku's tone. He was only this adult and serious when the situation itself was serious. She gulped down a nasty retort. She must really be in danger then.

By this time, both warriors' grips on each other were stronger than ever. The room was dripping with intensity as each man attempted to stare down the other, willing the opponent to reveal weakness in the eyes or a nervous twitch of the hand.

"Are you ready then Goku!" Vegeta spoke his name with venomous sarcasm. This pathetic foe of his obviously thought he belonged to this weak race of humans. He showed no real characteristics of a Saiyan, instead revealing emotion and compassion. Hmph, he would definitely enjoy pummeling this poor excuse for a Saiyan warrior into the dirt.

A/N: Well this just got really interesting didn't it! In the next chapter Vegeta and Goku do battle as a terrified Bulma watches. Who will win the fight and what will happen to Bulma? You'll have to wait and see! Thanks again for the reviews but I would really like some new ones too! Might give me an extra incentive to get the next chapter up in a hurry! *wink wink hint hint* Until next time!