Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred Spirits ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Ok, thanks for the reviews guys! It's nice to know people are actually reading this and liking it. Some people mentioned they wanted Vegeta to win and although I am a Vegeta fan myself, I have other plans for this plot! Hehe. Just a quick note…I like to read a lot of fanfiction and after finishing a very very angst-riddled story, I'd just like to say mine will not end painfully. Don't get me wrong, a story is boring when it's too Cinderella. You need pain to make the good parts better. But I really don't appreciate having my emotions raped and beaten to death, which happens so often in angst fictions. So I hope you sleep well at night knowing I will not kill off major characters just to provoke a reaction! Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or its characters, nor do I make a profit from this work of fiction.

Bulma stood out in the middle of nowhere with a pair of binoculars, which were pointed high up into the air, uselessly attempting to follow the battle above. After the two "testosterone-riddled" warriors had agreed upon the terms of the fight they had been eager to fly off to a remote location and begin to pummel each other's brains out. Bulma had adamantly insisted in coming with them despite Goku's protests that she could get hurt. The hot-headed woman however, had countered that she would not wait quietly at home while two hairless monkeys decided her fate. This had seemed to slightly offend the Prince, but his small look of shock was quickly replaced with his characteristic smirk and furrowed eyebrows.

Every so often Bulma would be able to catch a glimpse of the two Saiyans high in the air, but normally they moved too fast for her human eyes to follow the match. Really, the only time she did see one of the warriors was when the other managed to land a punishing blow, sending the other hurtling to the ground, creating large craters in the side of cliffs or the earth. Whichever one landed would pick themselves up, search the horizon for their opponent, and then take off again in a blur. At first, Bulma had been so absorbed in the match she hadn't realized she would tense up every time either of the Saiyans fell, but as the hours dragged by, the scientist noticed she felt equally anxious for both warriors. It was a strange feeling, and to the analytical Bulma, its irrationality was disquieting. Why should she flinch every time the brutal Prince took one to the gut? Why did she hold her breath when the Saiyan smashed into the earth, worried that this time he might not get back up? Why did she keep catching herself silently rooting the warrior on? The more these unbidden urges came upon her, the angrier Bulma became until her eyes were a deep sapphire color, snapping and sparkling from the intensity of her emotions. She would NOT listen to this! She did NOT want the Prince to win and have him take her into space with him like some sort of tournament prize! Although she was equally worried about her long-time friend Goku, she had watched him battle in dangerous situations before and almost took for granted his almost routine victories. She did react every time Son Kun suffered a serious blow, but mostly her thoughts kept reverting back to the Prince. Shockingly, she didn't even know monkey-man's name!

While Bulma was on the ground fighting her own internal battle, Vegeta was still up in the air, occupied with his own fight. This Kakarott was proving more difficult to kill than he had first imagined, although his pride still gave him hope that he would eventually crush this Chikyuu-softened excuse for a Saiyan. Eventually. That is, if he didn't wear out before then. They had been fighting for three hours at least and they seemed to be evenly matched. After the usual ritual of insults, taunts, and bluffs that precede almost every battle, Vegeta and Goku had started fighting cautiously, holding back at first while they tested one another out for noticeable strengths and weaknesses. They started with simple physical combat while levitating in the air. Vegeta had initiated the fight with a quick punch to Goku's face, only to be blocked by his arm. Then Goku countered with a knee thrust upward, intending to catch the Prince's gut, but he missed as Vegeta phased out and then back in behind Kakarott. The match continued with both fighters managing to land only a few blows apiece while their others were successfully blocked. The battle then escalated to ki blasts with much the same results as the physical attacks. After this, both Saiyans became frustrated they were making so little headway and the battle escalated in intensity and violence. Every move suddenly became legal as they both fought desperately, trying to do some damage before they lost all their energy. With ki blasts flying in every direction and punches and kicks moving so fast only the Saiyans could see them, Vegeta had little time to notice Bulma's reactions. He did however, send quick glances her way the few times Goku knocked him out of the air and he crashed into the ground. Before he would take off, he would swiftly look at the blue-haired vixen and with some surprise, she seemed to be looking concerned about him. He could see her flinch a little as he stood back up carefully and her deep azure eyes spoke of concern and worry. He didn't have the faintest clue why she felt this way, after all she had heard him propose to take her with him in space and he didn't think kidnapping to be something she would approve of. But Vegeta really didn't have much time to ponder these new things as he would take off quickly to reenter the fight, shoving thoughts of her out of his mind for the moment so he could fully concentrate on the battle.

At last, as the sun threatened to throw the Saiyans into darkness as it descended over the horizon, both warriors seemed to lose the will to fight. Not only had they been fighting for 6 hours straight with no breaks or food, but each had sustained the same amount of damage.

Bulma, who was pretty bored at this time even though she knew the fight would determine her future, perked up when she saw the two land on the ground. The young woman ran over to the two heavily panting Saiyans.

"What happened? I didn't see anyone win. Why are you two stopping?" asked a breathless Bulma.

Vegeta, staring intently at Goku but with a hint of respect shining in his eyes answered, "Well neither of us seems to be able to win." The Prince kept a note of annoyance in his voice, but in reality, he realized he had never had a better workout. However, he didn't think he could go on any further, and from the looks of it, Kakarott didn't look too good either.

"Yeah," said Goku, "we are just too evenly matched and I don't think we can keep fighting anymore. How about it Prince? Tie?" Goku held out his hand.

"Hmmmm," growled Vegeta. His pride kept him from sticking out his hand, screaming at him that the Prince of all Saiyans did not tie with anyone, but Vegeta was no fool and he knew they could not finish the fight.

"Alright fool! It's an even match. You should feel honored I conceded to this rather than finish pummeling you with my fists," smirked an ever arrogant Vegeta.

"But that does not solve the problem of our agreement. We need to renegotiate the terms."

Goku looked a little confused at first by the Prince's vocabulary, but seemed to catch the general meaning.

"Umm, well I suppose Bulma should still fix your ship since we both agreed on that before the fight, but you can't take her with you into space because you didn't win."

"Yes warrior, but you also did not win so she can't stay here with you either. After repairing my ship, the onna will accompany me for 10 Chikyuu years, and then I will return her here."

"WHAT!" screeched an indignant Bulma. "I don't WANT to go with you, you ANIMAL! I am my own person and I refuse to be tossed around and traded!"

Goku flinched at the volume of Bulma's voice, but continued on with the negotiations, trying to ignore Bulma until they could reach an agreement. "Look, that's way too long Prince. One year would be more reasonable.

"Four," countered Vegeta.

"Two," responded Goku.

"FUCK YOU BOTH!" screamed an enraged Bulma. She lunged at Vegeta, attempting to beat him to death with her small fists, but the very amused Saiyan only caught her wrists with one hand and snaked his other arm around her waist, bringing her close against his body. Goku looked a little confused by this move but flared his now weakened ki to suggest to the Prince that it would still be a bad idea to hurt her. Vegeta, although never intending to hurt her in the first place, still took the hint and only held her firmly against him as she thrashed wildly about, trying to get free from the barbarian that held her captive.

"Fine warrior," replied Vegeta, "She will travel with me for two years, but know this, I will return after that to finish what we started today and I will win!"

"Prince, you must give me your word that you will not harm Bulma in anyway while she is under your care. If you do not return, or she is hurt when you do, I will hunt you down and take revenge for her," stated a deadly serious Goku.

"I give you my solemn word of honor as Prince of Vegetasei and an elite Saiyan warrior that I will return the onna in two years time unharmed. Will that do warrior?" spoke an equally serious Vegeta.

Goku nodded while never taking his piercing stare away from the Prince's eyes.

By this time, Bulma was screaming and howling with frustration, thrashing wildly in Vegeta's arms, yelling obscenities at both fighters in-between pants. She couldn't BELIEVE what was happening to her. She had just been sold into indentured servitude by her best friend to a powerful, maniacal, he-man alien. It was too much for the young woman and she once again screamed at the injustice of it all.

"ONNA!" yelled a highly annoyed Saiyan warrior. "Stop that screaming right now! You sound like a banshee!"

Bulma whipped around in the Saiyan's arms so that they were now face to face. "Oh I'm SORRY, I guess I'm just supposed to calmly and willingly allow you two psychos to decide my future for me without any input of my own. Well think again mister! I don't care if I have to kick and scream like a 6 year-old girl but I will not be subdued! I refuse to go along with this!" Bulma's eyes were like a blue flame, so intense they threatened to consume the Prince in their raging fire. Her skin was flushed from the exertion and blue strands of hair kept flying around her head from the cool twilight breeze. Oh gods how Vegeta wanted her. He silently admired her resistance and stubborn attitude. With a slight pain of guilt he realized he probably WASN'T being fair to her, but he quickly buried this feeling reminding himself that he was the Prince and since he desired her, he would get what he wanted.

"Hmmph," snorted the Prince, "well since you insist on acting like a stupid brat, then I shall treat you like one. You have exactly one week to repair my ship and pack your things and then we are leaving. If you delay I will not hesitate to punish you. Although I pomised not to physically hurt you, I have other methods for getting what I want." Secretly, Vegeta really didn't have any other tactics besides force. He never needed anything else his whole life besides the threat of violence. But he said all this in such a forceful manner that Bulma widened her eyes in surprise, her imagination obviously scaring her more than any direct threat would.

Goku watched the couple's interaction with a sense of pain. He knew he had failed Bulma and was now sending her into space at great risk, however there was really nothing he could do about it. He silently resolved to talk to Bulma later and see if he could explain the situation fully to her and maybe even obtain her forgiveness. If he, the strongest warrior on the planet could not defeat this adversary, then no one could and she had no other option than to go with the Prince into space.

A/N Ok I KNOW that Goku's character was a little OC but I'm gonna reveal more of his thoughts in the next chapter. You will all get to see how this is affecting him, Bulma, and Vegeta. Also B and V spend a little time together while Bulma repairs the ship. PLEASE review and tell me how I'm doing so far. Oh yeah…I'm a little disappointed with my battle scene but I thought it would be sufficient, I find extensive fight narratives tiresome. I know it wasn't that good so please no flames!