Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred Spirits ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Ok, I know this is update is way over due, but the only excuse I can make is writer's block. It happens to the best of us. Thanks for the reviews everyone. I had a reader point out that Vegeta should be stronger because Goku had not yet gone through King Kai's special training. This IS correct and I did write my story in contrast to this on purpose. Take into account that Vegeta has not been under Freeza and we are not sure how good his training on Vegetasei has been. He was born the strongest Saiyan so he has no competition to drive him very far. So far he has encountered no hardships, and so he will not be so much the emotionally unstable Vegeta everyone interprets in their fanfics due to abuse from Freeza, but he is more a spoiled rotten Prince, arrogant, but with a better sense of humor. The only other explanation I can offer is that this story is an A/U and fiction, so I'm altering it! Hope you guys can still hang with it! Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or its characters nor do I make a profit from their use in this story.

Bulma was enraged. Bulma was incensed. Bulma was MAD! The young blue-haired scientist was in her home-away-from-home, her lab and she was practically frothing at the mouth. After that worthless piece of shit Prince had flown her wearily back to Capsule Corp., she had immediately fled to her workspace and started throwing chairs and various mechanical parts around at the walls. For the next hour, the normally mature beyond her years genius threw a tantrum to rival any spoiled six-year-old. Nothing was safe from her wrath. Projects she had been working on for months were demolished in a matter of seconds. Valuable blue-prints were quickly snatched up and shredded in her hands. Bulma was beyond reason, the only thought her possessed mind could hold onto was that horrible alien who was, without her knowledge, standing outside her door, waiting for her adrenaline to dissipate, and with it, her mind-altering anger.

Vegeta had set the onna down near his destroyed space ship and she had promptly run off in the direction of a moderate size building separate from the main complex, hands tangled in her hair, and wild look on her face, and a feral scream errupting from her perfect lips. A shocked Saiyan Prince stared after her as she wildly ran in search for sanctuary, briefly reminding him of a wild animal. Vegeta licked his lips as a naughty thought entered his brain. She could be the best hunt he ever went on…WAIT! Vegeta caught himself thinking of her as he would a potential mate! She was alien and although he found her more than attractive, he could not engage in the ritual mating practices with anyone but an elite Sayain female warrior. Hell, the past kings over the last 1,000 years or so hadn't even taken mates, only establishing heirs through selective genetic programming. It would be scandalous enough for him to mate, but an alien queen would be unthinkable!

Vegeta strolled leisurely in the direction the onna had gone, a ponderous look on his normally scowling or smirking face. He wanted this alien, and already he wasn't sure if it was just her body, or all of her. It was so ridiculous though! He had known her for a day and already his mating instincts were slipping dangerous thoughts past his normally impeccable sense of control. If he had never seen this onna the long-lost Kakkarott referred to as "Bulma", the idea of being attracted to anything besides Sayian would have disgusted him. Now, however, Vegeta couldn't picture anything more gorgeous. And, he decided, it wasn't just her exotic coloring or graceful curves, but the way her personality seemed to radiate off her. Confidence, intelligence, fiery temper, even her sensitivity and sensibility shone through her eyes and body language. His culture was a reserved one, only acknowledging emotions in rare occasions, usually only between mates. Despite his lack of experience with "feelings" the onna seemed to be an open book of passion, anger, joy, and sadness. The Prince's heightened sense of telepathy was picking up empathetic waves from her and his mind had been reeling from first meeting her with multiple and confusing emotions. She was open and ardent, and yet still deep and complicated.

At this point in Vegeta's reverie, the warrior had reached Bulma's laboratory door and he could hear the rampage going on within. With an uncharacteristic sense of patience, Prince Vegeta leaned up against the wall next to the door, waiting for the chaos to end. The cold Saiyan noticed with a large smirk on his face, that the onna was radiating signals of some of the most intense anger he had ever felt. And he had been many places in the universe, encountering beings held thrall to rage as they witnessed the brutal murders of friends and family. Oh yes, he would greatly enjoy igniting her temper over the next two years.

Bulma collapsed on the sterilized concrete floor of her lab amongst the casualties of her tirade, utterly spent of all aggression. That had been…therapeutic to some degree. But as she gazed at the wreckage and realized how costly her tantrum had been, she reflected, "I can NOT afford to do that again for awhile. Kami, this will take months to reconstruct!" She silently offered up a prayer of thanks to the Guardian of Chikyuu that the only projects she kept in here were her own personal creations and not anything vital to the company. "Although some of the designs and prototypes could have made millions when later reworked and finalized," she glumly admitted.

Bulma rested her overheated body on the floor, allowing the concrete to cool her skin. As she physically cooled down, her temper also diminished. Wow, how had she allowed herself to get so totally out of control? It was the "agreement" she admitted to herself. When the fairly spoiled heiress and independent modern woman had heard the two men bartering her like a prized pig, something inside of her snapped. That arrogant Prince's face and voice had only made it worse, looking down his nose at her and not even bothering to speak to her as an individual. She had screamed and kicked in desperation; any reaction would have been better than the cold shoulder she had received. It was her own damn future anyway! Maybe if that stupid monkey had actually ASKED she might have said yes. But instead of extending some sort of simple courtesy, he had attacked her, ordered her around, and then essentially bought her like a slave. It really was a pity he had proved to be so domineering and egotistical. His physique was that of a god and his stare was penetrating and mysterious.

A sudden spontaneity then took hold of Bulma, despite her weary frame, and she pulled herself up off the floor and exited the lab in search the alien warrior. She was not five feet from her door when a sudden deep voice from behind her startled her.

"Where are you going Onna?" the Prince rumbled.

"Ahhh!…oh it's you." Bulma turned quickly around and in the quickly fading light saw it was the Saiyan prince.

"You know…I don't even know your name," she said in a neutral tone. Vegeta was a little surprised by the sudden subject and her attitude. He knew she had been venting her frustration over the past hour, but he had at least expected her to reserve some frustration for him in person. She had delivered her statement in an even tone, no civility, but no hint of sarcasm either. He looked swiftly into her eyes, and there saw swirl of emotions. Sadness, frustration, curiosity regarding him, and maybe even a hint of….excitement? That was odd.

"You SHOULD refer to me as Your Highness, but my birth name is Vegeta. Now Onna, answer my question. Where are you going?"

"Hmmph," Bulma's nose turned up slightly higher in the air and her thin aqua eyebrows turned down in disapproval. "Well Vegeta, until you start calling me Miss Bulma Briefs instead of Onna I will continue to repay you with the same respect you have so far shown me."

Vegeta was so far intrigued by her witticism, yet disturbed by her fowardness. No one had ever gotten away with calling him by just his first name before without a respectful title. She was only an alien weakling and no warrior. He should punish her for her insolence, but not only was he bound by honor to protect the onna, but also his own interests. He would have to teach her the proper behavior soon, but tonight he would let it slide. He had other goals in mind, and two years lay ahead of him, time enough for discipline.

"Onna from this moment on you are my scientist, a servant position and you would do well to learn respect before I lose my temper. You should be thankful I am in such a forgiving mood at the moment. Now do not make me ask my question again."

Bulma had carefully scrutinized Vegeta while he in turn did the same to her. He was a mask, revealing nothing of his thoughts or emotions. But for some odd reason, Bulma felt an affinity with the Saiyan; she could almost see the cogs and wheels turning in his brain as he stared at her. Perhaps because she had often done the same when encountering someone new. Because of her scientific mind, Bulma used reason and deduction in almost all aspects of life, analyzing everything that came her way. She imagined the Prince doing the same thing to her, carefully weighing her words and body language. She suddenly felt amazingly attracted to the man. So far his personality was an enigma, yet his own features and manner screamed charisma and personal magnetism. He seemed, however, unaware of it because the unreadable mask that was his face and direct, often uncivil way of conversing revealed he was anti-social and introverted. Bulma briefly realized this described herself as well. She was a loner on a pedestal, her brilliant mind alienating herself from others.

"Actually I was going off in search of you Vegeta-sama," Bulma complied. With a small look of surprise in the Prince's eyes, Bulma knew she had achieved her goal of throwing the Saiyan's analysis into confusion. But she was also tired, and a verbal spar over civility and who deserved more of it seemed too daunting to attempt at the moment. Bulma would exact her revenge on the Prince later, but now was not the time. She instead decided to follow her instincts and be brutally honest with the man.

"I have decided that I have been in need of an adventure and a trip into outer space is not wholly disagreeable with me. I will therefor repair your ship and prepare to leave with you by the end of this week, or the latest, by the middle of the next."

All Vegeta could do was stare. She was bizarre that was for sure. He had never seen such extreme mood swings.

"If you follow me, I'll show you to the kitchen were you can grab a bite to eat, as well as a room you can sleep in while you are here." And with that, Bulma stepped forward with a befuddled Saiyan warrior behind her although his training did him justice and he appeared as cocky and self-assured, with a decidable layer of moodiness, as ever.