Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own DBZ, any of the characters, or storylines, blah, blah, blah… >.< Rub it in, why don't you?
Bardock: Good girl… Now tell them that you don't own me…
Bardockgurl:… But, but, I DO!!!!
Bardock: Youknow that, Iknow that… But those copyright people can be downright petty at times.
Bardockgurl: *Sigh* I don't own Bardock either…
*Wanders off muttering under her breath, “Bloody well do.”*
Thank You time…
To Sue, A.K.A. Susan, and now forced to take the pseudonym of Anita Dick, for letting me know what a `Carnival Man' was, and inspiring the lemon scenes - as a reward, I've deprived her of her nursing home entertainment, and am posting this chapter now… :D
Also to Christabeleve and AMCM74 - My personal publicists… Every time I post a fic or chapter, they alert the ML's and make me feel all warm and fuzzy and special…
And not in the way that mean old Phantomscribe describes me as… “Special” either… >.<
She may rush to my aid whenever I need to sauce up a lemon, but she's still mean… >.<
The biggest thanks, of course, go to MelizaMac, beta reader extraordinaire…
Her advice is invaluable, wise and always makes me think about what I'm trying to say. She rarely laughs at me (Or at least she does it discretely), and hardly ever smacks me for all the stupid mistakes that I make… :D
Chapter 6
She was stunned…
When he attacked, she had never expected it to be so… so swift, so brutal. If he turned against her, she would be dead before she had a chance to react. She exhaled softly and sadly as her courage left her, and images of him triumphantly holding her still-dripping, still-beating heart in his fist moved into her mind. The man was a devil.
The small woman, who lacked a name, stood numbly, her hands braced against the wet wall, her eyes staring blindly at stark, white tiles before her. The scalding water pouring from the shower head cleansed the gore from her flesh, but not the dread from her soul. In fairness, Bardock had done nothing to her to intimidate her so, in fact he had even protected her - not an action that came naturally to him judging by his account of his life. Reason told her that, as things stood, she had no need to fear him, it was just… He was so… She'd never…
So many half-formed thoughts jostled for space in her head as she mentally replayed the blur of the attack on her brother's little helpers. Heaving a ragged sigh of desolate confusion she inclined her head back, and was faintly surprised not to meet the too-solid flesh of Bardock's chest. He'd been there a short while ago…
One they had got back to the base, the full impact of the days events had hit them hard. She was overcome with weariness and shock; Bardock was in the grip of post-battle lust. She waved away all attempts to question her about her mission and made her way to her quarters. One glowering look was all it took to dissuade them from attempting to prevent Bardock from following her. He strode after her, the dark glint in his eye testament to the buzz of the kill coursing through him. He didn't seem at all aware of her silence as he regaled her with a re-telling of this latest battle and comparing it to others he'd had, occasionally outpacing her and having to turn back to carry on his monologue as he spoke at her, rather than to her.
She had started the shower running, and Bardock spoke on, his deep, steely voice bubbling over with dark seduction and the thrill of battle. Wearily she'd begun to slip off the soiled dress; the impatient Bardock hadn't wanted to waste time and ripped it forcefully off her. Shucking off his own clothes he'd followed her into the shower without hesitation, eager for the release that could be found in that tight little body of hers…
She could feel the memory of the awkwardly light movements of his hands as they had cleaned the debris of his aggression from her. The same unsuccessful, unaccustomed gentleness he had used to clear her injured face; the memory of the pain that he'd tried hard not to inflict dragged her away from her introspection and she remembered Bardock slipping sulkily out from the shower, having grown tired of her lack of response. She hadn't even taken up his salaciously whispered offer of “A quick, wet fuck.” So, bored with his wound-down toy, he'd stalked off to intimidate the bases' cooks into giving him food.
She closed her eyes against the sting of the cascading water, and once again re-lived the events that had unfolded in the last couple of hours…
Was it really that short a time?
Just two short hours to rip her new life to shreds It seemed such an insignificant amount of time for such shattering events to have occurred in. Over the past few months she had begun to build some semblance of an identity for herself, it hadn't been much but it'd been better than nothing. Now what was there? Everything she thought she was, she… wasn't.
“So, who was that”?
“My brother.”
He gave a curt nod of his head and rearranged his features into a less grim countenance.
“And he's your enemy”?
“He is now… He never used to be. That bastard Gero set us against each other.”
She clenched her fists in angry remembrance and turned sharply on her heel, stalking off in the direction of the jeep that they had abandoned what now seemed like a hundred years ago. Bardock followed, prodding her on the shoulder to regain her attention and pressing for further information. As he touched her she flinched away; whether he didn't notice, or just chose to ignore it she didn't know. All she knew was that those deep, harsh eyes were boring into her, demanding answers.
”It must have been around eight years ago. There was a crash. My - our - parent's car. A big truck turning too wide on a blind curve. We survived. They didn't.” She sighed deeply and angrily wiped away the small trail of ooze that was trickling down from her hair to her forehead.
“As `luck' would have it, the doctor who saw to us at the hospital had a scientist friend who was looking for bodies to tinker with. We weren't expected to live. Some creative adjusting of the paperwork was done, and we were left to the care of Gero.” She ground the last sentence out.
“The scientist. He had theories…” She choked in impotent fury, “Theories about combining robotics with humans - to make them stronger.” She spat out the last word, and turned to scowl at Bardock when she caught his nod of approval.
“Stronger is good,” He protested.
“When it robs you of your humanity?”
Bardock raised a sceptical eyebrow at this, humanity had no consequence to him.
“You guessed I wasn't human. You hit my head to see if you were right. I used to be human…” She kicked out viciously at a stray piece of masonry. “Now, I'm just an artificial one.”
Bardock's brows drew together as he tried to fathom what had upset her.
“But, you're better than you were before… You're stronger, faster - you can almost match me. What's so wrong with that?”
“It's not real. It's not natural. Who knows what the hell it's doing to my body? There's never been anything like my brother or I before. We've been used as guinea pigs for that bastard to play with.
He deliberately wired us to be opposites, just so he could test our fighting capabilities. I seem to remember that we used to be close - we're twins. I only have small flashes, the barest bones of memory of the life before Gero. He told us about the crash. He expected us to be grateful to him, for saving our lives. Bastard. We had all the `choice' but none of the glory of the Gladiators.”
“Gladiators”? There was a word that appealed.
“Ancient fighters.” She waved her hand in dismissal.
“If they're ancient, how do you remember them?”
She gave a dry laugh, “We're programmed that way - we have extensive knowledge of all the martial arts.”
“Tell me about the Gladiators,” Bardock interrupted, his face lit with curiosity.
“They don't matter,” That wasn't something that Bardock agreed with at all, but he kept silent, and waited for the woman to continue. “It helped Gero's research into the extremes the body can be subjected to. I was filled with tales of dragon-slaying heroes, noble crusaders against evil… I could recite Beowulf for you, word for word, in the original language.”
“You mentioned wolves before…”
She gave a small, mirthless snort. “Yeah, my mistake - they were nothing to do with me at all… They probably never even existed…”
Bardock frowned; he didn't understand this part of the conversation. He wasn't even too sure what a wolf was. He didn't like things he didn't understand…
“So you were good, your brother bad, and Gero made you fight to test his enhancements to you?”
“… Put simply, yes,” She replied sulkily, irritated that he'd boiled it down to it's simplest form. Everything… what she thought was her purpose in life… was nothing more than the random sparkings of latent programming.

Bardock gave another nod of his head and a short grunt to show that he'd listened. She walked along in silence, digging deep into her memories for the one really important thing that still eluded her… Her name.

”No wonder you're so scared of him…” Bardock interjected after a spell of silence. She couldn't tell for sure, but there seemed to be a trace of mocking sarcasm in Bardock's voice. Her head twitched up in shock and she shot him a narrow-eyed sideways glance, unable to understand why Bardock had so misunderstood her unease, she opened her mouth to correct him, then decided against it. Dealing with her brother was one thing - she was used to it. Dealing with something like Bardock was a far more frightening prospect altogether…
By now they were in sight of the jeep, two sets of keen eyes picked out the milling figures of base personnel sent out to retrieve them.
She turned off the taps, and dragged a thin towel over herself as she wandered back to her bed. Numbly she pulled on a fresh pair of panties, as she leant over for more clothes, a thick drop of blood spilt over her shoulder and onto the floor.
Meanwhile in another, altogether more amenable, part of the compound, a large, dark, menacing man sat at a table and gave a large, deep, satisfied belch as he surveyed the piles of empty plates before him. He stood up, patted his full belly and thanked the astonished kitchen staff with exaggerated formality. The cold smile that laid bare his sharp white teeth was almost as unnerving to them as the brusque, threatening manner in which he had demanded food. The words used had been courteous enough, but the tone in which they had been delivered carried an underlying threat which they did not want to ignore. Leaving the stunned cooks grateful that he'd spared their lives, he went off in search of the small room that he'd left the woman in.
Bardock's blood surged as he walked into the room to be met with the sight of her, half naked, and kneeling on her bed. Her head was turned around to face her back as she sponged off the wound that still oozed crimson blood onto her pale flesh. He leant back against the door and locked it. Crossing the room slowly, a predatory look on his face as he shed his clothes, he knelt down behind her.
“Let me,” He murmured as he took the sponge and dabbed the remaining blood from her. Once he was satisfied, he lowered his head and licked at the long gash on her shoulder. She pulled away from him, and he raised confused eyes to hers.
“That's… odd,” She protested as she squirmed against his grasp. His hold on her tightened and he gave a light click of his tongue as he pulled her back to him and continued washing along the wound, diligent little licks mingling his saliva with the last traces of blood.
”Why do you think animals do it?” He muttered between passes of his tongue, “I'll clean it more effectively than the water. Besides, you're the one being aroused by a simple wound cleaning, and I'm the odd one?” He snorted.
Her head swung around and icy grey eyes locked onto coal black ones with her beadiest stare.
“I'm not getting aroused.”
“Liar.” He drew his tongue slowly along the length of the cut as his hand stroked down her stomach. “I can taste it.”
His hand worked its' way inside her underpants as he buried his head into her neck and inhaled deeply.
“I can smell it.”
He slipped two fingers inside her. She dropped her head back against his shoulder and gasped as she clenched around him.
“Now I can feel it.” He purred into her ear. Bardock bunched her panties in his free hand and ripped them from her body, impatiently tossing them aside. She moaned and writhed against the blissfully invasive fingers as they delved deeper, circling and stroking every hot, slick inch of her velvet walls. She turned her face toward his and clasped her arms tightly around his enormous neck as he pushed his tongue into her warm, willing mouth. Her eyes closed, and she groaned into his mouth as his fingers skilfully teased her sensitive nipples, the thumb of his other hand pressing firmly against the swollen bud between her legs as he brought her nearer to her peak.
When Bardock felt her tense and tremble against him, the first shuddering signs that her release was upon her, he flattened his hand against her back, and pushed her forward and down onto her hands. She moaned in protest as his fingers, coated in her juices, slid out of her to frenziedly rub her aching clitoris. She cried out as the hot waves of pleasure washed over her. He entered her from behind in one swift, fluid movement, as her orgasm crested, making her head fly back as she screamed with ecstasy. Bardock gripped her hips and held her hard against him as he groaned at the feel of her walls spasm-ing tightly around his hard cock. He held himself still while her pleasure abated, his eyes closed, and breath sharp, fighting the urge to thrust and spill as she clenched and released around him.
When she had finally stilled, he moved with deep, slow thrusts. Her head collapsed onto the mattress as yet more pleasure robbed her of her remaining strength. Each time Bardock slid further into her, she writhed with desire; each time he was buried to the hilt in her, she moaned with delight. He stroked one hand up from her hip to her chin, hooking a finger around it and turning her head around to face him.
“Look at me,” He commanded, and she turned heavy, unfocused eyes on the looming, dark figure above her as he drove into her with renewed determination. Bardock felt his climax approaching and abruptly stopped his thrusts, holding himself, unmoving, deep inside her once again. He bent over her, his hands covering hers and nuzzled her neck before placing light kisses along her shoulder, waiting for his excitement to pass.
“I'm going to fuck you blind,” Bardock murmured into her ear, smiling as he felt the strong tremor that passed along her body at the promise of his words.
He raised his head and looked down at her, from the bare mounds of flesh latched to his hips, to the soft sable locks falling over her shoulders and onto the pillow. Smiling wickedly, he straightened himself up, and gathered it all into one hand using it to gently pull her up against him. Still using her hair to hold her to him, Bardock sank back onto his heels, and sat her astride his lap, carefully keeping himself as deep inside her as possible.
With a long, sweeping stroke along its length, Bardock let go of her hair, and wrapped his massive arms around the woman. Sighing with pleasure, she leaned back against his muscular chest, and he rested his head atop hers. Both could feel the other trembling as he slowly began to move inside her again. He took her left hand in his and kissed it before holding it against his shoulder, his right hand sending small, tingling thrills through her as it slid slowly across her stomach to grip her left hip tightly. He moaned softly and buried his head in her shoulder. Bardock's quick shallow breaths and soft sounds of pleasure so close to her ear were having as much of an effect on her as the slow grinding movements he made inside her. He took her arms and wrapped them around his neck to steady her as he moved both of his hands down to cover her breasts, squeezing and kneading at the firm round mounds. A long, low groan caressed her ear as he pinched and rolled her taut nipples, making her whimper with need.
Bardock needed to be deeper inside her. He leaned forward and placed her hands against the wall as he raised himself slightly onto his knees. He crossed his arms around her hips and held on tightly as he sank himself in deeper and made short, sharp, powerful jabs up into her, pulling her into every one. She was barely able to breathe, left helpless to do anything except emit a long drawn out moan of pleasure as his pace increased in intensity until he finally let go, and shot hot spurts of his seed into her, his head dropping down to rest against hers as he groaned and shuddered with fulfilment.
They remained in that position as they both slowly recovered, she offered a silent prayer of thanks for her stamina, that even now she could still support her own weight and his. Eventually he withdrew from her and collapsed onto his back. She eased herself down and propped her chin on one hand, staring into Bardocks deep onyx eyes. He cocked his head quizzically at her.
“Why are you staring at me?” A slow smirk crossed her face and she narrowed her eyes in mock anger.
“I can still see.”
Bardock made a sound low in his throat, somewhere between laughter and a growl, as he grinned up at her and pulled her over to him.
“Not for much longer,” He vowed as he crushed her mouth to his. As his tongue delved deeper, he wrapped his arms around her, and lay her body over his.
Bardock cupped his hands around her bottom, his fingers digging into the soft flesh, his huge, wide palms almost completely encompassing the small swells. Gradually the pressure on her was increasing and she felt herself being inched up along his body. She broke the kiss, and gazed down at him. Bardock met her confused look with the most wicked grin she'd ever seen. He looked her up and down, drinking in every inch of her; she looked so frail compared to him, so pale. A white lamb set against a tawny lion. His deep eyes glinted with dark mischief as he pulled her back to him, a muffled, murmured “you'll see” against her cheek was all the answer her unspoken question received. His mouth raked up and down the smooth pale column of her neck, deep moans from the back of his throat giving voice to his appreciation of her taste.
Powerful hands pressed her tight against him grinding her still wet core into the rigid muscles of his abdomen, teasing and tickling, making him shiver with anticipation. Neither his hands nor his mouth could resist the temptation of exploring her breasts as they hovered in front of his face. She hissed in frustration at the brief attention as he continued to slowly pull her body up the length of his, his mouth working on every inch exposed to him as he did so.
His mouth was twisted into a lustful smirk and his black eyes glittered evilly as he positioned her above his face. She felt her spine tremble as she folded her legs underneath her and stared down into Bardock's face. His tongue laved back and forth, circling the nub of her clit with the smooth expertise he'd shown her before. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as he once again worked his magic on her.
Calloused hands gripped her breasts, squeezing a groan from her lips. Her hands settled upon his much larger ones, encouraging his hardened fingers in their exploration. Her pants quickened, breath no longer providing ample oxygen. Her hips rose and fell, his mouth keeping in time with her building rhythm. She squirmed, a boiling heat in her belly scorching through her, flushing her cheeks and heating her blood. She ground her hips down, thrust them forward, rocked back and smacked the wall, her shouts music to his ears. She came upon his lips in a shudder of ecstasy, her spine bending, mouth dropping open and eyes clenching.
Drained, she rested her forehead against the cool wall and lifted up from his face. She met the resistance of Saiya-jin strength and power as he clasped his hands around her hips. He glued her to him, refusing to relinquish his hold. He arched his mouth back up to her folds and his smooth wet tongue traced the contours of her womanhood before plunging deep into her, lapping up her juices greedily. Bardock's eyes bored into hers burning through her hazy, pleasure induced focus; he was enjoying this, he was devouring her, and he was enjoying it.
Once again the heat built between her legs as he continued his merciless onslaught on her overwrought senses. She bucked, unable to take the incredible sensations that were running tramlines of electricity through her veins. His grip was fierce, his teeth sinking into the delicate bud that blossomed with the many entreating licks.
The very breath was knocked from her lungs; she felt her blood boiling in her ears, her lips and her belly. His name fell wordlessly, eyes shutting as her vision seemed so unrealistic and unappealing compared to the dizzying display of fireworks he was launching at her groin. Reaching out, she grasped the thick spikes of ebony that jutted from his head and tugged, pulling that delicious mouth harder into her, demanding a release that he literally kept on the tip of his tongue.
Bardock's mouth worked wonders upon her core, laving expertly; feeling so incredible, so luscious, so wonderful. His tongue, sharp one moment and diving deep within her honeyed passageways was smooth and wide the next, lapping reverently at the tingling cluster of nerves that would cause her explosion moments later. He ate her with a passion, leaving her panting, aching, and completely in his control.
She stiffened, her spine afire, limbs becoming almost numb. Her orgasm rocked her physically, her hands clenched viciously in his hair. It overtook her completely, her present awareness replaced by a sense of overwhelming ecstasy that she could taste and hear as well as feel.
His hands gripped her tightly, refusing to loose the thrashing hellcat, his fingers dimpling her pale skin with bruising strength as she matched him push for pull in her rage of pleasure. Calming, her hands steadied her stroking the hair of Bardock's great, noble head, her breath seeping back into her. Surely now he'd finished with her? She lifted herself to move away. Forearms of steel suppressed her easily.
“No… no more, please Bardock,” She gasped, her voice shaky and her fingers entwined in his hair in a vain attempt to wrest his head from between her thighs. Ignoring her struggles he lazily passed his tongue along her length, drawing every last taste he could from her, before placing a quick kiss on her clit.
“Open your eyes.”
She did as she was bid, and the look in his eyes took her breath away. She was captivated by the smouldering gleam within them.
“You focused… You can still see,” His voice filled with hard intent, but the wicked glint in his eye betrayed his humour. He smirked as he lowered her to his throat. He sat her there, allowing her to rest as his hands travelled back and forth along the length of her back and thighs. Gradually she relaxed against him and a deep purr grew in Bardock's throat. He'd let her regain her strength, now to return her arousal. The deep vibrations slowly tingled through her body. He felt her tremble under his hands and pulled her down to face him.
Bardock placed his lips on hers and allowed her to melt back upon him. He moved at her pace, lips parting only when her tongue demanded entrance. The sweet, musky aftertaste of their juices lingered on his tongue
His hands cupped her buttocks, those massive palms of his nearly encompassing her ivory globes entirely. He nudged her down, barely grazing their heated flesh together. She breathed in deep, nostrils flaring as she sucked in a gasp of surprise. Voicing her enjoyment, a small croon of satisfaction ebbed in her throat, beckoning Bardock on. His answering growl was deep, vibrating within his thick chest.
Her lips left his suddenly, eyes opening wide then suddenly hooding and rolling as she let loose a moan of pleasure. Her fingernails sank into his shoulders, small crescent wheals opening up in his golden skin.. Bardock's face was written with dirty amusement. His tail, the winding prehensile limb, had pressed ever so gently upon the tight opening of her anus, eliciting a response he filed away in his triumphs of life.
“Oooh gods above,” she groaned, teeth clenching as he prodded harder at the sensitive region. He chuckled, thoroughly impressed with himself as she was rendered immobile and breathless was just a flick of his ol' trusty tail. Never enter a woman's bed without it.
He sat up, holding her within his arms. His eyes narrowed and a teeth-baring grin formed on his lips. He perched her firmly upon his erection and dropped her.
She slid home without stopping, hiccupping as the air was once again driven from her lungs. Her eyes bulged, mouth dropped agape as she was filled with every inch of her lover's arousal.
Bardock paused, giving the woman ample time to adjust to his size and to pay his respects to her body. He cupped the heavy swell of her breasts, his tongue and thumb grazing over her puckered nipples. Her back arched in a helpless reaction to his attentions and she ground her hips against his, her slick flesh hugging tightly around him. Groaning deeply, he closed his eyes and levitated them slightly off the bed, twisting until she was beneath him, then, without warning, slamming them back down onto the mattress.
Bardock gazed down into the shocked face of the woman beneath him. Her cheeks still held the soft flush of fulfilment and her eyes were heavy and unfocused. Short breathless gasps of desire were coming from her slightly parted lips. With agonising slowness he pulled out of her; the swollen head of his penis still stretching her, teasing her sensitive opening.
She writhed beneath him, twisting her hips, desperate for the feel of him inside her. Bardock drew back and smirked down at her knowingly; his eyes sending her a clear, taunting challenge. She met it. She narrowed her eyes in determination, gripped his hips, and thrust forward violently, giving him no choice but to fill her completely. She then wrapped her legs around him tightly, locking her ankles defiantly against his buttocks, refusing to let him escape from her warmth again.
He growled his approval at her determined fierceness. Settling himself more heavily against her, he began a steady rhythm of slow, tortuous thrusts. She moaned helplessly, her mind shattered beyond all thought by the pleasure of his thick member sliding in and out of her, touching the core of her pleasure. She lost herself in his passion, her breath coming in short quick gasps; moaning softly she gripped his wide shoulders as they flexed and strained with the effort of putting his entire body into each thrust. Bardock's excitement grew with each sound, her warm tight body gripping at his cock, the slickness pooling around his thighs, her desperate and pleading groans. He lost the last remnant of his self-control and began slamming into her with abandonment
At the first savage drive into her, her eyes flew open, and the breath was knocked from her at the beautiful sight that she saw.
Heavy lidded black eyes burnt through her unseeingly. Each rapid breath was forced through clenched teeth as he slaked his pent up lust in her.
Heavily muscled thighs flexed as they powered each pounding stroke, thin rivulets of sweat ran down each temple. She watched in wonder as his powerful body worked above her.
She arched up and met him thrust for thrust, her fingernails tearing thin red rivers of blood down his well-muscled back. He felt her quiver around him; the wetness between them increasing until it almost seemed to pour down their bodies. Bardock's mouth opened wide as he groaned and he threw back his beautiful head as he erupted into her waiting body. He growled fiercely as she clenched her muscles around him, draining him of every delicious drop.
He collapsed beside her on the bed, breathing heavily; his eyes drawn to her firm, heaving breasts as she struggled to control her own breathing. Once his body had calmed, he snagged a heavy arm around her neck, pulling her against him. She rested her head against his hard, smooth chest. He cocked his head to one side and raised one, inquisitive eyebrow.
“Can you see?”
She closed her eyes and buried her face against his hot skin,
He chuckled shortly and settled down. She spooned herself against him and had just begun to surrender herself to exhaustion and drift to sleep when she felt him dig his finger in her back sharply.
“Who here can see to my pod? I need to go home.”
Thanks to Evanscent and Phantomscribe72 - who helped greatly with the `Carnival Man' (Sit on my face, I'll guess your weight) scene.
Raging, spitting jealousy… um, I mean a terrible case of writer's block meant that I could NOT progress beyond the notes stage.
Very difficult to type through a flood of jealous tears. *Twitch*
(I'm a small, petty woman…)
Anyway - there's not much sex, but Bardock's Saiyan side really comes to the fore in ch 7 - maybe I won't take nearly 18 months with that one… -_-
Here's Evanscent's page - go read and see why I have plans to just send her my notes from now on and get her to write the rest of this fic… :D