Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer:I really don't own DBZ… I'm NOT Akira Toriyama *sob*. If I did own it - Bardock would have had WAY more airtime, he would have been naked 90% of the time… and for all the other times, he would have been SSJ4, brave heroic, and saving the universe, in a gruff, manly (but deep down good natured) manner… Damn, I wish I owned it…
Bardock: O.o Does this contain lemon?
Bardockgurl: Not really, more like lime - sex is alluded to, but nothing graphic.
Bardock: Are you going to spend the next few days screaming at me for being unfaithful to you, like you did after the last chapter?
Bardockgurl: Erm - no… o.O
Bardock: *Head in hands* Oh, Christ…
(The Bardock obsessive's version of a citrus warning… O.O)
As usual, many thanks to those of you who have reviewed - I really appreciate it!!
Also, many thanks to She Who Must Be Obeyed - my beta reader Meliza Mac!!
Chapter 5
She lay exhausted in his arms. Shaking from head to foot. The after tremors from the shattering orgasm he'd not long since given her were still shooting through every strained nerve in her body. She'd never experienced such pleasure before. Even her most satisfying kill had paled in comparison to what Bardocks hands and mouth had brought her.
He'd made her lost satisfaction up to her, tenfold. He'd primed and placated every tortured inch of her, coaxing ever-stronger crests from her shattered body until she had tearfully pleaded with him to stop. He'd held her against him while her trembling lessened, soothing and kissing, subtly readying her for their next bout.
He'd taken her slowly and he'd taken her fast. He'd been gentle, and he'd been fierce. He'd made her come with just a few well-placed touches, and he'd kept her on the torturous brink for hours. Now, lying here, wrapped in the warm arms of a large, dangerous alien, she knew exactly what heaving satisfaction was.
Bardock showed her, with consummate ease, how many times he could make her scream with fulfilment. He may not have been on Vejiitasei where he had his reputation to uphold, and she may not have been aware of it; but, uphold it he did.
Bardocks stomach suddenly let out a huge, rolling rumble. He needed food. One of his needs had been partially satisfied the previous day, the second need, they'd certainly satisfied, he thought with a smirk. Now the third was demanding to be met.
He gathered her clothes and threw them to her, searching out his own armour and dressing. He turned to her, to see she hadn't moved, she was still curled up in a ball, the same contented smile playing around her mouth.
"Get dressed, I'm hungry." He barked impatiently.
"So am I." She purred, reaching out to him.
He slapped her hand away, growling, "I. Need. Food."
She pouted and held her arms out to him demandingly.
"Now!" He shouted "We can do that after food."
She scowled up at him, angered and hurt by his refusal. Bardock was too seasoned a warrior not to be wary of the look in her eyes.
"I promise," he smoothed a hand across her brow placatingly, "But now, I need to eat." He took her arms, and thrust the bundle of clothes into them, driving home his point.
She reluctantly got dressed, deliberately taking her time, and arranging herself in what she hoped were alluring poses. They were, and more than once he was tempted to forgo the third need, but his stomach brought him up sharply. She finally pulled the vest down over her breasts with an air of defeat.
He almost felt sorry for her.
"I promise once I've eaten, you can have me all you want." He stroked her head soothingly.
As soon as they stepped outside, her pale eyes squinting against the bright, early morning sunlight, they realised how long they had been wrapped up in their carnal pursuits. An entire day and night had passed without them noticing. Bardock couldn't help but feel a little smug that he had taken possession of a… distraction who's stamina matched his own. He'd certainly had no regrets about sparing her life… so far.
It wasn't a very large town, the commercial district bordered the industrial; within a few short minutes they were approaching what had once been a busy thoroughfare. The town had been deserted since before the start of her memories; she wasn't sure if there would be anything edible, but from the looks that Bardock was giving the few stray animals they encountered, she concluded he was quite used to making do with whatever he found.
She had pointed out the food shops, the cafés, the restaurants, and Bardock had broken the doors in - whether they were locked or not - and conducted a rather messy, violent search for anything that looked good enough to eat… She really doubted the chance of anything being remotely edible in any of these places, but didn't have the heart to tell him. He seemed to be having so much fun…
He was currently in the process of trashing the fifth such establishment in a row. She stood, rather warily, by the entrance, arms folded, her head tilting slightly as half of the counter swished past her ear. Her eyes followed its progress as it sailed through the gaping hole that had, until just recently, been a rather fetching, green glass, electronically opening door. She snorted quietly and shook her head - just catching a glimpse of the carelessly lobbed till, before it connected, smartly, with her head.
Bardocks head shot around in her direction at her sharp cry of pain, and was met with her scowling grey eyes. He furrowed his brow, a baffled expression on his face, until she jabbed one finger, very emphatically, down to the broken machine at her feet. He made a small `ah' sound, and tried out his most engaging, apologetic grin on her, although his eyes were still dancing with the joy of destruction. She rubbed the sting away, and rolled her eyes, looking on indulgently as he went back to the systematic dismantling of the place. It was quite endearing - in a borderline psychotic sort of way. She'd recently experienced unimagined bliss trapped underneath his thrusting body; she saw no real harm in allowing him to let off a little steam.
She was brought up suddenly; the phrase "Boys will be boys" flitted across her mind, the dim recollection of a woman's voice, rich and bubbling with barely suppressed laughter, speaking the words. She stood still, ignoring Bardock, ignoring the door to the kitchen as it flew past her, and concentrated, hard, on the faint echo in her head.
She wasn't sure how long she'd been gagging, or indeed if that was her first gag, that had dragged her from her desperate attempts at recollection. Her eyes were watering, and she could make out the faintly blurred outline of Bardock as he emerged from the kitchens. His face contorted, he took her arm and led her outside, away from the thick hot waves of the stench of rotted meat.
"That wasn't edible." He muttered at last, when they were clear enough of the café to breathe again. Her sarcastic comeback was swallowed up by her violent outburst of retching, which was, in turn, swallowed up by her violent coughing fit. Grumbling under his breath impatiently, Bardock steered her to a nearby table, set outside one of the few bistros he had not yet demolished. His tail glided along her back as she gratefully sat under the gently fluttering, gaily coloured parasol, trying to catch her breath and wiping her streaming eyes. Bardock sat himself opposite her, with a few, carefully aimed, acerbic comments regarding the weakness of her stomach.
"What the hell did you do in there?" She finally managed to choke out.
"You told me the food was prepared in there." He spat out defensively, crossing his arms and glaring dolefully at her.
"That doesn't answer my question." With a martyred sigh, Bardock explained about the kitchen, the metal door, how he'd ripped it off - thinking that there might be food behind it - and subsequently being hit between the eyes with the sights, and scents, of an entire rooms worth of five month old meat. As he finished, his arms tightened across his chest, his eyes narrowed further, and he stared her down with his most formidable look - defying her to laugh, or in anyway mock his misfortune.
To his relief, she accepted it with a small grimace, and no sign whatsoever of a trace of mirth.
"Looks like they had no backup generator for their freezer." Bardocks eyes widened a fraction at the last word, and a small, mirthless snort of laughter shot out from his nose.
"I don't need to rely on any `freezers' for my food." He spat out. "You'd better wait there, I'll find something… We don't want any thing else offending your fragile hu… whatever you are, sense of smell, do we now?" He grinned down at her, and rose from the table, missing the sneer on her face as she mouthed his words back at him. Then, he did something totally unexpected…
She'd had her chin on her hand, and her watchful eyes on his buttocks, mesmerised by their slight sway as he strode purposefully away from her. She was idly wondering if her teeth marks had faded from them yet, when she realised that her chin was no longer resting against her fist, and Bardock was at least 25 feet in the air. His tail weaved slowly from side to side, the end flicking up impatiently, as his sharp black eyes scanned the surrounding area with a hawk-like precision. His head jerked up, and his nostrils flared as he spotted his prey. He immediately streamlined himself and launched in their direction, as she sat and watched in mute astonishment.
The woman flopped bonelessly, silently, against the back of her seat; her mind reeling from what she could not believe she had seen. Her eyes registered nothing as they stared sightlessly around the deserted street. Her blank mind filled with no thoughts of what life in the town was like before the troubles. She didn't once wonder if she had ever sat at a table like this, enjoying the evening warmth, in the company of forgotten friends.
He wandered back, on foot, a few short minutes later, gnawing on the haunch of one unfortunate animal, and with several large carcasses slung casually over his shoulder. He raised the half eaten limb in salute, and winked at her as he slammed the partially charred corpses onto the table in front of her, smiling proudly at his offering.
The noise jolted her back to the here and now, and she mouthed ineffectually at Bardock. He drew his head back, slightly, and furrowed his brow - what was wrong now? He twisted a chair around and straddled it, one large forearm resting on the back as he tore off another chunk of meat, and raised a quizzical eyebrow to her. Her hand fluttered uncertainly, and her jaw worked furiously, as she tried to find her voice.
"You… you…" Her hand made a definite swooping gesture, as words once again failed her.
"Flew?" Bardock assumed a fake astounded expression; most of the dripping vocal sarcasm he'd intended was lost around the large wad of meat he was still eating. He swallowed quickly, and the hand holding the haunch twitched in irritation, "I told you I could." With a mouth free of mostly chewed food, the testiness was not disguised at all. To add emphasis, his tail lashed angrily, before sullenly wrapping itself around his waist. He looked at the carcasses through very narrowed eyes, he'd brought the damned woman food, he'd even cooked it for her, and yet all she could do was gape in wonder about a perfectly simple, ordinary thing that he could do - that he'd told her he could do at their very first meeting.
"Are you going to eat?" He pointed impatiently to the gently smoking, former animals that he'd placed before her. She poked at one, gingerly, and asked how he'd managed to cook them. He made a vague hand gesture, which she didn't understand, and probably wouldn't have done, even if she hadn't been still numb from the discovery of Bardocks ability to fly. He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue in exasperation - this was another thing she knew about. His foot shot out and flicked a chair into the middle of the street, He held his palm flat out, and let out a thin, steady stream of ki, incinerating it completely. He turned back to her with a "There" expression, and ripped the leg off one carcass and thrust it to her. She inspected it from every side there was, before Bardocks steely gaze withered her, and she hesitantly nibbled at it - it tasted like chicken…
It took Bardock very little time to demolish the meal, she still had the great majority of her haunch left when she noticed the pile of thoroughly gnawed bones, and handed him the rest of hers with no hesitation, or comment. He took it gratefully, and rose up from the table, motioning her to follow him. He'd taken three bites, before he turned to her and swallowing, asked,
"How long have you been a soldier?"
She was a little taken aback by the question, surprised that he had assumed such a thing, but looking down at her clothes, all army-issue, all drab, she could see where he would make that mistake. She looked like almost everyone else at the base. It made sense, she supposed, Bardock may not have known much about the Earth, it's dress codes, or … anything, really - but he would have recognised a military operation when he saw it.
"Apparently, there were a group of men out on a run around the perimeter of the base - I was lying unconscious a couple of hundred feet away from the fence - when the terrain is that flat, and that desolate, I suppose I stuck out a bit." She cast a wry smile at her companion, and he waved the leg he was still eating, as a signal for her to continue. She took a deep breath, dredged up what little she could remember, and ploughed on.
"They told me that I was taken back, and placed under medical care - I don't know how long I was out for - no one ever thought to mention it to me. According to the doctor there, there was something `off' about my signs, plus they thought that I should have been dead, what with the being unconscious for an undetermined time, stuck out in the middle of the desert, so they hung onto me. You can probably tell from their reaction to you, that they deal with the, unusual there. Well, one day they were doing more of their intrusive tests on me, and… well, I don't really know what happened. Whether they hit a nerve, annoyed me, or what, I really can't say. My fist shot out, went straight through the ECG machine they had me hooked up to and ended up embedded in the wall behind it. It was an expensive piece of machinery, and a solid concrete wall, and I didn't have one mark on me. After that, they definitely didn't want to let me go."
They walked along in companionable silence, as she trailed off, unsure of what else to say. Bardock tossed aside the finished haunch, and digested both his meal and the new information she had given him.
They'd almost passed the shop completely before the lavish display got the better of her. Her eyes had been drawn to it, from the moment that she'd seen it, and had kept them trained to her right as they walked the length of the double fronted store. She stopped short, and longingly touched the glass, her eyes wide and gleaming. The androgynous grey mannequins in the large clear window were draped in the lush, rich fabrics she usually only saw in either her dreams, or the magazines that the more thoughtful female base personnel shared with her. It only took one quick, rueful glance down at her own dusty, sweat soaked, blood stained clothes to make up her mind.
Bardock was thoroughly puzzled by her actions; he peered from her, into the display, and back again, earnestly trying to see what could have held her so entranced. She strode back to the double doors, and swept one arm out, smilingly gesturing for him to get it for her. That, he understood. Although it was almost insultingly easy - one half hearted strike with the palm of his hand had been enough to send the doors shattering inward - he still held himself even straighter, a small satisfied smile on his face. Breaking things was breaking things, after all…
She took her time, stroking keen hands along the fabrics before selecting her `purchases'. At first she took the practical route, she chose garments that looked like she could fight in them, stretchy, easy to move in materials. Functional tops, and loose fitting pants were tossed onto the counter with merry abandon. As her collection grew, growing less and less practical as she sifted through the evening dresses, the light summer wear - the girly stuff - she found herself increasingly eager to return to base, immerse herself in a long hot shower, and model her new wardrobe, for her new man. It never crossed her mind that Bardock would be considerably more interested in her unclothed, than he ever would be with all his favourite bits covered up…
She found a green sleeveless vest - almost identical to the one she wore now, but considerably cleaner. The urge to feel fresher overcame her, at the same time as the illicit joy of shoplifting did. With a triumphant whoop, she swept one arm out clearing the almost full counter of all the clothes, and the cash register. As it crashed to the ground, and smashed apart, the long abandoned contents spilling at her feet, she smirked over at Bardock triumphantly. He wasn't the only one who could take the occasional joy in wanton destruction.
She jumped up onto the counter and whipped off the grimy top, exposing her breasts. Bardock stared at her, and wondered if she really was unaware of their effect on him, or whether she just wanted to tempt him again.
He stepped in front of her and, grabbing her hips, ground her groin into his, his mouth attacking hers. When they broke for air, his tail replaced his hands. They swiftly moved up, cupping her breasts firmly, and squeezing.
Her mouth was slightly parted, her breath falling out of it in short, excited gasps as he massaged her sensitive flesh. Her eyes shone with passion as she gazed up at him, darting around to take in their surroundings.
"Here?" She asked delightedly.
"Here." Bardock tore his eyes away from her chest and peered at her through heavy-lidded eyes. He smirked, his tail tightening around her, "Now." He growled against her as he took her mouth again.
In the entire deserted area, there were only a small pack of wild dogs and a large flock of birds to be scattered by her cries for Bardock to go harder, faster, and then, much louder, to God.
She felt stupid…
She'd disengaged herself from his sweaty embrace and carefully hopped down from the counter. She reached down and tossed his chest-plate to him, wincing slightly as she did so. The satisfying soreness a reminder of the raw strength of the man currently reclined, still naked, and propped up on one elbow, on the counter; watching every move she made. He caught it easily in one hand, and she straightened up gingerly, Bardock had not been overly gentle with her. He'd carried out every single order she'd shouted to him, with aplomb. He'd laid her down on the counter, gripped her hips tightly, and - while his mouth had been busy on her breasts - had yanked her forward to meet every savage thrust he had made into her.
She looked at him, and shivered as her minds eye saw the snarling animal, with his head flung back, who had bruised her hips as he ground and spurted into her. Then she saw the man who had shuddered above her, his eyes closed, and his head hanging forward, who had caressed her hips as he rocked gently against her, in the last, soft thrusts of his aftermath.
Bardock lay there, looking back at her, a small, seductive smirk on his face, his eyes never leaving her. His smooth pink tongue peeped out and wet his lower lip, and the sudden rush of pure lust she felt was staggering. That talented, flickering tongue had made her howl with joy. She closed her eyes, and steeled herself against the urge to rush over and demand that he take her again. Instead, she sorted through the strewn clothes and picked out suitable garments.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him leisurely hop off the counter and watched as he eased the black pants over his beautiful bronzed legs. She couldn't help the slight twinge of sad disappointment, as the solid muscle was completely hidden; yet completely revealed as the flexible material moulded itself to him. She looked on in fascination, as he pulled the chest plate over his head, marvelling at how the hard material stretched and bent so easily, and couldn't resist a comment on it.
Bardock snorted in dry amusement, and turned to her, the burning glance he gave her, from under his brows, sent shivers of pure lust throughout her entire body.
"It's extremely flexible." He grinned, taking her by the arm, and leading her out of the store.
As they left, she cast one last rueful glance at a shredded mess of green material on the ground. He'd ignored just one of her wishes, and glancing around the store, had with one easy twist of his wrist, ripped her trousers from her body.
… This was how she'd come to be wearing a rather flimsy, floaty, summer dress with heavy, black, combat boots. On reflection, it wasn't her wisest choice.
They fell back into their conversation with ease, as they leisurely strolled along the empty street.
"Apart from me, what `unusual' things have you come across in your time there?"
"From what they've told me, there has been a huge amount of `unnatural phenomena' in recent months - and no clues as to what's causing them. Five months ago this was a busy frontier town, now look at it." She swept one arm out, and Bardock gave a cursory glance around him. Unpopulated towns were nothing new to him, although he was usually the cause of the ones that he had seen. He tended to leave fewer buildings standing, though.
"That's how I found out what I was here for." She smiled coldly, "They'd brought some… thing, back alive, but they'd stunned it. When it came to, it was not impressed by its' surroundings. It was in the room next to where I was, I heard its' raging, went to investigate… It had killed two men before I got to it," Her tone lowered with grim satisfaction. "I snapped its neck like a twig." Bardock nodded his approval at that, while reflecting that it was a shame that she was wasted here. She had no qualms about killing; she even seemed to enjoy it. She would have made a fair purger, given the right training. If it weren't for her total ignorance of ki, she would have made a worthy addition to his squad. A slow smirk crossed his face as he thought how useful she'd be for post-purge `celebrations'. It would sure beat the hell out of hearing Celipa's soft, derisive snort, as she rejected yet another of his ever-hopeful advances.
"That's when I figured it out. I have all this strength; I can kill just about anything. Until you showed up, I've never met anything as strong as me. So, I must be here to fight evil." She finished with a proud flourish. Bardock blinked slowly; perhaps there would be a need for some attitude adjustment as well…
What happened next, she could never slow down enough in her mind to see properly. All she could recall was the blur as Bardock dove at something, and the warm discomfort of her skin, as the shredded remains of the creatures coated her flesh. It was over in less than a second; his chilling battle cry rung in her ears long after the fight was dead.
One moment they'd been happily walking along, chatting, and plotting, respectively, then… this. Never had she imagined that the large, bulky warrior before her would be capable of such speed, such dazzling aggression. A large chunk of grey/green flesh slid off her shoulder and down her arm with a nauseating slickness, and she followed its' progress with an empty heart and a churning stomach as the realisation hit her - that could very well have been her.
Physically, they were pretty evenly matched. If it came down to a straight fistfight, pure luck would determine the winner. Now she understood the pure beauty of ki - with her complete lack of knowledge of how to tap into it, she had nothing like his speed or agility. Thoroughly unnerved eyes travelled over to the man, his tail thrashed wildly behind him and the look of steely, grim satisfaction he wore set her blood to ice.
"Well, well… it's you." A dark figure stepped out of the shadows; cold, pale eyes stared out from a hard, pale face - fixed on the woman at Bardocks' side. She froze in shock and recognition, her eyes wide and her mouth working silently, as a whole host of memories flooded back into her. "Even covered in gore, I recognised you… I could smell you from across the street." A slow cruel smile, sneered its way across his face as he absently flicked a stray strand of jet-black hair from his eyes. "You were always so…" He looked her up and down appraisingly, mockingly, "Good." A small moué of disgust placed itself on his features, like the word had left a bad taste in his mouth.
"I suppose you're the one breaking my toys." His whole demeanour changed to one of petulant annoyance. "I spent a long time making them, they may not have been perfect, but I've not been making them long." He took a long, calculating look at the shaken woman, then prepared his next words carefully, aiming straight for her jugular…
"Was it because they were rejects? I would have thought that in your position, you would have been a little more… forgiving, to your fellow throw-outs." All shreds of anger were gone from his hard features as he savoured the taste of taunting the pale, trembling woman.
Each word the overly familiar deep caustic voice spat out was like a blow. She had to shut him up. As she automatically stepped toward him, his hand disappeared behind his back. He swiftly drew it back, held proudly in his hand was a long bladed ornately cast knife. A very sharp knife, a very deadly looking knife. He brought the blade up to his face, and with an almost sensual delight, sniffed along the length of the blade.
"I like weapons," He breathed, almost to himself. He looked quizzically at her, "Where is yours?" His pale, glinting eyes looked scathingly in Bardocks' direction. "Is it your… friend?" Dark amusement, rippled underneath the malice in his tone.
Bardocks tail lashed angrily behind him, before curling tightly around his waist as he readied himself for battle. The sharp pale blue eyes of the smaller man noticed this immediately, and his sharp, derisive laughter rang out in the tension-filled air.
"Gods above woman, you've found yourself a freak! A little monkey-boy, I really would have thought that you'd chose your friends from further up the evolutionary scale …" he trailed off, almost choking with mirth. Bardock said nothing, he merely drew himself up, folded his arms across his chest, and quietly bided his time, let the little blowhard finish his invective, then show him what he was up against… Once the newcomer, that seemed to be so familiar with his new woman, regained his breath, he waved the vicious-looking knife tauntingly in front of his face as he continued to bait the pair before him.
"I'd like to take that tail of yours… Before I cut your heart out, I think." His eyes narrowed as he tried to conjure up the most insulting use for it, "There's a nasty draught that creeps under my toilet door, that'll block it out nicely." His snide smirk never faltered as Bardock looked on in astonishment at his threat. Bardock wasn't in the least bit concerned by the other mans taunting, if the idiot wanted to break his precious weapon on him…
He slowly unfolded his arms and made to attack the man, when he was held at bay by the woman's small hand rammed hard into his chest, and her implacably resolute face staring up into his. Her eyes were still mostly blank with shock, but her intent was clear, this was to be her kill. Reluctantly, Bardock stood down, the very tip of his tail twitching in annoyance, and wondering to himself why he let her have all the good kills. A small voice inside his head answered him; he was testing her, getting her to prove her worth.
The object of her wrath caught her with a shattering blow across her head easily, and sent her spinning around. Lashing out with his other hand, the sharp blade of the knife bit deeply into the tender flesh covering her shoulder.
"Well, well - we are off our game, aren't we?" He caught her hair, and yanked her to him. "I've never come this close to damaging you before, what's up? Not enough interest in your fighting skills? Too much interest in fucking the ape man?" He sneered over in Bardocks direction, "I can smell him all over you, you know." Bardocks fists clenched tighter, and he fought for control as the urge to join, and end the fight became almost overwhelming. Again, the desire to see her prove herself held him still.
As much as she wanted to fight, her limbs seemed to be paralysed with the shock of the sight of the loathsome man in front of her, and how the sight of him had brought every lost memory back to her. As both pairs of pale eyes stared into each other, his narrowed in disgust,
"You're just not worth it at the moment…" He sneered. He brought his arm up, and casually flung her to Bardock. "Here, you play with her. She's no fun to me like this."
She groaned as the air was expelled from her as she hit Bardocks solid chest with an uncomfortable thump. He instinctively brought his arms up, and caught her, torn with indecision. His gaze flickered between the injured woman and the retreating man. As much as he wanted to feel the solid thump of his fist into the livid flesh of the man, he knew that he could not leave her like this.
Cradling the almost unconscious woman in his arm, he remembered the `ape man' jibe, and looked thoughtfully at his palm. He'd show the scrawny little bastard `ape man' when he came across him again. With this thought to comfort him, he extended his arm, and with a roar of frustration let loose a powerful blast of concentrated ki at the spot where his intended victim had been standing. He crouched over his lover and shielded her body from the bricks and mortar of the blasted building, as they rained down harmlessly on his broad back.
The debris had long since settled before the woman stirred, Bardock helped her to her feet, and she stood uncertainly. They stood together for a while; silently surveying the wreckage that Bardock had wrought. He wore the satisfied look of a man who'd done his job well; she wore a look of numb disbelief. The small stream of blood that ran down from her shoulder, and pooled on the ground, went unnoticed
"So, who was that?" Bardock asked, his voice almost conversational, aside from the low growling satisfaction stamped through his tone. With laser sharp precision, the sound of his voice cut through the shocked daze she found herself in. She finally shook herself, and turned to face him.
"My brother."
Ayyyyy - sorry it was so long coming. I was pouring everything into `Foxy Ol' Injured Bardock'
(Sadly, in a literary, not literal sense… )
But, hey - both my readers on MMO have been waiting since April for this chapter…
If it's any consolation, there's a major shagging-spree coming up in chapter 6!!
Hopefully, I'll have it written sometime this decade…