Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The sorry workings of the mind of a grown woman who is MUCH too fond of a cartoon show…
Thank you Space Monkey Ku (this is ALL her fault) Meliza Mac, Phantomscribe72, AMCM74, and Saiyajin Raven 69, for help, ideas, and encouragement... if you don't like the story… blame them!!! :D
All hail to the lovely AMCM74 for giving me a more plausible reason for Bardock to be on Earth than mine, which was “So he can have sex with the female character.”
She was stunned…
When she had been told to go and intercept the threat, she hadn't expected him to be so… so… She exhaled slowly and softly, as her words left her mind, and images of his naked body wrapped around hers moved in. The man was a god.
It was a crappy detail, to round off a crappy week, in a whole month's worth of crappy weeks. She couldn't understand why some of the lower level grunts couldn't have been dispatched to take care of things. But no, they had to pick on her. Just like they always picked on her. She was seriously pissed off, and seriously hoped that whatever was in that crater was hostile. Nothing like a knockdown fight for resolving `issues'. One corner of her mouth twitched up, slightly, in anticipation.
That had been the first thing she had noticed; the huge, gaping crater his craft had carved out of the landscape as it hit the ground. She'd half expected the small round… whatever it was… to come crashing down. She had been tracking the strange craft, but its directions had been… erratic, to say the least. All they'd told her was the general area - the middle of the desert - then she was left to her own devices to actually find the interloper himself.
She'd never seen anything like it before. She was assuming that it was a single occupant craft; it wasn't large enough for it to be anything else. Unless the occupants were very small, she supposed; her brow creased as she tried to imagine fighting off tiny, hostile assailants. But, she was mystified as to how it had become airborne in the first place. There were no wings, no ailerons, no rudders, nothing to balance it; and it was just… just too round. She wasn't the world's foremost expert on aerodynamics, but she'd been taught a little about drag, lift, and thrust. That thing, it shouldn't be able to fly. The fact that it could just made her even more annoyed.
She'd been fairly close to the crash site. Close enough for the impact tremors to shift the ground beneath her feet. Close enough to see the clouds of dust, rock, and sand it had sent up… Close enough to get there quickly, if she gunned the engine.
She had been fully expecting to find the crafts wreckage, and some mangled body parts. Dust still swirled around the site, but the air was heavy and oppressive, much of it had been forced back down. Visibility was not perfect, but it was clear enough. She could easily make out the craft, although the dust was thicker down there. It lay, like an egg in a nest, in the middle of the crater. Looking astoundingly intact.
She folded her arms and slumped back onto the green jeep to wait for the rest of the dust to settle. A sour expression settled on her face. She was hot, she was dusty; and she was damned if she was going to get hotter and dustier scrambling down there to check out… whatever that was. Now, as icing on the cake, breathing in the dust irritated her nose. She hooked the neck of her vest over her face with an aggravated sigh. The only parts of her face remaining visible were her eyes; narrowed, both in sheer annoyance, and against the invasive dust.
The battered vehicle bore the brunt of her discomfort, as one heavily booted foot tapped out an irritated rhythm against its side. As the minutes wore on, the tapping foot beating out the half-seconds was the only sound in the eerie, deserted silence. Her irritation grew steadily with each thud of her boot against the jeep. She so very much wanted to kill whatever was in there for subjecting her to this.
The dust had fully settled by the time there was any activity from the craft in the crater. She didn't know how long she had waited, she didn't know what would be in there, all she knew was that she was angry, and in the mood for violence. With an audible hiss, a hatch opened in it, gliding smoothly downward. She twitched up to attention immediately, her head held high, her vest tumbling back into place. Her tapping foot fell heavily, expectantly, back to the ground. A slow smirk crossed her face; now was time for her revenge.
A large, strong-looking hand - humanoid, she noticed with a surge of anger and disappointment - clasped the side of the craft. If what was in there was human, there was absolutely no chance of her much wanted, aggression channelling fight. She clenched her small fists tightly and tensed up, ready for action - it might not be human after all.
What followed the hand was the most stunning creature she had ever seen. Her breath left her as she took him in. And suddenly, violence was the last thing on her mind.
A head covered in the most astounding hair she had ever seen came into view. God, it was amazing… Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of it, thick black spikes rioted everywhere at impossible degrees. Three large angles sprang from the top, and smaller ones jutted out at the sides. Pointed bangs draped across the smooth, high forehead, it was beautiful… she couldn't think of another word to describe it. `Beautiful', echoed in a head cleared of all coherent thought.
Broad well-muscled shoulders followed the head, topped by the thickest neck she had ever seen. She noted with great interest that the man was obviously a warrior through and through; the large brawny form was testament to that. The beautiful head turned slowly in her direction; she could see him slightly sniff the air, and she could feel his piercing gaze. She could hear her heart start to pound, and taste her nervous excitement as he walked up the side of the crater.
He was clad in raven black, echoing his hair. The lower half caressed the length of his strong-looking legs like a second skin. The powerfully muscled torso was covered by jet hued armour, green shoulder straps left the massive shoulders enticingly uncovered. Green inlays rippled down the centre, echoing the underlying abdominal muscles, which were rippling through her imagination. Two long green panels flanked his hips and thighs. Above them, sat a thick fur-like belt, a trophy from a difficult, satisfying kill no doubt; she could understand that.
She watched entranced as he strode toward to her. Her eyes lingered on the red coverings on his forearms and lower legs. She couldn't determine their purpose, she could see no protective element in them; but she admired the contrast against the tawny skin of the brawny arms. An echo of the blood of his enemies perhaps. A reminder of the satisfaction of having their blood colouring your flesh.
A separate, analytical part of her fighters mind approvingly noted the flexible material. At a cursory glance, his clothing appeared restrictive. But the long, well muscled legs moved freely as they pumped their way up the steep incline; it was designed for ease of movement. Designed for battle.
He reached the top of the crater and placed one booted foot on the edge, resting one thick, red covered forearm on his knee, there was an intoxicating, feral quality to him… Facing her, he gave her the most seductive smirk she had ever seen - and she felt a quivering sensation, deep in the pit of her belly.
His face was sharply planed; heavy brows sat atop angular coal-black eyes - deep, penetrating, mysterious, and so very alluring. Covering his left ear there was a strange… thing, she'd never seen the like of before. Confusion crossed her face as she stared and tried to work out what it was. It looked like… well it looked like one-half of a set of headphones with a small arm extending over to his left eye holding a green lens. Strange. A thick, ragged scar ran across his left cheek, complimenting, rather than detracting from his animalistic appeal.
Slowly he pulled himself up to his fullest height and made his way toward her. This close, she could smell the musky spice of his scent. It left her weak, but warm, with desire. Face to face she realised she was eye level with the crease of his armpit… she'd have to crane her neck slightly to lick it… The image of her doing just that was playing, very clearly, through her mind as she gazed at him. She consciously clamped her jaw tighter. He stood over her looking down into her face, glinting, ink-black eyes staring into her own stunned grey ones… She concentrated, hard, on regular, even breaths as the belly-pit quivering intensified…
She tried to gather her wits to speak, and prayed silently that the words would come out…
“Identify yourself and state your purpose for being here.” Thank God, no quaver in the voice, no squeaking… it was her usual calm controlled speech.
He cocked his head to one side, and once again smirked, sending shivers down her spine. Instead of answering her, he stepped closer and lightly ran a finger down her cheek, setting a fire trail down her skin in its wake. She closed her eyes and fought desperately to control both her breathing and the heat building up within her. She felt his hands encompass her breasts, and squeeze gently, his thumbs strafing her nipples… And suddenly, the detail didn't seem such a chore after all…
Revelling in the feel of his heavy hands moulded perfectly around her heavy curves, she leaned into his touch. Her head lolled slightly to one side as a soft sigh came from her parted lips. The small, contented sound brought her sharply back to the ground, and her sole purpose for being here.
She opened her eyes and, reluctantly, grabbed his wrists in her hands. Her eyes narrowed with desire, and a thrill of excitement surged through her as she noticed that her small hands barely made it halfway around their thickness. Unthinkingly, her thumbs were gently stroking along their undersides. They felt solid, they felt warm, and they felt strong.
He lowered his head to hers, and his warm breath washed over her. His lips brushed against her hair, and his nose nudged against her forehead, to tilt her head up toward his. The firm caress of his hands and the sultry weight of his gaze, were insistently taking her further and further away from herself. Her grip on his wrists tightened as her knees loosened; all she really wanted was for him to throw her to the ground and take her there and then.
Her head rolled forward to rest against his broad, black-clad, expansive chest, blocking out every other view from her sight. The dull thud, as her forehead made contact with the hard, armoured plate came in unison with the sharp gasp she made as she felt him viciously pinch both nipples. Through the wave of pleasure that shot through her, there was just enough underlying pain to bring her back to reality.
Her head swiftly rose back up, and she steeled herself against the pitch-black gaze that almost stole all of her resolve. It was time for him to realise what he was dealing with. With a self-confident smirk, she tugged at his arms, and her eyes widened when they did not move. Two pairs of eyes, one lusty and amused, one angry and determined, locked together in a battle of wills, neither one in the least willing to concede defeat.
His mouth quirked up, as he felt her attempt to tighten her grip, but surprise flashed briefly across his features, as her grip continued to strengthen and the pulling increased in determination. The relentless grip she had on his wrists was almost painful to him… the little female was in possession of considerable strength. This discovery placed her in a whole new position, he'd seen her as nothing more than a means to an easy release. A quick lay before he disposed of her; he was too intrigued by her now, to kill her straight away.
Humans were not supposed to be a particularly strong breed. There was no discernable muscle on her, nothing that indicated a strength like she so obviously held within her. He was interested in finding out what made her such an anomaly. Saiyan women tended to be fairly small, and had strength beyond belief, but they were Saiya-jin, it was expected of them. He was used to other creatures that possessed a strength that belied their stature… but he'd never wanted to fuck them.
He braced his arms against her efforts to remove his hands from her. Once again, the surprise shifted from him to her, as she pulled hard, and the invading hands did not leave her. Her mouth tightened, and her eyes narrowed in resolution as she exerted even more effort in trying to prise them off. Despite her half-hearted desire to rid herself of him, her efforts were - almost - wholehearted. Such strong resistance was novel to her… she wasn't too sure, yet, if she was challenged or affronted by it.
“Get… off… me… ” She snarled.
“They looked good; I wanted to see if they felt good.” He purred, the mere sound of his voice triggered a tingling surge of adrenaline coursing through her. She was completely eaten with inner conflict… torn between embarrassment, and the desire to have him continue.
”You just don't do things like that!” The agitated note in her voice amused him, but he decided it was time to change tactics.
She set her jaw, and using more of her strength than she'd ever remembered having to use, managed to remove his hands with some difficulty. Despite the struggle, she was left with the feeling that the only reason she got his hands off her was because he let her… that was a thought that sent cold shudders of fearful excitement dancing down her entire body. She'd never encountered strength like this before, aside from her own.
He inclined his body slightly toward her, just shy of a bow, by way of apology.
“I didn't mean to offend you, I meant no harm.” He purred softly his eyes glinting with seductive charm. Damn, why did he let her stop him? “They felt as good as they looked.” He winked at her…
“Well, if you're a good boy, I may let you do it again” she playfully countered, earning herself a look of half amused, fiery lust that promised many delights if she did let him. She swallowed hard. “But first, I have to find out your purpose for being here.”
“Where is here?” He asked looking around at the barren landscape that surrounded them.
“'Here' is a restricted flight zone, and you are,” she cast a glance toward his vehicle, and cocked an eyebrow, “were, breaking that restriction. I was sent to track, and intercept you, if possible”
“Hn. What planet is this?” She sighed and rolled her eyes; oh great… a joker, well she could play along.
“This is Planet Earth.” She said with mock seriousness. “And you are…?”
“Earth” He fiddled with the… thing, on his face and she could see markings come up on the green lens; he concentrated on what the device told him.
“How did I end up this far from home?” He murmured to himself, turning his attention back to her he asked, “So, you're human then?” She looked at him blankly.
“Have you engineers on this planet who could fix my pod?”
”What's wrong with it?”
“I'm not too sure. I hit some trouble out there, gravity field, sent the controls wild, I ended up crash-landing here.”
“Uh-huh, are you injured?”
“Why would I be injured? I was on my way to a mission, not from it. I'm perfectly fit,” He gestured down the length of his body with both hands and raised his eyebrows at her. She shook her head and suppressed a smile, “but I do seem to be stranded here `til the pod's fixed.” He cocked his head quizzically at her, “What are you going to do about it?”
“Who are you?” She asked again. He leaned down, hands on his thighs, and brought his face close to hers.
“I'm Bardock, who are you?”
“Stay there. Bardock.” She sighed, made her way over to her vehicle, and spoke into the radio. He stayed there, watching her rear intently as she walked away, his groin tightening in anticipation. He would have her.
She strode back to him, her breasts bouncing under the khaki sleeveless vest with each step she took; they had felt so good under his hands, he wanted to feel them again. Soon. Her demeanour appealed to him, and he'd felt her strength, a powerful aphrodisiac where he was concerned. Her long brown ponytail swayed as she walked, playing peek-a-boo with him. He imagined gathering it up in his hands and holding her to him with it as he took her. He mentally shook himself and folded his arms as she approached.
“I have permission to escort you back to the base where you will be interrogated; come with me.”
He could not resist…
“Sure, I'll come with you.” He held out his arms to her, a playfully mischievous look dancing across his face. “Are you going to tie me up?” She couldn't suppress her laughter that time. Damn, he was irresistible!
Straightening her face, she told him, “You'll die if you stay out here alone, just follow me.”
She led him to the jeep, and he stared at it in bemusement… ”What is this?”
“It's how I get about quickly… it's called a car.” She smirked up at him sarcastically.
“Why don't you just fly? I'll bet it's quicker than this.” A quick look into his face, wiped the smile from hers. He wasn't joking. He was one-hundred-per-cent-dead-set serious… About everything.
And suddenly the detail reverted to `chore' status again. It no longer seemed to matter that the few rational thoughts she'd had since setting eyes on him had been played against a mental backdrop of sweating, heaving flesh. She didn't care anymore that she'd spent most of the time she'd been with him imagining the sounds he would make as he moved harder and faster, deep within her. The warming, melting satisfaction of the memory of his hands upon her no longer seemed important. Her shoulders sagged with bitter disappointment, her eyes dulled, and her mind screamed out her silent, impotent rage. Someone that beautiful should not be… It was so unfair…
“I can't fly”
He shot her a look of disbelief; she cast one last, desperate, look into his eyes. He was sincere alright.
“Why not?”
“Because, people generally don't fly without the aid of an aeroplane.” She explained with exaggerated patience. This shocked him into silence.
He climbed warily into the vehicle and settled down. She managed to get the vehicle started, and jerkily set off. Her passenger looked discomfited, were all earth vehicles this rough? She caught his look, “I haven't been driving long.”
She drove through the desert, the sun beating down on them uncomfortably. Sneaking a glance at her travelling companion, she noticed he seemed unaffected by the heat. Despite the fact that she now regarded her handsome captive as unbalanced, she was painfully aware of her flushed, dust streaked skin and sweat-dampened hair. She shifted uneasily… Why did she care what he thought of her? She was here to do a job, but she was all too aware of her attraction to the overly large, overly confident, utterly sexy stranger.
They drove for a while in an uncomfortable silence; every so often, she was aware of his burning eyes sliding appraisingly over her body. The sun wasn't the only cause of the slow sweat she felt. In an attempt to shake off the intense feelings brewing inside of her, she struck up a stilted conversation.
“What was that you came in?”
“A space pod.” Came the short reply, he turned his gaze toward her, a slight, mocking glint in his eye.
“Oh.” She wasn't too sure what a space pod was, but she was damned if she was going to let him have the satisfaction of knowing that. “Where are you from?” He shifted slightly, from his legs splayed, hands on knees position and stretched his back.
“From Vejiitasei, a planet in the distant stretches of the North Western Quadrant.” That, she couldn't let go.
“Another planet? How in Gods name can you be from another world?” The alarm and disbelief rang throughout her tones, and one hand left the steering wheel, flailing uncomfortably close to Bardocks face.
“By being born and raised on another planet.” Came the sardonic reply, as he enfolded the waving hand within his own. “I'm a Saiyan Warrior little girl.” He leaned over and snarled the last words into her ear in an excitingly dangerous way.
Despite the threatening tone, she felt no fear. Her senses did not alert her to any danger, and turning her head, she saw the smile playing about his lips. He looked at her admiringly; not many people could face a snarling Saiyan and keep their composure. He recalled her iron grip on his wrists; he'd had to put some effort into resisting her attempts to remove his hands. He noticed, with mild surprise, that she was easily removing her hand from his strong grip. There was definitely more to her than met the eye.
“I'm no girl.” She softly snorted.
“You're still little though.” He crossed his arms and smiled, unwilling to relinquish the last word. She longed to pursue the whole `other planet' situation, but the base was coming into sight, there was no time now.
So… there's the re-written (hopefully improved) Chapter One. New Ch 2 is on its way . Ch 5?? Hopefully that will be ready sometime before I DIE of frustration at being so blocked…