Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Yes, it's true… I really am Akira Toriyama. I'm bored, so I have decided to adopt the persona of a suburban English mother and housewife and write a fanfic, the sole purpose of which is - Bardock gets to have sex…
I own them all, and you don't, ha-ha!!
(This disclaimer is a lie…) (Except the English Housewife/mother bit) (And the Bardock/sex bit) (Actually, the only lie is the Toriyama-san bit)
Chapter 2
The base was a heavily guarded installation set in the middle of a vast desert, no scheduled flight routes passed above it, and the inhospitable terrain ensured a reasonably high degree of privacy. It wasn't a particularly large complex, just one runway for the air traffic and a few functional-looking buildings scattered around the interior. Should any aircraft pass overhead the small base was, outwardly, a re-fuelling station. Nothing remarkable there... Most of the real work was done underground…
The guards stationed by the gate knew her on sight. Every one on the entire base knew about her. Every high-ranking official in the military - who had the proper security clearance - knew about her. Despite her familiarity, she still had to prove her identity to get through the annoying security before she and her `guest' were permitted entry. A task not made any easier by Bardocks' insistence on lasciviously sliding one finger up and down her spine. Once inside the gate, more defence personnel immediately surrounded them. She was instructed to take the `possible security threat' to the Commanding Officers department for further interrogation.
Bardock was mostly amused at their presumption. It was ludicrous, the thought of them trying to intimidate him; the combined force of the entire personnel of the base would stand no chance against him. He was aware of Saiyan methods of `interrogation', he had even been privileged enough to have conducted a few himself, from what little information he had gathered about `Earth' though, he doubted they had either the ruthlessness nor the technology to even scratch his surface. He snorted, a dangerous gleam beginning to grow in his eyes.
But, Saiyan nature was Saiyan nature, and anger was quickly becoming the dominant emotion. His arms fell naturally into their usual fists-at-the-ready position and his eyes took on their habitual glare as he glowered down at them, bristling visibly at their assumption. Ironic, he knew - humility was not one of his virtues; but at least he had the means to back uphis arrogance… Destroying everyone here might go some way toward making up for missing the purge. Now there was a thought that filled him with grim anticipation. His eyes glowed as he studied each man surrounding him, debating who would die first, and in which manner they would die - no point taking them all out at once. Not so much fun to be had that way.
His mouth twisted into an icy smirk, an ever-increasingly evil tone adding colour to it, as he savoured his train of thought. They had no idea what they were dealing with. They couldn't even begin to comprehend the strength of even the weakest Saiyan - should this planet be scheduled for purging, a Saiyan baby would suffice.
It would be no challenge, but massacring the entire population of the base would be a diversion, he idly wondered how long it would be before he snapped and killed them, once they tried to pump him for information. For now though, the farce he was going through was relatively entertaining to him… he was savouring every moment his kill was delayed. It was unlucky for them that his encounter with the small, strong female had put him into one of his maliciously playful moods. The whim to toy with his victims often overtook him. That was an unfortunate character trait of his - if you were non-Saiyan.
Bardock looked at his escort thoughtfully; he wouldn't kill her though, she was far too intriguing. Plus, something about her… called to him. That was the main reason she was still alive. As soon as he'd stepped out of the pod, her scent had saturated his senses, driving him almost to the point of madness. A ruthless smirk crossed his face as he contemplated her; he'd see her writhing in ecstasy underneath him before he was through with her. If he was going to be stuck here until he could find some means of getting back home, he may as well have a little… recreational toy.
She led him to the largest hangar nearest the runway. The heavy-duty boots of the soldiers that flanked them crunched the ground in deafening synchronisation. It wasn't something that could be noticed, at that moment, but Bardock had a surprisingly light tread for such a large man. He could approach, and gut an enemy without them having any idea he was near them, as he crept up on them with the silent footfalls of a predator. Stealth was obviously not a major part of the human military forces, he thought with contempt.
The soldiers assigned to them were visibly nervous of the large, threatening male the small, innocuous-looking woman had brought into their midst. They were tough men, many had seen combat in an up close and personal setting. There were a few who were almost as tall as Bardock; a couple of them were as wide. One rather alarming specimen was nearly as intimidating to look at. Somehow, when it was all mixed up into Bardock, all the aspects of him seemed to add up to so much… more. The hardened veterans of many hard fought battles found their eyes constantly flicking over to the burly Saiyan, nervous fingers rested uneasily on the triggers of their useless guns.
Inside, more guards immediately flanked them; this was a case sensitive area, they were certainly taking no chances with the large intruder. Bardock was escorted to the far side of the building. The group stood in formation as clearance was given to enter the anteroom before them. He glared disdainfully around at the smaller humans that thought they could ever stop him… The eyes of every man there were trained intently on the wall, desperate not to attract the attention of Bardock.
The movement of his head wafted her scent round him like an invisible veil… it was driving him insane. The desire to rut swiftly overcame his desire to maim and kill, and he focused large dark eyes intently on the woman in front of him, his life's blood fast engorging him. He could not resist; contemptuously ignoring the `guard' that had been placed on him, he moved close up against her. Close enough so she could feel him pressing into her back as well as the tiny, almost imperceptible rocking movements from his hips. Her eyes widened as she cast a bashful glance around at the surrounding soldiers. Not one had paid any heed to them. It was unlikely that the movement of his hips could have been noticed by anyone but her, but she glared up at him anyway. Bardock smiled seductively and winked at her in return. Once again, she found herself torn between embarrassment and desire… she was almost getting used to the feeling.
It was with an almost tangible sense of relief that the guards abandoned him to the small woman's control as they disappeared into the room.
Inside the room was a large metal sliding door on one wall with a small dark panel beside it. She placed the palm of her hand on the panel; a thin red beam of light slid own the panel, reading the skin patterns on her hand. Bardock snorted, and he stared at her though heavy lidded eyes as far more erotic images of what she could be doing with that soft, small hand crowded into his mind. The doors slid open to reveal the steel interior of a rather functional looking elevator. There were no buttons in there; it went straight to the nerve centre of the whole operation.
The tension hung, honey-thick, between them as they stood as close to each other as possible without actually touching. Both could hear the others breath; feel it coming in short bursts. The power radiating from the large form was almost tangible. She felt energised being so close to him. She wondered if he could hear her heart thumping, or feel the slight tremble of sheer excitement she felt standing this near to him.
He moved and took her hand, guiding it over his erection. Her eyes shone with desire as she felt the long, throbbing excitement, too thick to be fully encircled by her hand. The black material gave easily as she instinctively closed her hand around it. She bit her lower lip to stifle the gasp of excitement that sprang up when she discovered her fingers couldn't quite meet around the hard column of flesh. She had to remind herself to breathe. The familiar belly pit quivering returned; he leaned in to whisper in her ear…
"It's all for you."
She turned to look at him, his face was still close to hers, and wearing the most mischievous smirk she had ever seen, his midnight eyes alight with passionate humour
"I told you, only if you're good."
"Oh, I'll be good, that I promise you." He whispered, and arched his eyebrows at her. She could feel the blush rise up her twitching face, as she struggled to maintain some type of composure; it was debatable which had the upper hand - lust, or sheer amusement.
He let go of her as the doors opened to the harsh glare of artificial light in the stark interior that led to the bases chiefs' office. Bardock stepped aside, and swept his hand out, signalling her to go first. She smiled up at him and exited without comment. Bardock was pleasantly surprised at her easy acceptance of his gesture. He was a Saiyan through and through; he was, by nature, savage, brutal, bloodthirsty. His fists were always at the ready, ever eager to connect with another in an orgy of violence. He thrived on his purging missions; the savage joy of battle was oxygen to him. The intoxicating thrill of letting go, and allowing his primal side completely envelop him left him energised. That was when he felt whole.
But, Bardock was also a complex, contradictory man. He had a dry, dark humour, he could be playful, he was an outrageous flirt, he was instinctively courteous, and he was blessed with an easy, natural charm, which he rarely got to use. He wasn't alone in this, they weren't common Saiyan traits, but they were there - hidden from all but those closest to them. The brutal conditioning of Saiyan society all but outlawed such… attributes. In his extreme youth, Bardock had still been naïve enough to believe his… softer… qualities to be endearing.
There had been a high-ranked female, an elite from the Royal Guard. She had heard of the small, handsome young low class warrior, who's reputation as a lover preceded him, and whose power matched that of a lower-echelon first class warrior. Curiosity had driven her to seek him out, and test his skills in her bed. Bardock had been flattered, and at his most charming, it wouldn't hurt to be in favour with someone in her position.
When the medics had picked as much of the wall out of him as they could, and two days in the regen tanks had done the rest, Bardock reflected that sometimes it did hurt to curry favour. Especially with the Elite, and their paranoia regarding `weakness'.
So that side of him never had the chance to flourish, they were carefully hidden inside him, ignored and left to wither and die. He had no mate to show them to, and had certainly learnt not to show them to his many casual sexual partners. Even his crewmates were oblivious to his calmer side, and he supposed, they were the people closest to him. Over the years, they had developed a rough affection for him, they admired his tendency to lose himself to the drug of destruction, they respected his phenomenal power, which had certainly proved a blessing on more than one difficult purge. Celipa was immune to his looks; there were plenty of other strong, handsome Saiyans who were not as… free with their favours as Bardock. Celipa tended to look upon him as a brother to be verbally chastised or merely tolerated as the situation dictated… She was his friend. Perhaps here, on this strange planet, with this strange female, he could give his `other' qualities free rein. If he still knew how to, that was. While he was stuck here, he may as well have a… practice toy.
All the way down the long narrow corridor - he seemed much to big to fit in here - they marched, knuckles occasionally grazing the other gently… sending small electrical sparks tingling up their bodies.
They stood together in the Colonel's office, echoing each others' straight backed, arms folded, feet slightly apart stance. Despite the situation, neither could resist stealing glimpses at the other, she had her eyes sliding over to him when she felt a small (tickly?) tap on her left shoulder.
She jumped slightly, and her head spun around, but there was nothing there. She glanced at Bardock, he was in the same position, staring stonily ahead, looking for all the world as if she didn't exist. He hadn't moved a muscle, let alone a whole arm to tap her. Another tap... brushing gently over her, whatever it was that was doing it was soft and felt… furry?
She looked nervously around the small room; she didn't like small, hairy things, and she liked small hairy things that hit her even less. She couldn't see any animals, she couldn't hear any bugs. Nothing else in there was remotely animate, other than Bardock and herself. He still hadn't moved… but she could swear she saw the corner of his mouth twitch… just a tiny bit. He refused to meet her eye, and remained stock-still in his position…
She was almost blinded with pain and her ears were filled with a loud cracking sound, as something connected with the back of her head with incredible force.
She winced against the pain, and raised her hand to rub the sore spot gingerly. Bardock could no longer contain his mirth and barked out a sharp laugh.
"You're not human then?" he snorted
"What else would I be?" She sulked at him.
He looked at her sideways, grinning from ear to ear. "If you were human, your head would have been crushed by that blow; you barely flinched"
"How…" Complete, gape-mouthed shock was her first reaction to discovering that it was Bardock who had struck her…
"I was watching you!" She scowled up at him, thorough annoyance quickly overtaking shock...
"You. Didn't. Move!" She spat out, she wasn't used to people getting one over on her, and she didn't like it. Not one little bit….
His gaze locked onto hers, and his eyes travelled down to his backside, she followed his gaze and was rooted to the spot in utter shock… flicking merrily about behind him was a brown furry, very obviously real tail. What she'd assumed was a belt slowly raised itself up to her face and brushed along her forehead, over her nose and finally settled, with the tip twitching, alongside her cheek. She followed its progress across her face with wide eyed wonder… How had she mistaken that?
She stood, brow furrowed, open mouthed, trying to form words that would not come. She cautiously drew her hand along the thick silken length of it, too bewitched by the unexpected appendage to notice how Bardocks shoulders twitched and tensed. Her fingers dug gently into the sleek, soft fur as she nuzzled against it.
"It's beautiful." She whispered, her breath gently ruffling the fine top hairs. Bardocks eyes closed and he gasped softly under her caress. He snaked his tail out of her grasp, right now wouldn't be the best time to be on his knees before her; there would be plenty of opportunity for that later, if he had his way. And if there was one thing that Bardock was used to, it was getting his own way with women…
She was still too stunned to take it in, properly… a tail… She was also disappointed that Bardock had taken it away from her; she wanted to continue to caress the beautiful thick, rich fur. She coped with the loss by ignoring the whole issue for the moment, and taking another track.
"What would you have done if my head had been crushed?"
He looked thoughtful for a second, "Well, I would have known you were human." A slight pause, then he turned back to her with his most impish grin, "and I never would have got the chance to fuck you"
"You fucking well won't after that anyway." She folded her arms and shot him a vicious look, but they both smiled at that one. She mentally shook herself. Definitely time to change the subject… She saw the tail weaving behind him, and had to ask…
"Why do you have a tail?" she spread her hands in disbelief
"We all have them… I told you I was a Saiyan."

"What's a Saiyan?" She cocked up one eyebrow at him.
He moved in behind her, and a brown velvet tail wound its way around her waist, pulling her close against him. He took her hands in his and bent his head to tell her of his violent nature. She felt absolute horror as he spoke in deep chocolate tones, whispering words of death into her ear.
"That's what a Saiyan is my girl." He murmured at last, his hot breath bathing her skin, sending shivers down her spine.
The colonel stalked over to interrupt the seductive display in front of him. Bardock pulled sharply away from her, his tail instinctively re-coiling around his waist, ready for battle. Looking down at his `soldier' the colonel nodded.
"You captured him… well done. " He smiled. Looking away from his subordinate, the commanding blue eyes fixed on Bardock. The small woman was still between them, Bardock suddenly felt a territorial urge to pull her back to him. He'd set his sights on this woman, and yet it was obvious that this other man thought of her as one of his. The desire to fight, never very far from the surface, was slowly creeping back.
All warrior-instincts on high alert, the Saiyan stepped in front of his captor, blocking her from the other mans view, and stared down at the smaller man before him.
"I need engineers to work on my pod. I don't know what's wrong with it." He ground out. "I need to return to my mission quickly, get someone on it."
To his credit, the lifelong soldier barely wavered under the demands of the large threatening male before him. With a measured tone, he carefully explained that Bardock would not be going anywhere in the foreseeable future. Bardock blinked in shock. The idiot human male informed Bardock that he was their prisoner now, and would remain so until they were satisfied he was not dangerous. In a dull monotone the Colonel continued on, remarking on their suspicions of his alien nature and their intent to detain him while they concluded their observations of him and his physiology.
The actual words were lost in the blood red haze of rage that engulfed him, but the message was clear. These pathetic, powerless fools thought they could keep a Saiyan against his will…
Bardock went on the offence, his right hand stretched out to his side. The thrill of the kill surged through him as he gathered his energy into his hand, a smallish blue-tinged orb of light grew brightly there, with a threatening snarl he prepared to discharge the energy at his enemy, then all was black.
She'd had no time to think. She had reacted purely on instinct. With a little more time to assess the situation, she probably would not have hit him quite so hard. She had seen the light sphere form in his hand, and all her wits screamed at her that it was not good… She bunched both hands together and lashed out as hard and fast as she could. The large alien crumpled to the floor, as her fists connected with the base of his skull. Shaking out the sting in her hands, she stepped over the prone form and called for help to remove the body.
He opened his eyes carefully, the room slowly de-blurred into a… less hazy… sort of focus. When things became clearer, he noticed he was in a small, rather Spartan room, and lying on a small, rather uncomfortable bed. A stark glint of white caught his eye, an object on a small table just in his line of vision, was that…? He raised his head, a little, but blinding pain in his head stopped him… how had he arrived here? He could not think straight at the moment, time for that later he mused as unconsciousness crept over him again.
She noticed him stirring, and heard his slight groan. Surprise registered in her mind at the short space of time it had taken him to awaken. It couldn't have been more than a couple of hours since she had struck him, three at the most. She'd watched dispassionately, hugging her sore hands under her arms, as eight strong men struggled to carry the comatose Saiyan to the infirmary. Once the medic assessed his condition - stable, all signs strong - and had given him the all clear, she had secured him tightly to the bed, and left to attend to some urgent business. Every nerve in her body was tensed, screaming at her to kill him, should he become hostile again. …Trouble was, she felt no inclination to rid the world of him… there was something unfathomable about him that drew her to him,
Confliction was a new, and unwelcome, addition to her emotions. In all her previous experiences, that she could recall, things had been clear-cut and easy, up until the pod hatch had opened, so had this been… She was reasonably certain that it wasn't just her desire for him that made her feel this way. He made no further moves, and she settled back down to continue her watch over him.
Bardock woke up slowly, his eyes focused, reluctantly. The difficult journey back to conscious thought was like wading through quicksand. One wrong move, and you're back under… He closed his eyes and brought his hands up to rub his face. Puzzled by the slight chafing sensation in his wrists he looked down, and had to stifle the laughter bubbling up within him. His desirable little attacker, with her potent little scent, had sought to restrain him… Thick, rough twists of… something were strapped across his arms, chest and legs. You'll have to do better than that, my girl. He thought, almost fondly.
With an effortless flex of his biceps, the ropes around his arms snapped. He sat up, his `bindings' falling uselessly away from him as the force of his momentum snapped them easily. He cast a wry look at their shredded remains, with a quiet snort of amusement, and a shake of his head. His eyes flicked over to the woman, and a small smile played around his mouth at the thought of what she'd done to him.
Speaking of her potent little scent, it was… different, the core remained unchanged, it still had the same, slightly unnerving, effect on him; but the top layers were subtly altered. He took a deeper breath, and realised the slightly sour undertones of sweat and dust were missing, replaced with an altogether fresher tone. Her hair hung damply about her shoulders, and he surmised that she had bathed since he last saw her. He stood up to go to her, but the wave of dizziness that hit him, forced him back down.. He shook his head violently to clear it.
The movement hurt, and he raised a hand to the back of his head, to assess any damage. The site of the blow was painful to the touch and a solid, sore lump had formed. He looked over at her, a slow smile lit up his face as he thought about how she had knocked him out. He liked her… She was so much more exciting than he had first supposed.
He crossed the room and stood before her, waiting patiently for her to awaken; gazing down at her sleeping form with a heady mix of sheer lust, and the beginnings of true admiration. This small, unimpressive looking female had felled him… His head was sore, there was a sizeable lump on the back of his head. He had to know how she'd done it. Learning about her, unravelling her mystery would be… fun. If he was going to be stuck here might as well have an… educational toy.
She didn't know how long it was that she'd been asleep, boredom, or the need to `recharge her batteries' must have lulled her off, but she awoke with the alien standing before her. She cursed herself for slipping so badly. Instantly alert she readied herself for battle, but he seemed in no mood for it. He loomed in front of her, arms crossed and scowling down at her.
"I suppose I have you to thank for the headache?" She stood up and craned her neck to look into his face, surprised to see no malice reflected in the deep black of his eyes, just honest admiration, and a touch of the ever-present amusement.
"You posed a threat to the Commanding Officer. My orders are to guard you, and kill you should you continue to be a threat."
"You think you can kill me?" Now he really was amused. He laughed, showing glistening white teeth and a smooth pink tongue… she wanted both on her, right now.
"You have no idea what you are up against…" Bardock snorted and shook his head, in disbelief. "Besides, there are other things I'd rather be doing with you than trying to kill each other." He purred, running one fingertip along her shoulder. He lifted her chin, and stared into her eyes. "If you want to fight me, see how well you fare against me, I'm more than willing to oblige." His voice was low and seductive, and his deep, ebony eyes were alight with excitement at the prospect. "There aren't that many creatures in this Universe that can match a Saiyan. What are you?"
"I'm something that was put on this Earth to kill things like you."