Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Don't own `em, never will - not even my beautiful Bardock… *sob*
Chapter 3
“I'm something that was put on this Earth to kill things like you.”
He wasn't expecting that. She'd said `something', not `someone', why? He was used to dealing with, and usually eliminating, all manner of creatures. He rarely stopped to make conversation with his victims, and had never put much thought into what they were, or how they came about. He just killed them, leaving the planet devoid of life for anyone that wished to purchase it from Lord Freeza. He suddenly found himself consumed with curiosity about the small, powerful creature before him.
“Tell me.” He said softly, and reached out to brush a finger down her arm.
She shivered at the touch, by his own admission he was a killer, capable of genocide on a scale that defied belief… He was responsible for wiping out the sentient life of entire planets. Yet, there was something… Something that made her trust him, something that made her want to tell him about herself, what little she knew, anyway. She needed to talk to someone about it. No one here was interested in her thoughts or feelings. There was considerable interest about her strange origins, but mostly they just cared that she did her job efficiently.
She took a deep breath, and prepared to explain her existence. As she opened her mouth to speak, she glanced up at him. Tilting her head she was once again caught in the gaze of his ebony eyes… God, they were incredible. They seemed to bore straight through her. The intense eyes were glowing, his face alive with an avid curiosity she found endearing. Unable to resist the temptation, she reached out to stroke the beautiful hair. Her touch was like a jolt of electricity shooting through him, the desire that overwhelmed him overriding the interest he felt.
He grasped her hand, turned his mouth to the wrist, and placed a searching kiss upon it, his tongue lightly trailing down to the elbow. Thickly muscled arms snaked their way around her and she was gathered up in his crushing embrace. Her legs wrapped around his waist instinctively as his tail uncoiled and gripped her tightly. His fingers threaded through her hair as he pulled her mouth to his. His lips worked against hers desperately, his hands clutching her back and head tightly.
He was slightly disappointed in her response; her lips were hesitant, uncertain. They hardly moved against his at all; yet, he was sure she desired him as he desired her. Drawing her bottom lip up into his mouth, he gently sucked on it… apart from a sharp intake of breath… nothing. Her lips remained immobile. His tongue rasped against her teeth, demanding entry, but her mouth remained closed, he tried again, and met the same resistance…
This was new to him; a Saiyan woman would have been clawing at him eagerly, her mouth attacking his. He was experienced in pleasuring a woman. His services were much in demand back on Vejiitasei…although he was relatively small by Saiya-jin standards he was powerful, for his class, and handsome; there were no shortage of Saiya-jin women who'd like a whelp sired by Bardock. He found her reticence puzzling… It was as if…
Realisation flooded him… She had no idea what she was doing. He lifted her away from him and stared hungrily into her eyes.
“You've never kissed before?” He asked. She shook her head at him, impatient to feel the sensual movements of his lips against hers again as she pulled him back to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, holding her back.
“You've never been with a man before?”
“I've never had the opportunity. I've always been alone. I am aware of the basic functions of the act though.” She spoke quickly, her breath coming in short, urgent gasps.Bardock was dimly aware of her strange choice of words, but was in no mood to pay much heed to them.He was too surprised, she wasn't unattractive - no Earth males would pick up her scent, but she was reasonably pleasing, physically. Youth wasn't a factor, she was not old - but far from a girl. She'd had enough of talking, and yanked his head back to her. This wouldbe new for him… he'd not taken anyone's virginity before; he'd capitalize on his experience to ensure her initiation was pleasurable.
He was gentler with this kiss, his hands softly slid back into her hair as his mouth made soft, small movements against hers. He took her chin in one hand, and whispered against her lips, “Open your mouth.” She opened up to him, and was taken to heaven as she felt the wet, silken warmth of his tongue glide against hers.
Still carrying her, he slowly made his way to the narrow bed and braced himself on it with one knee. He lowered her to the surface and covered her body with his, still maintaining the deep, gentle kiss. His hands cupped her head, revelling in the feel of her soft hazel hued locks. He broke the kiss and gazed down at her with lust-glazed eyes taking in the fine features of her face; an unspoken question in his deep dark eyes. In answer, she pulled him roughly back on her and devoured his mouth with hers.
His hands stroked from her head to her shoulders and trailed softly down her arm and onto her stomach. He pulled impatiently at the vest she wore, aching to touch the velvety soft skin beneath. His fingertips lightly grazing over her, his hands crept upwards as hers travelled down his back to his tail. As his hands reached her breasts he stopped in surprise… they felt… strange, rough, scratchy… that wasn't how a Saiyan woman's' breasts felt. He released her mouth and stared down, raising his arm to pull the vest up so it didn't obstruct his view… what was that? She suddenly understood the reason for his confusion…
”It's a bra.” She smiled,
He looked from her eyes down to the offending article and smirked… not for long. He hooked a finger in the depths of her cleavage and pulled lightly… the material shredded down the centre under the pressure and her mounds fell slightly apart… he was so looking forward to completely uncovering and savouring that which had tormented him since he first set eyes on her. Bardock laughed at her frustrated moan as he pulled away from her.
“Patience, girl.” He murmured.
He placed his hands on her shoulders and his lips above the waistband of her trousers and started with slow torturous kisses, tasting her soft flesh as he gradually made his way upwards. She arched her back under him and grasped his head in both hands her fingers playing with the rough black spikes.
“OK, you're needed, right now!”
Both their heads snapped around in shock. The soldier that burst through the door didn't even stop in his urgency to take in the compromising position he found the base's secret weapon and her prisoner in. He was out of the door without waiting; she always followed straight away. Sighing heavily, she tilted her body and tipped him off her, jumping to her feet to follow the messenger.
Bardock sat stunned... not only from the abrupt end of their foreplay, but by what she had just done. He was huge by human standards, extremely powerfully built, extremely heavy… yet she'd just shrugged him off like he was a bug. She turned toward him as she reached the door.
“You'd better come with me.”
He grabbed what he wanted from the small table and followed her quickly. As he watched her, loping ahead of him, re-tying the long hair back into the ponytail, he was struck by her innate grace and fluidity of movement; she had about her the air of a predator.
The colonel met them outside and she was given her instructions. A vagrant had been picked up, and was rambling about the `monster' he had seen in the ruins of an abandoned warehouse in the nearest town. Having assured the commanding officer that no-one on the base would be able to contain Bardock should he become hostile again, he agreed to let the large alien accompany her.
She drove quickly toward the now deserted town she had been directed to; her passenger hanging onto the windshield grimly, looking far from happy. She noticed the strange device in his hand.
“What isthat?”
“A scouter… tells me things I need to know about enemies, places, it transmits data to and from the control room on Lord Freeza's ship.”
“To? So, your comrades know where you are? You've contacted them, they know of your crash?”
“Oh, they know alright. They know I'm here, they know you thinkI'm your prisoner.”
“So, we can expect more Saiyans when they come to rescue you? Are they all like you?”
He gave a bitter half-laugh. “No one's going to be coming to my rescue. Lord Freeza won't waste any effort recovering a piece of low class Saiyan trash.” He spat out with disgust, “He thinks we're too weak to bother with.”
This disturbed her greatly… “He, he thinks you're weak?” She well remembered the raw strength she'd felt, when she removed his hands from her, and from when he'd held her… he was probably stronger than she herself. If they were to change their minds and come looking for him, how was she supposed to defend anything from the likes of them?
“Lord Freeza is supposedly the strongest in the Universe… Until The Legendary Saiyan comes for us.” She slowed down the vehicle to better hear him, he hesitantly took his hands off his safety net and leaned over to her, resting his head on one large hand. She didn't dare look up at him, one glance at those fathomless pools of midnight black, and she would never tear herself away.
“The Legendary Saiyan?”
“Once, every thousand years, one of our race is born with the ability to go Super Saiyan, then Lord Freeza will meet his match.”
“You don't like this Lord Freeza of yours then?”
“He gives us work. We're grateful for that.”
The outlines of the town of their destination were just beginning to appear on the horizon. It would not take long to reach there; she gunned the engine and sped off, pulling to a stop at the nearest clutch of buildings, the wheels crunching over the gravel surface. She reached behind them and pulled out a large bag.
Bardock winked at her, put a finger over her lips, and said `shhh' as he looped the scouter over his left ear. He switched it on.
“This should help locate your `monster'.” He said as they got out of the jeep and made their way into the downtown warehouse sector they had stopped by.
The strange symbols appeared on the green lens, and he turned the scouter on her. The whirring, beeping from the scouter became increasingly frantic as it tried to gauge the power of the small woman before him while the symbols flashed before his eyes at lightening speed. A frenzied read out, it finally settled just below his own level and all she was doing was ambling along, fussily trying to rearrange a bag on her shoulder to her satisfaction, Gods what was she like in battle?
“They're fairly near here,” he pointed to the north, “there's something over there, a little way off, more than one,” He scanned the information the scouter was giving him again, “… seem quite strong, nothing we can't handle though. Lets go kill something shall we?” He grinned; this was his chance to see her fight.
As they made their way toward their victims, she remembered the strange ball of light he had manifested in his hand and probed him about it. He seemed genuinely surprised she had no concept of ki.
“It's the inner energy that gives you the strength to defeat your enemies. With it, you can do the `light thing' as you called it; you concentrate the energy within, expel it, and annihilate the foe. It's more effective than a blow, not as satisfying though.” He smirked at her. “How do youfight if you don't use ki?” She dropped her shoulder, reached into the bag, and pulled a large double-edged sword out.
“With this.” She looked at the deadly weapon with a fond, almost wistful expression on her face. “I was found with this, it's my only possession, apparently.”
“They found me three months ago, I was unconscious…”
The scouter beeped insistently and Bardock held out a hand to stop her from going any further. She walked straight into his hand, she noticed the unconscious, feather light stroking of his fingers on her flat stomach.
“They're closer… Looks like they were stalking us, as we were stalking them.” He could not help the satisfied smirk that crossed his face; the old, familiar lust for battle was stirring him. He'd have to keep a tight grip on it; if he lost control, his opportunity to observe her skills would be gone.
The neglected alleyway they faced was dank and dark. Tall, desolate, warehouses loomed above them. The dim light caught the brackish water dripping from rusted, bleak fire escapes, echoing in the narrow confines; both knew it was no place for a fight.
There were three of them. They emerged from the gloom slowly, one from the far end, one each from the buildings that flanked the alleyway, made their way to them with an almost gliding movement. She whipped her head around to make certain there were none behind them… Their escape route was clear. They backed up the way they had come, leading them back into clear space, and the late afternoon sunshine.
They were disgusting to look upon. Nausea crawled over her, pricking at her flesh as she regarded the amorphous slug like creatures. Medium sized, bipedal, but not remotely humanoid. The grey/green toned skin hung in loose folds,almost obscuring their large amber eyes set in a head that seemed to reach straight into the torso, if there was a neck it was hidden amongst the folds of skin that hung down and draped over their shoulders. She shuddered at the long wrinkled arms and huge claw like hands. They looked like they were in the process of melting; they were repellent creatures, the likes of which she never wanted to see again. She did notwant to touch them.
She hefted the bag out of the way and readied herself for battle, sword held out in front of her… anything to put distance between her and these vile… things. Two oozed their way toward her and one crept toward Bardock. They seemed to know, by instinct, who their main enemy was.
Bardock's creature lunged at him; it was more agile than they had supposed. A powerful blow knocked the unprepared warrior into the side of the jeep, sending his scouter flying. He'd neatly destroyed their only means of transport, leaving a huge crack in the bodywork and a crumpled engine. He picked himself out of the wreckage, ostentatiously dusting himself off. He strode over to the unfortunate creature and with one carefully aimed blow, crushed its' chest, killing it immediately.
He gingerly removed his fist from the chest cavity and raised his ki around it, burning off the gore that clung to him. He put up with a lot of teasing from his crew over his `fastidiousness' where enemy body fluids were concerned… A hollowness crept into him, as thoughts of his crew invaded him… What were they doing? Purging thoroughly no doubt, they always did, he thought with a snort of amusement. What would they do to try to recover their lost Commander? When, if ever, would he see them again? Were their kills proving as easy as his just was?
He stopped, aware of what he'd just done, so much for control, he chided himself. Oh well, there were still two more for her to fight, she wouldn't miss one.
The woman was fighting with the other two, deftly countering and landing her own well-chosen attacks, the swords' slashing blade glinting in the rays of the slowly setting sun. This would be quite a show, decided Bardock. He returned to the destroyed vehicle and leaned back with arms folded to watch his newfound ally and gauge her abilities.
One victim looked near death, a yellowish fluid which Bardock assumed to be blood seeped out from a large gash in its' abdomen, but still it fought on. He watched and admired the deft way she handled the enormous sword with just one hand, swinging it around like it weighed nothing. Both creatures had sustained heavy injuries; both attacked at once. Her foot lashed out and knocked one to the ground, the handle of the sword being driven against the other ones' skull, knocking it out cold.
With one foe out of the way for now, she had time to devote to the fallen one. She stalked up to it, catching sight of the still watching Bardock and the appraising look on his face. She set her jaw determinedly. He wanted a show of her strength? He'd get one. She leapt on the enemy, driving one foot into the gaping wound, grinding into it. A sibilant gurgling sound came out of its' throat, she briefly wondered if it could be a cry of pain.
Wearing a cold smile, instead of the grimace of disgust she felt, she grabbed the creature's ankle with one hand. Trying not to wince at the clammy cold feel of its skin, she pulled as hard as she could. Sadly for her she pulled a little too hard, easily wrenching the limb from its socket, the momentum of her tug sending the vile foot straight into her jaw. She did not attempt to quash the cry of disgust she made, earning herself a derisive laugh from her tall audience of one.
Thoroughly annoyed and feeling sick to her stomach, she took it out on the thing at her feet, and drove the sword straight through its throat with such violence she nearly decapitated it.
Vigorously rubbing at her jaw for the dual purpose of getting the taint of the foot off her and to slough off the cold feel of his mocking laugh, she turned away from the creature. She was definitely fighting the urge not to vomit; she made her way over to the vehicle. Unceremoniously shoving the large warrior out of the way, she got her canteen of water, liberally splashing it over where the creature had touched.
“Enjoying yourself?” she hissed at him.
“Immensely, thank you.”
She made a sound of annoyance and out of the corner of her eye noticed the unconscious creature on the ground begin to stir. Attempting to wither him with her dirtiest look, she strode back to it, as it rose to its feet. She readied the sword and faced her enemy.
With the same lightening burst of speed the first creature had used to attack Bardock, it lashed out at her and kicked the sword from her hand. Overcome with fury at the thought of being subjected to hand to hand combat with another of the nauseating… things, she lashed out wildly, missing her target by inches. It took advantage of her rage and, moving far too nimbly for such an unwieldy looking creature, snuck in behind her and delivered a massive blow to her head.
Momentarily stunned by the blow she was helpless to prevent the creature picking her up and holding her aloft. Flexing its' arm with practiced ease it sent her flying, she hit the ground at full force and skidded along the gravel. Bardock winced inwardly at that. Groaning in pain, she stiffly lifted herself on to her side. Dimly aware of the creature looming toward her, she tried to get her limbs to move to attack, but too late. It kicked her hard in the chest, sprawling her back down again, her head lolling to the side. The creature's foot came down heavily on her head forcing it against the ground.
She screamed in agony as she felt the pressure on her head increased and the gravel surface bit deep in her face. Writhing desperately against the pain, she manoeuvred her body to the right position and bought both feet crashing into its side with as much force as she could muster, sending it into the nearby wall of the warehouse. She slowly pulled herself up into a sitting position and felt her face. Turning a furious gaze to the still impassive Bardock she asked,
“Are you going to help?”
He seemed puzzled by this, “I would not dream of insulting your honour as a warrior.”
She glared at him, and spat the blood that was pooling in her mouth and raised a hand in a helpless gesture… “I don't mind.”
He stubbornly stood his ground, as she struggled to her feet. Yet again the hideous thing behind her was rising to its' feet. She was rapidly losing patience with them, enough showing off for the dark, bewitching warriors' benefit. It was time to end this. She waited until it was close to her then spun round, her tiny, utterly powerful fist sinking deep into its' belly, doubling it over.
She bought her heel down on its spine with full force, and felt the rush of pure satisfaction - along with a deep jarring sensation that ran to her jaw - as she both heard and felt the bone crumble beneath her blow. The creature lay motionless as she knelt upon it's back and reached for its head. She placed one hand on it's `neck', then savagely twisted the head round, neatly severing the spinal cord and extinguishing any shreds of life that may have remained in the prone creature.
“No use taking any chances.” She turned to the admiring Bardock, smirking at him from under her lashes. He felt a sudden rush of excitement - he knewit! Underneath that soft, small body was the soul of a killer, without mercy, without remorse, without compunction.
“You did well.”
“I would have done a damned sight better if I'd had some help.” She spat out at him.
“You obviously didn't need it, you were doing fine.”
Fine!I have a possibly broken rib, I'm bleeding everywhere, I have gravelembedded in my face, and you think I did fine?”
“They're dead aren't they?”
She struggled to her feet, and crashed straight back down… “My leg's numb too.”
He smiled down at her as he made his way toward her, and bending down, scooped her up with one arm and she found herself dangling over the massive, powerful limb, facing the ground. After a few steps, she raised her head and glared at him.
“Thank you, this is very comfortable and dignified.” He sighed, and flipped her up over a shoulder. She tried veryhard to stifle the groan from the sudden flare of pain in her side this caused.
“Wait, I have to dispose of the bodies.” With an almost casual gesture he raised on hand, expelled three ki blasts and incinerated the creatures… Just swirling ashes remained.
“There, I helped”
He shifted his hand on her, firmly cupping her bottom for support as he swooped down to retrieve the heavy, gore stained sword for her. Again there was the gentle, absent minded, kneading of his fingers on her. Pressing his scarred cheek against her hip, he dropped the weapon into the back of the jeep.
She craned her head around to look at the damage he'd done to the vehicle, just by falling on it heavily, he'd completely wrecked it.
“This isn't going anywhere.”
“Use the communicator you used before. Get some help out here.”
“If it hadn't been crushed to death by some oxfalling into it I would.”
“What's an ox?”
She sighed and shook her head, hands raised in a gesture of defeat, but his sensitive ears picked up the word, whispered under her breath… “You”
They lapsed back into silence, waiting for the feeling in her leg to return, she watched the ground beneath her slowly change colour as a small band of clouds wandered over the sun, his head still against her, his hand still stroking. It never occurred to him to put her down, it never occurred to her to ask him to.
The first few drops of rain tugged them away from their reflections. He stood up reluctantly from the vehicle and pinched her leg. Assured by her angry yelp the feeling had returned to it, he dropped one shoulder and lowered her to the ground, his hand sliding from buttock to shoulder as she moved.
“We'd better look around, I doubt if there are any more of those things, but just in case… We need to find shelter anyway.” He murmured in her ear as he stroked the shoulder underneath his hand.
Slowly they walked together through the soft rain, a slight chill in the twilight air raising the hairs on her arms. Rats scurried across their path as they ambled on, her limping footsteps providing a softly staccato tempo to the background symphony of the hum of still working generators and the crackle of half broken neon signs… the acrid smell of smoke and dust curling around them.
His attention was caught by a symbol he'd seen twice on their journey through the deserted streets, a round, grey sign of full and incomplete circles joined together. This one was still lit, unlike the previous one he had seen.
“What is that?” He asked, “Is it some sort of religious icon?”
“I don't know, I've seen it a few times in the various settlements I've been to.” He glanced at her, a curious choice of words again. “It looks like two `C's. An Earth letter.” She explained, utterly taken with his look of confusion.
“When we get back, I'll ask them what it is.”
It was getting much darker now. He suddenly realised his tail had uncoiled and was twitching avidly. This was not good. He glanced at the sky, a concerned look on his face. The sun had disappeared; it must have sunk below the surrounding buildings.
“Does this planet have a moon?” he asked tightly. The look of concern on his face sent a thrill of excitement shooting through her.
“Yes.” She answered slowly, smiling in anticipation. Why was he so worried about he moon? Her hand instinctively tightened on the absent sword handle, and she cursed herself for being so entranced with the bewitching stranger before her that she forgot her weapon.
“We need to find shelter. Now.” He struck the door of the nearest building, reducing it to splinters, and pulled her in. Looking around desperately he found a door leading to a descending staircase. Thank the gods, they would be safe. Ignoring her confused protests he dragged her down the stairs, making sure the door was firmly shut behind them. There was one thin window in the basement. He hurriedly pulled a tall cabinet under it and stacked another on top. He found a roll of canvas and stuffed it between the top cabinet and window as best he could. There was still a little light, softly filtering through the small gaps; it would have to do. He prayed it would be enough. He had no desire to frighten off the small woman who fascinated him so much.
She hadn't paid much attention to Bardocks' actions. The first thing that had caught her eye had been a small sink in the nearest corner. She had rushed to it, a silent prayer reciting in her head. A prayer that had been answered. She turned the taps on; at first brown, rusted water had sputtered out and she cursed silently. After a while, however, it had run clear and taking special care with the sore side of her face, she joyously washed the blood and grime from her.
She finally noticed his near panic to block the window with a small start of surprise.
“What are you doing?” His actions had her quite mystified.
“I need to get away from the moon.”
She was somewhat taken aback by this, “Are you a werewolf?” She smiled.
“What's that?” He cocked an eyebrow quizzically at her. She sat herself beside him and explained about the legends told of the werewolf to the other newcomer to this world.
“You have them here then?” She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, a chillingly satisfied smirk settling on her mouth.
“Not any more.”
“No, I'm not a werewolf.” He snorted softly.
They stayed like that for a while. Both sitting close, smiling into the others eyes. Then it occurred to them. They were alone. No one to hear, no one to interrupt.