Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Come ❯ Chapter 19: Checkpoint ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

WARNING: See Chapter 1

Kingdom Come
~ Chapter 19

"... And then, SPLOOSH! His head was all over the place. The really gross part came afterwards when Guldo's body, like, -imploded-. Seriously gross," Prince Gohan nodded as he shoveled more of his dinner into his mouth.Goten sat at the other end of the table, calmly picking at the food on his own plate. "Well, those Karillian worms do tend to have that effect on Guldo's kind," he remarked.

"It was truly spectacular," the elder prince went on, gesturing with a spoon. "But the remains. Did you know his muscles are spongy? And nearly impossible to remove from a uniform."

"That's good, brother," Goten said, grimacing. "Keep talking about innards while I'm trying to digest my meal. That's... great."

Gohan paused for a moment, staring at his food as if forcibly trying to keep an image of Guldo's bloody bits out of his head. Gagging a bit, he finally concurred, "Yeah, okay."

"So," the younger demi-saiyajin began, clearing his throat. "How was the rest of the trip? I didn't hear much news from you. Our father reports more than you. That's really quite sad."

"Yeah, well, I was kinda busy blowing shit up," Gohan grinned. "Where is the old man now anyway?"

"With his mistress," replied Goten. "He hasn't set foot out of her quarters in the two weeks since you've returned. I saw him briefly today, however. Hence why I was so busy this afternoon. Preparations for some big party."

"Ooh. A party?" Gohan queried. "I haven't heard anything about a party. What's it for?"

"Who knows? He made some vague reference to an announcement, but otherwise..." The youth shook his head nonchalantly.

"Well, a party is a party, and I love a good party." Gohan finished off the bowl in front of him, accepting the new one placed in front of him by a servant. "Oh, by the way, did you hear? I got to purge four -entire- systems. FOUR! I was thinking that, maybe, I'd get to clear out just one. But four made it so much better."

"I'm sure that's excellent news for the empire," Goten commented, picking up his glass of wine and sipping gingerly from it.

"Of course it is," nodded the elder sibling. "Made the whole trip worthwhile, in fact."

"I see," Goten smirked. "It even made up for the cancellation of your annual birthday soiree?"

Gohan's brow furrowed deeply, his fork rising and then dropping for a moment. He looked over at his younger brother, thinking. "Almost."

"Almost? Was your birthday unpleasant? I mean, I -saw- the crew you chose."

"Eh. I threw my own party, as you are obviously aware. It wasn't the same," Gohan shrugged.

Goten's eyebrows rose higher even as his brother's lowered further. "Do tell."

"Oh, well, I fucked them all, of course. It just wasn't the same," sighed the elder prince. He tossed his fork down noisily to his plate, signaling one of the servants to refill his glass. He glared at the pitcher that appeared before him, as if merely staring at it would cause it to burst into flames. "There was no intensity, no passion. They were all so... easy. Pathetic. No challenge. No fire. A little boring. Even the satisfaction wasn't as... satisfying. Something was missing."

"I don't understand," his brother stated. "Not that I particularly care to hear about your sexual escapades with your crew, but... It isn't like you to speak disdainfully about your favorite pastime."

"They weren't what I wanted," Gohan replied, rubbing his hands over his face, as if suddenly tired.

"Go on," prompted Goten.

"None of them compared to Piccolo."

Goten clenched his jaw tightly behind his wine glass, thankful for the dim candlelight of the dining room. He twirled the crystal goblet for a moment, before taking a sip. Pulling the drink away, his voice was smooth, betraying nothing of what he was thinking. "That's also not like you. To stay interested in someone for so long. I would have thought you would've moved on by now."

"What is it about him, Goten?" Gohan mused, resting an elbow on the table and cupping his chin in his hand. "I am no closer to him than I was ten months ago. I even -lost- to him in the tournament! I still can't believe that, really. Yet, I want him even more, if that's possible. He completely ruined my birthday, and he wasn't even there!"

"Perhaps that's why," suggested the younger prince. "The unattainable always seems more... attractive because of its elusiveness."

"I'm still determined to have him at some point," stressed Gohan, sitting up straight. There was strength again in his voice, transforming him from a lovesick adolescent and into the vicious warrior he was. "It will happen."

"Now, -that- sounds like you." 'Over my dead body!' Goten half grinned, hiding the lurching in his stomach. He loved his brother, really he did, but that didn't stop the sickening thought, or the knowledge that Gohan would kill him if he ever found out that Piccolo was already attached. To him.

"So, anyway, forget my birthday." The older male reached across his dish to grab a bread roll. "How was yours? No different than any other day, I'd guess. You didn't even get to have dinner with me like we do every year for your birthday."

Goten used sipping his wine as an excuse not to answer promptly. He'd celebrated his birthday, all right, but it wasn't -anything- about which he could've told his brother. Especially not after Gohan just reaffirmed his 'commitment' to the Demon Lord. However, a bold-faced lie would not suffice either. Clearing his throat and steadying himself, he replied, "On the contrary. I had dinner with our Demon Lord Piccolo for my birthday."

Prince Gohan froze, a spoonful of food halfway to his mouth. Disbelief consumed his entire face. "What."

"Did I slur my speech?" Goten asked, trying to keep the mocking out of his voice. "I had dinner. With Piccolo. For my birthday."

Gohan clenched his fists under the table. Just what the hell was going -on- here?! Piccolo wasn't supposed to be having dinners with -Goten-! The venom clearly seeped into his next question. "And just how did you manage to finagle that?"

"I asked him. He accepted my invitation."

"Why did you ask -him- of all people?" Gohan seethed.

"I grew tired of eating alone," the youth said, keeping his demeanor low-key and aloof. "It was my birthday. Piccolo was the only being around of any class or nobility. He was the obvious choice."

"And how was it?" There was no mistaking the acerbic tone in the elder prince's voice.

"It was... dinner," Goten shrugged, hoping to make it seem as if he was dismissing the topic altogether, praying his brother thought he took no pleasure in his birthday 'celebration' with the green male.

"Huh," Gohan sounded, looking at his brother closely. After a moment, though, he realized at whom he was glaring, whom he was suspecting. Grinning slightly, he shrugged it off. This was, after all, -Goten-. His little brother. The Virgin of the family. Like he would even -try- for Piccolo. And besides, his brother knew how much he wanted the green warrior. It wasn't as if he'd made a secret of it, anyway. Goten wouldn't do anything to get in the way of his plans. Simply put, Goten didn't have the drive, the need, nor the desire to interfere with his hunts. "Whatever. I wish I'd been here. You could have at least enjoyed yourself."

"As you say, brother," Goten smiled. He picked up his wine glass, staring down into the liquid contents. He didn't have to explain to his brother that he had enjoyed his birthday. Immensely.

The day had started badly. Royal problems here and there that weren't that complicated yet took more time than they should have. Then there were other minor problems, court problems and palace problems and problems occurring across planet. Details that he had to take care of before they became larger problems. Stressful, and taxing. As such, he was late getting to his room and preparing for dinner. He had just gotten dressed when the chime to his room sounded. Sighing in exasperation, he opened the door with a gutteral growl. Which just added to his embarrassment when he discovered that the person on the other side of the door was Piccolo.

"You are late," Piccolo said, his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing the same outfit he wore at the emperor's return home party, just before the tournament.

"I'm almost ready," Goten replied, his mouth watering at the sight of his lover.

"Almost?" the namek asked, tilting his head in a predatorily manner.

"Um, yeah... I just wanted to brush my hair," Goten said, stepping back into the room. He walked over to his dresser and picked up the brush, as if to show the larger male what he was talking about. Feeling a bit stupid he pointed to it, and then to his unruly hair. He couldn't help it, though. Just the facts that Piccolo was in his room, looking more than edible, was waiting on him, and was going to be eating dinner with him had the youngest prince's senses scattered.

Piccolo grinned at the younger man, charmed by how cute he could be when he wasn't in control of himself. He easily plucked the brush from Goten's hand and spun the prince around. With strong, even strokes, he began to groom the demi-saiyajin. He was very much aware of the tail that uncurled from where it was around the prince and then proceeded to curl around his leg.

Goten closed his eyes, enraptured. He knew he had been in a bad mood before, but having Piccolo brush his hair... His mood was improving with each brush stroke. He began to purr softly as he felt the brush slide through his hair, scraping along his scalp softly. The only thing that'd make this even better was if he'd been able to lean against the larger male. Striking upon that idea, Goten turned and wrapped his arms around Piccolo's torso, trying to snuggle as best as he could.

Piccolo, never having hair and totally unaware of the effects that grooming had on mammals, was a bit taken aback by how quickly the prince turned willing. With a tilt of his head, he continued to brush the youth's hair as best as he could before finally giving the task up. With a soft click, he put the brush down. They remained there for a moment, enjoying the feel of the other. But like all good things, even this had to come to an end. "Goten?"


"We're going to be -very- late. The food..."

With a groan of frustration, Goten moved away from the larger male. They exited his room, moving just down the hall to the larger male's. Piccolo had somehow arranged for a very private dinner. Upon entrance to the room, the first thing that Goten had taken note of was the complete lack of chairs and table. And the food was spread out on dishes on the floor. "Um, Piccolo...?"

With a grin, the larger green male pulled him forward and across his lap. What transpired over the next few hours was one of the most intimate meals Goten had ever been a part of. Piccolo and he had hand fed each other, though he ate far more than the larger man. Strangely enough, it had also been one of the most luxurious dinners he had ever eaten, and the prince easily relaxed into the moment.

"You know, I feel like a pampered pet," Goten said just before he opened his mouth to accept a strawberry.

"Oh?" Piccolo replied, popping the small fruit into the younger man's mouth. Just as Goten's teeth scraped over his fingertips, Piccolo moved.

"If you'd prefer to be treated like an abused pet -- having dinner offered and then stolen again -- I can arrange that," Piccolo remarked, his voice rumbling, causing a shiver to pass through Goten. A dark tail that had been wrapped around Piccolo's waist unwrapped to puff behind the prince in a large question mark, its tip jerking slightly.

"I can take any kind of abuse you can dish out," Goten replied, his dark eyes glazing over slightly.

Goten realized too late that there are things, like Fate, that one should never tempt. By the end of the night, his throat had been raw from laughing and screaming. He was still unsure from -where- Piccolo had pulled the feather. Could he create those from thin air as well? Just what was the limit of that particular gift?

"...and it's just all fun and games when someone loses an eye," Gohan smirked.

Goten tapped his glass for a servant to add more wine. How long had Gohan been yammering on while he was lost in his own memories of his birthday? It could've been any amount of time.

"But anyway," the elder prince grinned, chewing on a piece of meat. "Got any juicy gossip? Substantial stuff, not total bullshit."

"There are always bits of interesting news floating about," Goten said flatly.

"Okay, so spill." Gohan's reply was muffled by the new bite of food he'd shoved in his mouth.

"Jeice and Burter are expecting," noted the younger demi-saiyajin, gracefully dabbing at his lips after setting his fork down.

"Expecting what?"

"A child."

"From where? Is it one of their nephews or something?"

"No, you dolt. They've having a child. A baby. That comes from both of their genetic material."

"WHAT?" Gohan asked incredulously. "How? Aren't they both male?"

"Jeice has a, um..." Prince Goten frowned, not exactly certain of how to proceed. "His specific race of being is... He has a pouch that allows him to carry babies."

"A pouch," repeated the older brother. "Like one of those big hoppy things down south?"

"Precisely," nodded Goten. "Very similar situation, in fact."

Gohan made a sour face. "Blech. That is gonna be one ugly kid. But, oh, well. I guess not everyone can have children who turn out looking like me."

"... Uh-huh." Listening to his brother babble on about a number of topics ranging from the recent flooding to new ships being built to planet purging to fashion, Goten merely smiled and nodded the whole time. Finally, he noted the time in his scouter. 11:15! Standing abruptly, he downed the contents of his wine glass and bowed slightly to his brother. "Well, it was nice chatting with you, Gohan, but I'm exhausted. Good night."

"What the hell was that all about?" Gohan simply sat at the table, watching his younger sibling race off. Goten was his brother, and no one was closer to him than the younger demi-saiyajin, but there was still that lingering bit of... discontent. Piccolo had accepted Goten's invitation! And yet, the green man still had yet to come to -HIS- bed! Gohan sat, staring at nothing, trying to figure out a way to get closer to the elusive warrior.


Piccolo's eyes shifted through the hallway, conscious that he was not supposed to be there. Yet, no one opposed him or his guard as they walked down the Level 7 corridor. Even if they were stopped, they had a plausible excuse to be there. 17 would be merely retrieving something from his room, something that he needed for the following day, and it wasn't as if he could simply leave Piccolo behind. It was merely a coincidence that the human, Yamcha, shared the same level as the android guard. And the same hallway. It was highly doubtful that Lord Kakarrot thought about it when picking out rooms. Either that, or he just didn't care.

They arrived at Yamcha's room without incident and easily stepped inside. It wasn't as if any of the lower ranked officials' doors were locked to 17, who was the emperor's right hand man. And though Yamcha was on the same level as 17, it was more due to the fact that 17 didn't want a higher room. These rooms were easier for Trunks to break into.

The door hissed open, allowing the Demon Lord and his raven-haired guard admittance. They walked in on a normal scene, but Piccolo noticed the slight bruising of Yamcha's lower lip, and he knew that it wasn't caused by a punch. He also took note that Vegeta's tail was curled up behind him in a similar fashion to Prince Goten's tail when he was happy or relaxed.

Piccolo knew that Vegeta was supposed to come with them when they left for home. He had found out through Trunks, who had spoken with Krillin. He had also been asked by Yamcha, himself, when they passed each other in the halls one day. As far as the Demon Lord was concerned, Vegeta was welcome to leave this universe and travel back with them. If it was permitted. There were still a great many rules about the mirror that remained mysteries. And mysteries tended to get people killed, as far as Piccolo was concerned.

Before any greetings could be given, a strange sound shattered the silence of the room. Then, the grating over the ventilation shaft popped open. Out of the shadows in the wall, Trunks spilt out like liquid curiosity, immediately moving away from the wall and over to where Piccolo and 17 were standing. Then out of the recess, Krillin fell out. Piccolo moved to stand against a wall as Yamcha and Vegeta took over the sofa. Krillin, upon gaining his feet while laughing, moved to take the only chair. The dark-haired android remained close to the door, and Trunks was sitting on the floor close to his feet.

"Told you I'd get you here on time," Trunks grinned. He had been the one to offer to bring Krillin up from the lower levels. The only condition had been that 18 couldn't be anywhere around. That, it turned out, wasn't a problem, as 17 knew just how to get rid of her. It seemed that an old flame of hers, some interstellar musician, had returned to Earth for a while, and had invited her to stay with him for the day. No one knew what kind of strings 17 had pulled to get the man there, but it worked and that was all they really cared about.

"Yeah, I guess so," Krillin grinned as he looked at all the others. "So, what's up? Why go through all the danger of calling a meeting?"

"Because we're going to be leaving in a couple of months and we don't have any other time that we can get together without causing suspicion," Piccolo replied. "I want to make sure that nothing -unexpected- occurs. Now, let's go over the plan as it stands."

"All right," Krillin nodded as he spread out a printed out map. "Our destination is here."

"Which is about a four-hour flight if we travel the fastest that the slowest among us goes," Yamcha said, his eyes saying that he knew Vegeta was going to be the slowest among them and he wasn't going to let them leave the saiyajin behind.

"Right," Piccolo nodded, looking at the map. "There are monitors here," he indicated, "and here and scattered throughout this mountain range. They seem to have a bit of difficulty when it comes to watching all the cracks and crannies of the rough terrain. Ironic that we're going to have to go to the bowels of the earth to get to the mirror when it was at the Look-out before."

"How are we going to get past them?" Vegeta asked, studying the map closely. He had tried to escape many times and each time he was brought back defeated. This had been a concern for them since they had started planning.

"We're going to have to time it just right," Piccolo said. "From what I've been able to uncover, this area's surveillance is offline for about an hour so they can change the discs."

The others looked at Piccolo, 17 included, but it was only Yamcha who was able to blurt out the obvious question, "When did you discover this?"

"And is your source reliable?" Vegeta inquired, questioning more the validity than the actual technique.

"The source is -very- reliable," Piccolo slowly responded. He was put off-guard by the look of clear astonishment on most of their faces, as if they didn't want to question him yet couldn't help it.

"Who is your source?" Trunks asked, knowing that the information given was stuff even -he- wasn't aware of.

The Demon Lord debated whether or not to admit to who was supplying him with information, doubly so since the young prince didn't even know he was doing it at the time. But in the end, all their questioning stares won out, and he had to prove how trustworthy his data was. "Prince Goten."

There was shocked silence for a moment, each of the gathered trying to figure out why the youngest prince would volunteer that kind of information, or what Piccolo had to do to get it. Several ideas popped into their heads, but it was Krillin who gasped in shock, spluttering, "Aw, man! You SLEPT with him, didn't you! You -did-!"

Piccolo remained silent, crossing his arms over his chest and stared down at the pint-sized man.

"Actually," 17 intoned, leaning up against the wall behind him, "Piccolo and Prince Goten are still sleeping together."

"WHAT?!" Trunks squeaked, perking up, "You mean they finally--"

"You're sleeping with Prince Goten?" Vegeta gasped, his voice overtaking his son's. This was a shock of monumental proportions. He had suspicions, of course, but no one had ever really thought that the youngest prince would ever take a lover. Ever. And that it was Demon Lord Piccolo, the one man who had beaten the Golden Heir in honorable battle at the tournament... Shocking wasn't really a good enough adjective.

Piccolo's nerves began to grate at the sudden outbursts of each individual in the room.

"17! Why didn't you tell me?!" Trunks asked, standing up. At his full height, he stood as tall as his android lover. He felt a bit off since he had thought 17 knew that he wanted to know if the prince and Piccolo got together.

"That's kinda cool," Yamcha remarked aloud softly, thinking over the idea of how Piccolo got his information, and from whom.

"I can't believe this is happening," Vegeta whispered, stunned. He looked at the others in the room, as if trying to find out if this was all in his head, or if it was real. Trunks seemed a bit annoyed as he looked at 17. Yamcha was clearly stunned. And Krillin was a bit... wound-up.

"Man, I knew it. I -knew- it!" Krillin said, pounding one fist into his hand in agitation. He had figured something like this might happen, he just didn't think that it really -would-.

"Way to go, Piccolo!" Yamcha nodded, congratulating the green man. Though, if he stopped to think about it, the idea that Piccolo -could- have sex was about as appalling and unnerving as finding out one's parents were sexually active. Leaning forward a bit, he began, "Hey, have you found that spot beneath the--"

"Dude! Yamcha!" Krillin shouted. "Straight man, here! I -so- don't want to hear about this!"

"Well, I do! Anyway, have you found that spot?" Yamcha shot back, looking from Krillin and then back to Piccolo.

Vegeta began to blush a hot pink color across his features, embarrassed that his human lover could just so casually divulge -personal- secrets like that. His tail tightened around his waist in anxiety. As if sensing his state of mind, Yamcha had the audacity to actually touch him, gripping his knee. Vegeta looked at him with incredulous eyes.

"What spot?" 17 queried. 'Curious.' Vegeta's embarrassment was plain to see, and at such a level as to indicate that the topic at hand was one that was extremely personal and extremely NOT for public discussion. Which meant that it was something that might need to be further investigated on his own dear Trunks at a later time.

Switching his attentions over to the android, Yamcha reiterated, "That spot that's, like, right where the tail meets the body. On the underside. It's small and doesn't have fur."

"No," 17 said, an inquisitive look on his face. "What about it?"

"Oh, you totally have to find that spot," nodded the scarred human. "And you'll know it when you do. It makes them really--"

"Would you all shut up?!" the tall, green male finally growled. "This is irrelevant and has nothing to do with our escape."

"True," 17 said, "But it's useful information, nonetheless."

"Yeah," Trunks agreed, knowing full well that he had no clue where Yamcha was talking about. "Do you think everyone who has a tail has that spot?"

"Yes," Vegeta spat out, desperate to change the topic. "Now, I'm with Piccolo. Stop discussing sex, and start discussing escape!"

'Well, perhaps there are more similarities than we know of,' Krillin thought with a small smile as he shook his head at the other Vegeta. "I so totally agree. Which is really, really strange. And frightening, in a way."

"Huh?" Vegeta asked, curious.

"You'll understand once we return home," Krillin explained. "Trust me. Once you meet the other Vegeta, a LOT of things will become clearer."

Vegeta was about to comment, but Trunks interrupted. "You're okay with going to their home, meeting the other you?"

"Yes," Vegeta answered.

"But, aren't you slightly afraid of what the other you might be like? I mean, from what I understand, he's very powerful. Commanding. And, you know, a jackass. What if... I mean, wouldn't you want to become like him?" Trunks asked, sitting down on the ground again.

Everyone became quiet in the room, waiting for the answer. After a small pause as Vegeta thought about it, he grinned and shook his head, his tail unwrapping from around his waist to curl up around Yamcha. "No. I'm not afraid of losing myself to envy. The other Vegeta... He has nothing I want."

"Huh," Krillin sounded. "That's very... sweet. And a little disturbing. Two Vegetas... I might just die."

"Why do you say that?" 17 asked.

"I'm going to take the easy way out and say... Some character traits stay the same in every person." Tilting his head to one side, as if mulling over what he just said, the short human nodded. "Yeah."

"You are very strange," Trunks commented without a single note of disapproval in his voice.

"Thanks. I've worked very hard to become so."

"This is useless," Piccolo mumbled. "Are we ever going to get back to the point of this meeting?"

"Oh, lighten up, Piccolo," Krillin snickered. "At least we're not talking about you bedding Goten anymore."

"How -did- that happen?" Vegeta inquired. He had suspected the attraction between the two of them, but with Prince Gohan's overt advances, he thought that Prince Goten wouldn't even make an attempt for the green man. Despite knowing they needed to return to the true purpose of the meeting, the erstwhile saiyajin prince was entirely too curious to let that topic of the Demon Lord and Prince Goten just fall to the wayside. But there was another pressing issue behind his prying. Vegeta considered Piccolo to be very noble and honorable, so his next question expressed his concern. "How did you manage it? Are you only sleeping with him for information?"

"Oh, Piccolo wouldn't do that," Yamcha said, an odd look in his eyes that bespoke of someone who wasn't entirely convinced of their words. Moving his eyes to Piccolo, he asserted, "Right?"

"Of -course- not!" Piccolo yelled, flustered and blushing violet.

"I'll tell you how he managed it," Krillin grinned, enjoying seeing Piccolo squirm in discomfiture, regardless of the fact that this was -not- a topic about which he wanted to talk. Clasping his hands over his heart and batting his eyelashes coquettishly, the bald human jokingly sang, "He loooooooves him! Loves, loves, loves him."

Once the others' snickering died down, Krillin's wide grin slipped off his face. Piccolo remained where he was, leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest, but he was staring at the floor, his face marred with an emotional the shorter male had never seen there before. It wasn't that he'd gone too far; it was that he'd said something that was true. "Aw, crap," he muttered.

Vegeta almost smiled. That explained how it had happened, as well as reaffirmed that Piccolo was indeed the man he thought him to be. 'He's probably the only person in -any- universe who could be able to love Prince Goten. And to have the prince return it? Surely it is returned. Goten would never engage in such activities otherwise. Piccolo truly must be an extraordinary person.'

Yamcha was pretty sure he had a good idea what was going on, and deciding to spare Piccolo from any further mortification, he loudly said, "So, anyway, about that plan..."

"The entire trip, including travel time, should take seven hours," Piccolo stated.

"Seven?" Krillin wondered aloud. "If it's four hours to get to the mirror, then it'd be four back, and that's eight hours."

"We won't be coming back," pointed out the much taller man. "Since we know the Look-out is still in the same place as in our world, we'll be going back there. That would be three hours away."

"Why are we going back to the Look-out?" Yamcha questioned. "The mirror wasn't there, but that's where we arrived."

"We arrive wherever we -are-," Piccolo explained. "If we left from the location of the mirror where it is now, we could very well end up trapped inside a rock or tree or whatever else might be there in our world. So, as I stated earlier, we need to go back to the Look-out because we -know- it's still in the same place in our world, and that's safe."

"What about the sensors there?" asked 17. "It was originally how you were discovered by Jeice."

"It will be taken care of from here," Piccolo replied.

"How?" Trunks queried.

"Arrangements have been made to have the proper sensors shut down for 'maintenance' during the time we'll need to leave."

"He's going to help. Isn't he," the lavender-haired youth stated, rather than asked. Piccolo's nod was all the confirmation Trunks needed. He felt sorry for both Piccolo and Prince Goten, despite the fact that he still did not bear many good tidings towards the slightly younger demi-saiyajin. 'It isn't fair. Goten must really love him... to be able to give him up.'

"When will we leave?" Vegeta asked.

"We'll need to cut it close but not too close," answered Piccolo. "The last day of this year at 4 in the afternoon, giving us a one-hour margin of error, which we should -not- need, but it will be good to have just in case."

"And how will we avoid anyone noticing we're gone?" the short saiyajin continued.

"That is something about which I am not entirely sure." Piccolo turned his gaze upon 17.

"You each spend enough time in your rooms that it would not be odd to not see any of you for an entire day. No one would check up on you," stated the dark-haired android.

"How will our disappearance affect you, 17? Will it cause you much trouble?"

"Not likely, no," the android responded, shaking his head. "Lord Kakarrot has been fairly predictable all of these years. As long as you have done nothing to roust his ire as Guldo did, he won't worry about you if he thinks you are gone for good. They might, however, chase after Vegeta. But if he's with you, and you're gone, they wouldn't find you anyway, so that's all moot. Essentially, I would face no consequences of your departure."

"That's good to know," nodded the taller male.

17 pressed a button on his scouter and addressed Piccolo. "It's nearly 11. We should get back to your room."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Curfew." Looking around, Yamcha asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No, not unless anyone else has something to say," Piccolo replied.

"Don't look at me, folks," Krillin shrugged. "I got nothing. Everything sounds cool to me."

"All right, then," the namek nodded, following 17 out of the door. "Hopefully, we won't have to meet like this again."

Once Piccolo and 17 had left, Trunks and Krillin had wasted no time in making their own hasty retreat. With Vegeta's tail having come loose from his waist and snaking across the human's lap, Yamcha leaned back against the saiyajin, twirling the tail around his fingers. "It's all starting to come together."


The thing about the shadow ways that most people took notice of first was the dust. Granted, Trunks usually made it a point to remain at least partially clean, but sometimes, moving in areas where he normally didn't go, he couldn't help but get dirty. For instance, the corridors between Krillin's room, and Yamcha's room weren't a very good place to hide. Especially the route that took the least amount of time. Thin walls and thick dust. Easy to track through. Yet, he had taken that course tonight because of the meeting.

Sighing, Trunks slipped out of the vent shaft and into 17's room. The android was already there, his arms crossed and a light smile spread across his features. Trunks grinned at him, needlessly saying, "I need a shower."

"Yeah, you do," 17 agreed, almost laughing. "Why, you can't even tell what color hair you have."

"What?" Trunks asked, brushing his hand through his hair, causing a small avalanche of dirt to fall down. Which in turn caused him to sneeze so hard that more dust began to fly. He tried to glare as 17 began to laugh at him. "That's not funny."

"Really? Well, then you should realize the first rule of showering," 17 replied, still amused.

Trunks stared at him a moment, trying to figure out what his lover was thinking. "Are you on something?"

"Heh. Not yet," 17 replied as he stalked towards his prey. "First rule of showering is... you've gotta be naked."

Trunks flushed from head to toes. He stepped back as 17 stepped forward. "Don't. I'm mad at you!"

"Mad at me? Why?" 17 asked as he froze.

"You didn't tell me about Piccolo and Prince Goten!" Trunks said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh. That."

"Yes, that!" Trunks huffed crossly. "Why didn't you -tell- me?"

"Because," 17 replied, "I felt that it wasn't something that I should discuss with anyone. Especially since it IS Prince Goten we're talking about. What do you think would happen to you if he found out I told you about his affair with Lord Piccolo?"

"Oh," Trunks sighed, quieted. He uncrossed his arms. "When you put it like that..."

"Yeah," 17 nodded. "So... Are you going to take a shower or not?"

"Heh. Yeah," Trunks answered, easily slipping out of his shirt and tossing it to 17. He watched with curiosity as the android merely stepped back, allowing him to walk towards the shower. Trunks took the opportunity, making sure not to pass to closely to his lover. Quickly, he stripped out of the rest of his clothes and stepped into the shower. He was conscious of 17 still watching him throughout the process. Looking over his shoulder, he called out, "Are you going to watch me the entire time?"

"Is that an invitation?"

Trunks blinked a few times, dipping his head under the spray as he thought. Just thinking of 17 watching him bathe was enough to arouse him. Grinning, he giggled, "Sure, it's an invitation."

"Good. I was hoping you'd say that," 17 replied, his voice dropping.

There was the slight rustle of clothes just before the glass door to the shower slid open and 17 stepped inside. Trunks twirled around, his tail snapping through the air wetly. "17!"

"Yes," the android smiled. "I'm glad to see you know me in every situation."

"What are you DOING?!"

"Well, if you turn around, I'll wash your back," 17 suggested, grabbing the washrag and soap from the ledge behind Trunks. "And after that, I'll be more than happy to wash your hair for you."

Trunks looked at 17 for a moment, as if his lover had suddenly sprouted three extra heads, before shrugging his shoulders and doing as the other wished. He hadn't taken a bath with anyone since he was a mere child, and had -never- taken a shower with anyone. He leaned his head forward to allow 17 to wash his back. It was... strange, to have someone else in the small space with him, water pouring over both of them. Though, that wasn't to say it was bad as it was rather pleasant. It was just different. He sighed as 17's circular scrubbing traveled the length of his entire body. He allowed the water to spray over him from above, washing away the suds that were just applied. And then there was the sound of the rag being dropped and a bottle being opened.

17 smirked to himself as he poured the shampoo into his open palm. He remembered very clearly what Yamcha had said earlier. He put the bottle back down and easily snagged the lavender tail that was curled low before him.

Trunks gasped in shock as he felt 17 grab his tail and rake it against the grain, nails sliding through fur and over skin. From the tip all the way up. He placed his hands flat against the wall to keep balance. It was a good thing he did that, as 17 quickly discovered that spot that Yamcha and Vegeta had already found. The demi-saiyajin's sharp cry filled the shower room as his knees buckled and he fell against the wall.

"Trunks?" 17 whispered, pressing up against the younger male. His hand stilled where it was touching, knowing that this was the spot that Yamcha had mentioned. But could it have had a negative effect on his lovely one?

"17…" Trunks rasped, his fingers curling into talons. "Please."

"Please?" 17 inquired, wondering what his lover was asking.

"More," Trunks growled. "More, more, more, more."

"Oh." The android smiled as he dipped his head forward, easily ignoring the spray of water as it cascaded down. He nuzzled Trunks' neck, massaging that small area of skin. He smiled as Trunks yelped in pleasure, instinctively moving his hips. "More of this?"

"Gods, yes," Trunks breathed.

Using his still lathered hand, 17 reached around and began to run his hand over Trunks' sex, surprised by how quickly the younger man became hard. The android was rewarded with a soul felt moan of pleasure from his organic lover.

"17...?" Trunks groaned, loathe to do more than accept this... yet wanting more at the same time. He leaned his head back, opening his mouth to drink in some of the water that showered down. He found his head was leaning back onto 17's shoulder, so he turned his head slightly, begging, "Please, want you. Now. Inside me? Please."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, gods, yes. Please!" Trunks cried, knowing that that was all he wanted. That was all he needed.

17 grinned as he released his lover's sex, grabbing a bottle from among its brethren. He had to release his hold on Trunks' tail as well, much to the demi-saiyajin's disappointment. The contents of the bottle slid out easily, and were pressed between two eager hands. He prepared the younger male quickly, knowing that Trunks didn't want any more foreplay. Then, he was moving forward, sliding into his lover's warm body.

Trunks leaned against the wall, feeling 17 inside him, wanting him. His tail was turned to the side, and managed to wrap around his lover's rear, cupping him closer. He felt fingers entwine with his, and arms crossing over his chest. And then they were moving, sliding against each other. Water pulsed down, unable to slip between their bodies for the most part. And over the sound of the water, there were small gasps of pleasure from Trunks and shuddering cries from 17. Trunks closed his eyes, savoring the feel, knowing that he was never more complete than he was when 17 was with him, moving together with him, inside of him. 17 clenched his teeth together, yet his vocalizations were still easily heard as he gave in to the blazing pleasure. He felt Trunks' orgasm just as his own washed over him. Water and soap and other liquids mingled together before disappearing down the drain even. For a moment, neither of them moved, savoring the afterglow.

Trunks was completely at 17's mercy, purring his pleasure as the android finished his task of washing his hair. All of his hair. Afterwards, they dried each other off, and they made sure not a single droplet of water was missed, as they cleaned each other again with hungry kisses. Laughing, 17 easily picked Trunks up and carried him to the bed, intent on finding -ALL- the hidden places on the demi-saiyajin.