Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Come ❯ Chapter 24: Parting Gifts ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

WARNING: See Chapter 1

Kingdom Come
~ Chapter 24'By the gods, Gohan! You need to go on a diet!' Goten thought as he unceremoniously dumped his older brother onto his bed. Quickly, he exited the elder prince's bedroom, securely locking the door behind him. He wasn't too keen on the idea of someone repeating his father's performance from the night before. Especially -not- Gohan.

As if this day hadn't been stressful enough as it stood.

In hindsight, Goten supposed he could've just spent the entire day with the Demon Lord, as 17 had mysteriously gone missing and never returned to his post in the morning. Goten knew for a fact if he had gone ahead and guarded Piccolo himself, that -certainly- would've caught his brother's attention as well as garnered questioning; Gohan would've jumped at the chance to 'guard' the green guest, ousting Goten without a second thought. Instead, the young prince went the safer route by assigning a none-too-bright guard to stand in for the absent android.

Goten wanted to keep Gohan as far away from Piccolo as possible, especially that night. He had deliberated all day on how to keep his brother fully occupied for the remainder of the night. An interruption would -not- be acceptable. His first thought had been to try and find someone who would make a suitable bed partner for his brother, but that idea was easily discarded. Gohan had stated that there was only one person he wanted in his bed, and no one else would do. No one else left him satisfied. With as well as Goten knew his brother, it was easy to judge that the idea of bedding someone he didn't want in the first place would simply irritate him first, and then leave him restless and grouchy afterwards. So, the next idea that Goten had, drugging his older brother, was by far the better. No room for error. It had been incredibly simple to slip his brother a small dose of a rather potent sleeping drug. It had a tart flavor, so Goten simply put it in one of the naturally citrus pastries. Faster than Goten could have believed, his older brother was sound asleep, snoring into his still full plate.

The curfew bell had already rung, so that left Goten alone for the most part. There were still people preparing the palace for the expected wedding. They were just awaiting word from Lord Kakarrot of a successful hunt, and then the wedding celebration would truly begin.

Standing outside of his brother's door still, Goten took a deep breath. This was it. This was the night he had been dreading. The last night he'd be able to spend with Piccolo. His tail uncurled from its position around his waist to dip behind him, sweeping the ground as the youngest prince began to walk.

His path was aimless. He had time to kill before he was supposed to meet with the Demon Lord, and he planned on using that time to quell the trembling he felt just under his skin. He shivered once, though it wasn't from cold. His mind wandered a different path than his feet, thinking back onto all the nights he had shared with the Demon Lord, who was by far more affectionate in private than his title might suggest. Goten gulped past a small lump forming in his throat. This night had to be perfect, though how it could be more perfect than any of their previous ones was beyond him.

No one passed him as he walked the halls, his course erratic at best. For the few that saw him, they simply thought he was on some sort of patrol, checking against curfew breakers, or hunting someone or something. Those that noticed him made sure to warn others of where the Dark Prince was, making sure that no one would disturb him.

Carelessly, Goten allowed his feet to take him where they willed, allowing his subconscious to dictate his destination. He was mildly surprised when he found himself walking through a familiar archway and into a large garden. He stilled, taking his time as he looked around. Even in this bleak season, the small alcove of exotic plants was flourishing with life.

The young prince took a few more steps inside and turned to look at the archway. He remembered his first confrontation with the Demon Lord. He remembered how the archway was created. His tail gave a swift flick as Goten turned back. Barely visible through the thick foliage, the far wall stood still. He remembered how it felt, to have the wall at his back and the utter confusion and fear racing through his system. He sometimes still felt like that, as if he was backed into a corner, and the only things in life that were real were confusion and fear... and Piccolo.

"Strange, isn't it? That even though it's winter outside, and a time of death and decay, life still blooms here," a deep voice interrupted the prince's reveries, but it was a voice that Goten welcomed. Turning, the demi-saiyajin smiled brightly, his tail curling upwards in greeting. Piccolo took notice of the slight change in body language. Looking only at the young prince, the Demon Lord said, "Strange, and utterly beautiful."

Goten flushed, still astounded that he had caught the powerful warrior's attention. "I... So, what are you doing here? We weren't supposed to meet for a little while longer. How did you get rid of Gamma so quickly?"

"He's not very bright," Piccolo commented as he rolled his shoulders slightly. He had forgone his cape and turban for this night. They weren't needed and would just get in the way. Still, whenever he did go without that customary weight, he felt slightly off.

"None of them are," Goten replied. He kept his eyes on the green male, as if he thought that with a single blink, Piccolo would disappear.

"So I gathered," Piccolo chuckled, amused that Goten was studying him. They had all night, after all.

Grinning, Goten shook himself out of the daze into which he had lulled himself. Tilting his head to the side, he asked in amusement, "What did you do?"

Angling his face so that the light around them cast his features in wicked shadows, the taller male leaned down and whispered conspiratorially, "I killed him."

"You did not," Goten laughed, not the least bit alarmed. If it had been anyone else at the palace, he might have believed him or her, but it wasn't. This was Piccolo, and Piccolo didn't kill. Or at least, he hadn't killed anything for as long as he'd been at the palace.

"All right, so I just knocked him out while he wasn't looking and doused him with alcohol. He'll wake up with a bad headache and smelling like a drunk," Piccolo smiled as he leaned back, allowing the dim light to illuminate his features completely again.

"Smart," Goten beamed, a slight blush staining his cheeks as he felt his tail dancing behind him, undulating merrily at the taller warrior, as if asking to play. Or as if asking to be petted. Goten looked over his shoulder at his traitorous tail, silently commanding it to behave itself. It only waved when he was really flustered, or when he was around his strong lover. Of course, all things considered, the two events usually coincided.

Piccolo grinned at the reaction he induced, pleased that he could still illicit it even after all this time. The tall male moved forward, walking just past the demi-saiyajin, and then stopping. Turning only his head, he asked, "Are you coming or not?"

"Right behind you." Goten followed him through the foliage to the back wall. No sooner had the youth stepped into the clearing near the wall than had he been grabbed and slammed up against it. Only this time, there was no menacing drive behind Piccolo's actions. But there was still most definitely the full body contact.

"Remember this?" Piccolo asked, his voice deep yet soft, whispered right over Goten's head. It was a familiar stance, one that he replayed over and over in his head. He had lost his temper a bit, and had wondered, before events tumbled into his favor, what he could have done differently. He didn't understand how Goten could have gotten under his skin so easily then, but now he had an idea. He sometimes still felt a little bit out of control when he was around the prince. Case in point, he was very close to simply slanting his lips across the demi-saiyajin's and saying 'to hell with talking,' but there was that one stubborn part of him that was still screaming reason at him. There were times he really wished he could shut those nagging voices up.

"First meeting," Goten replied, and he was very proud of how clear and strong his voice sounded, even though he could taste his heart beating in his throat. He leaned his head back against the wall, unconsciously offering up his throat as he inhaled deeply of Piccolo's scent mixed with the other aromas of the garden. Just thinking of that first meeting had Goten's cheeks tinting. It was the first time he had really realized that he wanted someone. Wanted to impress them, to earn their approval. Granted, he had wanted his family's approval for most of his life, but that was something else. This was... just something altogether different.

"Mmm. I got the distinct feeling you wanted me even then," Piccolo remarked, his voice dipping to that low octave that had Goten's tail puffed in anticipation and his spine pricked with small goose-bumps. He nuzzled the prince's neck before catching a waiting earlobe between sharp fangs. He was rewarded with Goten's little gasp of pleasure and his shiver, even though the youth was pressed tightly between the wall and Piccolo's body. To the Demon Lord, the reaction was delicious.

"I did." Goten smiled, delighting in the sensation. When he felt Piccolo release his ear, he turned his head to the side, and managed to delicately capture one of the Demon Lord's antennae with his mouth, letting the appendage scrape through his teeth as the larger warrior pulled away. When the young prince was able to see Piccolo's eyes, the earlier shivering turned into a full-fledged trembling. There was a spark in those eyes, something dangerous and desired, akin to lust but completely different.

Suddenly, Piccolo dipped forward, pressing his closed lips against the softer ones of the demi-saiyajin. With an ease born from much practice, the Demon Lord gently parted his lips to allow his tongue to flick out across the seam of Goten's still closed mouth. The prince gratefully accepted the kiss, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head to the side as he parted his mouth with a slight moan. Piccolo pulled back sharply, a small smirk on his face. "No, wait. This was later."

"Huh?" Goten asked as he felt the larger male release him. It took him a moment, as it always did, to get all of his faculties in order after even that brief taste of his lover. He looked up as the green warrior motioned for him, and he soon found himself following Piccolo on a meandering path through the foliage to another slight clearing. At first, he didn't recognize the site or why it was important. Then he saw the tree.

Goten turned around to look at the Demon Lord, thinking that Piccolo was standing beside him. The youngest prince quickly found that Piccolo was actually behind him, causing the youth to turn a full one hundred and eighty degrees. The discovery startled him because he hadn't realized the other male was standing so very close to him. Goten quickly backed up, ending right back against the tree as he had several months earlier. Piccolo moved forward just as soon as there was even the slightest space between them, managing to pin the prince to the tree in a repeat performance.

"Much better." Piccolo leaned in against Goten but didn't kiss him, just kept the intense closeness.

"Oh, I definitely remember this," Goten breathed. He closed his eyes, savoring the weight pressed up against him. He rather thought, standing there that not only could he feel Piccolo's chi, his power, that he could also almost taste his mere presence. It filled his mouth and made him hungry for something a bit more substantial. "You kissed me. Really kissed me."

"And you liked that," the taller male murmured, even as he could feel the prince's affirmation growing between them. It caused a mirrored reaction in him, just knowing that Goten was turned on by him. He had felt somewhat aroused that first time, during that first argument in this garden, feeling how the prince reacted to him. It hadn't been a driving need as it was now. But it had been there, and he easily suppressed it, something he had always been able to do. He grinned as he acknowledged that, lately, he had done anything but suppress his wants and needs.

"More than liked," giggled the demi-saiyajin. He tilted his head to the side, openly inviting another kiss, even as his tail wrapped around Piccolo's middle, pulling the larger man impossibly closer. "I... I'd wanted that for so long."

"I know," Piccolo whispered as he bent forward. With deliberate gentleness, he brushed his lips across Goten's again, asking permission even as he foretold of another kiss.

With a strange sense of déjà vu, Goten thought that he was going to melt, right there. The temperature in the area seemed to have jumped up several degrees. His knees were threatening to give way as he parted his lips, allowing the kiss to deepen. Even though they both knew that if Piccolo was determined, he could easily force the issue, they also both knew that Piccolo would NEVER do such a thing. In that respect, the fact that Piccolo asked caused Goten to want it even more. With a soft moan, Goten leaned further into the kiss, trying to give and get as much as he could, his own tongue playing against his lover's while tasting as much as he could.

Without warning, Goten found himself spun around and facing the tree, the exact same position he'd been in all those months before. The familiar heat -- heightened somewhat by the knowledge of what Piccolo was actually capable of doing, of having the much larger and much stronger warrior pressed up against his backside -- had Goten's breathing speeding up and the world spinning slightly. Actually, he loved this position. He rocked back with a soft groan, feeling the hard press of Piccolo's desire through the thin fabric of both of their clothes, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head from rapture and excitement. His fingers even found their same grip, though it had overgrown some, and his fingers no longer fit the old mold. In the back of his head, he realized that while time may have healed the scars left on the tree from that meeting, no amount of time would ever erase the memory completely. In a part of his mind even further back, Goten knew that, like his hands in the overgrown grip, he would never fit into the role he had carved for himself prior to his first meeting with Piccolo, and he would never be able to erase who he had become.

"Tell me something, Goten," Piccolo rasped into the prince's ear. With the younger male pressed up tightly between him and the tree, the green warrior allowed his hands to skim along the demi-saiyajin's sides. He bent forward ever so slightly, using only his fangs to nip along his neck. "When did you know? When did you realize you..."

"When what? When did I realize what?" Goten panted, his tail sliding between their bodies so that it could wrap around Piccolo's upper thigh. He wanted to move like his body was begging to do, but he was quite immobile, only able to grip the tree in front of him. He felt completely safe there, confined as he was, even though he usually tended to avoid situations that left him unable to move as he pleased. This was Piccolo, and that was what made it good.

"When did you know you..." Piccolo paused, trying to gather his wits enough to ask a question that had been burning within him. He knew he was pushing things quickly, but it was their last possible night together. Tomorrow would see a return to duties back home, and a return to wanting someone that he could never have. Though it was a familiar pain, the intensity had increased. He suspected it was made worse because he knew that Goten loved him, wanted to be with him, and it was HIS fault that they couldn't be together. It was his dedication to his duties, his responsibilities that was going to get in the way of their happiness. And since this was their last night together, he knew he had to find out, "... Were in love with me? I know you said you wanted me from early on, but..."

"That time when you took me to the infirmary. Do you remember that?" Goten asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes were closed in pleasure, lapping up the attention Piccolo devoted to him like a kitten with cream.

"After you and Gohan had fought," Piccolo acknowledged. With a saucy smirk that went unnoticed, Piccolo slipped his hands inside of Goten's shirt, trying to touch as much flesh as he could without releasing his prize.

"Yeah," Goten sighed. He let his head fall forward, his forehead against the smooth bark of the exotic tree. His body felt as if he had drank too much wine, or perhaps he had accidentally slipped himself a strange drug without realizing it. He gasped sharply as Piccolo's fingernails raked gently over the underside of one of his nipples. "And I had all that time to think in the rejuvenation chamber. That's when I knew."

"That seems a lifetime ago," murmured the green man, finally admitting that he would have to release his lover if he wanted to strip him fully. He stepped back and removed the shirt, tossing the garment away quickly, and then returned with Goten still facing away from him. With his hands free and unrestricted, he continued his re-exploration of Goten's well-toned chest.

"I know." Goten sighed into the caress, leaning back into the still clothed chest of his love. He almost wished that Piccolo had his cape on, if only for the way it felt against his bare skin when they were both wrapped up in it. He placed his hands over Piccolo's green ones, entangling their fingers together so that it was no real trick to simply bring them up, crossing his chest. He had to pause Piccolo's hands just long enough to ask, "When did you know?"

"I knew for certain when you and 17 had made your 'arrangement'," Piccolo admitted. He wanted to continue simply holding the prince like this for a while longer, but time wasn't with them. He wanted to do so much... He just didn't have the opportunity.

"Oh," Goten said, his eyes opening. That hadn't been all that long ago. He had fallen for someone who hadn't even wanted him? For a moment, he felt a note of panic, as if he had done something wrong. There was shame, and embarrassment, and disappointment, though he didn't understand the reason behind any of it.

Piccolo continued on, qualifying his answer, "But I'd been feeling it for long before then." He had felt the younger male's disappointment, had easily heard it in his voice. There was no need for it, though it did mean something to know that he mattered so much to the younger fighter.

"Oh," Goten grinned, understanding without having to be told. It had been confusing enough for him to sort it out, so he could easily see how Piccolo could feel something and not know what it was. Intending to turn around and fully embrace the green warrior against whom he stood, the youth grinned as he released the two green hands he still held, but as soon as he let go of Piccolo's hands, the other drifted backwards and out of reach.

"Come here. There's one more place," Piccolo said, holding out his hand and nodding his head in indication of yet another destination. He grinned as Goten willingly took his hand, and together they walked through the garden. The small enclosure had a lot of memories for them. There was one more that the Demon Lord had to remember, had to share again, before he could ever possibly let go.

"There is?" Goten took Piccolo's hand and followed him to the fountain hidden in the midst of the garden. There was a canopy of hanging vines dripping downward and then looping back up like streamers at a party. Golden leaves shimmered brightly in light produced by a foreign plant. The water gurgled forth merrily, as if it didn't mind who it entertained as long as there was someone there for whom to play. For a moment, Goten could only stare. Questions burned in his eyes as he watched Piccolo easily sit down on the ground. Given only the slightest invitation, Goten moved to sit across Piccolo's lap.

Without thinking, he tucked Goten's head against his shoulder, kissing the younger man's forehead without even pausing to think on it. He ran his hand over Goten's side, from ribs to hips before retreating along the same path. Cupping the younger man's cheek, he leaned down and placed a feather light kiss on the prince's already parted lips. He felt the soft tail wrap around his back as the prince wrapped one arm around his waist while the other tugged at the back of his head.

While he normally would have enjoyed the lightness of their play, and how it all seemed so unreal and dream-like, Goten wanted more. This was the last chance he would have to be with Piccolo, and he wanted to remember it. He wanted to feel it for months if possible. He deepened the shallow kiss, demanding more from his larger lover, putting every ounce of hunger and passion he could into the kiss. Using one hand, he grabbed at a Piccolo's hand as it traveled over his body and pushed it down his chest to between his legs, begging for him to understand. His head fell back, breaking the kiss as Piccolo cupped him through his pants. He bucked upward, whimpering, "Please."

"Please, what?" Piccolo breathed as he leaned back against the edge of the fountain. He tightened his hold, smirking slightly at Goten's soft gasp and narrowed eyes.

"Let's go to my room," Goten begged, sitting up and unconsciously spreading his legs a bit. "I want you... in my bedroom. Please?" Goten gasped from desire, and for a moment he couldn't form any words, much less the ones that threatened to choke him. He hated the fact that Piccolo was leaving, going away so that they'd never be together again, but it was still a fact. A fact like why he specifically wanted to spend his last night with Piccolo in -his- bed, not the Demon Lord's and not even in their garden. Goten wasn't stupid; he knew he couldn't hang onto the other male, couldn't keep him from leaving. But still, he could have something, even if it was as insignificant as Piccolo's scent hanging in his room and in his bed for as long as he could keep it there.

He smiled sadly down at the lovely young man in his arms, releasing his prize, but not releasing the prince. He continued to sit there, running his hands over as much flesh as he could touch while Goten still had pants on. "All right," Piccolo agreed.

"And... I want you to take me. In my bed. Hard," the prince added. Somewhat embarrassed by his wishes, Goten didn't really want to further detail what he meant by that and hoped Piccolo wouldn't press the issue. In truth, he wanted to feel Piccolo using him, to feel him inside himself the next day well after he'd returned home. Goten didn't want to be able to sit down from the physical memory of Piccolo being inside of him. And it all made him feel a little pathetic, knowing why he wanted these things. But he wouldn't say so. How could he possibly admit that he wasn't ready to let Piccolo go? He couldn't, so he'd settle for things that kept the other with him in spirit if not in person.

"Is that what you want?" Piccolo asked using the tone of voice that he knew caused Goten to shiver, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes." Goten nodded, though what he really wanted at that moment was for Piccolo to touch him again.

"What about what I want?" Piccolo asked.

Goten's already large eyes got wider as the room around him seemed to get darker. He found it suddenly difficult to breathe as he was laid backwards and felt Piccolo shifting to lean over him. The cool tiles of the garden's fountain area touched his back, causing him to arch up slightly. His head fell back to help keep his back from the coldness of the surface, which arched his neck beautifully to Piccolo's hungry lips. The young prince groaned as he felt sharp fangs and a heated tongue play over first one nipple and then its twin. So lost was he in the feel of Piccolo's mouth roaming over his skin that he didn't register quick hands at his waist, undoing the fastenings of his pants. The demi-saiyajin registered too late the loosening of cloth when he felt one of Piccolo's hands pressed between his hip and pants.

With slow precision, Piccolo peeled off Goten's pants, pushing them down to his knees. It would have been difficult to get them lower without the prince taking off his boots. The Demon Lord leaned back, straddling Goten's shins. There was a dark flush of color across the prince's features, and a fine sheen of sweat over pale skin. There were also small, red marks here and there, and Piccolo knew that they were caused by his teeth and nails, and for some reason the fact that those were the only marks on the younger man gave him pause. He watched as the demi-saiyajin's chest rose and fell with his deep pants before he leaned down to place an open-mouthed kiss on the center of his sternum.

Gently, Goten raised his hands until they rested on the back of Piccolo's head. His tail wrapped around Piccolo's wrist as he rested his hands on the demi-saiyajin's waist. The prince closed his eyes, wondering what was next. He gave a small smile as he felt Piccolo rise up only to lower again, kissing his skin again. It felt... good. Piccolo's kisses always did, but this time it felt better. He opened his eyes to look around the room, trying to remember the tropical atmosphere that would never be the same again. It would never be quite as exotic without Piccolo there. It would never be half as lovely. Suddenly, the young prince's sight disappeared in a blaze of pleasure as he felt an unexpected heat enveloping his hard sex.

Piccolo slid his mouth halfway over Goten's erection, before he retreated back upwards. He had kissed almost every inch of flesh on Goten's body at some point in time already, but he had never done this. Goten had never let him try, as he had always wanted other things. But this time, Piccolo was going to do as he wanted. He smiled as he dipped his head forward again, taking him deeper into his mouth, trying not to laugh at the prince's startled exclamations and helpless writhing.

He was going to miss this.

Goten tried to remember how to breathe. He bit back the scream that was threatening to tear out of his throat, while trying to ride the pulses of electric euphoria that ripped through him. He bucked upwards, trying to embed himself deeper into Piccolo's mouth, feeling as if his body wasn't his to command, as if it was a slave to whatever Piccolo wanted. And he loved it. Reveled in it. Cherished it. He knew, or thought he knew in the part of his mind still capable of thinking, that even though Piccolo said this was what he wanted, it was more like this was a gift for him. Piccolo was always thinking of him, of his pleasure. Piccolo always managed to satisfy him, every time since their first. Since before their first time of actual sex... Piccolo was the first to ever cause him to reach orgasm, and it happened here, in this garden. Piccolo was the first person to really think of Goten's gratification first.

The young prince cried out in harsh desire as the tight suction of Piccolo's mouth was almost too much for him to endure. He hissed in air, bucking his hips as much as he could with Piccolo restraining him, trying to reach that nirvana he knew was waiting for him. His eyes threatened to roll back in his head as his climax hit him. He let out a sharp cry, his head falling back as his chest arched upwards. He shook his head, denying that this could ever end. That this had to end. But eventually, as all things do, the moment was spent, and the young prince crashed back down to the tile floor, panting heavily.

Piccolo grinned as Goten looked up at him, his brown eyes glassy and his expression warm and filled with love. There was something else there, something that Piccolo couldn't name, or didn't want to name. The Demon Lord slid back a bit to crouch on the balls of his feet. He helped the prince stand up before brushing still shaking fingers away to dress the younger man. The prince leaned forward, resting his hands on Piccolo's shoulder as the green warrior redid the fastener of his pants.

Goten wasn't sure how he managed it, but he pushed off his lover and started to lead the way back to his room. He was rather proud of his ability to walk, which wasn't all that surprising to him. He was always happy to be able to walk after any amount of love play with Piccolo, but something like that... 'Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.' He looked back and watched with hungry eyes as Piccolo gracefully stood up. He looked around and spotted his shirt, and he had to debate whether or not to reach down and get it. He finally decided that he'd have to retrieve it. He leaned up against a tree as he bent down to get it. When he straightened back up, he felt Piccolo at his back. Without thinking, he leaned back into the security of Piccolo's embrace.

Piccolo sighed as he released his hold on the small prince, resigning himself to being unable to hold on forever. Like he'd want to. He stepped away, but found he couldn't let go completely. The two of them walked out of the small garden hand in hand, their fingers entwined between them discreetly, not daring to release their hold on each other.


"I think you'll like it there," Yamcha nodded. The taller male was curled up on Vegeta's lower body with his arms wrapped tightly around the saiyajin's waist and his head cushioned by his chest. Vegeta's tail was wrapped just as closely around Yamcha as his arms were.

He looked down at the human, so peaceful, so loving. How could he have ever been permitted to touch, to know such an exquisite being? "If you're there, I will."

The human merely snickered.

"What's so funny?" inquired the erstwhile prince.

"It's just... You still always surprise me with the sweet and sappy stuff. That's all," he smiled.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow to this. Was he mocking him? "Would you prefer I was rough and cruel?"

Smirking up at the small saiyajin, Yamcha replied, "Oh, yeah, of course! Because rough and cruel is -always- sexier than sweet and beautiful."

"I knew it!" Vegeta pretended to snap in an accusatory tone. "I -knew- you wanted it rough!"

The human laughed wholeheartedly, nuzzling his face into the saiyajin's torso. Sighing deeply, he noted, "As long as it's you doing it to me."

"Always," whispered Vegeta.

"Yep," he concurred with a grin. "And starting tomorrow, it really will be 'always'. No guarding. No ridiculous overlord. No one and nothing to stand between us. I really do think you'll like it. The people are really nice there. And there's so much to enjoy. Ice cream! I will totally introduce you to ice cream. And cotton candy. And junk food. And... Mmm. Rice Krispie treats. You will -love- those. That sticky, mushy melted marshmallow stuff. Yum! Marshmallows! Those too. Camping trips. Rollercoasters. Movies. Baseball games." Yamcha's eyes glazed over, thinking about all of his favorite things in his world, a light smile playing across his lips. He hadn't realized until now just how much he truly missed all of it. "We can do anything we want. -Everything- we want. That's the kind of freedom we'll have. That's my home. Home sounds nice, doesn't it?"

The saiyajin nodded his head, burying his face in Yamcha's soft, dark hair. Freedom. The ultimate dream. It all almost sounded too good to be true, except perhaps that cotton candy stuff. That didn't sound too good. Who ate cotton anyway? Leaning his head back against the wall, he answered. "If you're there, it will be."


"You like it."

"I know."

Leaning his head down, Vegeta placed a soft kiss to the top of Yamcha's head. "Are you going to sleep now?"

"Thinking about it," yawned the human.

The smaller male shrugged. "So sleep."

"Okay. 'Night, Geta. I love you," he sighed before drifting off, further snuggling down.

"And I love you." Vegeta's back rested against the headboard as he held Yamcha's sleeping form. This beautiful creature he held securely in his arms was not of this world, and soon, neither would he be. They were leaving. Together. And he could think of nothing more perfect. Perhaps Fate was not the cruel mistress he'd originally envisioned it to be.

Sure, it had taken his home, taken his strength, taken his will, taken everything it -could- take, aside from his life. He had always believed that it kept him alive out of spite or malice, as its own personal whipping boy to abuse. All he knew from it was suffering. But that couldn't have been his destiny; if that were the case, Yamcha would've never loved him at all. Yet, Fate gave him Yamcha, whom he had learned to love and trust and who returned those sentiments, something he'd never imagined as possible. Maybe the scarred human was his reward for surviving. It certainly seemed that Fate was finally smiling down on him. How else would he be allowed to achieve happiness?


As soon as the door hissed shut behind them, Piccolo spun the younger man to him and captured his mouth in a kiss that had Goten's toes curling inside of his boots. The prince shivered as he tasted himself on Piccolo's lips. He wrapped his arms around the green warriors neck, and curled his tail around Piccolo's wrist, dragging a hand down his back to cup his rear. There was the slight disorientation that he knew meant Piccolo was picking him up, so he wrapped his legs around his taller lover's waist. He felt sharp nails in his hair, tugging at his head. As he thought it would break the kiss, he was reluctant to shift, but in fact it only angled his head so that Piccolo had better access to his mouth. The young demi-saiyajin moaned in growing need as the carnal kiss claimed his sanity.

Piccolo placed Goten on the edge of the bed before he managed to tear himself away from the smaller fighter. Panting heavily, the Demon Lord stepped back. He looked down at how Goten looked, sitting on the emerald covers and thought about how he would look wrapped up in the indigo sheets. Smirking slightly, Piccolo gave a single command. "Strip."

Once the word registered, there was nothing else that mattered. Tugging frantically at his boots, Goten wasn't aware of Piccolo slipping into his bathroom. By the time the Demon Lord found the familiar bottle, Goten was throwing his socks away. Brown eyes looked up, making sure that Piccolo was still there, still wanting him, and found dark eyes watching his every move. With a half smile, he deliberately slowed his movements as he moved to his pants. He sat up on the edge of the bed, twisting his hips slightly as he peeled off the tight garment.

And then Goten was completely nude, standing on his bed before falling to a crouch, his tail flicking behind him. "What about you?"

With a devilish grin, Piccolo stalked towards the bed, causing the young prince to move backwards a step. He set the bottle of oil on the nightstand before reaching down and pulling his shirt over his head. Normally, he would have simply dismissed his clothes, but tonight he wanted to actually take the time to take them off, giving Goten his own strip show. He tossed the loose shirt carelessly away, and where it landed he had no clue. He had eyes only for Goten. Next came the turquoise sash. He kicked off his shoes, letting them smack against a wall. His grin magnified as he slowly slid out of his pants, watching as Goten's eyes darkened. The indigo garment fell to a puddle at his feet with the softest of sighs.

Goten fell back onto his hands and then elbows as Piccolo climbed on the bed to lean over him. He wanted this. He wanted this more than he wanted to breathe. He fell back onto his back, his tail lashing at the shining covers, as Piccolo rested between his upraised knees. He closed his eyes, gasping into a kiss as he felt first one and then two green fingers enter his body, preparing him for what was to come. He raised his hands, clutching at Piccolo's shoulders even as his tail wrapped around Piccolo's wrist, begging for more of the teasing touch. Goten didn't know how, but it always seemed as if the Demon Lord knew precisely where to touch him, causing hungry sparks to dance just under his skin. He moaned as a third finger entered him, stretching him, and he couldn't help but encourage a faster tempo, bucking against the captured hand. He knew he was ready for this; he had been ready before he had even stepped into the garden.

Piccolo smiled into the kiss, more than aroused at how the young prince writhed against him. Resting his full weight on the slight form under him, Piccolo reached down and grabbed the agitated tail, ruffling it against the grain just to hear Goten's soft whimper of approval. Piccolo broke the kiss, only to slant his mouth across the demi-saiyajin's lips again, before he began to tease at that one spot on the underside of the tail. The young prince, who was writhing and crying out his name in a tone that bespoke of begging, broke the kiss. For Piccolo, there was no aphrodisiac more potent than that. He removed his fingers from where they teased, bringing his hands up so that he could hold himself above the prince. He grimaced slightly as a furry tail wrapped around his aching sex, guiding him forward. Burying his face in the curve of Goten's shoulder and neck, he whispered, "I love you."

For Goten, there were no words he could form to express what he was thinking or feeling as Piccolo entered fast and hot and hard. When Piccolo had removed his hands, finished with their task of preparing him, he had felt that familiar sting of emptiness. But, the feel of Piccolo filling him, more completely than ever before, left stars dancing in blind brown eyes. His nails dug into green skin, unintentionally scratching eight bloody lines. He bit his lower lip, arching his throat in pleasure even as his eyelids fluttered. When he was able to gather enough air to articulate anything, he had to search his very limited vocabulary, but he didn't get the chance as Piccolo began to move inside of him, his thrusts hard and fast, like the pulse pounding in his throat.

Piccolo was braced off of the demi-saiyajin by both forearms, and he brought his knees up slightly, trying to get proper leverage. He knew he was right when he heard Goten crying out, pale knees clinging to him even as a brown tail wrapped around his waist. Slanting his lips over the softer, parted lips of the younger man, Piccolo poured all of himself into the most erotic kiss he had ever given, not holding back as much as he usually did. He increased his power so that he was just under the level of a super-saiyajin, strong enough that he wondered, ever so briefly, if it might be too much. But with the way Goten was moving against him, holding onto him, he knew that it didn't matter to the prince. And in all truth, it felt really good to him, too.

There was a strange whimpering sound filling his ears, and it took Goten a moment to realize that he was making the sound. He shifted his grip so that he was kneading Piccolo's biceps, trying desperately to -not- reach down between their bodies to touch his renewed erection. He wanted to so badly that it hurt. The sheer strength behind Piccolo's thrusts, however, felt marvelous. He wondered how much his stronger lover had been holding back before then, and if he was still holding back. The ecstasy quickly stole his concerns away, though, driving everything but pleasure out of his realm of awareness. His soft whimpers turned to mewling as he tried to return Piccolo's kiss, only to find that he was sorely outmatched as the aggressive tongue mimicked the erotic dance that their bodies were performing. The kiss was broken only because they both needed to breathe.

Piccolo was all too aware of how close Goten was to climax. And just before the demi-saiyajin crashed into that wave, the Demon Lord removed himself. Goten turned wild in his arms, fighting for the passionate play to continue, snarling in frustration when Piccolo refused by pulling further away. It was no trick at all to flip the prince over and position his hands on the edge of the headboard, though it did stretch his lithe body a bit. It would have been easier to simply require him to be on all fours, but Piccolo rather thought it would be better for Goten to have something to hold onto. He positioned his hands on Goten's hips, holding him tightly. The brown tail snapped once through the air, before it wrapped around to Piccolo's back, bringing him forward. He was aware of the fine trembling that rippled through the smaller male, and knew that it was because of him. He leaned forward, but did not enter him yet. Gently, teasingly, he placed butterfly kisses along Goten's shoulders before scraping his fangs over the back of Goten's bare neck. At the prince's light sob, he re-sheathed himself into the heated body of the demi-saiyajin.

Goten knew that he wouldn't be able to stay in that position for too long. It was just too awkward for him, and it distracted him a bit, which was something he didn't want. His teeth were clenched, hissing in air as he felt Piccolo's rapid thrusts into him. It was on the borderline of pain and pleasure, but pleasure was swiftly winning. He tried to move back into each thrust, but the hands gripping him prevented it, only allowing him to receive the fierce and hard and strong strokes of his lover. In his hands, the headboard began to move forward, and if it had been against the wall, there would surely have been a hole. With a moan of surrender, the prince released the headboard and rested on his hands and knees, grimacing in utmost ecstasy as the change in position changed the angle and feel. He bowed his chest forward, towards the bed as he looked over his shoulder. The look on Piccolo's face was enough to cause a full body shiver in the demi-saiyajin. The prince cried out as he was driven to his elbows, wanting more. Wanting it all.

Piccolo moved forward, wrapping an arm around the prince, pulling him back onto his lap. He continued to move, though, just toning down the enthusiasm he had given in to before. Using one hand, he began to stroke Goten's already leaking sex, knowing full well that it wouldn't take much to bring the prince to orgasm. Still, he wanted to prolong this one, though he wasn't planning on it being the last one of the night. He bit the outer edge of Goten's ear, making sure not to pierce the skin, licking the flesh he held between his teeth before releasing it. Panting harshly, he began to murmur into Goten's ear, whispering words that didn't make any sense, but that Piccolo just had to say.

Goten grabbed at his lover's green forearms, pressing them tighter to him. Even in the tightest embrace, he never felt caged with Piccolo's arms around him. At that moment, he felt like he was going wild, but Piccolo's arms around him were keeping him safe. He had grown used to his father and brother laughing about their 'inner beast' and how it would hunger; he had always just assumed that it was lust. But with the feel of Piccolo's hard sex stroking him from the inside even as his hand rubbed his own arousal, he could feel something inside him, clawing at him, shredding him just under the skin, demanding to be free. With a shattered howl, he gave in to it.

When the stars cleared from the demi-saiyajin's eyes, he found Piccolo had stilled, cradling his small form while still remaining inside him. It took him a moment to realize he was crying, sobbing as he leaned back against the Demon Lord. Piccolo was murmuring to him, brushing a hand through his hair, trying to soothe him. Taking a few deep breaths, the young prince managed to get himself under control. Shaking his head slightly, he gasped in a voice still thick with tears, "I'm fine. I'm fine. That was just... very intense. Please, gods, more."

"Are you sure?" Piccolo asked, though it cost him. He was well past the point of no return, and if Goten told him to stop, it would be difficult. Not impossible, but very difficult. He was fighting himself at that very moment, wanting to thrust forward again. But the need to make sure that Goten was all right and that he was unhurt was a more dominant urge.

"Yes. Yes. Very sure," Goten nodded, aware that tears were still falling, but he could still feel the aftershocks pulsing through his system, and he didn't want it to go away. Gasping softly, he shifted, trying to encourage Piccolo to continue.

Piccolo moaned low, burying his head in the curve of the prince's neck, shivering as his antennae slid through sweat-soaked hair. He had to take a few deep breaths before he was able to move, not trusting himself not to hurt the young man he held tightly against him. He moved so that they were lying down on their sides before he began again, reaching down Goten's body to shift one of the prince's legs up towards the ceiling while the other rested against the covers.

Goten couldn't stop from vocalizing his pleasure, just enjoying the feel of Piccolo moving inside of him. He gripped the satiny material in front of him, breathing into the covers. That strange pulsing bliss that remained from his last orgasm was still there, dancing and melding with Piccolo's movements, becoming harder and faster and unimaginably better with each stroke. He found himself crying out as Piccolo's climax claimed him, so caught up in the moment. When he thought Piccolo was going to pull away, he tightened his tail around the green warrior and grabbed at the hand skimming up his side. "Don't. Don't stop. Please, don't stop."

"I hadn't planned on it," Piccolo murmured, closing his eyes with a sigh. He had to concentrate, commanding his body to obey his desires. He smiled as he realized that it was more than happy to accommodate his wish, growing hard while still inside the young prince. He grinned as he enjoyed his complete control over his body. Even as his arousal was re-awakening, the Demon Lord was shifting their position again. He convinced Goten to lie flat on his stomach, legs spread apart. The green warrior tilted the prince's hips for better access and leverage, but the main reason for the position was for the full body contact. He laid his head next to Goten's as he began to move again. Some of his control was gone, and he didn't realize that he was moving just a fraction faster and a bit stronger, even though he was tired from his climax.

Goten turned his head so that he was able to bite into the pillow on which he was resting. His hands were buried under the satin-clad piece of fluff, and it was all the prince could do to not tear the sheets. He yelped as he felt sharp fangs return to his shoulder, nipping and scraping against his skin. Goten turned from his pillow to look over his shoulder, only to be rewarded with several small kisses placed along his jaw and across his cheek. His entire body was coated with sweat, and he was breathing harder than he ever had during any workout. But Piccolo was still driving him forward, still taking the time to kiss him. It was amazing how Piccolo could make him so hard so fast, even after a recent climax. The young prince released a rapturous groan through a raw throat, closing his eyes as he tried to memorize the entirety of the moment.

Piccolo closed his eyes, living for the moment, as his prince demanded that he do so long ago. He grimaced against the errant thought that this would be the last chance he'd have to be with the prince. With a battle cry that echoed in the slight room, Piccolo poured himself into pleasing him. He rode the prince hard, knowing full well that Goten was already growing aroused again, even though the youth was tired and probably very sore. It was just a shame that when the prince climaxed again, they wouldn't be facing each other. To the Demon Lord, that just wasn't right.

Acting on that thought, the need to actually see Goten as the prince reached this last climax, Piccolo withdrew completely from the youth's hot and expectant body. Goten's harsh rasping cry filled the Demon Lord's ears, but that cry of frustration was soon overtaken by a cry of ecstasy as Piccolo shifted them so that Goten was again on his back. The green warrior held the prince's knees up and against his pale shoulders, spreading his legs apart in the process. And then he penetrated the royal with as much force as he'd been using. The brown tail had come loose in the change of position, but it quickly latched on to Piccolo's waist again, holding on as if it was afraid to let go. Piccolo looked down at the demi-saiyajin, dark eyes gazing into half-lidded glazed brown eyes, staring into the shimmering depths as he proceeded.

Goten tilted his head back to moan in euphoria, his eyes threatening to roll back in his head, but no sound emerged and he couldn't break eye-contact even if he had wanted to. Under him, his bed was beginning to voice its displeasure at being so cruelly used for the night, squeaking as if it were an old machine. The prince knew he was using what little reserves of energy he had, but he wouldn't be denied the chance to touch as much of Piccolo as he could, running his hands over all the green and pink flesh that was close enough to reach. He quickly discovered that he was unable to talk, so without sound, the demi-saiyajin simply mouthed, "More."

Not for the first time, Piccolo found himself helpless to refuse his prince's wishes. With a low rumble that grew into a roar, Piccolo gave his all, moving recklessly. He knew, in the back of his mind, that he had come into this with a plan. He had known exactly of what he was capable, and he rather thought he knew how to please the demi-saiyajin. But, for the life of him, he couldn't remember what it was. All he knew at that moment, as he felt Goten's heat repeatedly encasing him, was that he needed the prince. He wanted. And he wouldn't be able to have. The great Demon Lord Piccolo cried out in a mixture of regret and pleasure as he reached his breaking point, his second climax washing through him, "Goten!"

Goten felt Piccolo's release, and it triggered his own. Liquid ecstasy spilt out between them, taking all Goten's strength and breath with it, leaving him hollow. His nerves were shot, and it was all the young prince could do to remain mostly aware. He was too weak to keep his eyes open, though. Too weak to talk. Too weak to beg for more. As he rested there, he felt Piccolo release his hold, allowing pale legs to fall back to a more comfortable position. There was the sudden, all consuming spike of fear as he felt more than saw Piccolo move off the bed. 'Don't! Don't stop. Don't go. Don't leave me. Please, don't leave me alone...' But try as he might, the demi-saiyajin couldn't gather any air to speak, or any strength to try and prevent the departure. He was too weak to call out. Too weak to hold on. Too weak to cry. 'I'm just too pathetically weak. I always have been.'

Goten laid on his bed, naked and sore, and felt more helpless than he ever had in his long life, including the years spent in 'training' to be the Royal Inquisitor.

But then, he felt the bed shift, and a warm rag was washing over his body, washing him off. By some miracle, Goten turned in the direction towards where he felt Piccolo, purring his euphoria. The top bed cover was tossed away, and Piccolo situated them both under the sheets, which were still amazingly dry. Goten smiled as he curled up on top of his green warrior. They laid there, Goten laying half on and half off of the larger man, more a tangle of limbs than two separate beings. Goten sighed as he drifted off to sleep, feeling acceptance and love. And completely whole.


It was mid-afternoon when Yamcha heard the door-chime for his room. He answered it, rather than Vegeta, and was unsurprised to find Krillin smirking up at him. "Hey, man," he greeted. "You're a little early."

"Have I ever mentioned how totally stupid all of the guards here are?" the short human asked, stepping into the room and letting the door shut behind him. When he caught a sharp look from Vegeta, he grinned brightly. "Not you, Vegeta, but um, you know... all the other guards."

"So, what'd you do with your guard?" queried Yamcha.

"Took him out to the middle of nowhere. Shot him. Left him for dead."

Vegeta looked at the smaller male incredulously, his eyes wide and one vein in his forehead threatening to burst out of his skin. "WHAT?! You -killed- a guard?! We'll never make it out of the palace..."

"You know, I take it back," Krillin remarked. "All of the guards here are stupid."

"Why, you little--" Vegeta growled, his tail puffing slightly as he took a menacing step forward.

"Easy, Geta," snickered Yamcha, pulling back slightly on his lover's shoulders. "Krillin was just joking. That was a joke."

"I saw nothing humorous about it," the shorter male retorted, curling his tail back to its familiar position around his waist. He slanted a glare at the bald human, not sure what to make of the comment.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," smirked the bald male. "The other you doesn't have a sense of humor, either. Dunno why I thought you'd get that. Anyway, no, I didn't really kill the guy."

"So, where is he?" the scarred human inquired.

"I just told him that 18 just messaged me and said she'd be back in five minutes and that he could go," he shrugged. "Moron ran like I'd set his ass on fire."

"18 didn't really message you?"


"You haven't... heard from her at all since day before yesterday?"


"Isn't that a little weird?"

"It's fine with me, actually," Krillin admitted. "At least I'm not fending her off. Two days of peace. It's been wonderful. You know, I actually feel sorry for all the girls I used to chase. Having someone you don't like constantly trying to get into your pants is a total drag. Besides, her not being around makes our departure all that much easier. Kinda convenient."

"Almost too convenient, to be honest," Vegeta said.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine," Yamcha smiled. "So! You guys ready to head up to Piccolo's room? That's where we agreed to leave from, right?"

"Yeah," nodded the small human, turning around and pressing the switch to open the door. He walked slightly ahead of the other two and got into the lift ahead of them, standing at the operation panel. Raising a finger to press one of the buttons, Krillin paused.

"Push the button already, man," the other human prompted.

"Okay. Um..." Krillin blinked at the panel before turning to face his two companions. Scratching the back of his head, he grinned sheepishly. "Heh. Which floor is he on again?"

Yamcha blinked back, not moving otherwise. "Uh... Shit, I dunno. Um... Do -you- know, Vegeta?"

"... I have no idea," Vegeta answered, his eyes growing large as he looked between the two humans. He was getting a sinking feeling in his gut. And they hadn't even left the palace yet!

"Well, shit," cursed Krillin. "Why didn't anybody think to ask Piccolo what room he's staying in? Nice planning, everybody. Damn."

"Well... Okay, okay. We have to know -something- that might give us a clue as to where his room is," Yamcha stated, turning his head to look at both Krillin and Vegeta, trying to use logic to solve their little problem.

"Hmm. I know his floor is above yours, but that's about all I know," the saiyajin replied, crossing his arms and regarding his companions. It struck him for the first time how much they depended upon the tall, green warrior. The once prince realized with a start that Piccolo truly was the brains of the three. That sinking feeling grew worse. 'We're going to get stuck in this elevator. We're going to get caught. I can't believe this.' He glanced up at Yamcha, who tossed him a small, apologetic smile. 'Cute,' he thought. 'Cute, but dumb. Oh, gods, give me strength...'

"Oh! His room is by Goten's!" Krillin exclaimed, snapping his fingers in the air. "I remember him saying that now."

"Well, why didn't you mention that in the first place?" Vegeta chastised. "Prince Goten's room is on Level 10, and there are only two suites on that level."

"Sweet!" Krillin grinned, pressing in the button labeled '10'. Hopping out of the elevator, he came to a full stop, not even flinching when Vegeta and Yamcha walked right into him. "Get a load of this friggin' hallway."

The hallway for Level 10 was unlike any of the other housing level's corridors. The ceiling curved into high points, similar to something they might've seen in a cathedral back on their Earth. Though also metal, like the other passageways, this hall's metal was dark and burnished. Light gleamed off the facets in each archway, though no source of light was detected. Krillin let out a low whistle. "Wow. The floor is so clean."

"Dude, it's like a gothic space temple," commented Yamcha. Pulling Vegeta a tad bit closer to him as they made their way down the hall, he asked, "How come this level looks so different?"

"It's Prince Goten's level," the saiyajin answered matter-of-factly, as if that would elucidate everything.

"You could eat off of this floor," noted Krillin, pointing at the floor and nodding.

"What difference would that make?" the scarred human inquired. "You know. That it's his level."

"He has lived on this level since he was born," explained Vegeta. "When he was twelve years old, he had the entire floor demolished and rebuilt to his specifications. That's why this level is -his- level. He created it."

"At twelve?" Yamcha frowned. "That's industrious of him."

"How did they get the floor so clean?"

"Krillin! Enough about the floor, man," Yamcha half-barked, half-joked. "Next time I turn around, you'll probably be making out with it."

"Have you -looked- at the floor? It's unbelievable!"

"Ahem," Vegeta cleared his throat loudly. "I believe Piccolo is in this room."

The erstwhile saiyajin prince pressed the button for entry to the Demon Lord's room. As the door slid open, the eager humans behind him pushed their way into the room, bringing Vegeta with them. Then they froze. Not ten feet in front of them stood Piccolo and Prince Goten, their lips locked together, arms wrapped around each other.

"Huh. I suppose we should've knocked," Krillin remarked, diverting his eyes to the floor, which made Vegeta and Yamcha follow suit. The statement, of course, made their presence known to the other males in the room, causing them to move apart. Grabbing onto the shirts of his companions and pulling them with him, the short human announced, "You know, we're just... going to... wait outside."

As Goten moved away from him to stare out the balcony's glass doors, Piccolo nodded to them and then looked over at the prince, moving behind him to join him. Wrapping his arms around the smaller male's waist, he placed a chaste kiss on Goten's neck. "I guess it's finally time," he whispered.

"I guess so," came the soft reply. Folding his arms atop Piccolo's and leaning back into the embrace, the demi-saiyajin was proud at the strength in his quiet words.

"How can you be so calm?" Piccolo asked him, lightly blowing the words into the dark-haired youth's ear.

"I'm not calm." Goten tried as hard as he could to swallow the hard lump that had lodged itself in his throat, but his chest felt so tight and his eyes stung. He wasn't ready. He just wasn't ready. His chin quivering, he winced when he heard his slightly breaking voice say, "You're leaving. I don't even know what I'm going to do once you're gone. I'm never going to see you again. How could I possibly be calm?"


"If I asked you to stay... would you stay?"

"Don't ask me," Piccolo commanded quietly. He wanted to. He wanted to stay, and he knew that if Goten came up with the slightest possible reason, he would find himself more than willing and ready to stay. But, he had responsibilities back home, and it tore at him how he had to give up the happiness he had found in order to go back to... his duties. It was always him. "You know I can't."

"I know." The young prince sucked in a shaky breath, nearly allowing a sharp sob to escape his lips. "It's just that... You're asking me to let you go. And no matter how -right- I know it is, it will be the most terrible thing I've ever done. And will ever do." He turned around then, wiping at his eyes. He had to be strong. He had to! "But I know you have to go."

Goten leaned against the taller male on his tiptoes and pressed his slightly parted lips against Piccolo's for the last time. He couldn't keep the contact, though. It was only going to delay the inevitable, and they were both hurting enough as it was. There was no point in prolonging the pain. Breaking the kiss quickly, he moved towards the door. Just as he reached for the panel, he paused, turning his head to glance over his shoulder. "Do you remember, the first time, in the garden, you asked me who I was?"

"Yes. I remember," Piccolo nodded slowly. He hated this. He didn't want to have to say good-bye, but he knew he had to.

"I know who I am now," Goten said, shifting so that he wasn't looking over his shoulder, but wasn't facing the tall warrior either.

"And who is that?"

"I am you." Goten smiled sadly, tears on the verge of breaking loose. He looked to the ground and then back up, adding on quickly. "Please don't forget me."

And then he was walking out of the door, trying to outrun the pain that gripped him.

While the humans were to content to look anywhere but at the figure coming through the door, Vegeta's head snapped up at the sound, his eyes meeting with Goten's. The saiyajin bit lightly on the inside of his lower lip as he saw the red, wet orbs of the younger male. How the youth could do what he was doing, how he was able to still function while losing someone who so obviously meant -everything- to him, was beyond Vegeta's comprehension. Yet he understood the strength behind it. Because that was the kind of man Prince Goten had become. Respect soared within the elder man. The once prince of all saiyajins slowly bowed to the other prince in more than simple acknowledgement.

Goten stopped at the bow, taken aback somewhat. The understanding in the older man's eyes nearly caused the tears the demi-saiyajin had been trying to contain to spill down his face. But instead, he lowered his eyes and bowed in return. Because he also knew Vegeta was just doing what had to be done. As he was doing. But no sooner had the gesture been made than had Goten walked on, practically running into the lift.

"He'll be monitoring us personally in the surveillance room," a deep voice suddenly broke into the silence. The three men standing in the hall looked up at Piccolo's tall frame looming in the still open doorway.

Nodding, Yamcha found his voice. "So... then... When are we leaving?"
