Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing who to count on ❯ Emotions ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, nor any of it's characters. If I would, the entire series would have resolved around Veggie.

Allright, I admit it. I hate his guts. I want to kill him for stealing my destiny. I hate him for becomimg stronger than me.I hate him for stealing my eternal glory, but most of all I hate him for all the respect he gets.
Not just from every single warrior I meet, but from everyone who's part of, as my woman refers to them, the "Z-gang".
My mate, she seems nearly obsessed with a man she hasn't seen in seven years, all of those pathetic warriors who see him as their hero, as the strongest warrior ever to have lived in the universe. And so what, maybe he is stronger, but he's just a third class soldier, how can such a low-class idiot become the most powerful man in the universe?

We finally arrive at Capsule Corp. "Are you coming to bed?" she whispers softly. I nod. I still don't understand why it all went so wrong between us, one moment we were getting along fine, and the next one I'm yelling at her because she keeps talking about that fool.
What does she want me to say? That I'm sorry? I won't, and I'm not. Perhaps my behavior has been uncalled for, but everyone has their moments
of anger and desperation. There's no need to answer for everything I have ever said.
She doesn't look angry anymore, more hurt. Somehow that knowledge gives me no comfort at all.

It's pathetic, all these emotions. A true warrior does not need them.
They ruin your life, they make you weak. It makes no sense. My emotions have changed me: The entire universe knew me as the ruthless warrior who had
never heard of mercy and would stop his killing sprees for no one. and yet here I am .How could I have ended up on this ridiculous planet, and more importantly
how did I end up here with a family! Life's a bitch. Before Raditz and the dragonballs I would have blasted this woman and the planet without even a thought crossing my head, but here I am, ten years later, thinking about feelings. I cannot let myself be weakened by my emotions.

"Vegeta?" I hear her say. "Yes woman?" I answer with a sigh. "Are you all right? You don't really seemlike your usual self." Why, because I've been in your company for five minutes without throwing an insult at you?
"Vegeta!" she says again. "I'm fine woman. Perhaps some rest would suffice."
She looks at me with a quizzical look. Maybe I'm too nice to her. "You should get some too, you're beginning to look old and tired." There that did it. She went into one of her rampages, screaming that I had no respect for all her work. I looked at her. She looked good, there could be no denying that.
"Woman, maybe you should take our son to bed.
I'm going to take a shower, I will see you when we're both there." She nods and goes upstairs. I wonder whether she would get the hint.

Standing in the shower, I let the cold water run over my body. I can't help but think about them. My mate and son.
The door opens and I see her standing in the doorway. She looks as beautiful as the day I first saw her on Namek.
She smiles, closes the door and walks in the bathroom. Stepping in the shower as she takes off her red dress,
I put my arm around her waist and pull her closer. She puts her arms around my neck and leans in for a kiss.
Describing it is useless, it felt good, and that's all there needs to be said. "I love you Vegeta." She whispers in my ear.

And instead of pushing her away for such display of emotions, I pulled her even closer. What am I supposed to make of all of this?
Smirking, I carried her on to the bed and gently lay her there as I climb on top of her and taste her lips again.

The smal part left of my father floating around the universe would turn itself around in shame, if it would have any idea
of what I'm thinking now.

A/N: What'd you think? R&R please! I promise, more dialogue and less thinking/feelings in the next chapter!