Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuria no Kizuato ❯ Good bye world ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I walk down the street in the rough side of town were had every thing gone wrong? I snort at my stupidity it had all gone wrong the day I was born. From an early age my father had made it quite clear I was `an accident' as he so kindly put it. Life has not been kind my father left at an early age in my life and succeeded in making it a living hell. Then when I was eleven the court had told him he wasn't allowed any where near me my brother or my mother.

Things went okay for a while we moved my mom got a job brother got married I turned eighteen. Then he came in to my life his name was Alex you can probably guessed we fell in love I always thought we be together forever I mean I was in no real rush for marriage... for anything I thought he felt that way to but I forgot the first rule `never love the enemy' until today.

It was cold it was wet but it didn't matter I was in his arms so everything was alright I was safe. It was a normal day we drove around all day. Eventually it got dark so we drove to my place. I invited him in he complied we walked in hand in hand.

I hand him the key and he opened the door.

"MOM I'm home" there was no answer so I walked further into the hall. There she lay covered in her own blood naked eyes wide open. A thousand knifes slashed into my still beating heart.

The door slammed shut and there they stood Alex with a grin so evil it could scare the devil and there beside him the one man I'd only feared only ran from the only man cried for there was my father. Realisation hit I'd been set up... set up to die.

I didn't even notice as both walked up to me Alex the so called love of my life held me as my `father' slowly pulled my trousers off and my knickers leaving a pile on the floor and eventually my shirt and bra fell in that pile. Alex's grip tightened as I struggled and thrashed against his grip. As child hood memories came back with a crash. With on low whisper.

"I told you you'd be next sweet child of mine"

The memories of him raping my mom and how his would whisper that line to me as he forced me and my brother to watch.

He actually enjoyed taking my virginity the sick fuck.

For some reason unknown to man kind the next morning when I awoke I was... well I awoke I don't know why maybe he was still here maybe he was coming back later for more. I quickly snuck upstairs and changed I didn't shower. For I had no idea if or when he was coming back.

I dressed in my favourite black bra shirt knickers trousers and trainers yes all black that's al the colour my wardrobe supplies I put on my silver celtic ring. I throw a few of my personal items in my bag brush make up change of clothes money no credit cards, people can be tracked with credit cards, my fave book an of course my mothers locket which I snatch off the floor as I pass through. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I refuse to let them pass my lids I will not disrespect my mother like that. I run through the kitchen garbing my black leather jacket as I run to my motorbike.

I drive off swearing never to come back and to never get that close to anyone else as long as I live no one will ever know of my shame no one will ever touch what is mine ever EVER again!

I pull over at a hotel and walk in towards the streets this is the rough side of town maybe I will get lucky and some mugger will stab me. No such luck I walk back to the hotel noticing the forest behind it I recall the day's events over again. I run into the forest running from his moans, running from the corpse, running from the hell hole I lived in all my life just running from myself. Until I trip landing smack on my nose.

My vision gets blurry tears run from the sky. Or maybe from my eyes I can't tell and I don't care. It's gone everything I worked hard for freedom love my life all gone because of one crazy selfish bastard. It's not fair never has been never will be. I mean it's like I went through hell then life got better and then some one said `do over' and threw me straight back into the shit.

I look up to the sky the stars are twinkling at me I growl. I don't believe in god of any kind and yet I find myself yelling at the sky.

"You think this is funny don't you ha ha there's that idiot girl thinking life isn't so bad Ha ha well where's the answer? What should I do now every things gone? I can't even go home so what should I do?"

I look at the sky and wait until a bush moves and I see a cliff. I guess that's my answer I run towards the cliff and look down below nothingness like me... like my life. If I had one wish it would to be in a totally different dimension away from everything including me. I let one last tear run down my cheek I look up at the sky I see a star fade a confused look passes over my features. My mom always said that when a star faded someone had a wish granted. Mom

I growl and with no second thoughts ran off the cliff goodbye. I see a swirly thing beneath me but lose my world to the darkness I call my dreams.

Disclaimer: me owns nothing *pout* and it SO unfair

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