Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuria no Kizuato ❯ Juunana-gou sitting in a bar getting P-I-S-S-E-D ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Juunanagou sat in a bar he'd never been to before the place oddly suited his mood. Bitter... bitter like him.

Not like it was different from any other bars, no under 18's, people dancing with no music, a bar fight here and there smashed bottles included. A pervading smell of tobacco smoke with a hint of something, strange and exotic, mingled with alcohol and slut.

He was once the all mighty seventeen destined to take over the world, perfect in every way. He and his sister should of ruled the world! Yet he was reduced to sitting in this cheep bar with a sleazy brunette practically sitting on his lap in a lousy attempt to get him to spend the night in her.

This was getting extremely annoying he knew he was irristable... but this was way past ridicules, her voice was like a squeaky door. She looked like she hadn't had a bath in for months and she smelt like it to. He could smell at least six different men on her it was enough to make a hobo puke!

She wiggled up behind against his crouch seventeen growled and I assure you it was not out of pleasure. With one quick motion seventeen was standing and the woman was on the floor. Seventeen turned and began to walk away when she called after him.

"why deny yourself pleasure?" she called to his retreating form.

"I'm not that's why I'm leaving" he replied to her not so tempting offer, not giving her so much as a side glance.

it was a nice night so Seventeen began to walk home recalling the nights events. a slight smirk graced his features as he remembered walking into the bar.

Every one had looked at him lust plain on many women and a men's features. then chaos broke lose some random humanoid male walked right to his face. pointing at seventeen's legs he screamed at the top of his voice.

"those are my pants" glaring daggers seventeen punched him. Only once, great tension relief! Even if he hadn't been with his full strength.

Seventeen walked to his favourite thinking spot it was only a few miles away from his cabin which was located in west capitals forest. No civilisation just the

way he like it. His thoughts travelled to his sister eighteen she had settled down with a `nice' guy as she had put it she'd even had a child... hell her child had grown up and he hadn't even looked at woman in years. He really should think about getting a girlfriend but for that he would have to be social and that was not one of his strong points. He sighed and stood up that was it he would have to learn to be social. after all it wasn't like a girl would just fall out of the sky he laughed at the thought.

Just as he was about to walk away from the beautiful crescent moon and those stars that seemed to laugh at him when ever they twinkled. he took one last look but to his surprise the moon had been replaced by a swirly thing.wind hit his practically perfect face. in the hole some thing was heading his way something very black with... a tail. as if on instinct... as if his arms had a mind of their own he caught what the very black thing.

The wind died down and soon he was able to see what he had caught... he look down to see a very beautiful girl with peaches and cream completion with gold brown hair with obviously natural ginger and blonde streaks same colour as her tail. He had caught a fallen angel... He had caught the catch of the day.

as he carried her back he secretly he wondered what colour her eyes were what she was like why her wardrobe only had one colour... but of course he would never admit he was thinking these thoughts to anyone especially his self.

he laid the fallen angel on his bed and looked at the picture next to his bed it was of him self and the Z warriors he had become some what friends with them. he mainly spared and talked technical jargon with Bulma. But on the odd occasion they had a get together he would be there. Or when Bra wanted to go on a shopping spree he always seemed to be there not that he wanted to.

It was probably that damn namick giving him all this bad luck, probably sitting up there laughing his ass off as the great Juunanagou is reduced to carrying a eighteen year old girl... no sorry woman bra was anything but a girl. Any way that's getting off track, the point is that he had been reduced to a shopping trolley.

The young woman / fallen angel on his bed started to stir... this would definitely be interesting.

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okay guys listen good cause I'm only going say this once I only do first person when I'm writing about the unnamed female don't worry she will be named next chapter also italics is flash backs okay? okay any who no flamers! I don't appreciate them seriously I will not be happy about it.

you might have figured this out already this is a 17/ fan created character fic so don't like it... guess what I DON'T CARE!

Disclaimer: I won't say it... it's to hard *gets clanged by Chi Chi* Never will I say it NEVER! *gets clanged into unconscious by Chi Chi's frying pan of doom*

Bra: unfortunately the author is unable to tell you that she dose NOT I repeat dose NOT own dragonball Z or GT she only owns this fic's plot and the unnamed female charter that is all I mean she doesn't even own her own house

Heikgan: *in a bloody pulp on the floor* it's true it's so true