Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuria no Kizuato ❯ Where the hell am I!?! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: *sarcastic tone* oh yeah I own DBZ that's why I'm writing fan fics about me and Juunana-gou instead of writing them into the show.

I woke up with a start my eyes don't seem to be working. I try and focus them on something I hear some thing in the corner of the room and focus on that. When my vision clears a bit I can see the most gorgeous man I've ever seen! Maybe the Christian's where right after all maybe *I* was wrong... maybe this is god!

As my vision clears more I realise that no matter how ehem… humble any god / goddess is they would never live in an old filthy cabin with raggy curtains. It reminds me of my bedroom back home apart from the raggy curtains. My room was always covered in clothes and paper just the way I like it… by the looks of it just the way he likes…

Wait a minute! Why am I judging my surrounding WHERE THE HELL AM I! Okay… okay calm down girl just think what happened.

"Ok let's see I was at some hotel"

"Are you okay" the mystery man asks.

"Then I ran into a forest"

"Ehem… what are you talking about" I ignore his question and continue my rambling.

"Then I jumped off a cliff"

"YOU JUMPED OFF A CLIFF" did I say that out loud?! Must of or he wouldn't have yelled…

"Now I'm in a room with an incredibly handsome man who's looking at me like I'm crazy who's called?"

"Juunana-gou or seventeen" what it can't be… can it?

I forget that question my inner question for a moment and run outside, I see a forest to my right and a waterfall to my left… but no cliff. I think for anything that might give me a clue to where I am but come up with nothing. Maybe he caught me from under the cliff and brought me here, NO! He was surprised that I'd jumped off a cliff maybe that in it's self is a clue…

It seems that the only clue to where I am and how I got here is in that cabin with that inhumanly attractive man. Oh well no harm in asking right? RIGHT?! I have some second thoughts but my legs have a mind of there own and before I know it I'm standing right in front of a very startled Juunana-gou.

I stand right in front of him and with a determination only found in the women in my family I ask him the one question on my mind…

"Where the hell am I"?

"West Capital forests" he answers looking at me strangely.


"As in Japan" he still looking at me strangely.

"But I don't speak Japanese"

"You sound fine to me" he snorts rude much I only stated what I thought was the truth.

*17's P.O.V*

She looked at me a strange glint in her eyes like she was thinking…thinking hard. While she was thinking I checked her out. Her eyes seemed to just add to her…her… perfection. Suddenly she looked at me and growled. It was actually quite cute in a frightening and creepy way.

"Your working for *him* aren't you" she looked pissed off. She looked hot when she was pissed off.

"Who is `him' exactly" I asked in my usual monotone.

"You know who"

She growled jumping towards me attempting to hit me. Secretly I am glad she doesn't act like a fallen angel she much more well… fun this way. I have to admit this girl…no sorry woman could sure pack a punch when she actually hits me… which of course I let her to see how hard se can actually hit it's not like I'm letting her or anything…I wonder how she can hit so hard, her tail waves behind her reminding me that she is saiyajin.

A few moments later I grab her wrist and pull her into a tight hold still she squirms against my grip.

"Stop it your only hurting yourself saiyajin" I growl huskier than I'd liked.

"Saiyajin"? She asks… she actually asks something's not right here.

"Yes saiyajin is that why you're here to blow up the planet if it is king Vegeta might have something to say about it" I growl in her ear hoping she hasn't come here to seek revenge on him… I swear more people want Vegeta and Goku dead than people who wanted cell dead… she burst out laughing I look at her now I'm confused.

"I've figured it out" I sigh in relief at last someone knows what's going on.

"I finally lost it" maybe not I look at her maybe Vegeta knows who she is or maybe this is the result of one of Bulma's crazy inventions. I sigh again and pick her up.

"HEY! I maybe nuts but that doesn't mean you can even touch me!" I decide to ignore her and blast off into the sky hoping for some explanation.


Hey all you all know what to day is?!!!!!

*readers shack there head*

Reader: December 28th

Heikgan: NOOOO… well actually yes but it's also *dramatic pose* MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

You know what the best birthday present in the world would be

*mumbles about playstations certain cd's make-up and gloves are heard and of course a mountain of strawberry's complete with fiancé's (every one glares at Bulma) *

Heikgan: … well yeah that would be cool… BUT! I would settle for a review or two. BTW I would like to thank every one who has already reviewed

Later guys I gots me some prezzie's to look at and a party for one to start best B-day ever by myself

Ja Ne