Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuria no Kizuato ❯ I'm WHO?! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: if you haven't figured out that I DON'T own DBZ/GT or anything else for that matter then you haven't been reading my disclaimers then have you.

HI EVERYONE! I'm back with my story which I left on an evil cliffy thank you every one who reviewed and read my fic anyway onward to the fiction.

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"You" he barely whispers I wonder how I heard him.

He looks at me once more, then promptly faints…

"VEGETA" a blue haired woman screamed… WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE BLUE HAIR!!! Ok I over reacted maybe it's dyed blue.

Juu looks at me and I just blink. Why is he looking at me, I don't even know that guy who just fainted we've never even met… wait there both looking at me did someone ask me something Shhhhit.

"What's wrong with him? why did he faint?" Bulma looks at me then at that guy then at me and smirks. Does she know some thing I don't?

"Hello there I'm Bulma it's nice to meet you, Juu-kun would you help me get this idiot to the medical bay please" she smiled kindly why isn't she more bothered about that guy who is currently resident half in and half out her door way? I shrug it off and follow Juu and Bulma to the med bay.

Bulma's gibbering on about something totally irrelevant wow can she talk ummm I wonder what she talking about. Just nod your head and try and act interested. She act's like my bro when he gets started about computers. I look at Bulma all of a sudden she isn't so amusing any more. I put my brave face on and hope no one notices that I'm crumbling inside but I still smile and keep my pride.

A hand rests it's self on my shoulder. I look up Juunana-gou is looking down at me he gives a reassuring squeeze. And I give him a weak smile. I wonder how he can lift that man in just one hand, he must be really strong.

"Bulma I don't mean to interrupt or anything but who is that guy why did he faint when he saw me" I look at her for answers.

"You….. Don't….. Remember" she asked looking worried.

"Remember what?! What is going on? Where am I? How can I speak Japanese when I'm English? And who is that guy?" their all looking at me wait that guys awake.

"Of course she doesn't remember woman, she's not suppose to woman" Vegeta growled. "Put me down droid" Juunana-gou's eyes narrowed and he dropped Vegeta? I think that's right, on his arse.

"Well welcome home little sister" I blink once then all of a sudden the floor looks a nice place to sleep, but I need answers so I won't.

"Well Bardock must have been smarter I thought, I never thought I would see you again" he says with a shrug. "I think the last time I saw you, you were six and a right pain in my arse, I was almost glad when He made that Trans dimensional pod" he looks into my eyes "almost"

"Vegeta will you stop confusing the girl and tell her already" Bulma hissed.

"Ok woman just shut up, it's not every day your supposed dead sister walks up to your door" Vegeta hissed.

"Hey dad who was at the door" the double of Bulma walked in. of course she didn't get an answer because Bulma and Vegeta were involved in their own WW-only Kami knows how many.

So the young woman led me in to the kitchen were a purpled hair young man was stuffing his face, I'm being to think my eyes are going funny every one here has really strange hair... well except for Juu-kun… I mean Juunana-gou, she coughed and he looked up.

"So who are you" the blue haired young woman asked

"I honestly have no idea any more" I answer

"Well what's your name" the man asked I gave him a closer look, he was obviously smart, his eyes burned wisdom beyond his years.

"I don't have a name any more either"

Juunana-gou walked in that very moment and looked at me

"Well personally I think Heikgan is a good name for you" I smiled and nodded

"Then that is my name" he kept his emotionless face on but some where in his eyes I saw I flash of happiness.

We talked for awhile I found out that the young man was called Trunks and the young woman was called Bra, strange names these people have well it matches their hair. When Bulma and Vegeta finally came back Vegeta looked pissed off and Bulma looked really smug… well it's obvious who won that fight.

Vegeta looked at everyone with a `sit down or else' expression we sat quickly and quietly.

"Well since you don't remember I'll be story teller today…" we all looked at him in anticipation and wait for him to continue.

"I was only one years old when the castle was… `blessed' with your presence of course you were the less important child because I was the heir to the thrown and you well weren't, from an early age you learned to cause trouble in one place and be in a completely different place at the same time, and of course there was the fact that you were daddy's little girl."

~FLASHBACK~ not in P.O.V

"AAAHHHHHHHH" king Vegeta wailed in pain jumping off his throne. He pulled up the pillow finding the electric charger with sparks spring off the wires.


Everyone in a ten mile radius heard his wail and cringed.

Two children ran in one looked top heavy because his hair the other looked like a chibi fallen angle, she was unusual for a saya-jinn her hair was golden brown with natural blonde and ginger streaks which became more noticeable with sun light, even her height was strange much to tall for a saya-jinn of her age.

"What's wrong daddy" she asked in a worried tone. Prince Vegeta looked at her and wondered if she was worried for her father, or worried she'd get caught.

King Vegeta held up the charger and growled "well Orka someone planted this in my throne so tell me brats where have you been"

Both talked at the same time when they stopped for a breath they glared at each other.

"ENOUGH Orka you go first" King Vegeta growled

"Well daddy" Orka started, fluttering her eyelashes in an abnormally cute way "I was in the garden's with MR Bardock he was teaching me the science of gravity with a bouncy ball" then beamed at her father who was obviously trying to hide his small smile.

"Well brat what about you?" the king asked gruffly

"I was sleeping" the young price hissed

"Sleeping at two in the afternoon I think not! You've just earned your self a private sparing session with me" he growled.

Prince Vegeta looked at his younger sister with some admiration she was some actress.

~FLASH FORWARD~ in Heikgan P.O.V

I blinked at the small story I just heard it certainly sounded like me after all I was a minor actress even if I did work in a small broken café.

Vegeta continued "when war became inevitable Bardock told us of the T.D.T (Trans Dimensional Traveller) in hopes to save the future king and princess, unfortunately for us spies were every where and somehow Freezer found out. One of us was to be used as a barging tool, surprisingly you volunteered. But being an over protective big brother and future king I demanded I go."

He looked around the room then started again. "Bardock warned us that the universe you were sent to might reject you or it might be that their time would be slower or quicker"

He gave everyone time for this time to sink in

"How old are you?" Bra asked

"Eighteen" I answer then look up at Vegeta

"But how come they thought I was their daughter, I mean my mom was always talking about how I pronounced things wrong when I was four" I ask looking at the floor not daring look up.

"Fake memory's Bardock said it wasn't a good idea that it might cause insanity"

I hide a gasp it was my entire fault I destroyed my family just by being there… I'm not going to let that happen again, with recent evidence all I cause is pain and I'm not going to hurt them not ever.

"Can I use the bathroom please" I ask Bulma still not looking at any one

"Sure it's up the stair fifth door to the left" she looks worried

"Thanks" I walk up the stairs and open the door

The window in here is big enough to jump out of so I do. Running from a house that I will probably never see again.

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Hi peeps I know sad chappy pulls out a box of tissues poor everyone. Please review tell me what you think sorry but next chapter will be sad and happy till then

Ja ne