Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuria no Kizuato ❯ Shoulder to cry on ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Ha-ha run run as fast as you can you can't catch me! I'm the rum tug tugger man"

"I don't know what happened your father was such a good man"

"My mom she's dead"

"He used to take us all out for ice cream on Saturday"

"Okra were are you?"

"He would sit and tell your brother about his school day and how much he loved us"

"Okra why would you do that?"

"I don't hate you"

"I hate you"


It hurts to think every time I close my eyes some thing else hurts my memory why can I remember two lives, it must be this dimension.

"Heikgan… Heikgan! where were you, the moon?"

"No a different dimension" I looked at Sandy she is about my age.

After I ran from the Briefs I got this job it was good money, and I share an apartment with a friend I met Sokno. Sokno is my age with two children, she was hiding from her past as well but her past came in the form of Jake Thomson 24 year old abuser.

"Yeah I know that feeling just make sure the boss doesn't catch you daydreaming or it's the sack". I nodded numbly, and continued working.

Sometimes I wondered if I dreamed everything, but then I'd wake up to people with natural lime green hair walking down the street.

As my shift ended I walked down the allys. Just to see if I could save someone the pain I went through, mostly I've found broken girls or boys I will comfort them and point them to the police station. I've only saved three girls and one boy, I killed the rapist with my bare hands, no ones ever grassed me out after all their in my debt. A scream is heard to my left I run until I find the cause… Sokno I growl, Jake runs I see something shine before he runs though.

"SOKNO" I scream and run to her side a smell fills my nose an iron sweet smell, blood… he stabbed her, no he… but she'll...

There she lay covered in her own blood naked eyes wide open, a thousand knifes slashed into my still beating heart. My mommy.

"I told you you'd be next sweet child of mine"

"I told you you'd be next sweet child of mine"

"I told you you'd be next sweet child of mine"

"Sokno I'm going to take you to the hospital" I say very clearly luckily it's not far from here.

"Fiona" she gasps out I turn to see the pram.

I run to it she's still there fast asleep. I wheel the pram over to Sokno I gently place Fiona on the floor as I lift her mother in to it.

Quickly I scoop the still sleeping child into my arms and hurry down the street with the pram. I gasp as I get to the hospital I breath heavy but don't stop. Sokno moans in pain I hurry to the secretary. Who jumps into action.

Forty five minutes later the doctor came out. Only telling me that if she survived the night she'd be lucky and I'd be stuck with two children. I ask the kind doctor if he will put Fiona in some day care while I go see to her son. The doctor agrees and I run to the only person I know who might help.

"Excuse me madam sorry to disturbed you but could you be as kind to direct me to West Capital forests please" the old woman nodded and pointed at the forests on the out side of town.

"Thank you for your time madam" go to plan B a taxi.

Twenty minutes later I'm finally in the stupid forest.

"Juu Juunana-gou 17" I've been calling for ages where the hell is he?

"WHAT!" he yells from above me. He looks at me quizzically. "Heikgan?"

"Yes it's me you've got to help me" I look up at him pleading him.

"Do have any idea how worried Vegeta is about you" he growls.

"I'm sorry, I really am but I need your help" he nods for me to go on "this woman I've been living with, my room mate her boyfriend stabbed her"

"What do you want me to do about it" tears streamed down my face.

"I.. I…I don't know… what to do" I choke on my own words he lands. I jump into his arms and he just holds me till I calm down.

"I can help…"

"Really thank you thank you THANK YOU"

"But… you have to come to C.C with me"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^< /div>

Disclaimer: look how many times do I have to tell you I did create DBZ I'm that Japanese guy… what's with my chest…em well…em… I don't go around asking personal questions about you do I… okay okay I'm don't own DBZ just please be have mercy don't make me pay his taxes still.

Wow guys thanks for the reviews tell me if you like it K. and if you have an idea or suggestion or may be you don't understand some thing I'd be more than happy to answer.

Oh and I know Heikgan was a bit OOC from her usual hard Goth type but she isn't sleeping well images of her past are haunting her from two dimensions then her best friend stabbed she has reason to be OOC.


Ja Ne ^_~