Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Little Surprises ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Life's Little Surprises

As usual this fan fiction is an alternate universe story. This story revolves around many of the DBZ squad but mainly Gohan and Piccolo. This is not a romance b/w Gohan and Piccolo! But this is mainly a romance. If you've read my other stories, you will know exactly where this story is heading. But trust me… this story will have some interesting twists.

Chapter Seven:

-----Change POV: Piccolo------

Why did she have to come here? And hanging all over Gohan? What happened to he is just a kid? I turn back to her, just to take my one last look at her. And all I can think about is how much I wanted to touch her.

I want her to be with me but that is a selfish desire. Gohan is a good kid and Ava will be happy with him.

"So you're really not going to tell me?" Ava asks resigned.

I sigh. "It is better for you."

"And who are you to judge what is better for me?" Ava snaps.

Who am I to judge what's best for her? Who am I to her? I know who she is to me. But who was I to her? It doesn't matter anymore.

"Piccolo, who are you to judge me?"

"Why did you have to fly away and get hurt? It would have been easier how we planned. You went straight to Vegeta! And got a nice lump on the head, he probably would have killed you, if you hadn't changed."

"What are you talking about?" A flash of recognition comes over her eyes.

"It would be selfish of me to return your memory."

"I do not care. I cannot live without understanding!"

I walk up to her. "Gohan, I want you to leave."

"Uh, yes sensei." Gohan flies off.

I put my hand to her temple. "It will be easier, this way."

I transmit all the information I know directly to her brain.


And part of the information involved our entire time together.



"You would have just allowed me to go?"

Just as I thought, her memory has completely returned.

"After making my wish… you'd just let me go?"

"You had a right to a new life. I hope you are happy."

Ava smiles at me and shakes her head. "You don't understand. I could never live without knowing who I was. And knowing how I felt about someone."

What does she mean by that? That she thinks Gohan is a kid or that she has feelings for someone?

-----CHANGE POV: Ava-----

This is probably the hardest thing I'll ever have to do. But at least I know, if he won't have me I have another home waiting for me.

I walk extremely close to Piccolo who is blushing. Yes, I knew that was a blush, those violet cheeks.

"Piccolo, I care about you."

"Ava…" Piccolo takes a step back. "What about Gohan?"

"I don't know what came over me. Gohan is a wonderful person but he isn't my type at all."

Piccolo seems so confused. I don't know what he is feeling or what he is thinking but every moment my heart is skipping a beat. I need to know if he feels the same.

I need to know if Piccolo can possibly love me. Because I know… I am in love with him.

"Gohan cares much for you, same with Dende."

"I know how they feel. I want to know how you feel."

Piccolo looks to be deep in debate with himself.

"Look, I don't have to know now."

Piccolo grabs me in his strong arms.

"Wh- wh-at are you doing?"

Piccolo looks down at me, his lonely eyes seem to tell me my answer. He wants me as much as I want him.

"You are going to be the death of me." Piccolo mumbles in my ear just before he kisses me.

Our kiss becomes more and I wrap my arms around his neck trying to pull him closer. Piccolo frantically returns the gesture knocking Gohan's jacket to the ground. After the kiss, I look at the jacket and remembered the kindness Gohan showed me.

The jacket, like Gohan's kindness has been discarded. No, I can't do that. I lean down and pick up the jacket lovingly dusting it off when Piccolo quickly pulls me behind him.

I am blocked from view as he quickly shouts. "I won't fight you."

I am finally able to see what has Piccolo so spooked. Gohan is standing with anger filling his gentle eyes. But his hair and eyes have changed color.

"Gohan?" Saying that just makes Piccolo hold me behind him, trying to protect me.

"You won't fight me?" Gohan laughs and it send chills up my spine. What has happened to my little innocent Gohan? "Then you'll die and I'll get the girl."

"I taught you better than this! To fight with anger only causes pain for those you love. Remember Cell! You were like this with Cell and your father-"

"You have no right to lecture me! You did nothing to save him! You let him die!"

How can I stop this?

"You know that isn't true, Gohan!" Piccolo slowly pushes me back.

"You can't escape from me."

I don't know what happened but I feel Piccolo jerk and then collapse.

"Piccolo!" I drop Gohan's jacket and I kneel next to Piccolo who has a round burn mark on his chest and his shirt is almost completely gone. "Gohan! What have you done?"

Gohan tilts his head up and looks at me with his cold aqua eyes. "I got rid of those who challenge me. You are my woman."

"But, I'm not!"

Gohan grabs my wrist and pulls me to my feet. I let out a scream.

A green hand surrounds Gohan's hand grasping my wrist. "Release her, now."

Piccolo stands tall, his purple blood still pouring from his chest wound. What have I done? Piccolo is probably dying and it's all my fault!

"No, do not blame yourself." Piccolo pries Gohan's hand from me. "Now get as far from here as you can."

"I cannot." I take a few steps away.

Gohan grins. "So there is some life left in you."

"GOHAN! Stop this! Please!" I beg and plead, trying to get through to Gohan.

"Gohan, I will defend her. I won't let you take her." Picclo stands firm. "You aren't the Gohan I knew."

"Is that so, Mister Piccolo? Well, you aren't the Piccolo I knew! My sensei would never hurt me like this! You knew! And yet you said nothing!"

I see Gohan come at Piccolo and I step between them. I feel the blood, flow from me, just before I…

****That's the end of Chapter Seven. Let me know what you think. Give me some reviews.****