Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Little Surprises ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Life's Little Surprises

As usual this fan fiction is an alternate universe story. This story revolves around many of the DBZ squad but mainly Gohan and Piccolo. This is not a romance b/w Gohan and Piccolo! But this is mainly a romance. If you've read my other stories, you will know exactly where this story is heading. But trust me… this story will have some interesting twists.

Chapter Six:

How peculiar that strange green man was. He was so ominous and scary… but when I looked into his eyes… I saw a goodness inside him.

Why am I even thinking about him? I have to stat my life over now… oh, it's him, again. I look at the short man that Bulma addresses as Vegeta. He is the truly scary one. He has a craving for death in his eyes.

"So why did the Namek leave you here?"

"Namek? What are you talking about?"

Vegeta chuckled. Ick, even his laugh makes my skin crawl. What does Bulma see in him? "So you really don't remember? Well, isn't that just wonderful!"

"Vegeta! Leave Ava alone! Ava, would you like to help me cook?" Bulma yells from what I assume to be the kitchen.

"Alright. I guess it is the least I can do for your help."

"A friend of Piccolo's is a friend of ours." Bulma says cheerily.

"Piccolo? Do I know Piccolo? Isn't that what you called that green man from before?" I walk into the kitchen and assist Bulma in chopping vegetables.

"Yes, that's Piccolo. He thought you would be better here. And you can stay here as long as you'd like. Would you like to go shopping tomorrow?"

"Piccolo… why is he green?" I ask bewildered as how I would know such a dark man.

"He is from another planet called Namek."

"Oh… that is who Vegeta was talking about. How do I know Piccolo?"

"That I something I'm not too clear about. And I don't really know how long you've known him. If you want you can ask Gohan when he comes for dinner."


"Yes, his little brother is running around with Trunks. He is Piccolo's student and friend. If anyone knows, he knows. All I know is Piccolo seemed really sad to leave you and Piccolo is not that emotional of a person… except anger," Bulma chuckles. "In a way, Piccolo is like Vegeta."

"Please, the Namek is nothing like me. He is a weakling." Vegeta sat at the table awaiting food.

"FOOD!" The two little ones come running in. The doorbell sounds.

"Goten, it's your brother. Go let him in."

Goten shoots out the room and returns in a blink of an eye. "Now can we eat?"

"You care about food more than your big brother." Gohan enters.

He is the most handsome man I have ever seen. That one strand of dark hair that falls into his eyes, is endearing. Gods, he is so gorgeous.

"Ava." He stutters, and blushes, " I wasn't expecting you to be here…. Uh, nice outfit."

"Oh good. You know Ava?"

"Of course. Are you alright? Piccolo really didn't explain what happened except you were going to start a new life." Gohan sits at the table, next to his brother and Vegeta.

"She has slight amnesia, Gohan." Bulma says as she sets out a meal fit for twenty full grown men.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Gohan shot a sideways glare at Vegeta. "Well, if I can help get your memory back… I'll be glad to help."

Bulma whispers in Gohan's ear.

"Well, that sounds like Piccolo. I think it's best that you don't try to remember. Your past isn't that great and I agree with Piccolo that you should think of this as a new life."

"I guess that sounds alright… how do I know Piccolo?"

"It was actually just yesterday when we found you hurt in the woods. We took you to get healed by a friend of ours."

"I get hurt often, do I?" I chuckle and sit across from Gohan, smiling at him.

Gohan laughs, too. Gosh, his eyes are so gentle. "Yeah."

I notice Goten and Trunks eating everything in sight.

"Here… with those two you have to get your food quick." Gohan offers me a plate.

Bulma smiles. "Don't worry. I have a whole course to come."

"More… food?" I then notice Vegeta eating with just as much zest as the children.

"We're Saiyans. We eat alotta food." Goten says in between bites,

Gohan eats calmly and reserved.

"Boy, you keep eating like that you'll starve just to impress the girl." Vegeta chuckles as Gohan turns red.

"I'm not really hungry." Truly I just want to know who I am… how many years have I forgotten. And I want to know why I want to know more about Piccolo.

"Uh, would you like to take a walk? I can try to answer any questions you have. And if you really want to… I can take you to Piccolo."

"I guess a walk sounds nice." I stand.

Gohan stands. "Wonderful. I'll bring her back soon."

Vegeta chuckles. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Wonderful advice, Vegeta. Really." Bulma says sarcastically.

"Are you going to kiss her?" Goten asks.

"Uh..," Gohan blushes taking my hand, "Let's get out of here."

Gohan leads me away and outside, The wind blows as we take a walk around the perimeter of the corporation. I shiver feeling the cool breeze on my bare arms.

"Here." Gohan puts his jacket on my shoulders. "You aren't really dressed to be out here." He warms me up by rubbing his hands over the jacket.

"Piccolo… I want to understand why he said I was cured of my curse."

"Let's talk about something else. Piccolo chose not to tell you so I have to respect his decision."

"Alright. What can you tell me?"

"Well for one…" Gohan massages my shoulders. "I really like you."

I blush. "You met me just yesterday."

"I want to keep seeing you… if you want."

"That sounds good. Can you really take me to see Piccolo?"

"Of course. He's probably meditating but I'm sure he'll see you." Gohan wraps his arm around my waist. " You better put you arms around my neck."

"Uh… ok." I do as I was told.

Gohan takes off into the air.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I bury my face into his neck.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot. Don't worry this is perfectly normal. Most of our group can fly."


How peculiar.

We land in a ravine and then I see him, meditating and hovering off the ground. He quickly stood and took a awkward look at me.

"Why is she here?" Piccolo says heatedly. "You shouldn't have brought her here, I don't want to see her again."

His words strike me harshly and I look to Gohan for support.

"But she just wanted answers." Gohan says almost pleading.

"She doesn't belong here! I don't want to talk to her! Take her back!" Piccolo turns his back to me.

I feel an urge and I go with it, I run up to him and latch on to his arm.

"Please. I have to know. I need to know who I am. I remember everything up to the princess yelling at me. Please can't you tell me? I have a right to know."

"Get off me."

I look up to see his sad face staring off into space. He can't even face me. Does he- Is he doing this for me? "Why are you sad?"

"I said go."

"Mister Piccolo… I think you should tell her. At least about the curse. She doesn't have to remember but she should at least know."

"GOOOOOO!" Piccolo bellows shoving me away.

I fall back but Gohan is there to catch me.

"Why are you acting this way, Mister Piccolo? It isn't like you at all."

"If you don't leave, I will…"

"Gohan… let's just go. It's obvious he isn't going to tell me."

"Take care of her Gohan."

I look at the Namek bewildered. Why is he being so strange and moody? Is he doing this for my own good?

****That's the end of Chapter Six. Let me know what you think. Give me some reviews.****