Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Little Surprises ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Life's Little Surprises

As usual this fan fiction is an alternate universe story. This story revolves around many of the DBZ squad but mainly Gohan and Piccolo. This is not a romance b/w Gohan and Piccolo! But this is mainly a romance. If you've read my other stories, you will know exactly where this story is heading. But trust me… this story will have some interesting twists.

Chapter Five:

Dende heals me again and again I am thankful for his powers. Piccolo, I know, is angry at me. Gods, could he stop looking at me like that?

So, I am a little outgoing and unpredictable.

"That character flaw will get you killed." Piccolo scolded. "Vegeta is not someone I can protect you from. And I certainly don't want to keep dragging your feather-behind back here, every time you decide to be outgoing."

Damn! Will you stop invading my thoughts? I hope you will keep those mental probes out after I change!

Piccolo chooses to ignore me which makes me angry. But Gohan lands, about then and I cheer up. Awww, his school uniform is darling. What a cute kid!

"Hello, Avis!!!" The cheery teenager shouts and runs over to me. I see a scowl on Piccolo's face. I guess he is used to being the boy's idol.

I have never liked the opposite sex but in a day, I have met several men who have shown me that the male gender is not all bad. Gohan and Dende, both are just children to me, but both have hearts of gold. And then there is Piccolo…

"She is happy to see you." Piccolo says and I suspect him to be trying to get the boy's attention.

"I know! So let's go find the dragonballs!"

"No. She is already tired. We went to get the radar today."

"Oh! Ok!"

I am not tired! Why can't we go get at least one of the dragonballs?

"How about I go and get the dragonballs? I'm not tired, at all!!!" Gohan says joyfully.

"It could be dangerous. I will go with you. Dende, watch Ava and make sure she gets some rest."

Why you! It is my wish! I will not be indebted to the likes of you!

"You just don't get it, you feather-brained nit. You will be indebted to me either way. With your training you'll pay me back."

"Mister Piccolo?"

Feather-brained! You asshole! I don't need to take your crap.

"Back at you."

I fly off with fury. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I want to be away from him. If I wasn't a bird, right, now, I know I'd be crying. No one can make me feel this way except the stupid Namek.

No one follows me. They must not care.

I look down and see that corporation we were at earlier… maybe she has another scouter so I can get the dragon balls on my own.

It's almost sunset. That man from earlier appears in front of me making me retreat back a foot.

"I just figured out what was so peculiar about you, bird. It's hard to notice but you got a power level to you."

What the hell is this guy talking about?

"I wonder how the Namek would react if I killed his special bird for trespassing?"

He wouldn't give a damn.

The man smirks and then knocks me to the ground. And blackness overtakes me. I feel nothing but silence,

------- Change of point of view… PICCOLO. --------

I watch her as she recklessly flies away. When is she going to learn? I have been doing this for her. But that's her problem isn't it? She doesn't want any help. She wants to do everything herself.


That's what she is.

"Come on, Gohan, we should hurry back with the dragon balls." I tell Gohan as we finish collecting the last one. It only took us an hour, because we split up.

When we return to the Lookout, I make her wish… but she has not returned.

"I found her!" Dende shouts, gleefully as he looks off the edge of the Lookout.

"Where?" I ask, trying not to get excited. If she wasn't so reckless…

"Uh-oh… she's at Capsule Corp… but she's hurt."

"Vegeta." I grumble as I take off for Capsule Corp..

Thought run through my mind as I fly as fast as I can go.

"I found your secret." I whip around to see Vegeta smiling at me.

"Where is she? What have you done with her?"

"She's with Bulma." Vegeta smirked. "She'll be fine. At least I think so. She hit her head pretty hard."

I flew up to Vegeta and grabbed his neck. "She better be."

Me… why would I get so angry? It's not like she's my responsibility.

I release Vegeta who is laughing at me. I enter Capsule Corp. leaving Vegeta to laugh.

"Bulma?" I call out.

"Oh, Piccolo. Would you like some water?" Bulma's airy mother asks me.

"Have you seen a woman with auburn hair and amber eyes?" I ask.

"Bulma's down in the lab with her, right now."

"Show me." Bulma's mother leads me down in the lab where I see Ava trying on some of Bulma's clothes.

I quickly turn. "I'm sorry. I thought you were hurt."

Ava screams and I rush out of the room, blushing. Me… blushing? What has she done to me?

"It's alright, Piccolo. You can come back." Bulma opens the door.

Ava is in jean shorts and a white top that has no sleeves and shows her stomach. She seems frightened of me.

"I'm not mad at you Ava."

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" Ava looks at me bewildered as she steps away.

"Ava, stop playing around." I walk to her.

"Bulma… who is he?" Ava steps back in the corner.

"I was afraid of this. Ava has selective amnesia. I think she doesn't remember anything recent that has happened to her." Bulma tries to calm Ava down.

"Is her memory going to return?" I ask Bulma.

"I don't know."

"Can she stay with you?"

"Of course but what are you…" Bulma starts.

I turn. "She'll be happier if she didn't remember what happened to her. She's cured of her curse. It will be better if she didn't remember it."

"But Piccolo…"

"I'm sorry, Ava. For making you so angry." I leave not knowing where I am headed or why I feel so sad about leaving her.

It's best that she leads a normal life, one Bulma can give her. That's all she wanted. Now she can have it.

****That's the end of Chapter Five. Let me know what you think. Give me some reviews.****