Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Little Slave Girl ❯ Murder! ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Aching from various pains throughout her body, Rowyn crouched inside the tunnel, feeling for Ryven's presence with all her strength.

** I'm here! ** Came the much-welcomed sent-cry, Rowyn gasped aloud and followed the mind-sound to the other elf, helped her back into the relative safety of the inner workings of the ship, where they could scurry, unseen, like mice until they found a way out of thier perdicament, ** Rowyn! Papa...** Ryven gasped, still sending to her; "Papa's on his way! I sent to him the images I saw on the computer screen...**

Oh, thank goodness! The dark-haired elf gasped, pulling Ryven along with her deeper into the tunnels, Soon we shall be free of this mess...!

Suddenly, Ryven cried out and grasped Rowyn by the arm, forcing her to stop. Panting with overexertion, Rowyn looked down at her friend, waiting. Images and feelings were steadily pouring into her mind, Ryven turned away from Rowyn, not wishing to burden her further and endured the unwelcome mind-touch alone.

"Ryven! Ryven, what's wrong!?" Rowyn cried, tears in her large dark eyes, "Please! We can't stop now! They will be after us...we have to keep moving...can't...can't stay in one place for too long..."

"...The child..." Ryven gasped, shaking, "The child...princess..."

"What?" Rowyn asked, shaking her head, trying, in vain, to get her friend moving once more, inner injuries still healing and hurting with every breath, "The brat? What about her?"

Ryven didn't answer, she was too far inside her mind to even aknowlege another presence besides herself and sagged limply in Rowyn's arms, her head upon her lap, as Rowyn looked down at her ashen face in barely checked fear.

Inside Ryven's mind, something horrible was taking place, not only inside her mind but elsewhere upon the vast ship...within the confines of the Princess' private rooms. Ryven had no idea why she had been the one pick up on what was happening...

Princess Yarrah sat upon the ruffled ottoman, gazing serenly up at her mother, the Queen, as she paced the room, back and forth, back and forth, hands clasped tight behind her back, pale hair hanging loose about her face.

"Yarrah! How many times must I tell you?!" The Queen ranted, pausing in front of the girl, sneering down at her, it was no secret that the royal family had little liking for each other, "If you wish to have a personal slave, you must keep better tabs on her!"

Deep within the pink and blue ruffles of her hated dress made from exotic materials from all over the galaxy, Yarrah's fingers touched something cold and hard. Inside her mind she felt the aura of another and smiled to herself, for she felt like sharing this much with the intruder...

Feeling the coldness of the knife's blade upon the child's fingers as if they were her own made Ryven shudder and cry out an ineffective warning to the woman who had been so hateful to her and Rowyn.

"I can't believe how irrisponsible you can be, Yarrah," The girl's mother ranted, pausing to stand with her arms akimbo, glaring down at the girl, "Do you realize that because of you, two of my best men are now..."

Without further hesitation, the Princess lunged upwards, knife out, and attacked her mother. Ryven screamed and clawed at the air, unable to free herself from the hated visions, she saw everything from Yarrah's point of veiw.

Grabbing her mother's hair, Yarrah plunged the knife into her throat, trying to slice across it, but being, as she was, not trained in such maniveres, she managed to jab the blade into the woman's throat, cutting off her last words.

Gurgling, falling to her knees, the Queen grabbed the blade's handle and tried to pull it from her, blood seeping out like a red river to cover her hands, arms, the front of her royal gown...everywhere. Yarrah backed up, not wanting to get blood on herself and thought; I didn't know it would be so messy...

Her mother reached out to her, hand bloody and shaking, eyes tearing and...Yarrah looked closer...and scared. Her mother was afraid! Yarrah wanted to laugh at the cowering creature she had always been so terrified of...her mother had never been frightened a day in her life! The very thought was funny!

She couldn't help it, she had to laugh, just a little. Her mother was gurgling in her throat, trying to speak, but Yarrah could not understand her.

"Little...ingrate..." The Queen gurgled, bleeding to death on the ground. She had pulled the blade free out of sheer terror and realized, in her state, that the main artery in her neck had been severed, that she did not have long to live...

Without touching her, Yarrah ran to the door and pressed the call button that she was never to touch, only in cases of an emergency and ran back into the corner of the room, grabbing her teddy bear from the collection of stuffed animals and dolls upon her bed, clutching it to her breast as she curled up into the darkness of the corner, still feeling Ryven's presence inside her mind, shivering with revulsion at what she just witnessed.

** You can't tell anyone what you just saw! ** Came Yarrah's voice inside her head, ** No one will believe you anyway...**

The door to Yarrah's room burst open and the sudden racket rang through Ryven's ears, making her head ache more than it all ready did. Still seeing through Yarrah's eyes, Ryven saw two or three guards run over and knee down beside the seemingly stricken child, asking her frantic questions about her mother, who was her attacker and did she see anything?

Yarrah shook her head, pretending to be afraid, hiding her face in her teddy bear's fur, refusing to look up. Strong arms grabbed her about the waist and hoisted her off the ground, sweeping her away from the aweful sight of her dead mother laying in a pool of her own blood and waste.

Secretly, Yarrah smiled.

"I..can't believe it..." Ryven gasped, coming back to herself, still feeling the blood on her hands, "She...killed her...she killed her own mother..."

"What?" Rowyn asked, thankful Ryven was back to herself, "What are you talking about?"

"Princess Yarrah," Ryven explained as they began moving once more, "I was mind-locked with her, somehow, I don't know...I saw through her eyes...she stabbed her mother...here." She motioned with her hand near her throat, "It was terrible...I..."

Abruptly, Ryven's mind was filled with another, much more welcome, aura.

** Fear not, little one! ** Piccolo's mind-touched seemed closer now, more clear. ** We are behind you by three hours, at most, Bulma says we will be within hailing distance soon...hold on! **

"Papa!" Ryven cried, tears in her eyes, "He and the others will be here soon!"

"Oh, Ryven, are you certain?!" Rowyn cried, wanting to laugh and cry at the same time, "Are you sure?"

"Yesyesyes!" Ryven cried, hugging her friend, "Soon we'll be going home!"

"But..." Ryven paused, chewing her bottom lip in thought, "I don't feel right about just letting the girl get away with murder and go on to take the crown of her people as if she had nothing to do with it."

"But...we have to get home!"

"I know...but..."

"But, nothing, I don't know about you, but I want out of here! I never want to see this ship nor it's people again!"

"She must be brought to justice!" Ryven glared, realizing that what she said was true, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she just left it as it were. Child or not, the girl was a murderer...! But, it was as Princess Yarrah said; Who would believe her?