Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Blood, Light, and Darkness ❯ Suprises! Another Dreadful Memory ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DB/Z/GT. Neither do I own any ideas from other vampire books that I used. I don't use Ann Rice's ideas of course, but I don't read her books!

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Wassup people? Thank you for your reviews. You have made me very happy. (sniff, sniff)


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<Telepathy between 2 or more people>

*me doing or saying something stupid maybe*

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Love, Blood, Light, and Darkness

Chapter Two: Surprises! Another Dreadful Memory

By Jezika-gurl (that's me)

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Pan's PoV

I tossed my blue windbreaker on the couch in my apartment. I was exhausted from tonight. I almost forgot what happened in that one dark alleyway. Almost.

I pulled my black hair out of a ponytail and it fell down my back. I turned my head to look at the clock. It read, 1:26 am.

"Better get some sleep. Got a job interview tomorrow at Capsule Cooperation. To make coffee for the president!" I know it's kind of lame, but pays enough money than a fast food joint.

It will also be better than my last job. I got fired because of my big, bad mouth.

*************************Capsule Co.****************************

"Wow!" I exclaimed as I saw Capsule Co.'s building. "It's bigger than I imagined it to be. Grandpa, grandma, uncle, dad, mom…wherever you may be…wish me luck." I took a deep breath and walked inside…

***************************************************************< /div>

??????'s POV

"Miss Chestnut, what's on today's agenda?" I asked my secretary on my intercom. I combed my lavender hair with my fingers.

"Well, Mr. Briefs, you have a job interview. I'll send the resume to your computer, sir." The female voice replied. "Oh and you might find one of them interesting…"

I raised one of my eyebrows. Interesting, eh? Well, we'll just see about that! I downloaded the files and thanked my secretary, Marron Chestnut. Let see what human we have here.

I read, "Son, Pan. Age 17. Experience: Able to make coffee, file things, and do small tasks around the company." I smirked. This day just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?

After reading her resume, I looked at the picture. There was a raven goddess with a genuine smile on her face. "Beautiful."

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Pan's Pov


The blonde lady looked up from her worked with her blue eyes and then formed a devious smile from her blood red lips. "Ah, you must be Miss Pan Son. You're here for the job interview. Am I right? Go through that door and I will tell Mr. Briefs that you're here."

I nodded and walked through the door. I couldn't believe it! I was going to meet the president of Capsule Cooperation!

As I walked through the door, I saw a man about the age of 23 in a chair typing something in the dark. I could see his head, but not exactly his face. Creepy.

He lifted his head and he noticed me. "Ah, you must be Miss Son." He said though his masculine voice sounded so familiar. The man stepped out of the dark and into the light. My eyes widened in amazement. My heart was beating hard in my chest. The president was so good-looking. He had always hid his face in the magazines and TV.

I stared into his sexy deep ocean eyes and looked at his silky-looking lavender hair. It just blew me away. I've never acted like this way before to a guy before.

He took my hand and placed a kiss. It looked all too familiar, but somehow I couldn't remember. "Welcome. Take a seat my lady and make your self at home." I nodded and smiled. For the rest of the time we talked about my so-called bad experience and such.

"Miss Son, it has seems it is near lunch. Would you like to accompany me?" He asked.

I was going to say no, but for some reason this came out of my mouth, "Sure. I'd love to Mr. Briefs. But don't be so formal. Just call me Pan."

"Only if you just call me Trunks." He replied.


He took me to his own restaurant in Capsule Co. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got there. There were beautiful crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceilings. Many people were there. I guess they worked here as well.

During our nice lunch, we talked about each other. "So do you have any family? A wife? A father? Anyone?" I asked curiously.

"None those are alive really. My mother was murdered. My dad died too before that." He said with a little hurt in his voice. "My sister disappeared. I assumed she is dead."

"Oh…I'm sorry." I replied softly. His family was all gone…just like all mine are. Maybe not Goten…but still…

"You?" He said, interrupting me from my personal thoughts.

"Oh, yes. When I was seven, my uncle, my father, and my grandpa were killed in an accident. My mom and grandma died because of a heartbreak, so I'm just like you, I guess…" I said. He placed a hand over mine and told me, "I'm sorry. You're not really alone you know…"

"Yea I guess. Thanks." I slowly raised my head and looked at him with a smile on my face. My face still stared and was caught in his blue eye. I felt like I was in some sort of trance and that I were falling in to them.

Soon are lunch came and we ate. He talked more about his life and I got interested. I also told about my mine except I excluded the parts with, vampire hunters, vampires, and killing them, of course.

"So Miss Pan. Do you have any hobbies of sorts?" He asked with a smile, which sent shivers down my spine.

"Well, I do martial arts. All my family members have. Sleep can be count as one, I guess. I never get enough sleep anyway. And so that became a hobby I guess. Silly, isn't it?" I laughed and Trunks chucked lightly.

"Yes and I wonder why…" He replied and I just smiled, ignoring what he was saying just recently. For the rest of lunch we just talk and I tried to get away from conversations about my family and personal life. He didn't need to know that, though.

After lunch, we went back to his office. "I think I have a job for you Pan."

"You do?" I said and was rather a little surprised. "You already picked one so soon?"

He nodded, "Yes. You could be my personal assistant. You could file things and get coffee, etc. Tasks like that. Would you like that?"

"Yes sir. I would love that." My bright side got the of best me. I ran up to Trunks and hugged him. It wasn't until a couple minutes later, that I realized what I was doing.

I let go and put my hand behind my back. I looked at him shyly and apologized for my mishap.

"That's okay." He told me. "I didn't really mind." I blushed. I've been blushing way too many times this week, I swear. I feel like some kind of a schoolgirl who had a crush on some hot guy. Usually I wasn't shy. Maybe it was because my teen hormones are kicking in and I'm sorting acting like my age now. After all, I am seventeen years old. Or maybe it was Trunks who affected me like this. Whatever spell he had on me, I wish he took it off.

"Okay, Miss Son. That's all I have to say. You start tomorrow. Is that clear?" He asked and I agreed. I soon left and said, "Ta ta for now."

What did I just say?! I can't believe I'm saying this! Ta ta for now? That's it! I am definitely sick. I should take a nap and rest. I feel kind of sick anyway…

"Goodbye, Miss Son." He said and came up to me and stared. "You really should get some rest. You look paler than usual. You might have a fever. If you are, then don't come to work tomorrow. I don't want my employees coming in sick, now do I?"

"I guess not. Well see ya later sir." And I ran off out of the building. I flew home and landed on my balcony of my apartment. I then placed the back of my hand on my fore head. It burned.

It has been a long time since I had gotten a fever. I think I could survive this night job tonight. Or so I thought…

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Pan's POV

I stood on the roof of a building looking up at the sky. At the moon. At the stars. I closed my eyes and tried to sense any vamps nearby. Found some. Not as many tonight. Actually only a few. Hey maybe it was one of those days. "Oh well," I said and flew toward the nearest dark aura.

The aura was kind of weak, but still evil. Which meant it was a newborn vamp and decided to kill. When I got there I realized that the vampire was at a nightclub in the city of West City. One called Galactik. *No I did not spell it wrong. I decide to spell galactic this way, okay?*

I walked in. I had a spring-loaded dagger on my wrist, another dagger in a sheath on my left hip under my black windbreaker.

I saw many people dancing and the music was excruciatingly loud. Many color lights were flying everywhere. I saw a bar and felt rather parched.

On my way to the bar, which was on the other side of the dance floor, I had to squeeze my way through the tight massive crowd. Next I took a seat. One of the bar men came up to me. He was rather bald and had a curvy brown mustache above his lips. "What do want?"

"A bottle of water please," I stated as he looked at me strangely. Probably because most people got some kind of alcoholic drink. He just left to get it. I tapped my slender fingers on the table and looking around.

The man came back and tossed the bottle of water, which I caught it with ease. "How much?" I asked.

"A dollar." He answered. When I was trying to get a crisp one dollar bill out of my pocket a man came up.

"Here I'll pay it." He said and handed the man the money. I looked up and saw his face. The guy was probably about twenty of twenty-one years old, I'm guessing. He had black hair and black eyes as well. His eyes look just like my father's and grandfather's. He was all too familiar…

"You didn't have to that, sir." I said.

He looked at me with a strange look. "Sir? Please! Call me Cody!"

"Okay Cody. My name's uh…Pan." I replied.

"Well nice to meet you, Pan." We shook each other's hand. I opened my bottle and drank all the water in less than ten seconds. The bald barman looked at me with a flabbergasted glance and then turned around to tend to another customer.

Cody gave me a grin. The kind of grin that only a Son would have. "Wow! You drank that thing down."

"Well, it shows you how thirsty I am!" I said giving on my Son grin as well. Why did that guy seem so freaking familiar? "Well, I better be going." I had a vampire to kill. "Thanks for the drink!"

"No prob. I'll see you later, Pan." He replied cheerfully. I rushed to where the vamp was. He wasn't in the building. He was outside of it.

When I got to the entrance, I saw a guy with dark hair leaning his back against a pole. He saw me and ran off. There's the vamp! I thought. But I didn't even realized that someone had been following me…

I chase the vamp and stayed on his tail. He slid and ran in the alley. I followed.

It was the same alley as I was before. But somehow…creepier…I guess. "Where the hell are you!" I yelled. He was here. I could feel it. But someone else was here also. But who? Was it him?

I wiped the sweat of my forehead with my palm. The short run gave me a sweat. Usually it wouldn't. Maybe I do have a fever. Oh well, it too late to turn back now, anyhow.

Two figures stepped out from the darkness. One that looked like the grim reaper without his sickle and the other one was the dark haired vamp I was chasing. "You." I mouthed silently.

"Good job Kenta. You shall be rewarded later. Leave." The dark hooded one said and the other nodded and left. He then turned to me. "Well, well, well. We meet again, Panny."

"What the hell do you want?" I spat.

"I thought you would have remember. The deal?"


"Well, have you thought about it?"

"What do you mean? You didn't even tell me what you wanted from me, baka?!"

"Well in return of you meeting your uncle…I want to turn you into a vampire with my own blood of course."

"NAN!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!" Did he said what I think he said? But Why?

<Why, you say?>

<Get out of my head!!!!!!> I had enough of him reading my mind every second. This would make it even tougher.

"Fine. I'll just say it with my mouth." He responded though I swear he was trying to get me steamed up. "Why not want to be a vampire though?"

"Because I kill the evil. Not be the evil, you imbecile."

"Hey! Listen to my perspective. Imagine all the power you would have if you become what I am. Imagine that power. The fun. The excitement. You would live your life with no conscience or morals. Killing an innocent without feeling any guilt. Imagine that wonderful life. Plus…"

"Plus what?" I yelled.

"Plus, you get the chance to be my queen…"

What?!?!?! Did he just say what I think he said! "No! I rather find Goten the old fashion way or not find him at all than be your vampiric whore, you sick bastard!"

"Oh come on Panny." He said in a sarcastic tone. That was it. I had enough.

I yelled and started to attack. I used my fist and my dagger popped out. He dodged it and my dagger cut into the wall. I pulled it out and shot a ki blast. The leech simply deflected it into the night sky with ease.

He was playing with me. And I didn't like it one bit.

I decided to fight physical. I flew up about a couple of feet and tried a punch. He caught it with one of his hand. I tried kicking him with my right foot. Guess what? He caught that one too.

He used it to his advantage and spun me up in the air and threw me hard into a few packs of garbage cans full of trash. I landed hard and I tried getting up. My back ached, my body was full of heat, and my heart pounded hard. I clenched my teeth while I tried to stand as the dark hooded vampire just stood there watching me with amusement.

"Why must you be so stubborn? We wouldn't have met tonight if you just stayed home and rest because of that fever. If you were a vampire, you wouldn't have gotten a fever. You wouldn't have gotten sick, now would you?"

"Don't try to tempt m…cause it won't work." I said and I breathe hard. How did he know about my fever?

I felt like I was going to faint. I was so tired…I could barely think…right…now. I ignore all the pain and tried to do another assault, but I could barely even run.

Slowly I fell to my knees, both hands flat on the ground. I pulled my head up to look at him. The leech walked a couple of steps toward me and took out one of his hands. It shot out before I could even see it. He held my neck and squeezed it, but just enough for me to barely breathe.

I tried glaring at him, but I couldn't even do that right now. I was too…tired…

"Too bad. I guess we might to cancel our little deal. I'll just blood bond you right now instead. Then I turn you into a vampire later. I'm going to have a little fun with you right now. Oh and another thing. Do you know who exactly killed you father and grandfather?"

I didn't respond. Not enough energy.

"Me." He said enjoying this every moment. "I did. They were so weak and pathetic. But their blood…well, that's a different story. I'll tell you about it later. Right now…I want to enjoy your blood."

My eyes widened. He killed them!?! I couldn't believe it, but it seemed so obvious. How wonder he knew about my family and me. I couldn't avenge their deaths…I couldn't save myself right now…I'm so sorry father, grandpa, mom, grandma, and uncle Goten…I'm so sorry.

He soon leaned closer and closer to my face and then…toward my neck. I closed my eyes and was getting ready for his bite. As for I knew…he was going to make it hurt.

I waited and I got no response except…then in a flash---I fell to the ground. I opened my eyes to see why and I saw the vampire on the ground and soon he slowly stood up. But why, was the question I was thinking. I had so many questions today. UGH!

Then I sensed another. Not a vampire. But human? I struggled with turning my head to face the person who had save from this evil. My eyes widened. And it wasn't of fear.

It was of surprise. I could believe it. I didn't know he could have that strength.


"Who the hell are you!?" The vamp said.

"Me? The name's Cody. But my real name's Son. Son Goten to be exact." He replied.

What? I thought. It was…Goten. I'm losing…focus. Too…many…surprises…too tired…need rest…

And then I fell into a deep slumber…

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Warning: Extremely sad, angst, and bloody parts.

Cody's…Oh sorry I mean Goten's PoV's

I watched as the ebony hair girl ran off. Finally I had found her. My niece. Pan. Though I couldn't sense her real ki. I had known someone was hiding it. Someone.

How long was it since then…ten years, I think. When my father died. My older brother as well…it was ten years ago…


Rain pounded and splashed into my face. I stared into the eyes of my opponent. The vampire who stood before me. I was so exhausted. I didn't think vampires were supposed to be this strong. I regret saying that I was ready to dad.

"Pathetic. This isn't worth it. I might as well kill you now." The hooded one said. *Familiar, eh? * Blood dripped down my forehead as the rain, washed it away.

Then I felt two powerful ki's really close by. It was my father's and bro's. Thank you Kami!

The vampire whipped his head toward the direction of my father and brother was coming. "Two others. More to kill." He turned to me. "I guess you won't be the only one to die today, kid."

Soon Dad and Gohan were at my side. My dad put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright Goten?"

"Kinda, I guess. I'm glad you came. You too Gohan." I said trying to smile. I looked at my brother. He was in a fighting stance glaring at the vampire in his Super Saiyan mode. I then looked up at my father. He was Super Saiyan and in a fighting stance doing the same as Gohan. I stared at both of them proudly. I admired them both with all of my heart and soul.

"You must be the one who did this to Goten!" My father yelled.

"When did you figure that out?" The being said sarcastically. "You must be Goku. And you must be his son, Gohan. You two are of the Son line. The line of the so-called famous vampire hunter I've heard of. The line that killed some of the most infamous of my race. Well, Goten at least you won't be dead alone. Your father and brother will die beside you as well."

"Enough talk!" I heard Gohan yell in impatience and frustration. "I'm going to make you pay for hurting Goten!" Gohan lashed out and charged at the leech with all his might. I thought that Gohan had hit him. Instead he went through him. The vampire had disappeared. Super speed.

"What the hell?" Gohan swore.

Then dad yelled out and rush to Gohan. "Watch out!" But it was too late.

The vampire struck his hand into Gohan's back, pulling out his heart. I saw Gohan gasped when he was struck and his eyes large. Finally he fell to the cold moist cement ground. *sorry gohan fans! It's not that I didn't like gohan because I do! he had to die someway! Sorry!*

"Weak." The vamp replied. He took my brother's heart and pulled it towards his face, taking a little sip of Gohan's blood. Then he slammed it into the ground and his heart splattered. "And he was in Super Saiyan form. I can't believe it. I thought I was dealing with the famous Sons'.

I struck speechless. He killed my brother. I saw my dad in the same state as me. Speechless with sadness.

Soon it became anger and he screamed out loud. His power was huge. He was in Super Saiyan 2. I awed.

I had full confident that my dad was going to defeat him and avenge Gohan. But boy, was I wrong.

My father then cupped his hands at his side. He was going do his famous move. "KA…"

The vampire just stood there. He didn't even try to move. Just laughed. My anger rose. I wanted to fight too. Just to avenge my brother's death and what he did to other people. But I still didn't have enough energy. "ME…"

"HA…ME…" Goku continued. Does the vamp think he could stand the Kamehameha wave?

The next thing I knew, my father did was disappeared and reappeared in front of the back hooded vampire. It was his IT. Or really called Instant Transmission. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !"

I could tell he was surprised when my dad appeared in front of him like that. The wave blast hit him into the air. I sighed. He was defeated.

"What?" Goku replied in shock. I was confused and looked up into the black sky. My wet bangs were in my face. I saw the ki wave was still in the air. In a certain spot. Not moving at all. "NO!"

The vampire was holding it. He wasn't destroyed. He became a Super Saiyan? I didn't see his hair, but there was a golden aura. The power of a Super Saiyan. How could he be that strong? How can he be a Saiyan?

From the sky he looked down on us. "Say goodbye to another one of your sons, Goku!" He had it in his hand and threw it aiming it toward me.

I was filled with fear when he said that and I tried to stand and run. But the only thing I could do was barely managing to stand. Just when I thought the blast was going to hit me I looked up and saw my dad. He threw in his body at the blast. "NNNNNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!" I screamed. "DDDDAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!!!!"

I heard his voice in my mine. <Goodbye my son. I love you. Take care. I'm sorry> My eyes were filled with so much fear and sorrow. Tears forming and splashing along with the downpour. "FFFAAAATTTTHHHHHHEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That night was the night that I had lost everything and it would always haunt me in my nightmares.

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I shook it out my mind. I had to follow my niece right now. She was going to get into trouble tonight. I knew it.

I jumped from building to building watching her chase the black-haired vampire. Soon I saw him went into an alley. I hid behind the shadows and watched. I'll only come out when she's almost killed. I want to watch what she does.

I saw her looking in the alley for the guy she was chasing and yelling out for him. Then two figures came out. The man she followed and the homicidal bastard that tore my family apart.

The other guy disappeared and they started talking. He's trying to bribe her. I thought. He wanted to turn her to his side just so she could see me. He's probably the guy who hid our ki's from each other!

I saw Pan fight. She probably didn't plan ahead. She was losing pretty bad and he was about to bite her neck.

*Jezika: You really think I was going to write every single detail?*

I guess this is a good time as any. I hurried and pushed the guy away from my niece. He probably didn't sense me there.

He slowly stood up and said, "Who the hell are you!?"

"Me? The name's Cody. But my real name's Son. Son Goten to be exact." I replied with a smirk on my face. I shouldn't fight him now. I'm not exactly strong enough yet. Maybe stand a little bit of a chance. A little bit.

"Son Goten, huh? Wow! You have grown. Last time I saw you, you were a toddler." He said sarcastically. Probably just to get on my nerves. "Last time I saw you…I killed your father and brother. Just to let you know…their blood…quenched my thirst."

Stay calm Goten. Stay calm. He's just trying to get you angry. "Don't try it. It won't work."

"Oh for a minute I saw a twitch just a moment ago. Well, I'll see you again Goten. Maybe next time we'll get a chance to fight."

I stared at him as he turned his back to me. He said one more thing before he left. "Oh and about your niece. I'm going to have her sooner or later. So don't even tried to stop me. Take care of her. She has a fever. You and I don't want her sick. Now do we?" He said and disappeared.

I was confused. Did he actually care for Pan's well being. "Pan! Crap, I almost forgot!" I ran where Pan was. She lied there. There was a little blood dripping from her. Not too much damage. She was unconscious also. I then placed a hand on her forehead to see if she really had a fever. "OUCH!"

"That burns." I blew my hand trying to make the burnt go away. "You are sick. I better take you to your home and take care of you." I picked her petite body and flew off.

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My (Narrator) POV

<Beginning of Dream/Nightmare>

"Where am I?" Pan asked. She looked at her surrounding. The place was raining hard. It was so dark. "Where am I?" She asked herself again.

"PAN!" A male voice yelled. Pan whipped her head and saw her father.


"Pan-." He was cut short. A hand went through his heart and his body fell to the ground, lifeless.

"Father!" Pan yelled and rushed to Gohan's. "Father." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Father." She said softly once more.

Something was behind her. She turned around and there was the guy who killed him and almost killed her before. "You!"

He cackled evilly that sent goosebumps on her skin. "Stop it! Stop it! Why do you have to do this to me! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it now! You already made my life a living hell."

She stared at him with so much sorrow, hatred, and anger in her face. Then he was about to pull down his covers. She was finally going to see who he really was. Next thing Pan knew; he disappeared.

"Pan!" A voice yelled.

"Who is it?" She asked.


<End of Dream/nightmare>


Pan was upward on her bed. Her face was wet from sweat and tears mixed. (What a horrible nightmare. I saw my father's body dead again.) She recognized that Goten was staring at her.

"Good Panny. You're all right." Goten said.

"Cody? What are you doing here?" She asked confused with this situation.

"It's Goten, Panny. Or you call me Uncle since I am your uncle, though I am just 4 years older than you." The black haired boy said.

"So it was true. You are still alive. And I could feel your ki now!" She yelled in excitement and hugged her uncle. She then started jumping on the bed. Then she fell.

Goten caught Pan and tucked her back into her bed. "Don't use so much energy. You have a fever. And you were sweating." He replied and placed a newly cool wet towel on her forehead.

"What happened?" Pan asked

"Well, I carried you back to your place as you can see. I placed you into bed. So you could rest because you're sick. Then I went to sleep in the room next door. I had this wonderful dream. You see, I met this blue haired, blue-eyed chic. Man! She was beautiful as an angel. Or she was the angelic angel of my dreams! Then we kissed. Oh yeah that was-

"Uncle Goten? You're getting off the subject. I don't want to hear you describe your dream girl and you kissing her. Yuck!" Pan replied a little disgusted. She couldn't believe that her uncle was like this now.

"I was getting to that part before you interrupted me. Well while I was kissing the blue chic, she was about to tell me her name. But then I heard yelling and I woke up. I rushed to your room and saw you crying and sweating while you slept and so I tried to wake you up. Okay? You happy now? Sheesh!"

"Well thanks." Pan said with a light smile.

"You wait here. I'll got get you some ginger ale and some medicine that will lower your fever for a bit Pan-chan." He stated.

"Oh Goten. One more thing. There's a number on the fridge. Call my boss's cell phone and tell him I'm not feeling well and I'll be staying home."

"Sure. Anything for you Panny." Goten said.

She faintly smiled. Life was going a little better, she guessed. At least she knew her uncle's alive. She sighed. Too much stress this week: An evil grim reaper vamp who she didn't even know his name, so much crying, a lot of fear, blushing constantly, and so many surprises in one week.

This was too much for a vampire hunter girl to handle.

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Wow! I did this all in one night! I wrote, edited it, and posted it! I can't believe I did this. Usually my chapters aren't this long. There usually 1000 words to about 2000 words. I'm so happy! You guys better review for me because it took me a very long time to do this. Oh and get other t/p fans to read this. I sure need it. I need more reviews people. Come on! *yawn* I'm getting tired…need sleep…ta…ta for...now…oh and…please...re…view fozzzzZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!
