Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love Unihibited ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Love Uninhibited
Ryo Angel
Rated PG-13
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Sister. I... have a sister... no. Not really. I sat in the background as I watched
her lean towards Goten, laughing, smiling, flirting. I studied her - rich dark
blue hair, turquoise eyes that shines. Her mouth was now drawn to a small
pout. It was her birthday today. The instant she walked in through the door,
everyone had jumped up and yelled surprise. The look on her face was
priceless, yet now she looks ready to cry, in despair. Nonchalantly, I inched
my way to eavesdrop, my skills perfected by so many years of hanging
around in the streets. No one noticed. No one, but perhaps Father.

Mother was right, I resemble Father in many ways. Our scars are the same,
encaged in tragedy and horror, growing up with only the intent to survive. And
yet, we are complete opposite. I had known love all my life. Mother had always
made it clear that no matter what happens, she will always be there, she will
always love me. A mother's love is eternal... but Father... he was taken away,
pain was his only reward for doing well.

"What are you saying, Goten?" Her voice held a trace of pain, so low that I
doubt he could have detected it. Especially if he had came from Goku's line.

"I have a girlfriend already, Bra. She's really nice too." He grinned as he
stuffed himself on cake and ice-cream. No one noticed her downcast eyes as
her face broke into a soft smile. She intrigues me. She also have a bit of Father
in her as well. I looked away and stared at my other self. Is this my past or my
future? My reality or another? He looks so much like me, yet he has not
suffered the pains that I did. He had the love of both parent's, though one would
deny it, Father was always there for him, whenever he needed him, Father was
always there for my other self.

The Z fighters were always there. Gohan, my mentor... I searched for him in the
crowd of friends and relations and found him with one arm wrapped around a
black-haired petite woman. Vidal Satan, I believe. They also have a daughter...
if memory serves me correctly. Pan. Heh. Mischief maker. Out of the corner of
my eyes, I saw Bra stole away out the side door. No one will miss me. I
walked silently outside, just in time to see her fly off. Hiding my ki, I took off
after her, staying far away enough so she would not be able to see me should
she look behind her. But she didn't. She merely flew onwards, passing many
beautiful lakes and green lush meadows. She finally landed on a small island
overflowing with large wildflowers. She walked over to a well worn out grove
and sat down. "Don't you know it's rude to follow people." She said aloud,
without a glance in my hidden spot behind a tree. "Just come out, Trunks."

I considered it and just as I was about to, I heard my other side's voice. "Jeesh,
Bra. I know you're hurting..."

"Am not!" She denied loudly. "I just wanted a bit of peace, is all."

A shuffle and then a loud sigh, "Look, I know you really like Goten, but he's
completely clueless that you even like him."

I can imagine her eyes now, blurry with unshed tears, yet aflamed with anger.
"Don't tell me what to do, Trunks. Like you're any better than me! It's always
Marron this, Marron that, but she has NO idea!"


"Trunks," she began.

"You're right." He interrupted. "Tell you what. You tell Goten you like him, and
I'll tell Marron."

Bra snorted, "He already has a girlfriend, a Yashu or Yasa or something like

Yasu! My eyes opened wide and I listened intently.

Trunks laughed. "It's Yas'a." He corrected, my heart continued to beat. I had
promised to forget her, yet my heart stopped at the mention of her name. My
eyes closed and I could see her in my mind vivdly. Her smile, her laughter,
they brought sunlight into my life, yet she betrayed me. Betrayed me bitterly.

Anger ripped through me as my eyes opened, but I forced it down. No more
anger. I have to let go. "Chikuso." I whispered as I saw Bra and Trunks in front
of me, curiousity and slight anger in their eyes.

"Why were you following us?" Bra demanded.

My eyes narrowed slightly, but my face remained passive, "Yes." I admitted.
I have nothing to hide. "I wanted to get away." My voice was soft, a hint of
defense. "I'll be going now." Before they could say another word, I took off,
where? I don't know. I don't know anything anymore.

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"Weird." I muttered as I watched him fly off. Turning to Trunks, I poked him in
the stomach, "Well, brother dearest, shall we go back to MY party?"

He smiled down at me, "Dad was right when he said you were a brat." Laughing,
he took off into the air and with a pout, I followed, my brother's face embedded
in my mind, yet, not my brother. This is so confusing. Mom explained briefly
how he's from the future where the androids had destroyed their world. And he
had traveled to the past and tried to change it. But his present didn't change...
Ah! Too damn confusing. And all this on my birthday too! Damn Dede! Always
out to make my life miserable.

As I landed on the grass, I noticed that the GR was on. Dad's probably in there
training again. Angered, I marched over there and punched in the passcode. He
promised me he wouldn't train. I walked in and turned around blushing scarlet.

"Knock first." A soft and lithe voice drifted to me seconds later.

My mouth was drawn into a tight pout, "How was I suppose to know you're in
there?!" I demanded. "And why the hell aren't you wearing any clothes??"

No answer, I felt him as he brushed past me, fully clothed. I grabbed his arm
and took a step back as his eyes landed on me. "What I do is my business,
none of yours." His eyes flickered to my hand on him and I let go. He looked
so much like father with that face, so cold and deadly.

"Just because you're from the future doesn't mean you can mess up my past."
I muttered. If he heard, he gave no sign of it. My day's ruined. Sighing, I walked
back into the house.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" I looked up at Mom's concerned face.

"Damn brother." I muttered as I stalked into my room. I blinked once. "What
are you doing?" I asked him.

He looked at me with the same cool eyes. "Nothing." He started towards the
door, but I blocked it. He stared at me.

"What were you doing here?" I asked again, folding my arms, my eyes
searching for anything amiss.

His eyes shifted down, left, right, then back at my face. "Nothing." He took
another step, but I stood firm.

"You were doing something here and I demand to know what it was!" Anger was
building up as I stared at his face. Nothing. There was nothing there. It was
starting to get creepy. He may have my brother's features, but his face was his
own. "I... I..." Swallowing, I shivered slightly. Why do I feel a slight chill in here?

He continue to stare at me, a small smile then appeared. "Dresser." He said in
his soft voice.

I looked towards my dresser and saw a small package in there. I looked at him

"Happy Birthday." Was all he said as he brushed past me, another shiver shot
through me. I stared stupidly at the empty door, my arms hanging limply at my

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Long chappy this time... kinda. I think I'll make the rest of the story like this, a
shift of POV . I might make this story R sometime in the future if I decides to
include some flashbacks with MT's past and that's bound to be slightly lime/violent.

I guess I can do a lemon, but too many of you guys will hurt me... ah well, whatever.

Changed Destiny - http://fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1033518

Read and review that story please!! I'll give you guys an encerpt

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I looked up at their leering faces and waited. I could have taken them out. I am the
Saiyen no Ouji... no... I never was the Prince. I am the Saiyen no Hime. PrinCESS
of all Saiyens. I was born a girl. A weak pathetic girl, unfit to rule. My father told me
as much as he gave me, instead of my twin brother, Vegeta, to Freeza at the age of
six. By then, I was still at the awkward stage - knobby knees, short hair, large hands
and a tiny body, baby fat in all the wrong places. He didn't even spare me a glance
when I was escorted on board. At the age of seven, exactly one year after father
gave me away, my home planet was blown up in front of my eyes.

I was the one that commanded it be done.

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Goku/Amaya & Bulma/Vegeta. READ and REVIEW people PLEASE?

Chibi Makoto - Thankies ^^ I write for the praise ^^ Not really, cause if I did, I wouldn't
be doing a MT/Bra. I'm writing outside my bubble. Soon I shall do a Goku/ChiChi...

s - Thanks

Supaa Saiyajin Trinity - True, people might want to read this... but what's the fun of
having narrow-minded people read this? Love is when two people bare their souls out
for the other to see, for better or worse, a strong emotion that can't be restricted or cast
away. It may slowly wither if not cared for, but even then, a tiny spark remains, ready
to leap up again. Beside, I like pissing people off. It's just my nature >P