Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love Unihibited ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Love Uninhibited
Ryo Angel
Rated PG-13
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"She waited for her lover to come and take her home, Dressed all nice in silver
and chrome. Sparkling bells align her waist, everyone itching for a taste." Bra
sighed and flipped the page, "Lightning flashed and thunder rolled, To her love,
her heart has been sold." Groaning, Bra threw the book to a corner, watching it
flap and flutter a bit before she stood. She mistakenly glanced at the package
on her desk. Looking out the window, she made a whining noise deep in her
throat when she saw the raindrops tapping against her windowsill. "Probably
just some stupid gift." She muttered as she grabbed the brown package roughly.
Seeing the envelope, she opened it and pulled out a card


Sorry for eavesdropping, thought you look a bit sad.
Thing about timetraveling is the convience of time.
Hope you like.

Always, Trunks'

Frowning slightly, Bra slowly unwrapped the parcel and gasped. Staring back
at her was a small lifelike portrait of her as a baby. Smiling, she flipped through
it, images of herself smiled and cried back at her, all wonderfully hand drawn.

Grinning fully, she stepped out of her room, the album still in her hand. "Oh
hey." She greeted MTrunks who was walking out of the bathroom, a towel
drapped across his shoulders. "Thanks." She waved the album in the air.

He nodded and continued to walk, but stopped a moment and backtracked. He
hesitated at her door, but knocked softly. Bra opened the door again and looked
at him expectantly, "Yes?" She was a little miffed that he didn't even stopped to
talk to her.

His eyes shifted slightly, "It's raining outside."

Bra nodded, "Indeed." She laughed slightly.

"Forget it." He made to turn, but Bra latched onto him.

"What about the rain?"

He held up his wrist, showing the small time traveling device. "Time is at my

Bra's face broke into a grin, "Snow."

"Snow?" MTrunks asked, "You want snow?"

Bra nodded enthustiastically. "Wait here while I change." She slammed the
door in his bewildered face and danced around her room, "This is so cool!" She
shrieked as she threw on her snow gear. "Now THIS is what having a brother is
all about." She stopped then, and thought about it, "But... he really isn't my
brother..." Her hand paused at the door, then she shook off her thoughts and
opened it, "Ready!"

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I have no idea why I suggested timetraveling to her. But as her small pearly
arms wrapped themselves across my waist, I had trouble breathing. This girl is
suppose to be my sister, yet in my present, I have none. I set the device to the
winter of the past, where no one knew us. Why? Like I had said, I don't know
anything anymore.

In an instant, we were in the past. She let go of me and twirled around, the
snowflakes melting into her aqua colored hair. I watched her with folded arms.
She stops, a large smile on her face, "C'mon Trunks!" She ran towards me and
pulled me forward. "All work and no play you a very dull boy." She warned,
packing some snow and rolling it into a tight ball, "Help me out here."

I stood there uncomfortably, "With what?"

"Making a snowman!" She exclaimed, rolling the small pack of snow around
until it got bigger.


She halted to a sudden stop. "How?" She echoed. "You never made a snowman

I shook my head, "Never had the time, what with the running in terror and all."

She stood, "Well... you take a bit of snow and pack is together, then roll it
around in the snow until it gets bigger." She pointed to the one she already
made, "You make three of those, pile them on top of each other and make sure
they get smaller as they go up."

I helped her roll the balls of snow and pile them up, my eyes trained on her
smiling face. She was slightly flushed from the cold, and her bangs were
plastered onto her forehead... I have never seen a more beautiful angel. I
wasn't aware I was smiling until she pointed it out to me.

"You look like a completely different person when you smile!" She exclaimed.
"You should do it some more." She nodded affimatively.

I tried to think of something to say, but voices saved me. "Vegeta! Damn you!"
Mother's voice! I clasped a hand over Bra's mouth as she tried to talk.

"Woman!" Father's voice drifted in. "You are with child, you cannot be in the cold."

"Vegeta!" She shrieked, "It's only been six months!" I slowly moved my hand
from Bra's face after making sure she wouldn't speak. "Besides, I love the
snow... you can't keep me from it!"

Holding Bra's hand tightly, I pressed the blue button and pulled her out to see
Father and Mother quarral. We became a part of the surroundings, never seen
by their eyes. "They can't hear or see us." I told Bra.

She looked at me in surprise, then down at her hand being held in my large

"We could go back to your time unless you wish to hear them talk..."

She shook her head, eyes wide. "Are you nuts? Mom and Dad never told me
anything about how they got together. Never mind when and how you were born."

"So you wish to stay?" I inquired.


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Pass up a chance to see how Mom and Dad grew to love each other? Hells
no! I leaned onto Trunks as I watched Mom and Dad argued. Although it looks
almost likely that Dad will strangle Mom, I can tell that he cares about her the
way he flitted and fretted around her. With a groan, Mom finally put her foot down.

"Vegeta," She said with clenched teeth, "Stop playing Mother Hen!" She
screamed. "The snow is good, Vegeta. The snow is our friend. STOP MELTING

I laughed aloud as she said that, puddles of water lay beside her and small
clumps of grass littered around her wet dress. And my laughter died as I felt
Trunk's thumb making lazy circles on my palm. With a gulp of... anticipation?
No! I can't think like this! He's my damn brother!

'But he's not, not really.'

'Yes he is! We come from the same two people!'

'But he doesn't have a sister in his present...'

'But he's my damn brother! It's incest!'

'Feh, how do you know that the Saiyen's don't interbreed?'

'Won't it screw with their DNA?'

'How do YOU know? You're only a half-breed.'

'Well, our human blood will screw with each other.'

'I bet you WANT to screw...'

'Shut up!'

"I didn't say anything..."

I looked up to Trunks bewildered face... did I say that aloud? His face told me
yes. "We should go..." I smiled nervously at him, using all my willpower to not
tear my hand from his.

"All right." His arm circled my waist and I was pressed against him, his warmth
sending shivers up my spine. I love Goten...

'Do you?'

'Quiet brain, or I'll poke you with a Q-tip!'

He pressed a green button and I almost pushed him away as I saw the comfort
of my own house. "Thanks." I told him.

He shrugged, "Anytime." He smiled slightly. "It stopped raining." He told me.

I laughed nervously, "So it has... so it... has..."

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Spe cial thanks to Melancholy Soul for telling me how a snowman is made ^^ I live
in sunny California... no snow here, dammit! ~.~

Thanks for all the support! I thought for sure that I'd get some flames... hehe.