Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Majin Leeli's Story ❯ Peaches and Coffee ( Chapter 4 )
Chapter 2 part a
Peaches and Coffee
Leeli rolled to the side, carefully avoiding the shards of ceramic from the vases she'd just shattered. "Why does this bloody portal always throw me out!" she yelled as she got to her feet and shook her fist at the portal. Looking over her shoulder she winced at the shattered vase. "I really hope Dende didn't need those," she mumbled, picking up her grocery bags. "Well, I'll be gone before he notices and then he can blame Mr. Popo." Leeli blinked as she thought for a moment. "Great. I'm back for all of a couple seconds and I'm already trying to put one over on Kami."
Shaking her head Leeli walked toward the room's one doorway, sticking her head out she looked around, and upon finding no one began to walk down the corridor. It was difficult trying to remember the way though all the passages from ten years ago. But it was even harder trying to remember them backwards.
After several loud rounds of cursing and many dead ends later Leeli finally managed to find her way to the main platform. "I know this place is not that big," she mumbled, glaring back at the temple accusingly. "You just wanted to waste my time, didn't you? Probably move the walls when people aren't looking, huh, punk!"
"Meep!" Leeli squeaked, turning to find Dende standing less than ten feet away from her. "Hey, Dende… uh… what's the haps?"
"Leeli, you're alive," Dende said, his face brightening, and for a moment Leeli could almost see the little namekian boy that had been Gohan's best friend. "This is wonderful!"
"I think so," Leeli said, feeling immensely uncomfortable. She had hoped to not see anyone on the Lookout. "I mean, I like being alive and all."
"Everyone will be overjoyed," Dende said, "especially Goten."
"Yeah, I'm sure the kids will love to meet the green-haired bimbo that disappeared on him for ten years," Leeli mumbled bitterly.
"Indeed they will," Dende nodded and Leeli blinked at him. "And maybe Goten will stop being so freaky."
"Uh," Leeli blinked and slowly backed away. "Well, I'll talk to you when I get back and you can show me through the corridors again. I have to go deliver coffee and peaches," with that she jumped backwards off the Lookout and streaked in the direction of Krillin City, so re-named after the great hero that supposedly defeated Cell.
Dende raised an eye-ridge as he watched Leeli fly off. "Why would I need to show you back through the corridors?" he wondered.
Leeli eyed the house that was just outside of city limits. It was just like she remembered it. The two level house was still painted gray with red trim and the garden was surprisingly well kept, with rose bushes and small gravel paths. There was even a white picket fence. Leeli remembered being rather nauseated by the two point five kids and a dog feel of it. But ChiChi had adored it and Goten was, above all, a momma's boy that wanted his mother to be comfortable in her remaining years. The place was far enough out of town that they couldn't see the neighbor's houses, but close enough to town that the hospital was only a half-hour away by car or five minutes by flight.
Pushing open the gate Leeli walked up the path to the door. Standing on the concrete step she bit her lip as she raised a hand to knock on the door. "I can do this," she breathed, her hand hovering in front of the door, "really I can." Closing her eyes Leeli rapped on the door three times and waited.
"Hi…yaaaaah!" Leeli yelped as she opened her eyes and looked at a ten-year-old boy with long blond hair tied back in a ponytail and bright blue eyes. He was wearing brown shorts, a Nine Inch Nails shirt, and black wristbands.
"Aah!" the boy yelped as well, jumping backwards and glaring Leeli up and down.
"Who are you?!" they both shouted at the same time as they eyed one another in paranoia.
Leeli recovered first. "I don't care who Goten slept with… by all the laws of genetics there is no way you are his kid," she yelled, pointing at the boy. "And how old are you?! What?! Was he sleeping with the bimbo right after I disappeared?!"
The boy blinked at her in confusion as Leeli took a few deep breaths and began mumbling to herself. "I promised myself I would take this better. I didn't expect him to wait. I knew he had children. Calm. Calm. I am calm." She let out a deep breath and looked at the blond boy again. "Um, is Goten here?"
The boy continued staring wordlessly and the way he looked at her was as if he recognized her in some strange way. Leeli shifted a little uncomfortably. Maybe yelling at the boy hadn't been the best reaction.
"Elijah, who is it?" a familiar voice called from inside the house.
"Uh… it's the green-haired lady from the picture," the boy called over his shoulder, then looked back at Leeli as if to confirm she was really there.
"Elijah, that's not fucking funn…" the voice trailed off as Trunks rounded the corner. The purple haired man's eyes widened and he took a step back as he caught sight Leeli. "Woah."
To the right of them the swinging door of what appeared to be the kitchen swung open and a man walked out. "Elijah. We've talked about lying," Goten began, sounding very tired as he walked into the room and looked at the person in the doorway before Elijah could reply. His dark eyes widened and he dropped the dishrag he'd been holding. Leeli, he mouthed in shock.
Leeli managed a weak smile in the direction of the stunned men. "I … um… I brought coffee and peaches?" she said weakly, holding up the bags.
"You are a goddess among women," Trunks yelled, leaping forward and relieving her of the bags then sitting down on the doorstop. He opened one of coffee bags and took a deep breath. "Oh yeah, that's the stuff."
Elijah looked at the man sitting on the doorstep inhaling coffee fumes and glared. "What are you gonna do? Just eat the coffee straight?" he asked in exasperation.
"I just might, boy," Trunks replied, giving the young man a sideways glare before taking another sniff of the coffee. "Oh, I am in heaven."
"Uh," Leeli looked down at man going into a euphoric trance over coffee, then at the blond haired boy looking absolutely mortified, then, finally, at Goten who still had yet to say a word or even move. "So… I … um… uh… where's your whore wife," Leeli winced at her slip of tongue, "I mean lovely wife. Sorry." Her foot kicked the ground in mild embarrassment.
"Last I checked you were his whore wife," Trunks said, looking up from his coffee and winking at Leeli before looking back at Goten. "When'd you get a lovely wife? And why wasn't I invited to the wedding?" Trunks pouted, "no one tells Trunksie anything… and Trunksie likes wedding cake."
Goten was still too shocked to respond and Leeli glared down at Trunks before giving him a light kick in the ribs. "Can you at least pretend to be surprised I'm back," she almost growled.
"I'm surprised! I'm surprised!" Trunks yelped, holding up his hands in mock defense. "Just don't take the coffee away," he pleaded, hugging the coffee to his chest.
Leeli rolled her eyes. "You haven't changed at all. I thought you'd at least fake growing up after ten years," she sighed as Trunks shrugged in response, then looked back at Elijah and pointed, "and if Goten hasn't remarried where the hell'd he come from?!"
"That's Trunks' son," Goten said softly, still not moving from his spot. His eyes still wide with shock as if he still couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"He is so not my father," Elijah said, crossing his arms and glaring at the man sitting on the doorstep.
"And I'd say he's so not my son, but he's basically the blond mini-me," Trunks shrugged as he went back to sniffing his coffee.
"I'll kill you for saying that!" Elijah yelled, jumping past Leeli onto Trunks' back and putting his arm around his father's neck as Trunks attempted to keep the coffee from spilling.
"Ack! Dammit boy! If you spill the coffee I'm gonna be pissed," Trunks shouted as he tumbled off the doorstep and onto the gravel pathway, desperately keeping the open bag of coffee upright.
"Uh… should I stop this?" Leeli asked, moving into the house and away from the struggling duo. Trunks had managed to free himself from the headlock and had his hand on Elijah's forehead, holding him back as the boy, whose arms were just slightly too short to reach, flailed at his father.
"No, that's normal," Goten replied numbly, not paying attention to the mayhem as he watched Leeli, and not moving from where he stood with the dishrag still lying on the ground.
Leeli shifted uncomfortably under Goten's gaze. She hadn't expected it to be this hard or this long. She looked over at Elijah and Trunks, or this weird, she amended silently to herself. "I just wanted to make sure everyone was alright," she said nervously, kicking the carpet and letting out a small laugh. "But, um, apparently you're all fine so I guess I should go again and leave you all to whatever you all do…"
"Don't leave!" Goten yelled, suddenly shaken out of his trance. He leapt forward and grabbed a hold of Leeli by the shoulders. "Please, don't leave again. I swear. I'm so sorry I was so weak that you had to go through that portal. Just please don't leave again!" he pleaded; looking at her with the big dark eyes she had never been able to say no to.
"But your happy little life?" Leeli said sadly, moving Goten's hands from her shoulders and looking away, ironically at the brawling Trunks and Elijah.
"Oh, you mean the happy life where he raises my children, puts up with me… Me! Of all people. You know what I'm like, woman. And refuses to make peach cobbler or let me buy coffee because you're coming back with coffee and peaches and if we went out and got coffee and peaches you'd be pissed that we got coffee and peaches when you came back, because you're coming back dammit, and leave again," Trunks said as he tried to hold the now kicking Elijah off. "All because of coffee and peaches. Now, someone help me before the precious coffee gets spilled!"
Leeli turned to Goten in surprise, ignoring the purple haired man's plight. "You really expected me to come back?" she asked in surprise.
"Of course I did," Goten said, as if it was the most normal thought in the world. "Why wouldn't I?"
Leeli bowed her head, her bangs obscuring her eyes, as she held her hands against her chest; ignoring the dust cloud of Elijah and Trunks behind her. Of all the things Goten could have said, in some ways that was the most painful. When she had no faith in him, he still had faith in her. "Because I disappeared just short of forever and Leela said you were good with your kids and I thought…" Leeli trailed off as she swallowed hard. If she kept talking she felt like she was going to cry.
Goten got a hurt look on his face, as if he'd been punched in the stomach. "I knew you'd come back," he said simply. "You said you would."
"Isn't he just annoyingly naïve?" Trunks grunted as he maneuvered Elijah into a headlock. Leeli turned to look at him just so she wouldn't have to look at Goten's trusting face anymore. "But, I have to admit, you did come back. Are you going to stay? Always room for one more in the el bachelor pado." Trunks cocked an eyebrow, "though I suppose with a married dude and a chick we may have to rename the place, hmm…"
"I…" Leeli said, silently damning Trunks for asking her the one thing she didn't want him to say, but he'd always been like that. Slowly she looked back at Goten's hopeful face. It was so tempting. She never expected there would be a place or people waiting for her. Time was supposed to go by, people were supposed to change, not wait for green haired loser girls to come back before they continued on. "But this is your guy's house."
"This was supposed to be our house," Goten said quietly. "Remember, you were going to paint the fence red to terrify the neighbors if they ever visited again?"
Leeli smirked, remembering the snotty old woman who had come by after they bought the house, informing them that they were too young to be married an ought to be ashamed of themselves. The best part had to have been when ChiChi ran after the woman with a frying pan and Gohan running after her, telling her to calm down. Leeli remembered how much her and Goten laughed at the sight of the three disappearing dots on the horizon, while Trunks plugged in the coffeemaker and began racking up the phone bill with long distance calls to Marron. Leeli's eyes shifted to Trunks for a moment, wondering why he hadn't moved into his own place with Marron yet.
She looked back at Goten, his dark eyes desperate for an answer. So accepting. So hard to deny. Impossible to say no to.
"I…" Leeli began again, looking down to the ground and weighing her options. What would she tell them if she stayed? How would she explain everything that happened to her in the other dimensions? Maybe she could tell Goten that she wasn't the Leeli he'd fallen in love with. Maybe then… it would probably be better for him that way. She looked up again, into Goten's eyes, and knew that wasn't true. Leaving again would probably destroy him and in some sick way that was the most romantic thing ever. Besides that, she wasn't sure she wanted to leave.
"If you still would like me…" she said nervously, "I think I'd like to stay…"
Goten smiled, his shoulders relaxing and for the first time Leeli realized how tense he'd been. Slowly he reached out and took her hand. "Thank you," he said quietly and a small smile appeared on Leeli's face.
"Should I cheer?" Elijah mumbled from where his face was pressed into Trunks' midsection, ruining the moment.
"Yes, Elijah, you should. Now maybe Goten will stop being so damn creepy," Trunks whispered loudly.
"I heard that," Goten glared over Leeli's shoulder.
"I guessed you would," Trunks said, raising an eyebrow. "Don't you two have ten years to make up for? Get makin' with the love."
"Aaaaaaaah, that's gross," Elijah screamed, struggling away from Trunks and falling on his back. "Good Dad doesn't do that."
"Good Dad?" Leeli asked in confusion, squeezing Goten's hand.
"Heh," Goten smiled, closing his eyes and putting his other hand behind his head. "That's what Elijah calls me. Trunks is Deadbeat Dad."
"I see," Leeli blinked. She felt a nervous knot forming in her stomach. Maybe staying wasn't such a good idea. It appeared that Goten, Trunks, and Elijah had a certain relationship based on a solid foundation of routine. Even if that routine appeared to involve regular brawling between Elijah and Trunks. It was… what had Trunks called it? The el bachelor pado?… where would a woman fit in?
"Hi," a little boy waved as he walked past the group and into the kitchen. Leeli blinked as she watched the boy. He was about six years old and had dark hair and dark eyes, but his facial structure and hair reminded her of Trunks. The little boy looked exactly like she would imagine Trunks and Goten's love child. She blinked again.
"I didn't really expect you to be faithful, but," Leeli said as she shook her hand free of Goten's and pushed open the kitchen door to peek in at the boy as he climbed onto the counter and raided the cookie jar. He really did look like Goten and Trunks. She let the door shut and looked back at Goten, "but Trunks?!"
"Why does everyone say that!" Goten yelled in exasperation.
"Leeli, while you were gone I tried to keep my hands off him, but," Trunks said in a ridiculously effeminate tone, "oh, he's so sexy and dominating! He threw me down and we had wild, passionate, hot, raunchy, randy sex!"
"We did no such thing!" Goten yelled in protest while Elijah punched Trunks in the back of the head screaming, "Chris showed up when you two were passed out drunk from tequila and you know it!"
"You had sex with Trunks?!" Leeli yelled, pretending to ignore the infinitely more logical explanation. This was fun.
"No!" Goten yelled, waving his hand in front of him, "Leeli, we're both guys. It's not possible!"
"In a world where dragonballs resurrect people, warrior-aliens come from outer space, my dad is effectively the devil, there are magical beans that cure people, and we know Kami, this," she said, amused that the boy in question choose that exact moment to walk out of the kitchen, "isn't possible?"
Goten opened his mouth to argue, then blinked and closed it. "Okay," he nodded unable to argue with that logic, "but it didn't happen."
"That I believe," Leeli smiled, hugging Goten. "Sorry, I missed teasing you."
Goten sighed with a smile as he hugged her back. "I'll get used to it again."
"Why does no one ever believe me," Trunks lamented mockingly.
Leeli smirked over Goten's shoulder, "you had me up to the raunchy, randy part."
Trunks shrugged as Elijah glared, "ah well. Win some, lose some."
"Daddy want some cookie?" the boy asked as he sat down next to Trunks and held out a chocolate covered hand with a smooshed cookie in it.
"No thanks Chris," Trunks said, holding up the coffee, "daddy's got his own treat."
"Okay," Chris grinned, shoving the cookie in his mouth and smearing more chocolate on his face. He grinned broadly and looked back ay Leeli, waving. "Hi!"
"Um… hi," Leeli waved back, "Chris?"
"Mmmhmm," Chris nodded then pointed at Trunks, "and that's my Daddy," then at Elijah, "and that's my BIG brother 'Ijah," and finally at Goten, "and that's Mommy!"
"Mommy!" Leeli yelped, her eyes bugging out at Goten.
"No!" Goten held up his hands then looked over at Chris before grabbing Leeli and pulling her over to the wall and whispering. "I don't know where he got the idea, but he seems to think I'm his mother, even though he knows I'm male."
"Why don't you just tell him you're not his mom?" Leeli asked, wondering what the hell had been happening while she was away.
"We tried, every time he called me Mommy I said 'Uncle Goten'," Goten looked back and smiled at Chris who waved before he turned back to Leeli, "but now he thinks that Uncle means my name is and always replies, 'yes, Mommy's name is Goten'. Besides, when I say he's not my son and I'm not his mommy he gets sad."
"O… kay," Leeli blinked, "that makes sense… I think… In a deranged sort of way. Cute … I think… In a deranged sort of way."
"That's it! I am so outta here," Elijah grumbled stalking off. Before he left the room her turned and waved at Leeli, "nice to meet you Miss Leeli," then left.
"Come Chris," Trunks said, standing up from the doorstep and grabbing the grocery bags Leeli had brought, "let us baptize the coffee."
"Baptize the coffee, baptize the coffee," Chris chanted as he bounced after Trunks into the kitchen.
"What's going on?" Leeli asked confused as she watched Chris and Trunks disappear through the swinging door.
"I think he's going to use water and actually make the coffee," Goten answered with a shrug.
"No," Leeli shook her head as she stared at the kitchen door. "I mean, that kid called Trunks daddy, but, especially considering the way Elijah looks, I can't see that being Marron's kid."
"Oh," Goten said, looking down sadly, "that."
"Oh no," Leeli said, turning her head as a sinking feeling overtook her. "Did Marron die?" she asked breathlessly, grabbing Goten's arms.
"No," Goten said, shaking his head, but still not looking up. "She… well, after Kull was defeated Marron decided that she hadn't done much with her life and…" he trailed of momentarily before taking a deep breath and continuing, "and she told Trunks that she wasn't ready to get married anymore, and probably wouldn't be for a long time. So, after Elijah was born, she went off to start a career and left Trunks and the boy with me. Trunks," Goten took another deep breath, and Leeli knew this was difficult for him to talk about, "Trunks, he… just lost it for a bit. Wouldn't leave the couch, didn't really talk, just lay there staring at nothing. In the end I had to take him out and smack him around until he actually started fighting back. It was the only way to get any reaction out of him." Goten sighed. "That's kind of why Elijah has such an odd relationship with Trunks. I raised him for the most part. After Trunks got a little better he just started sleeping around, at one point he told me it was to get back at Marron." Goten shrugged, "and that's how Chris and Billy came along. One day someone just dropped them off at the front door and never came back."
Leeli opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything. Marron and Trunks had been the perfect couple ever since they started dating. Even after Capsule Corp. went bankrupt and Trunks moved into the attic they had the perfect plan; Trunks was going to get a job and a house and they were going to get married and raise their kid. It was going to get perfect. Somehow the thought of it all falling apart was heartbreaking.
"Is he better now?" Leeli asked softly, looking toward the kitchen.
"He's as good as he's probably ever going to be," Goten answered, finally looking up at Leeli, "but he's happier than he's been in a while," he smiled at Leeli, "and so am I."
She jumped back and forced herself not to blush. It was weird, having someone overjoyed at her presence. "That's…" Leeli kicked at the floor, "nice. I'm glad."
Goten smiled dreamily as he pulled Leeli into a tight hug, seemingly just happy to touch her. "I'm so glad you're here," he said softly into her ear and this time Leeli blushed, "yeah."
Something dawned on Leeli as she pulled away from Goten. "Billy?" she asked, cocking her eyebrow. "I met Elijah and Chris… who's Billy?"
"Trunks' youngest," Goten answered, then shook his head. "Sorry, this just feels so normal I can almost forget you were gone so long. Come on," he said, grabbing hold of Leeli's hand and pulling her into what appeared to be the living room. Sitting in front of the television was Elijah; flipping through the channels and on the floor next to him was a little boy about three years old.
"Billy," Goten said, and the boy turned to look at him.
"Yes," Billy said, pushing his glasses up and setting the book he was reading down.
"This is Leeli," Goten said, gesturing to Leeli.
Billy cocked his head to the side and looked at her. "Hello," he finally said. "Father always said you were Goten's imaginary friend. But it's nice to meet you," he smiled, then looked back at his book.
"He's very well-spoken for a …" Leeli trailed off, her eyes wide.
"Three year old," Goten nodded, "he's very intelligent for his age."
"Trunksie has a pot of coffee," Trunks said in a singsong voice as he walked into the living room, one hand holding a pot of coffee and the other holding a steaming cup. Chris walked out behind him with more cookies in his hands and smeared all over his face. "Trunksie is so fuckin' happy," Trunks said as he sat down on the couch with Elijah who scooted slightly away as Chris ran over and tackled Billy. Trunks looked back at Leeli and Goten. "What's up? Ain't you two got makin' with the love yet?"
"I said Good Dad doesn't do that," Elijah yelled, punching Trunks in the back of the head again, but letting him set down the coffee before he did it.
Suddenly a second strike hit the back of Trunks' head. "And what the hell do you mean by telling Billy I'm Goten's imaginary friend?!" Leeli yelled as Elijah blinked at her.
"I like her," Elijah said as he blinked at Leeli.
"Ow," Trunks wined, grabbing his head. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
"Elijah, stop hitting your father," Goten said in a bored tone.
"But Dad!" Elijah wined as he turned around to look at Goten.
Leeli sighed as she walked around and sat down on the couch next to Elijah. It was kind of weird. This house that was supposed to be hers and Goten's. Again she marveled at how much everyone seemed to have their own place. Goten appeared to be the primary caretaker with Trunks being something like a father that was just so… Trunks in nature, and the children adored them. What was she going to do? Leeli felt the feeling in her stomach again. They'd all think she was strange and evil and not like her. They probably were plotting a way to get her out of there right now, especially the children…
"Want a cookie?"
Leeli looked down. Chris was leaning on her knee, his chocolate covered hands leaving imprints on her knee, and holding one hand up to her with a mostly whole cookie in it. "Um, thanks," she said, taking the crumbling cookie from the brightly smiling boy.
"I'm glad you're real," Billy said from the floor, closing the book, apparently done with it. He smiled at her. "I just read a book about a bird looking for his mommy. It's called, Are You My Mommy? and the little bird is looking for his mommy."
"I see," Leeli blinked.
Billy cocked his head to the side. "Are you my Mommy?" he asked curiously.
Leeli opened her mouth, but Trunks answered before her. "Yes, Billy. You see, she's Goten's wife and the closest thing you'll probably have to one so… yes," he smiled at Billy who nodded in acknowledgement.
"So, since Goten is Good Dad… do I call her Mommy too?" Elijah said, raising an eyebrow.
"If you want," Trunks shrugged. "I think you're old enough to figure these things out." Elijah nodded in agreement to that statement.
"Daddy," Chris said, suddenly looking very worried as he pulled on the leg of Trunks' pants, "I already have a Mommy so what do I get to call the lady?"
"Aunt Leeli," Goten answered from over Trunks' shoulder. "You can call her Aunt Leeli, Chris."
"Okay," Chris smiled, looking much relieved. "Aunt Leeli!"
Leeli blinked. "You mean you're all just going to go with that?" she asked in surprise, not even meaning to speak out loud.
"Why not?" Elijah shrugged. "I mean you're married to Goten and he talked about you all the time and how you were coming back…"
"And bringing peaches and coffee," Trunks interjected.
"… so it's like you've been living here the entire time, sorta," Elijah finished. "Besides, what's one more person in the house. And Goten likes you."
"Oh," Leeli said simply.
"Everything will be fine," Goten said reassuringly, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Leeli looked around at the assembled group of males. It was an eclectic group, strange and bizarre, but they were letting her in with open arms. Goten had had faith in her return always, never doubting. She looked over her shoulder into his eyes, those perfect, perfect eyes. A smile formed on her face and she looked at the others. Trunks was happily drinking his coffee as Elijah mumbled something about purple haired losers and their addictions that Trunks ignored. Chris was munching on a cookie that had apparently been hidden in his pocket and Billy had picked up another book, Run Dog Run.
Everyone froze as Leeli let out a long hard laugh.
This would be home.
[Futures and Pasts]