Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Master and Slave ❯ Prologue

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ…..
WARNING: This fic contains lemon content

Master and Slave



I have never seen a woman with such an alluring presence. She lives in her own little bubble, she has an army of servants, all the money in the world and everybody adores her. I don’t understand why she deserves everything and I get nothing. I am always left empty handed. I don’t have a kingdom anymore, everybody should bow and scrape under my command, yet I live here on this mud ball of a planet without any kind of authority. Of course all the humans are afraid of me, as they should be. I am a predator, I kill without mercy. Everybody who dares threaten me and question my power instantly becomes my enemy. There will be no mercy, I have no remorse.

Yet I can’t seem to raise a hand against the onna. I smell her fear when she passes me in the hallway, wearing her too tight and too short little skirts. I know that she desires me despite the fact that she fears me. She dares me, begs me to touch her and give her the attention that she craves. I know this, and have been aware of it from the very beginning. She had said that I was cute, well now she knows better than to call me cute. I have decided something a long time ago. The onna will never get the upper hand on me, she thinks she can control me, and change me into her little pet. But I know better, I cannot change and don’t need to, I will tame the onna and she will regret the fact that she ever dared me to touch her.

There she walks in her little bikini, out for all the world to see. Everybody stares at her when she walks by, why wouldn’t they. She has it all. They want to be her, they want to be inside her little sphere of happiness. Because they believe that if they are ‘friends’ with her, she will share some of her luck and joy with them. She looks down on all of them, turns them down and grinds them beneath her heel, yet they still want to remain her so called ‘friends’. I do not care about friends, I need no one. I can take care of myself, I am a survivor.

Every once in a while I am privy to one of her outbursts. Even though I hate her, I still admire her spirit, it arouses me. Everybody puts her on a pedestal, her love sick dog called Yamcha listens to her every demand. Its sickening really. But sometimes I catch her looking at him with something other than admiration, I see the disgust in her eyes, the disgust for his weakness. I sense her need, she doesn’t want to be on top all the time, she craves a man who can control her and tell her what to do. I know that I have a certain effect on her, she is afraid of me. But I frequently catch her staring at me, I stare right back at her, waiting, meeting her head on. She always glances down first, I win.

I will burst her little bubble and show her that the world isn’t filled with rainbows and unicorns. I will teach her what it feels like to be dominated. The onna will bow to my every need, she will become my slave and she will regret the day that she invited me into her home and called me cute.


I’m desperate. I just don’t know what to do anymore. He is not like any other guy I have ever had an attraction to. I have tried everything, from wearing extremely short skirts to walking in a bikini all day. Still he does nothing, I see him watching me. I know that he knows of my attraction, I can feel it. I know that he desires me, yet he does not act on it. I even called Chi-Chi for advice, which of course was very stupid. Cause if there is someone who doesn’t know shit about guys it would be Chi-Chi, I mean look at her husband for god’s sake. All the other guys I have dated this month were pussy’s. They acted as if I’m some kind of god. I am not a god, I just know that I’m hot and have the brains as well. But why doesn’t he come after me. I just don’t get it, it makes me feel insecure. Is there something wrong with me? Does he think I’m beneath him?

I make sure that I’m always there when he works out, I put on my most indecent clothing and walk around the swimming pool talking to the hot gardeners but he never looks impressed or anything. If I didn’t know any better I would think he’s gay. Yet I know for sure that he isn’t, he just has ungodly control. That’s what attracts me to him, he is always in control, always aware of his environment. I don’t even know if he ever sleeps. I have to change tactics, I am going to lure him in for sure.

I just need a man. Desperately.

No one other than Vegeta will do. I need to have him. I know he is the source of my frustration, he turns me into some wanton bitch. I am Bulma Briefs, and not some bitch in heat. Yet he makes me feel so complete, like I can be myself around him whenever he whispers his pet name for me in my ear. It makes me so angry, but I can’t help to feel aroused whenever he does that. I want him, but I don’t want to lose myself. Nobody can control me, right…?

I do not need to feel insecure, I am Bulma Briefs, head of Capsule Corporation. Everybody should listen to my demands. I will have my way. I will get him sooner or later and make him addicted to me.