Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ match.com ❯ the not so good news ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The not so good news

AN . I do not own dbz oh well life goes on, oh and I hope to get lots of reviews this is my first ever fic I hope that yall will enjoy it. Peace
Pan flew through the air toward cc she could not wait to tell Trunks the good news. She knew that he was going to be very happy for her. She started to go down when she spotted a lavender haired boy sitting on the grass. She stopped right in front of him and called out his name. “Trunks” the boy looked at pan and smiled. “What is it pan” “omg your never going to figure out what happened to me today?” “ well what happened to you today “ I was one of the few chosen to go to america” “ NANI, your going to leave for how long?” “ For about three years .” was her answer.
“Do your parent know about this yet?” “No not yet I wanted you to be the first to know you being my best friend and all” “ ahhhhhhh I see well you best hurry home to tell them im sure that you have a lot to do before you leave.” pan did not argue and kissed his cheek and left leaving behind a sadden trunks. * she's gonna be gone for three whole years now who was he going to confide in, it sure wasn't going to be goten the baka did not know how to keep a secret if his life depended on it* trunks finally got up and headed home his stomach told him that he had missed lunch.
Pan finally made it home and ran straight into the door calling out for her mom and dad. “Were in here dear” she heard her mother say. Pan went into the kitchen to see her dad already eating. Gohan looked at his daughter and smiled through his chewing. Pan just nodded her head and began to talk. “ hey do yall remember when I put in an application to be picked as one of the few to go to america?”
“Well yes dear I do” videl answered her daughter. “Well I got chosen im going to america” pan said with a huge son grin on her face. “Oh pan im so proud of you this will be good for you” videl said. Gohan just nodded his head his mouth still full of food. “Oh thank you for being so understanding well im going to go to bed now ill see you both in the morning.
Pan went up stairs and took a quick shower and hopped into bed still not believing that in less then two days she would be in america.

Trunks ran his fingers through his just washed hair he could not comprehend the fact that his little panny was leaving. Well she wasn't all that little anymore she was not 15 and she started to show. * I wonder what she will look like when she gets back*. Trunks let his mind wander and he started thinking about pan caressing him and kissing him. Trunks immediately grew hard and he realized he was fantasizing about pan. Trunks quickly walked back into his bathroom and took a cold shower hoping this would help. Unfortunately it did not. Trunks got out and got dressed and went to sleep. Tomorrow he would talk to pan and get things straighten out. Yup thats wat he would do as he fell asleep dreaming about pan.
an: awwwwww what will happen to please I want at least one review before I continue I know its short but I have to clean the house