Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Media Mayhem ❯ NyQuil ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Chibi-Gohan: I know its been a while since I've updated my other story, The Chibi Potion , and I bet your wondering why I'm updating this one and not the other.

Vegeta: I'm not.

Chibi-Gohan: Well I wasn't talking about you Vegeta, I was saying if whoever was reading this was wondering.

Vegeta: *crosses his arms* I really doubt they'd care.

Chibi-Gohan: Well it is your fault that I haven't had anytime to update any of my stories!

Vegeta: My fault?!

Chibi-Gohan: Yeah, you were the one who trashed Bulma's lab, then planted pieces of my homework all around, getting me in trouble with both her and Mom!

Vegeta: That was payback for the super glued toilet seat!

Chibi-Gohan: But now I'm stuck doing chores for Bulma and making up all that homework you trashed for Mom.

Vegeta: *smirks* Maybe that will teach you not to mess with the Prince of all Saiya-jins. *walks out of the room*

Chibi-Gohan: *mutters* Maybe you'd look better bald.

Vegeta: *from other room* I heard that brat!

I don't own NyQuilÔ I don't even like the stuff


::Chichi and Goku are sitting on their bed, Chichi is holding a box of tissues and looking miserable::

Chichi: *sniffles* Ugh! This cold is horrible! *sneezes into a tissue*

Goku: *holding a bottle of NyQuilÔ* Here honey, take this and you'll sleep like a baby.

Chichi: Yeah and wake up every two hours? Forget it!

Goku: *thinks for a second* You'll sleep like Sleeping Beau- *Chichi glares at him* -ty *thinks again* Oh I know! You'll sleep like you did before you had kids.

Chichi: *thinks of herself sleeping in a field of flowers* Gimme that! *snatches bottle away from Goku*

Gohan: NyQuilÔThe night time, sniffling, coughing, achy head, fever, best rest you can get with a cold medicine.